I think it was coming, but it’s nice to see Seattle extend outdoor seating (first item), with the intent to make it permanent. It is nice, especially as we’re lifting COVID-19 restrictions. I have family who won’t eat inside when there *are* vaccine requirements. So it’s nice that the option is there.
Anyway, please wash your hands right away. And get vaccinated or boosted.
How long, I wonder, until Seattle’s version of Darrell Brooks decides to mow down a few dozen diners sitting in those enclosures constructed of 2x4s and clear sheet plastic.
A risk, of course, that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t have to take, being unable to afford to eat in a restaurant due to his continued investment losses.
Dunno ’bout the rest of y’all, but I sure am glad that Momala’s gonna fix this Ukraine kerfluffle.
She’s so serious an’ experienced an’ all. All smart an’ shit.
How long, I wonder, until #BLM gets around to lynching the low IQ dumbfuck racist traitor.
A risk, of course, is that ANTFA will get to him first.
Oh, look! More low IQ dumbfuck traitors!
Whitmer kidnap plotters wanted to help spark second Civil War, feds say
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Prosecutors marked the start of the domestic terrorism trial of four men accused of scheming to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday by cataloging the alleged acts of angry men who built bombs, hatched violent plans and amassed an arsenal in hopes of sparking a nationwide wave of terror targeting politicians.
Dunno ’bout the rest of y’all, but I sure find it bigoted and racist of our low IQ dumbfuck traitor to refer to our nation’s VP as his Momala, which is what her step-kids call her. It’s a clever play on “Kamala” and “mamaleh”, a Yiddish word meaning “little mama” but here used as a term of endearment.
But seeing as the low IQ dumbfuck traitor is all smart an’ shit, I reckon he sees this as a clever way to use one word to diss Jews, black women and blended living all at the same time, all horrid sins as viewed by him and the rest of America’s low IQ dumbfuck bigots and racists.
First Vegetable Joe Biden: Black dudes in suits, elected by their community to serve in Congress, remind me of basketball players.
This is the mentality that Steve needs God to bless.
TFW Vice President Harris tries to buy Greenland and launch an ICBM into a hurricane.
It’s just weird in a way to be alive and paying any attention in times like these. Republican incompetence has become so routine and so phenomenally insane as to be honestly hard to grapple with and fit into a narrative framework describing the world we live in. And yet we have to. We have to both comprehend and honestly admit just how dangerous Republican incompetence has become.
TFG really did these things. And frankly much worse. The extent to which the pinnacle leaders of the Republican party and “conservatism” have come to define their own curated reality and delegitimize competency and expertise can’t be safely ignored anymore. They really thought that by changing a graphic using a Sharpie they could change the destructive path of a tropical storm. They insisted that a deadly global pandemic virus would go away once the weather got warm and people went outside. They continue to insist that they won the last election. They launched a terrorist attack on Congress as a result.
And yet these things are so grotesque, and in many ways so overwhelming that they can seem faintly unreal. We want them to be unreal. Because it’s obvious that we can’t do anything to make Republicans less dangerously incompetent. And we quite rightly fear that they will continue to play an oversized role in public life in America. They will continue to elevate and promote the worst among themselves. They will nominate Donald Trump to be their candidate in 2024. And no matter how hard we try, no matter how outrageously we seek to exaggerate, his running mate will somehow manage to be even worse than we can possibly imagine.
We’re stuck with them and with this timeline. We might as well face it and take whatever measures are appropriate to limit the danger and the damage. Because “nuke the hurricanes” is real. It’s who they are now. And they will only get worse. There will never be a pivot. Sooner than we want to believe “JOO SPACE LASERS” will seem mildly quaint by comparison. And who knows? Maybe we’ll all wish Donald Trump could have bought Greenland. So we could send them all to live there.
@ 5
We’re begging Iran and Venezuela to pump more crude so that we can pay them more money so that they can continue to be evil.
Because we’ve decided that we don’t want to produce our own oil.
Talk Greenland all you want. It’s what’s left since the pissing prostitute story went bye-bye.
Talking to himself about college athletes and air force pilots?
Or just fucking up again.
Degen is a pretty good example of both the incompetence and the determination to ignore it and insist that competency and expertise are passe. For any Republican a president who occasionally stutters represents a global existential danger.
