The Transit Riders Union invited all candidates running for Seattle City Council, Mayor and King Executive offices to respond to a questionnaire regarding the concerns of transit riders. All but Susan Hutchison and Joe Mallahan responded.
While Mallahan has generally been pretty good about filling out these sort of questionnaires, Hutchison has typically failed to respond when her honest answers might hurt her with voters. Hence her refusal to comply with similar requests from NARAL, the Women’s Political Caucus, even the Downtown Seattle Association (she has repeatedly accused county government of being too Seattle-centric).
So while Hutchison vaguely denies that she opposes rail, her gushing praise for the Washington Policy Center’s anti-rail prescriptions (they call it “socialist”) and her refusal to answer basic questions from the Transit Riders Union indicates otherwise. Not to mention her tens of thousands of dollars of financial support from Kemper Freeman, who is suing to stop light rail from crossing I-90.
But then, that’s the sort of lack of transparency we’ve come to expect from Hutchison.