With a small, Florida hate church announcing today that it will follow through on its plans to burn copies of the Quran in commemoration of the 9/11 attacks, it is incumbent on us patriotic Americans to prove to the rest of the world how tolerant and pluralistic our nation truly is. And the only way to properly send this message, is to, well, fight fire with fire.
In other words: who’s up for a good old fashioned book burning?
While Pastor Jones and his fellow islamophobes down in Florida are selectively burning Qurans, folks here in America’s least churched city could gather for a more inclusive celebration of religious hatred, roasting hotdogs and smores over a raging bonfire of Holy Bibles. Mmm… toasty.
But why stop with just the teachings of Christ? In fact, I’d encourage folks to toss in copies of the Torah, the Vedas, the Tao-te-ching, the Book of Morman, Dianetics or even the Origin of the Species for all I care… whatever you consider holy or unholy, it’ll all burn just the same.
And for an added spark to the festivities, we could use American flags for kindling.
The point is, this is America, so of course the ironically named Dove World Outreach Center has the constitutional right to burn the Quran — you know, in the same way that we all have the right to draw cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed — no matter how distasteful, offensive, or provocative this might appear to Islamic communities at home or abroad. See, that’s the thing about free expression: for this right to be the least bit meaningful, it has to be just as available to assholes is it is to the rest of us.
That’s a hard point to get across to folks who aren’t accustomed to our freedoms, so the only real way to combat Pastor Jone’s message of religious intolerance and hate is to dilute it with a more egalitarian message of religious intolerance and hate of our own. And that’s why we need to make a show of burning all the holy books, especially, but not exclusively, Pastor Jones’ beloved Holy Bible. Think of it as a “Bonfire of Inanities.”
Unfortunately, Seattle parks limits legal beach bonfires to firewood only, so we’d likely have to light ours on private property. If anybody has suitable space for a backyard bonfire this Saturday, let me know. I’ll bring a couple growlers of Manny’s. And, a Bible.
i’ll bring my dad’s usmc hat. also.
If you want the MSM to cover it, whip a few ‘baggers into a frenzy over the Bible burning (with American flags, mmmmmmm toasty!!), so the news media have a corporately appreoved reason.
I have a vintage ‘Crimson Tide’ practice jersy to burn. Doesn’t fit anymore.
I’m in…
“Bonfire of the Inanities”
What an awesome pun
… damn, and I, quite unceremoniously, discarded my last bible. Had I only known…
I threw out a couple of missals I had.
Careful with those tomes printed and bound in China….they’ll contain massive amounts of toxic shit.
Don’t inhale.
First, we have no idea how the voters will vote in November. We won’t know the makeup of the next Congress until all of the votes are counted.
Second even if the Republicans gain control of both houses they aren’t going to have a fillabuster-proof majority much less a veto-proof one. Beyond that the President weilds a fair bit of power no matter who controls Congress.
The Democrats won’t filibuster or veto anything.
Get real.
Throw a few copies of the Constitution in the flames as well to show what the rightwing thinks of that document.
How raw do these ‘baggers asses have to get before they turn around to see who’s doing it.
Kind of a childish response….but totally expected of you.
Go ahead and burn the Bible.
God gave you free will and a conscience to use however you see fit.
I hope you get plenty of coverage of your Bible burning and you are the front man explaining your “rationale”.
But then again Goldy, you’re just sayin’
You don’t have the courage to follow thru on your threat, do you?
Beer & Bible burning…probably a bunch of pot too, huh?
You will be the posterchild of the Atheist Progressive Movement Goldy.
You will get the fame you have always desperately sought.
Go ahead Goldy…do it.
But I know you won’t…you are all talk.
ImamObaMao is not resorting to quoting Jimi Hendrix!! Too Damn Funny!
You Atheist Progressives are losing your collective minds!
I would prefer waiting until December and burn Blair’s and Bush’s memoirs, in a combined ceremony representing the demise of Fallujah. That way i can savor the burning a tiny bit more.
@3 “I have a vintage ‘Crimson Tide’ practice jersy to burn.”
Now, THAT could really start a war!
Cynical @13,
So… is the burning of the Quran childish? Or just the burning of the Bible in response?
# 18: With all due respect, Goldy, both are.
Although I recognize your trend toward satire as a form of humor and conveying a real message, I think that the point of your message would be lost on those who to whom it is directed. Furthermore, as I found out rather early on the football field, it’s those who retaliate who end up getting the penalty in the end.
As one wag once said, never get into a pissing match with a skunk.
Though it causes physical illness to say it- Goldy is right.