But a president who tries to launch a thermonuclear attack against a weather system is not any concern at all.
Res ipsa loquitur
What’s the over-under on tomorrow’s CPI release?
Is it 8.0%? Bloomberg is reporting a prediction of 7.8%, but that doesn’t include the minor incursion by Russia into Ukraine that First Vegetable Joe Biden blessed last month. Bloomberg thinks that ol’ Joe’s little breach of decorum in deference to his colleague Vladimir might cause the CPI in March or April to hit 9%.
We’re gettin’ closer to November, y’all HA libbies.
Anyways, this is a good time to possess fully leased commercial real estate, with a fixed-rate long-term mortgage and leases that adjust according to CPI, each and every year. Beats the hell out of risking your dwindling retirement funds on 3M, Citigroup, and AT&T, doesn’t it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Might even be time to look into one of those EVs that Mayor Pete wants me to buy. As an alternative in case I’m having trouble paying to fill the tank.
It is with deep and profound sadness that we mark today an important milestone in the evolution of a degenerate idiot troll and most Republicans in general.
But after two solid years of informed expertise as an infectious disease and public health expert, today we announce that Degen will be moving on.
Following a month of intense online research, starting today and from now on Degen will be an expert on macroeconomics, U.S. monetary policy, and no-fly zones.
How was last week’s jobs report.
I still haven’t had a chance to look. Sorry.
Hey, you know what would bring down inflation fast?
Shedding 22 million jobs would.
Degen “expertise” in action and on display.
@ 11
Since China’s malevolence clearly is Trump’s fault, I see no reason why Russia’s cannot be First Vegetable Joe Biden’s fault.
That’s how this works. I didn’t make the rules in 2020. I just want them similarly applied in 2022.
Real millionaires don’t include their home equity in order to be able to join the club.
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s shithole doubled in value, it would still be laughable.
Another blow to the Degen veneer of “expertise” now that he very obviously missed last week’s authoritative debunking of lab-leak.
It’s perfectly understandable. After all he’s been deprived of most of his Russian bot-farm support while simultaneously having to cram Google searches for information about Turkish UAVs and the movie rental histories of fed bankers. Like 10 said, Degen has moved on now.
A freak only has so much JOO SPACE LASER bandwidth.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Yesterday the judge rejected FOX lawyers motions for dismissal and moved to proceed to trial in the Smartmatic defamation lawsuit against FOX, Dobbs, and Baritromo.
Time to settle. Only any settlement intended to cure the tort would have to include some very public admission of wrong on the part of FOX and their “personalities”.
Because we’ve decided that we don’t want to produce our own oil.
Lazy frackers.. Or is it that the fracking grift has run out?
awwww. no more greater fools left. no probs here.. we top off the tank on the one family car 6 times a year at most.
Pay attention Degen.
There’s some good information here for a guy like you:
Two years modified house arrest for killing with a single punch a registered sex offender who used precisely one too many hard Rs.
Worth it?
Many would answer yes.
@ 16
Oh, how cute!
HA’s resident The Unserious Twat, YLB, chooses an April 2021 article, when Brent crude was trading under $65/bbl, in an effort to tell us that frackers are “struggling” and “searching for the exit” now that Brent crude is at $110.
Nothing about YLB is timely. She’s still wearing 2019 vajazzling stones, fer Chrissakes.
YLB, ya dumb twat, break-even price for tight oil is less than $40/bbl. Stay clueless, cum dump.
When was the last time Degen looked at updated employment numbers?
Never seemed to hold him back.
This is how we know he’s an “expert”.
Thank God for Joe Biden!
that frackers are “struggling” and “searching for the exit”
Yawwwwn… pos can’t read.. no more greater fools on wall street left to fund a systemically unprofitable means of production.
they’ve all been burned.
an April 2021 article,
Heh. not even a year old.. unprofitable then, unprofitable now.. dimfook apparently has faith in inflated dollars.
How cute.
Nobody agrees more with the statement, “Thank God for Joe Biden!”, than does Jimmy Carter.
Carter will now forever be a mere blip in the presidential history books, instead of being tagged with “worst president in our lifetime”.
Carter, after all, gave us Reagan, which was good.
