Because they are SO FUCKING STOOOPID!!!
(h/t HuffPo)
Update: Mike Huckabee provides even more evidence for the Stooopid thesis (my emphasis):
“[I]t’s tragic that the Planned Parenthood organization now tries to present themselves primarily a health organization when they are primarily an abortion provider…. They provide some services. I will grant you that. But they are maybe on the fringes — are external portion of what they are primarily all about.”
Wingnut math: 3% == “a primary service”.
Shows what happens when you don’t fact-check.
Also shows how gullible Republicans are.
And shows GOPers have NO sense of humor.
Talk about your mental midget. And yes, he will be elected again and by a bigger margin than before. It’s the South for Christ sake!
Team GOP!
And just wtf would an “wholesale” medical procedure be? This idiot is an MD.
Once the TV news had descended into thirty-second sound-bites, the Republicans held a party. They knew that they could win that battle, by simply putting together catchy name-calling slogans and spouting whatever facts they could pull from their neither-regions. Democrates, who felt compelled to discuss such charges fairly and with the use of factual evidence, were at a disadvantage – nobody was going to hear them, because the truth takes longer than thirty seconds. By the time the truth would come out, the Republicans would already be on their fourth or fifth generation of falsity.
Of course, the only problem they can’t counter with this strategy is when people find themselves out of work due to their economic philosophy. When their promises don’t meet with the reality most Americans are experiencing, then they get voted out of office. This happened when Clinton became President and again with Obama won the election.
But now they figure that, with a largly uneducated electorate behind them fed with a daily diet of lies from a single network, they can still spin it in their direction. They claim that Obama “owns” the rescession, despite all evidence that the economy has improved remarkably since George W. Bush’s Great Rescession. They claim that Obamacare is government-mandated takeover of health care and “death panels”, despite the reality apparant to anyone who takes a look at the plan. They claim that Obama is a “socialist”, despite the fact that he pretty much saved capitalism for the next fifty years or so. And on, and on, and on.
The Onion piece is certainly in bad taste, but it’s not at all surprising that at least one dimwitted Republican politician (of which there’s an ample supply) would take it seriously. This could probably be used as an inspiration for an even more tasteless line about a “series of tubes”.
As for Huckabee, he doesn’t show himself to be any smarter by choosing to blabber about his own twisted, self-serving fantasies instead of…well, troubling himself with any factual knowledge. Ignorance is bad enough, but stubborn ignorance is really disgusting.
At least he’s no longer in a position to pardon cop-killing maniacs after fantasizing about them “accepting Jesus”.
Huckabee is an excellent historian if facts are taken out of the consideration.
@4 I thought you had to have an IQ of at least 80 to get into medical school? Or maybe that’s his credit score …
Republican Derangement Syndrome at its finest. They are the American Taliban, after all.
That was not intended as a factual post.
The anti-intellectualism of the GOP is truly frightening. When did empiricism become an adversary for the right?
@11 About 2.5 million years ago, so far as anthropologists can determine.
Let’s face it, wingers have hated facts since the beginning of time.
Good JESUS Republicans are dumb. Clear straight out satire and they can’t see an obvious joke like this? This is why there isn’t a “conservative” version of SNL or the Daily Show. Wow….just…wow!
Well, Fixed Noise has ‘Red Eye’, but watching Ann Coulter try to sell a theoretically funny line to the audience is like watching footage of the Japanese tsunami, only not as funny. And what’s worse is that there are comics of more conservative political beliefs that are genuinely funny out there – Jim Norton comes to mind – but Greg Gutfeld has all the humor, warmth, and comic timing of Mullah Omar.
That said, I found it hilarious when they hired Dave Brockie, a/k/a GWAR frontman Oderus Urungus to be the show’s ‘Intergalactic Correspondent’, only to fire him from the show after Palinites complained that he was blaspheming their idol by mutilating a dummy made up to look like Ms. Palin during GWAR shows.
@10 I never understood that whole “not intended to be a factual statement” thing. True, it does sound bad, and I think Kyl knew he was caught in a lie when he said, it, but, technically that actually could be a valid defense, if he was saying something like, “it was not intended to be a factual statement, I was simply exxagerating to show they perform a lot of abortions.” The only video clips I have seen are from CNN where it cuts off (clearly in mid sentence) right after the word statement. Do I think he was trying to get out of a lie, yes. But is this the worst excuse in he world? not necessarily. Or do I just not see something. Keep in mind though, I do beleive he was trying to get out of a lie. I’m just wondering what Im missing about that defense.