Tune in to a special Saturday night edition of “The David Goldstein Show” from 7PM to 10PM tonight on Newsradio 710-KIRO, as I fill-in for Frank Shiers. Subject to change, here are the topics for tonight’s show:
7PM: Do you hate America? Apparently I do. At least that’s what the angry righties are saying after I commented on Saddam Hussein’s execution by reminding readers of our government’s complicity in supporting Saddam’s dictatorship back when the convicted war criminal still served our interests. (You know, killing Iranians.) Hmm. How unpatriotic of me.
8PM: Are we building “concentration camps” to house illegal immigrants and their US citizen children? Author/blogger David Neiwert says yes, and what’s more, it’s time we start using the appropriate term.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I’ll be on at my usual 7PM to 10PM time tomorrow night, and then filling in for Ron & Don, Monday from 4PM to 7PM.