Biden, and Harris beginning in 2023, will give us DeSantis, which will be even better.
I bet Hillary had something to do with this!
@ 23
Since it was a plane owned by a rich donor, G-clown, I bet she did, too. That donor and Bill Clinton probably spit-roasted the same minor child on Epstein’s island, and Hillary’s got the goods on both of them. Of course he’ll do her a favor when asked.
Always follow the money.
Timely enough?
‘Analysts expect oil demand to return to pre-pandemic levels this year and say that prices need to rise higher yet to entice U.S. producers to drill more wells and to discourage consumption that has been unbowed by the highest gasoline prices in years.
U.S. producers have been rewarded by investors for restraint since flooding the market with shale oil before the bust. Meanwhile, break-even drilling costs are rising because of labor and materials inflation and a shakeout that has reduced capacity and competition for hydraulic fracturing and other oil-field services.
“The oil market is heading for simultaneously low inventories, low spare capacity and still low investment,” Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a research note, lifting their price forecast for the summer quarter by $10 a barrel, to $100 for Brent and $97.50 for West Texas Intermediate.’
shakeout? why? pandemic bust anyone?
low investment? why?
dimfook said “we’ve decided” and the silly shit for brains can’t make the connection that’s there’s not enough munee in it to obviate the risk. many times bitten, way more times shy. yawwwwn…
little touchy there dimfuk, lose munee much?
Biden, and Harris beginning in 2023, will give us DeSantis, which will be even better.
Bonzo was dimfook’s gateway drug..
And now we know Bonzo was dimfuk’s pot and “hahvaad fat boy” DeSatanist is its crystal meth.
Heh. tweeker..
Degenerate tweeker.
Funny to look at tho.
A dubious claim.
After all, who but Trump could have put 22 million Americans into unemployment eclipsing Carter’s 7% and flipped Georgia back to Carter’s party in Carter’s lifetime?
Quite the fitting tribute.
What a guy!
A black man standing at a bank counter is one thing, but to pass the teller a note that reads “I would like to withdraw $12,000 cash from my checking account. Please do the money count somewhere else. I’d like to be discreet.”? That’s another thing altogether. What on earth was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
‘Black Panther’ director placed in handcuffs after bank teller mistakes him for a robber
God bless Raw Story.
@24 The Fuckhump was pretty stupid to get on that plane then. What a dumbfuck, no wonder you love the guy.
he’s always been touchy, it’s the horse I think.
@ 29
Oh, Steve?
TMZ’s report also said that the police’s report described the teller as a pregnant Black woman.
So, Stacey Abrams humongous, but because of a baby, not lack of willpower.
Maybe it was the hormones. Let’s ask YLB.
Democrats wanted to keep their unspent money AND pump another $16B into governments as Wuhan “aid”.
Republicans said no.
So Democrats will be forced to spend the money they already have been given, before asking for more. Boo fuckin’ hoo.
Lindsey Graham:
He’s right. As long as we’re putting asterisks by the names of SCOTUS justices, let’s add one more to the list.
I’ve heard Trump’s private jet is broken. Now I hear his friends’ planes are broken, too.
It’s rare to see an elected official indicted for election misconduct. You have to really work at it. Colorado county clerk Tina Peters really did.
To watch her being arrested for violating court rules, go here:
Like the Capitol insurrectionists and “stop the steal” lawyers, she thinks she can do as she damn well pleases, laws be damned.
She can’t. They can’t.
We keep Doctor Dumbfuck busy here on HA to keep him out of trouble with the law. We do that because, frankly, we don’t think he has very good judgment.
So, this was Sunday:
Following this, Poland and Ukraine went ahead and arranged for jets currently in Poland to be transferred to Ukrainian fighters.
And now the Biden administration has blocked it.
I’m giving Team Biden a pass here. It’s an incredibly complicated prospect, particularly with a need for two nuclear-armed nations to remain more than one step away from direct military conflict with each other. There are many other ways I will be able to criticize Team Biden for its incompetence and its cowardice. I don’t need to do it on an arms transfer issue.
Still, Blinken is a weak SoS and really needs to step it up, in order to avoid creating more episodes like this. This isn’t the first time. Is it.
