You know, I had thought that one of the advantages of being Jewish is that nobody could accuse me of being a traitor to the so-called Aryan race… but I hadn’t counted on our modern, sensitized, 21st century Nazis being so inclusive:
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 00:32:10 EST
Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments is Racially and Religiously privileged and confidential. It is intended for specific Aryan recipients only and Brothers and Sisters of their choosing. If you are a jew, you can only be in possession through deceit, treachery, guile, cunning, dissimulation and chicanery, and such possession of this e-mail is contrary to law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail through the error of someone else, you must notify the sender and permanently delete this e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should neither retain, nor copy nor use this e-mail or any attachment for any purpose. Disclosure of all or any part of the contents to any other jew is a punishable offense.
The email went on to helpfully include the addresses of several Nazi websites, but out of deference to the confidentiality notice above, I have declined to promote them here. Out of similar respect, I have also redacted the email address of the sender, but I assure you that googling it would uncover additional useful resources on the American Nazi movement… that is, assuming you consider a handful of ridiculous, drably-costumed nutcases protesting ironic statues, to be a “movement.”
I should note that this is far from the first anti-semitic email I have received, nor is it remotely the most offensive… in fact, these “official” Nazis could learn quite a few tricks from the amateurs. But whether you chalk it up to boldness or stupidity, it is the first overt threat I’ve ever received where the sender apparently did not feel the need to maintain total anonymity.
For years, Dave Neiwert over at Orcinus has chronicled the gradual spread of eliminationist rhetoric from the far right-wing fringe into mainstream discourse. But the flip-side to the mainstreaming of their rhetoric, is that these extremists continue to grow ever more extreme. And bolder. And for this, the high-profile, professional antagonists who make their living parroting this violent hate speech (i.e. Ann Coulter) have at least some moral culpability.
Judging from his email address, my pen-pal fancies himself an elite, SS commando — a twisted, if sadly pathetic fantasy — though in the real world, I’m guessing he’s more beer belly than Beer Hall Putsch.
Whatever. Watch me all you want. (Right now I’m doing my one finger version of the Nazi salute.) Just bear in mind, we’re watching you too.