Now that I’m back from vomiting, my cabin is a perfect place to have your bonfire, with a riverside firepit and room for 40 or 50 people and the cars to get there.
But my agreement with the principle doesn’t go that far. A bunch of Bible burning liberals would create bad memories at the place that would ruin it for me. Sorry.
The Koran burners are a bunch of fucking morons. They rate up there with those nutcase bastards that scream anti-gay shit at soldiers’ funerals.
Islam has a big fucking inferiority complex because it’s the new kid on the block as far as the major monotheistic religions go. They still believe they’re religion is the “true” religion. Yeah, I think all of the religions of the world have said the same damn thing at one time or another. Anyway, burning a Koran just pisses-off these pinheads and incites them to things like chopping some press guy’s head off or blowing-up a humvee in Afghanistan. Islam needs to get a grip – it ain’t the center of the fucking universe any more than Judaism, Christianity or even Wicca are. All religions are paths the the same place. It’s time for Islam to be a big boy an admit this and not get it’s underwear in a knot over some fuckhead asshole in Florida who wants to burn some paper to attract attention.
Muslims – GET OVER IT!!
Personally, I think the pastor of this church is (a) infantile, and (b) has a bit of a messiah complext of his own, to try to churn up similarly childish responses among his congregation to draw support and publicity to his congregation. (Of course, most tea-party leaders aren’t that much different).
But when the general in command of U.S. forces in Afganistan warns that U.S. soldiers will likely die as a result of such childish actions, and he decides to persist, then he deserves a special place of dishonor.
Doesn’t the Mountlake Inn have a fireplace? We could have a party at Drinking Liberally.
yeah…because ridiculous assholes like you drive us crazy. We just can’t believe ANYONE can be so stupid, greedy and shortsighted…but there YOU are.
I oppose all book burning.
C’mon people.. Who are the book burners going to be put next to in history?
Yep, that’s a symptom of the mental illness that grips the KLOWN..
Man this is too cool!
For the ages!
I don’t think buying into this itchy-scratchy thing is such a great idea. The tragedy of this is that the idiots who are going to burn the Quran would just love for you to burn the Bible. Zealots love to be mocked and beaten up, it’s part of their whole persecution/martyrdom complex.
Personally, I would love it if there was only great literature, and no holy books, and that only librarians would flip out when morons buy books to burn them.
re 28: Good point. But if the news of the Bible burning reaches the Mohammedans, they might realize that it’s not the whole of America that is saying that — just as when some toadies in their country burn American flags.
re 27: I copied that and will send it to my conservative relatives — who only nod sagely when I inform them that facts have a distinct liberal bias.
Cynny @ 13: “Kind of a childish response”
Oh, how rich, coming from you.
17. Goldy spews:
Both are!
A stupid idea followed by your stupid response.
Both accomplish nothing other than doing something reckless cuz you can.
Re-think Goldy.
I have heard from numerous Christian friends about this Koran burning. No one thinks it’s a reasonable idea.
Prp6 @22,
So, what… you’re suggesting we should compost the Bibles instead of burning them? That would be a very Northwesty thing to do.
Anybody have heavy duty chipper/shredder that could handle a hard cover book?
When the Nazis burned books, some in the U.S. advocated the burning of German-language books in response.
I’d rather not be on the side of the book-burners, regardless of what’s being burned. Burning books is an attempt to destroy an idea. I believe in the free marketplace of ideas – even those with which I don’t agree.
The guy @19 is all hat and no cattle. Again.
Re 34
Geez, reach out to liberals and all you get is flack.
@Goldy: I’ve got a chipper / shredder!
We’d probably need to piece out the tomes, though: it’s kind of old and well used, but chews right thru dry stuff.
You’ve got my email, let me know.
Just a suggestion: We could shred some “crackers” too.
Some flaky, white crackers would be good as a chaser!
Now, now, let’s not stoop to their level. My knees don’t work that well anymore.
I’m convinced it’s that arrested development thing I was talking about. Throw in a traummatic experience or two involving a clown and some hapless goat, and this is what you get. It’s obviously a bad brew.
@38: Just havin’some fun…;-).
Here’s another one: Communion wafers and grape juice or wine (OK, we’ll just drink the wine).
I think we can do a little “prayer” while feeding it thru, and “christen” a blown up poster of the wingnut preacher burning the Qurans. Now there’s a vision…
Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church’s Plan to Burn Qurans
Meanwhile the Republican leadership remains silent.
Do they hate our troops?
Remember Cordoba House? That place of evil? Maybe not so much…
OP-ED: Building on Faith
By Feisal Abdul Rauf
Published: September 7, 2010
I prefer the idea of composting.