I’d just like to point out that even if the ERA were to be declared “in effect”, YLB would still be HA’s Unserious Twat.
The unratified undead: Democrats move to declare the ERA the 28th Amendment
Stupid is stupid, YLB. It’s not something you outgrow.
In Republican la-la land, freeing innocent people from prison increases crime and violence.
What they’re really upset about, of course, is that many of those prisoners are black. After all the trouble they went to locking up innocent black people, now we’re going to let them go? Unheard of!
In Republican la-la land, freeing innocent people from prison increases crime and violence.
What they’re really upset about, of course, is that many of those prisoners are black. After all the trouble they went to locking up innocent black people, now we’re going to let them go? Unheard of!
@1 You’re forgetting I eat free in your garden.
@2 Haven’t seen you come up with anything better.
The most useful four minutes of video any of us will see this week is Michigan head coach Juwan Howard’s apology. The best video is on ESPN.
Liberal running the show results in predictable outcome:
Houston area election official resigns amid vote count discrepancy
I’d just like to point out that it was the additional accuracy check of the GOP-authored and GOP-passed voting law in Texas that caught this massive fuckup by a liberal who was appointed by other liberals.
I’d also like to point out that 2,000 more votes by Democrats than by Republicans will be added to the final results as a result of this GOP-passed law.
Tell me again how Democrats are prevented from voting by GOP election laws.
@7 “Because we’ve decided that we don’t want to produce our own oil.”
This bit of dishonest legerdemain is worth debunking, because it’s going to be the GOP’s 2022 campaign theme.
Let’s start with where Trump got oil from (spoiler alert: not “our own” sources):
“’We should not be buying Russian energy,’ Trump said recently at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida, part of an extended effort to rewrite his Vladimir Putin-friendly presidency into something more attuned to the current sentiment about the Russian dictator. ‘No president was ever as tough on Russia as I was.’ Trump, though, has not explained why Russian oil imports increased from 142.0 million barrels in 2017, his first year in office, to 197.7 million barrels in 2020 — an increase of 39%.”
But that’s only the appetizer. Let’s start with this: Oil and gas production are going up under the Biden administration.
Meanwhile, “there are 9,000 pre-approved oil and gas drilling leases that have gone unused by oil and gas companies.”
Now why is that? Because, “The U.S. shale patch is in ‘a dire situation’ and will find it hard to raise production enough to address global demand growth, as supply chain constraints and personnel shortages are severely limiting companies’ efforts to grow, Occidental Petroleum (OXY -1.8%) CEO Vicki Hollub warned, according to Argus.”
Finally, oil prices dropped 12% today. It seems a lot of the price runup was due to speculation and war fears, not an actual supply shortfall much beyond what already existed because of “REOPEN!!” and a resumption of “BEACH WEEK!!!”
On the relative scale of evil, Iran and Venezuela aren’t bombing children’s hospitals so far.
But it sounds like Doctor Dumbfuck wants to keep buying Russian oil so he can gas up his coal roller.
Now that it is evil.
@9 ” … in deference to his colleague Vladimir” sez the dumbshit who voted for PutinBuddy twice.
@12 “I just want them similarly applied”
You want the death penalty similarly applied to guilty and innocent alike, too.
However, “similarly applied” doesn’t apply to applying rules to white people and black people.
@13 Dow is up 653 points today. That correction keeps slipping out of your grasp. It’s almost like the market gods are teasing you, and laughing at you. And why not? Everybody else is.
@ 46
Finally, oil prices dropped 12% today.
Do you remember, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that in your defense of GE shares on 10/20/17, one of the points you made was that the share price rose that day?
I think the changes will be good for the stock long-term. Other investors apparently agree, because the stock rose $1.73 today from its opening price of $22.10 to close at $23.83. GE actually posted a gain today after releasing its shitty earnings report. That’s a sign of investor confidence in the company’s long-term prospects.
After your point about GE’s dividend, the one-day share price increase was the most moronic part of your screed.
You have learned nothing. Your family will suffer for it.
@18 So if “break-even price for tight oil is less than $40/bbl.” (I wouldn’t say less than, but as a breakeven number, this is about right), then there must be some other reason why “frackers are ‘struggling’ and ‘searching for the exit’ now that Brent crude is at $110.” What could that be?
