Anthony Weiner just resigned, and as you can imagine I am disappointed:
I can think of one circumstance under which Rep. Weiner should resign: he makes a pact with Sen. Vitter and they both fall on their swords (figuratively) and go away.
Yes…I’m disappointed…primarily because Sen. Vitter is still a Senator.
Seriously…Weiner inappropriately flirted electronically. Vitter broke the law when he hired a prostitute, and broke his marriage vows when he fucked her. And he broke his mother’s heart when he wore diapers for foreplay.
And I’m disappointed because…well, we have lost our distraction. Weinergate was fun, with its rich raw material for double entendres. It’s hard to resist. It brought out the 14-year old in all of us. (Okay…maybe not all of us, but a lot of us.)
The scandal even emboldened those normally sexually repressed and anal retentive tweeters, bloggers, and media talking heads, who were suddenly given license to unleash upon their audience jokes and banter of a prurient nature that rivaled the most salacious tweets from Rep. Weiner.
Except that it was okay for them to do that because…well, it’s in the news, and his name is Weiner. And everyone else is doing it.
So now, I suppose, we will have to go back to talking about serious issues, like clawing our way out of this stubborn recession brought to us by eight disastrous years of George W. Bush. We’ll have to grapple with an enormous debt caused almost entirely by the Bush tax cuts and Bush’s reckless failure to fund his Most Excellent Military Adventures. And we now have to start asking whether Republican obstructionism in fixing the economic mess they created puts them in league with al Qaeda.
See why Weinergate was such a nice distraction?
So let’s go at it one more time…for old time sake. Let’s get some major Weiner distraction going in the comment thread….
Via Twitter:
There’s no evidence I know of that Vitter had “sexual relations” with that prostitute.
Wasn’t it more like a role playing game? Mommy, baby and a huggies? With remuneration involved of course..
Oooookay… No one has to answer that!
Two things make this scandal different from Republican scandals:
1. Members of his own party asked him to resign.
2. He did.
You would never see that happen on the GOP side. As you say, Darryl, “Vitter is still a Senator.”
Via Twitter:
Roger Rabbit, you must mean republicans like Mark Foley — 2006 Larry Craig — 2007 Christopher Lee — 2011? Go back in the cage and talk about things you know more about…like self gratification!
YLB @ 2,
“There’s no evidence I know of that Vitter had “sexual relations” with that prostitute.”
So…you are saying that she was bottle-feeding the Senator?
I still say that it was up to the people in Weiner’s district that should have decided whether or not he should continue in the House of Representatives. All that matters in this case is what his constituents wanted. That’s the purpose of members of the House: to serve and represent his or her constituents at their pleasure. Every two years, constituents get to decide who continues ore not in the House. That’s the way it should have been in this situation.
so, were weiner’s moral values in line with your own?
It should be noted that when Nancy Pelosi started the weekly press conference she announced that she would not be addressing the Weiner issue and would instead be talking about what the House would actually be working on and the actual activities of Congress for the week, and all the Cable
newspropaganda companies cut away with commentators expressing their appointment about the nature of the Press briefing.I guess if it isn’t about a penis, it won’t sell. That speaks volumes about what the 4th Estate is all about. Who needs reality when you can have scandal. It’s like Government is just another Hollywood.
If you’re talking to me, you’re talking to the wrong person. I could care less about any racy pictures Weiner may have sent over the Internet. I wouldn’t vote for Weiner on a bet because I don’t agree with his politics, but I could give a shit about his personal life, particularly when he hasn’t committed any crimes. He’s a dumb-ass, in my view, but not a criminal.
the Cable news propaganda companies
lol, and when abc news mentioned 3 times last week that sara palin mispoke about paul revere, that wasnt propaganda?
and, by the way deathfrogg, since you made an ethnically offensive joke about italians in another thread, you need to ban yourself for one month.
ps, i thought at “schools” today they teach you to not offend racially or ethnically?
This guy is a virtual flasher. All that’s missing is the trenchcoat. Of course he should step down. How many people do you know that are that anxious to show their “stuff” off at the drop of a hat? And then accuse other people of hacking into their account and lying about their behavior to the extent he did, that first week? This is not someone who deserves the public’s trust. He needs professional help.
What do you expect from a guy named Weiner?
Is it really that bad that a guy named Weiner talks endlessly about his weiner?
I’m just glad the SOB’s last name wasn’t Anus!
@11 Are you kidding? The woman is a media whore and self-made public figure. Her ignorance of basic American history is relevant to her presidential aspirations. The public has a right to know she’s a dumbcluck.
Okay, one last parting shot at Weiner:
Obama comments on Weiner’s resignation
Question @ 13,
“I’m just glad the SOB’s last name wasn’t Anus!”
Now you are encroaching on Pam Roach’s turf.
Media: “No. NOOOOOOOO. Anything but real issues! Has Harold Camping made a new prediction yet? Is there a TV star or pop singer going into rehab this week?
(Gratuitous “Up” reference for you Pixar fans…)
I think I’m going to send Senator Vitter a package of Pampers every week that he remains in the Senate.
Weiner is a disappointment. At one level it was his indulgence in dimwitted behavior. He would have lost me with just that. He’s a twit who never should have never learned to tweet. But the pathetic lying on top of it all was just too much. That said, what really disgusts me is the damned corporate media. Not that they disappoint. Nah, I’ve come to expect a corporate media clown show of one kind or another each and every fucking day.
Weiner does a premature evacuation.
Once again, the Republicans have told the Democrats what to do and the Democrats did it. With a little luck, that seat will go to the Republicans in a special election.