From dust to dust …
I am that I am.
Traditionally I get the choices cuts of a sacrificial barbecue. If you do burn the bibles, please do this in sacrifice to Me.
I will gladly denote certain HA devotees, starting with Goldy, to eat my portion. I would also like to have my offerings eaten by SJ’s long suffering wife.
Unfortunately, as I am a Jewish God, I must ask that if you do barbecue a pig, do not give any to Goldy or SJ’s wife. He will have to make do with the brisket.
The pig can go to Darryl and Puddy, they deserve a treat in My name.
I am that I am.
My copies of the Quran and the Bible and Torah are all e-books on my Kindle.
Do we need to burn down Amazon.com? Or how does a good old fashioned book burning work in the digital age?
Electromagnetic pulse?
I think it would be better to drive both the koranic and biblical nutters nuts by pointing out how both religions pray to the exact same god, how Mr. Jesus shows up in the Koran and how they’re filled with a bunch of the same ideas.
Re 45
I will go to electronic books for pleasure reading when hell freezes over.
How in the heck do you sit in a comfortable chair with a good brandy in front of the fire- while peering into the screen of a Kindle? How do you sit at your desk in a comfortable study lined with bookshelves- wait, no bookshelves. All the books are on a drive that can be wiped out or contract a virus, or made inaccessible by a power outage.
Reading electronic books is like having a British roadster with an automatic transmission and the hardtop installed on a sunny day, or getting dressed up to take your wife to McDonalds. Half the experience is gone, and the rest made worthless by the loss.
Ahhh, Posted bullshit from the HA database bullshitter getting his daily dose of bullshit from the biggest bullshit site copying a leftist bullshitter known for his continuous bullshit.
I keep hearing that all religions have their extremists, but then why is it about a kajillion times more likely that someone would be killed for insulting Mohammed than insulting Jesus?
Also, a study was done, and of all the people who have U.S flags outside of their homes, only .000013% of are Muslim, but 98.7% are Christian. They rest are of other faiths or atheists.
I thought that was a very revealing statistic when I read it.
Since it’s a free country the peeps in the church as showing they are not afraid of the whackjobs. Notice how the rest of the country is afraid of the whackjobs?
Notice how the Danish cartoonist caricatures of Mohammed with the turbin bomb was pixelated on NBC. Notice how Comedy Central bleeps out their Mohammed references. Notice how cartoonists will not draw Mohammed under fear of death. Notice how the Dutch legislator is now under a death fatwa for exposing the whackjobs with their own words.
Even though Puddy doesn’t agree with their suggested Koran burning methods, they are making a statement that they are not in fear of Sha’ria, they are under the US Constitution, which provides freedom of speech. Ever notice their whackjob web sites always denigrate Christians? Notice lately how more and more of them are now saying the Holocaust never happened?
Of course not, you read all Daily Kurse, Media Morons, The Putrid Morons, Crap and Piss, Thoughtless Progressives, etc. Since Puddy went to school with children of Holocaust survivors, Puddy would think the “blog leaders” would be more curious about this “religion of peace” since Abbas came out today and said he will not recognize Israel’s right to exist. NOT!
Of course Goldy’s knee jerk reaction is to suggest Bible burning as a response. That’s what a progressive would suggest. Puddy wouldn’t expect anything less.
Blue @48
I once thought the same as you, but several of my friends have Kindles and/or B&N Nooks. They suggested I at least try an e-book or two to see what they are like. As an experiment I loaded both the Kindle PC and Mobipocket Reader programs on my netbook then went to webscription.net for a few free e-books. Didn’t take me too long to get hooked, at least for pure pleasure reading. I still prefer paper for technical books and manuals, where illustrations and tables are important, and where you may want to highlight and bookmark important passages.
49 – Heh..
mylaptop:~$ b hacols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot,body:phrase~chicom -o=datetime:strdesc -C’
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1 row in set
Oh that Troll. He so funny. Him restore honor? More likely he suck off goat dick. Me know.
@51 Puddy
So tell us how you would react if instead of Qurans, this was people burning crosses or having mock lynchings of Sarah Palin?
are you really that much of an idiot?
fuck, hiring standards at the U must be at an all time low.
I think the ‘church’ could use some compost. The address is on thier site.
@55: How about we burn a cross with an effigy of Ms. Half Term Mooselini Also on it?
Man conservatives are insane. What happened to the mantra of “listen to the generals”…and “the boots on the ground know what’s happening”…blah blah blah. When W. was in power ANYTHING the generals wanted couldn’t be questioned without the insane twits of the right (Ann Coulter, Limbaugh, etc) accusing any dissenters of hating our troops and supporting Al Qaeda.