Well, one reason is “The U.S. shale patch is in ‘a dire situation’ and will find it hard to raise production enough to address global demand growth, as supply chain constraints and personnel shortages are severely limiting companies’ efforts to grow, Occidental Petroleum (OXY -1.8%) CEO Vicki Hollub warned, according to Argus.”
Doctor Dumbfuck forgot about labor shortages and supply constraints. Not helping, of course, is oil workers in jail instead of on the job, and truckers driving in circles instead of delivering oilfield supplies.
Interesting discussion point. The wealth spent to moderize the Russian army was stolen and wasted mirroring the corruption and kleptomania of the wider Russian society and the generals lied to putin about it
@51 Present with “oil prices dropped 12% today,” Doctor Dumbfuck reverts to “GE shares on 10/20/17,” because he’d rather not discuss “oil prices dropped 12% today.
Oh, and your 10%-15% correction is going **poof** again. Need another war? Would the U.S. invading Venezuela do it?
@25 As Jen Psaki pointed out the other day, the federal government doesn’t drill for oil, that’s up to the private companies sitting on over 9,000 approved but unused drilling permits on public lands. Another detail that escaped the dimfuk’s attention.
@30 I doubt Putin flies on oligarchs’ planes. Especially if they’re not aboard.
@32 It wasn’t the pregnant black teller who called police. Huffington Post says the teller notified a manager who called police.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn is going back to court again on yet another traffic violation, this time for driving while his license is revoked. He’s a second-timer on that one, having been previously cited for that in 2017. He’s also been cited for “driving 89 mph in a 65-mph zone in October and 87 mph in a 70-mph zone in January, the Citizen-Times noted.”
Democrats lock up scofflaws who drive without licenses and flout traffic laws. Republicans elect them to Congress.
@34 As a senator and frustrated president-wannabe, Lindsey Graham doesn’t get to pick Supreme Court nominees, he only gets to vote against them. But he’d find an excuse to vote against Childs, too.
@38 “Following this, Poland and Ukraine went ahead and arranged for jets currently in Poland to be transferred to the U.S. who would transfer them to Ukrainian fighters. And now the Biden administration has blocked it” because Biden doesn’t want to trigger World War 3.
If Trump was president, he’d take the jets and auction them to Zelensky, and give Putin a cut off the top.
@45 Not mentioned in your comment is the spaghetti bowl of labyrinth new election laws passed by the GOP-controlled Texas legislature to create exactly that result: Mail ballots being thrown out or not counted.
Most likely Degen just isn’t smart enough to have caught up.
Average gas consumption per week is like 11 to 12 gallons.
That’s an old number. In 2022 it’s probably a lot less with so many people now shifting to EVs and work from home. Still, 12 gallons per week is not that much.
Degen and his Republican friends are absolutely shitting themselves over $18.
I spend more on coffee. Plenty of people do. They don’t have to. It’s a totally frivolous elective purchase made for gratuitous reasons. Like so many other consumer purchases. A beer at the ball game. Pop corn at the movies. Newspaper subscriptions. Ice cream on a summer day. Automatic car wash. I can think of a million just like these.
But this $18 will ruin Degen financially.
Good god if that’s what it looks like being “independently wealthy” I’ll pass. I’ll keep working. I like it. It’s nice not having to shit myself over $18. It’s nice stopping for an espresso without having to white knuckle. I like popcorn at the movies. And frankly I’ve got more important things to focus on.
Cult of gasoline is such a weird, retrograde and dystopian flex. Feels very 1950s
Madison cawthorns traffic violations.
The greedy racist incel. “That’s how this works. I didn’t make the rules in 2020. I just want them similarly applied in 2022.”
Jussie Smollett will face the music tomorrow.
But Jussie has supporters. There’s noted adulterer Jessie “Hymietown” Jackson, for one, whose son is as corrupt as he is.
And then there’s Samuel L. Jackson. ’cause someone’s gotta be able to say motherfucker convincingly when Jussie gets sent down.
Jussie has suffered enough, you see, and they desire mercy so that Jussie may use his “lived experience” to help others. To help others do what exactly, they don’t say.
And then there’s NAACP prez Derrick Johnson. A request for leniency.