How did we become members of a Party of quivering cowards?
Where the hell was his wife? She should have been standing by her man!
Where the hell was his wife? She should have been standing by her man!
well lets see. when she married him, she was attracted to his power as a congressman, and his potential to make a lot of money. now she’s stuck with someone with very little net worth, no power, and even more physically repulsive than chuck schumer. oh yeah, she’ll stick by her man.
@10 And I wouldn’t vote for anyone you’d vote for, so we’re even.
Awwwww…..I bet poor YLB is in tears now…
yet another of YLB’s heroes goes down…
Brenda @ 21,
No kidding. The Ds ceaselessly let the Rs, with the able assistance of the mainstream media, completely control the political dialogue in this country. It is truly maddening. We have a political party that is off the edge in terms of rationality and reality, yet that party gets to dictate the terms of what we talk about. Weiner was someone who actually recognized how out-of-kilter our nation’s political dialogue is and stood up for common people and against corporate control. I’ll miss him. But, what a dumbfuck in his personal life. Ds, why don’t we quit playing defense and join the rest of the world in terms of pushing an agenda that means something in the 21st century?
with the able assistance of the mainstream media
ahha, proud leftist, you’ve been fooling me. i really thought you were a proud, but misguided, leftest. now i know you’re retarded, if you really think the msm is in the tank for republicans. im not even mad at you, since you are obviously deranged from too many drugs in the 60’s.
pieceofshit @ 27
The American media is so skewed right (and toward celebrity nonsense) that the average American hasn’t a clue what makes the world run.
“I’m just glad the SOB’s last name wasn’t Anus!”
No that’d be the asshat @ 25
pieceofshit @ 27
The American media is so skewed right (and toward celebrity nonsense) that the average American hasn’t a clue what makes the world run.
now you’re just being silly
(celebrity nonsense i grant you)
@21, 26
You know, I bounced this one around to all sorts of liberal folks that I know and they were all (that makes it about 40-0) on the side of Wiener stepping down. Most focused on the lying and the non-consensual nature of the thing. The runner up being that we should expect more and better from a congressman.
His district is solidly Democratic and full of the best and the brightest young folks in America. Hopefully it will go to an ambitious young liberal who know enough to make friends, (Wiener had few in the congress), tell the truth, not be a loose cannon, and keep their pants on.
I blame the baby boomers, of which Wiener is one.
#31: That is encouraging. The vast majority of people out there really ARE more decent than Weiner, when it comes to personal decency. I just don’t know anyone who would drop their pants for total strangers like that.
by Darryl, 06/16/2011, 11:18 AM
So now, I suppose, we will have to go back to talking about serious issues, like clawing our way out of this stubborn recession brought to us by eight disastrous years of George W. Bush. We’ll have to grapple with an enormous debt caused almost entirely by the Bush tax cuts and Bush’s reckless failure to fund his Most Excellent Military Adventures.
Your analysis has merit except for one little flaw; Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and they are now the Obama tax cuts.
Your analysis has merit except for one little flaw; Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and they are now the Obama tax cuts.
you forgot obamas most excellent libyan military adventure
Michael @ 31,
Weiner needed to step down, plainly. He was a distraction. I don’t even really blame him for lying. Caught in the national media glare without knowing it was coming, who knows what any of us would do. But, after it all came out, really, how can a guy stay in Congress? (There is, of course, the Vitter Caveat, which provides that Republicans are not subject to the rules of common decency that the rest of us are.)
One of the nice side benefits of Wiener stepping down is we can now point to that when this comes up (and it will come up) on the Republican side of the isle.
Funniest comment so far from proud goatist…
And they continually vote 85% or more libtardo DUMMOCRAPTIC!
He is so funny when he is wrong.
Eric Cantor has a lot of explaining to do when it comes to saying who should leave government because of sexual improprieties. John Ensign? No. Mark Sanford? No. Anthony Weiner? Of course.
You evaluate the media from your far right position. Do you ever read international media, by chance? With regard to your poll numbers, which come from out of your ass or wingnut craziness, a reporter who votes left is still likely to report the truth, because we believe in the integrity of the press. A reporter who votes Right, will simply report Right. That is the way it is, Pud.
a reporter who votes left is still likely to report the truth, because we believe in the integrity of the press. A reporter who votes Right, will simply report Right. That is the way it is, Pud.
lol, are you listening to this?
David Vitter
Larry Craig
How are these “immoral” fucks still in office you moralistic hypocritical freaks?
Thu Jun 16, 2011 at 07:45 PM PDT.
Rick Santorum is against abortion for any reason, with one exception
by DarkSyde for Daily Kos
Just like the puddybitch and the rest of the asshole trolls.
@39: Reporters and on-screen personalities are more liberal than not. News directors and corporate officers are not.
Which exactly do you think makes final decisions about what gets covered and what does not?
We’ll just get to pay $1,000,000 in pension benefits to weiner…
Gotta love these cherished benefits.
By the way it’s triple witching day. So keep your eyes on that stock market as the end of day nears……..tick tick tick
Craig, hasn’t been in office since 2009. That he didn’t do the right thing and step down and that the Republican’s are lying hypocrites for not forcing him out should be pointed out. But, it’s a “dog bites man” type of story, we all already know that the Republicans are a bunch of lying hypocrites.
Actually, rodent, you and I both voted for Perot back in ’92.
So there, asshole!
@48 In a moment of illucidity, I was as stupid as you were.
He’s a lagomorph, not a rodent, idiot.
Typical Republican scientific illiteracy.
@50 What can you expect from these trolls? HA got the bottom of the barrel when trolls were handed out.