Now that General Petraeus is saying this will LITERALLY (not magically/emotionally) hurt our troops, asshole wingnut anti-reality anti-science anti-fact Republican leaders are SILENT.
Who could have guessed that they’re full of s**t and only meant we should listen to the generals when THEY’RE in charge. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.
P.S. This just in…Obama is still more popular than Ronald Reagan
Overall approval:
Obama – 43% (Aug 23-29 2010)
Reagan – 42% (Aug 27-30 1982)
From Unreasonable Faith, a funny, funny spoof of the Quran burners:
and dummies like alki postings actually think the nutty muslims need yet another excuse to attack our troops.
ya, Im sure burning a few korans is really gonna change things…NOT.
burning some books is lame, immature, and stupid – but to believe that the wackadoodle nutcase muslims are somehow now going to “ramp their game up” is just as stupid. These fools dont need anymore excuses to be violent – they are gonig to be violent anyway.
fuck them and their pussy ass sensibilities. Remember, thesea are the same people who executed some volunteer relief workers(and doctors) just because they were christian.
funny, you progressives didnt get all up in arms about that, but you get all howl at the moon because a few idiots burn some books?
your priorities are all fucked up.
What’s interesting is people like Goldy defending people who burn the American flag as being “protected free speech,” even thought many people are offended by it. But when people want to burn the Koran, Goldy is worried we might offend Muslims.
Oh, the irony … @what rock did you live under says; “burning some books is lame, immature, and stupid” just prior to making a lame, immature and stupid comment.
“fuck them and their pussy ass sensibilities”
The prosecution rest …
Troll @62,
Obviously, you can’t read.
I read what you said. I’m a troll. I prefer to respond to something you didn’t say.
That said, I wonder how common it is in Muslims countries, after a good bible burning (just got through watching some Muslims burn a bible on Youtube), for others in that country to suggest burning a Koran, to make some point about the silliness of burning a Bible?
FFS, these are people who go on killing sprees because of a CARTOON!
No, people go on “killing sprees” because of ridicules, deep seated religious views … the cartoons themselves are ancillary.
Get it?
the point being they use the cartoon as a reason or justification to go out killing.
get it?
so the muslim world is gonna go on TEH CRAZEE(or even more TEH CRAZEE than they already are) because a wackadoodle church with 50 members is gonna burn a few books.
LMFAO…and they want to be taken seriously…hahhhahahahh
Pathetic at best … Burning the Koran will of course ignite the fanatics while the average Muslim will probably just shrug, while muttering something to themselves regarding the seemingly prideful ignorance of these Xian dumbasses.
The “Muslim world” is a fairly (cough, cough) large group of people. Similar reasoning would suggest that all Christians walk in lock-step with the likes of Scott Roeder
P.S. This just in…Obama is still more popular than Ronald Reagan
Overall approval:
Obama – 43% (Aug 23-29 2010)
Reagan – 42% (Aug 27-30 1982)
Big difference…
Odumba has the lamestream media behind him. Apparently you haven’t read “A Slobbering Love Affair” yet. Why are libtardos afraid of the turht? Facts explode libtardo minds.
They hated Reagan. Wanna see the %ages of those lamestream media types who voted for Carter and Mondale again? Over 85% each erection. It was 88% this erection!
And that was to mean?
Seriously, most of u need to get lives. I stumbled upon this gem of a feed looking for material for my live broadcasted bible burning on sept 11th. How much better can free speech get than this funny shit? Ok here goes, terrorist are going to do what they r going to do, period, yes end of story. As for offensive, that is what America is. However the Christian rightwing is holding this country hostage in a major way, through fear and intimidation tactics. The Repubs aren’t saying a thing because they want to see what kind of a hold they can take with this. I intend to burn only christian ‘holy’ books that day, but I full well intend to spit al over their religion until they back their religion out of the politics of this country and leave the scare tactics at home. Now if anyone wants to join in jump on board, if not spam up the internet and have a nice day.
You forgot the Piss Crucifix, Elephant Dung Virgin Mary, Cricifix extended from a rectum, etc. etc. etc.
Of course that’s because it doesn’t fit your thought processes.
I’d burn the fucking lot + while your at it burn all bibles and the rest all religious people are a bunch of fucking crazy’s all they do is start wars and moleste children sick bastards a pity we cant get rid of all religion for good fucking crazy f ers – ATHEIST AND FREE THINKERS UNITE – POWERED BY LOGIC AND REASON – NOT MYTHICAL BULLSHIT !!!