Now, I wanna know what Momala thinks:
Actually, it was an attempted modern day grifting. And if Momala was the AG overseeing Jussie, she’d keep him in prison beyond the end of his term. That was her thing in CA.
Y’all know this is comin’:
These days First Vegetable Joe Biden just wants to see Jussie Smollett moonwalk, like he used to in those slick music videos on MTV.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s nominee to lead ICE is in trouble. Pretty big trouble.
Apparently the father of Hunter Biden nominated a guy who beat his wife for fucking another man.
No word yet on whether Joe Biden beat Hunter Biden for fucking the wife of Beau Biden. No word, either, on whether First Vegetable Joe Biden has ever held his bastard grandchild.
@ 62
Madison cawthorns traffic violations.
Four-figure fine, and 24 hours in jail. Hard to enforce but a night in the klink might make the campaign more interesting later this year.
Way to dial down on the important things in this world, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
No word, yet, on whether Jill Biden beat then-Senator Joe Biden for fingering Tara Reade.
Might explain the choppers if she knocked out a few of his teeth, tho.
I’m just asking questions.
The Republican 2024 nominee in all his “expert” glory:
He’s an idiot.
And they don’t care.
Republicans don’t give one single shit about expertise or competency. They like Trump. They love Trump.
Maybe the dumbest motherfucker you’ll ever see on television.
And he’s all they want. He completes them.
Because they see themselves in him.
I’d say Rick Schroder is the second dumbest motherfucker you’ll ever see on television. But you won’t see him on television again until he goes into rehab. Which could be any day now.
Another Republican doing his own research.
@64 Is Biden’s or Harris’ fault that Smollett fooled them? No. Is it your fault you’re a dumbfuck? Yes, I don’t think you can blame that one on Biden, Harris — or your mother. That was a lifestyle choice you made.
@65 “Apparently the father of Hunter Biden nominated a guy who beat his wife for fucking another man.”
That’s not an offense when a Republican does it, but fwiw, “his wife” calls the allegations (floated by a community college cop) “false and defamatory.”
By the way, Ed Troyer is still Pierce County Sheriff.
@66 Given his status as a serial offender, it’ll take more than a night in the clink to get him off the road. Revoking his license didn’t. Fines didn’t. Public safety necessitates handcuffing him to his wheelchair, and chaining the wheelchair to a lamppost.
@67 “I’m just asking questions.”
A good lawyer never asks questions he doesn’t know the answers to, and you’re something less than even a bad lawyer.
Ocasio-Cortez Digs Into Private Equity for Buying Houses and Jacking Up Rents
On Tuesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) called out real estate companies, some backed by huge private equity firms, for “gobbling up” homes across the country, especially in non-white and low-income neighborhoods.
Unfettered Capitalism is toxic but I don’t’ see this issue changing until this starts to effect republicans. They have no empathy.
Conservative logic: the government better step in and MAKE gas cheaper for coal rollers and white people but the government better not do a damn thing to make non-white and low-income people have a level playing field to buy a home and build generational wealth. You know I’m correct. Conservative do not try to be better people.
Given the gruesome statistics, once you decide to choose from among LEOs, unless you choose a woman the stitches are along for the ride like it or not.
And why you gotta drag Tacoma into it?
Seven. point. nine.
Can’t say I blame them. I mean, who wants to waste time trying to keep track of what an imbecile is trying to say on the phone?
Saudi, UAE leaders declined calls with Biden amid Ukraine conflict: report
First Vegetable Joe Biden is as welcome as a knock on the door from the Fuller brush man.
Ten. Point. Thirty-two.
It only took the GOP four short months to take their magical Virginia secret formula of “CRT”/”Parental control” and turn it into…
And we haven’t even made it through the primaries.
another wheelchair bound crippled that should be pushed off the side of a cliff.
It’s a good thing First Vegetable Joe Biden is too cognitively impaired to understand what’s going on. ’cause he’s taking some heat, including from members of his own party.
First Vegetable Joe Biden personally intervened to stab his SoS in the back on this one.
FWIW I believe Romney is wrong.
You don’t. That’s because with your savings from WFH, dining at home, income from pandemic tax credits, stimulus spending, and pay raises, you probably aren’t shitting yourself over the twelve cent increase in the price of a can of Fancy Feast like Degen Bob.
Right now, compared to you and me, Degen is poor and getting poorer by the day*. Have a little bit of empathy.
But not too much.
He also needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps.
WalMart is hiring!
*His Gazprom investments are struggling
Another HA hero self-identifies.
First on CNN: DC police officer’s suicide days after Capitol attack declared line-of-duty death after months-long fight by widow
I guess the helmet he was wearing was judged insufficient, which seems surprising, as y’all HA libbies had no problem dismissing the baseball bat assault by the stepson of liberal former politician Laura Ruderman, which was directed against the back of the head of a Seattle PD officer in The Durkan Kill Zone. ’cause he was wearing a helmet, too.
Romney isn’t running.
Trump is.
@ 83
That’s because with your savings from…
You forgot to include the money G-clown saves by always going out alone. Always.
And then there is the money saved from the holiday gifts he doesn’t have to buy for family because they keep moving without telling him where, so he has no place to send them. Although this is offset by the private investigator expenses he pays in order to track them down each time, so maybe a wash there.
Really attractive long-dated options on the oil companies right now. Chevron especially.
If only I was not poor, as alleged @ 83.
This is excellent work, Degen.
When you write what you personally know best, your fictional narrative voice always commands more authority.
I’m sorry to have to tell you, but Bruce Jay Friedman’s The Lonely Guy’s Book of Life was first published in 1978 and adapted into a motion picture by Neil Simon in 1984.
Keep at it. And don’t forget to water your plant today.
Economics, as explained to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
Adjusted for inflation, there is no inflation
Maybe if we say “Putin price spike” often enough it will take hold, much in the same way that “Let’s go Brandon!” and “Crooked Hillary Clinton” caught on.
Maybe. ’cause otherwise it’s pretty clear that Team Biden has fucked up, and bigly.
@ 88
Ah, Neil Simon. AKA “How Marsha Mason gets acting gigs.”
I don’t think I ever heard of that movie. Had to look it up. Much as I like Steve Martin, he’s at his best when there’s a banjo in his hands. Or in Shopgirl.
Poor thing still absolutely shitting himself over $18.
I’ve paid more for socks.
CNN‘s Romans also emphasized that the month-over-month increase of inflation of 0.8 percent shows “inflation is accelerating,” as opposed to just hitting now due to Putin’s actions. “All these things you basically can’t live without are rising here,” Romans added of the data. “You can see just why so many Americans are so sour on the economy…because they’re paying more for just about everything.”
“And again,” Romans said at the end of her report, “these numbers don’t capture the big disruption in the economy from Putin’s war in Ukraine.”
That’s OK. There’s always next month. Oh, and the first Tuesday of November, too!
The nicest thing about all of this unchecked inflation is the devastating impact it will have on YLB’s kids, not just now but over their entire lifetimes.
Best of all, YLB herself voted for it.
Biden blames Putin for inflation.
It’s because Biden can’t blame Trump.
Well, it’s off to the south Whidbey Island food bank for some dented cans of Fancy Feast for me. Some of them are usually cracked open a bit, but I’m pretty immune to the Clostridial species.
Enjoy the inflation and the presidential incompetence, y’all HA libbies.
Helps that having gone through a decade of medical apprenticeship working 80 hour weeks sniffing hobo taint for less than min wage, Degen is quite tolerant of the odors of putrefaction.
I see Doctor Dumbfuck is gloating about high inflation again this morning.
@80 It would make the roads safer for everyone else.
@82 “FWIW I believe Romney is wrong.”
Why? Because you think the U.S. taking custody of those fighters and delivering them to Ukraine might trigger WW3?
Looks to me like you just stabbed your own comment in the back.
@84 It’s bad when anybody does it. Only reason I mention that is because you seem to have trouble figuring it out. Nobody else does.
@87 Too bad you don’t own Chevron stock. I don’t have to trade options to sit here and watch mine go up.
@89 Or maybe some things are so fucking obvious everyone except you sees them. You don’t because you’re a dumbfuck.
@92 Yeah, wars disrupt economies.
@93 Germany’s inflation put Hitler in power.
I get the feeling you like inflation, the more the better, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
@95 Drop by my place on your way home. I have a few cans of Fancy Feast the cat refuses to eat.
@95 Drop by my place on your way home. I have some Fancy Feast the cat won’t eat.
Next up – republicans will be telling Ukrainian women that when
Russian soldiers rape them they should just sit back and enjoy it.
anyone ever stop to think maybe the problem isn’t gas prices going up 50 cents but the fact that 50 cents is making people broke
Confidential to YLB:
A bar of their own: Portland’s Sports Bra will only show women’s sports
Girlfriend, you can get the boys to buy you your drinks, and as long as you’re able to ignore the completely empty upper sections at all of the WNBA events, it has the makings of a perfect evening for you!
Security provided by Antifa.
Thanks, @joebiden.
Jussie’s attorney is still claiming a white dude did it.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is still claiming that Hillary won the 2016 popular vote.
But what about Jessie Jackson?
Hasn’t Jussie suffered enough?
@ 108
anyone ever stop to think maybe the problem isn’t gas prices going up 50 cents but the fact that 50 cents is making people broke
anyone ever stop to think maybe what happens when people can’t afford food
[And did I capture the E.E. Cummings effect the same way The Even Bigger Fucking Moron did?]
We covered that already.
You switch to dry kibble and switch to the ad supported subscription to the FurryPorn site.
Old: BENGHAZIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New: PUTINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Between 11:58pm and 11:59pm on Sunday nights, the social media sites will also, temporarily, permit anti-Biden commentary.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Monday, 1/4/21 at 1:48 pm
@12 Makes you feel all warm inside, doesn’t it, to know a horde of deranged juveniles hellbent on overthrowing our government are now armed with the latest military weapons and converging on Washington D.C.?
National Guard, do your job, however unpleasant it may become.
Actually rodent, it’s the liberal progressives who have been buying and are now buying the guns because they’re not really that keen on eliminating the police forces. It seems their liberal progressive views only run skin deep.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 1/16/21 at 12:38 am
@1 Impeachment is a toothless tiger. What this country needs is electoral college reform so trailer park states can’t elect presidents with millions fewer votes than the other candidate got.
Keep it up, rodent. Your comment shows why so many decent, hardworking people hate you elitist cocksuckers. Your lot thinks they’re superior to everyone on the planet, but you pieces of shit are the only ones who hold that view.
The electoral college is one of the most elitist institutions in the constitution, second only to the Senate.
My worthless son is dead to me.
Shorter QoS McHillbilly @ 119
Mob rule!
It’s a picnic for a dude like Jussie.
Lotta cock for the taking, amirite?
Shorter Degen:
A warning to Hillary Clinton:
Mob rule.
God Bless Joe Biden!
Windmills baby.
Great investigative reporting. Give the guy a step up to FOX Noise!
Tweet Tweet!
Why does a post with a link to twitter disappear. It posts and then on a refresh it disappears.
Windmills! The rust and rot! Praire or land (dog whistle for midwest farmers).
It seem tensions are high guys.
Now the post is there.
Nobody ever takes them down!.
So then…..you see fish being hit by blades – tensions are very high!
We did talk about it….he loved Ukraine. I said it a long time ago! Green energy. The windmills.
And they don’t work – like PI – no workie poo.
Trump must have studied Hitler and Satan very well….maybe he is them reincarnated.
Let’s Go Windmills! Hang Mike Pence!
@111 Only one of these is accurate. Can you guess which one?
@113 hey illiterate dolt, he spelled his name e. e. cummings
@117 “Actually rodent, it’s the liberal progressives who have been buying and are now buying the guns because they’re not really that keen on eliminating the police forces. ”
That’s not why they’re buying guns.
@118 Actually, everyone who thinks the candidate with the most votes should win holds that view.
@119 I say it’s a tossup.
@121 In Doctor Dumbfuck’s world, majority rule is “mob rule,” while storming the Capitol, assaulting cops, and “Hang Mike Pence!” isn’t, because he’s a dumbfuck.
We have different concepts of mob rule.
To you, “mob rule” is when the minority can’t boss around the majority.
To me, mob rule is when white people drag a black man from jail, tie him to a tree, and set him on fire.
It took over 100 years to pass a federal law against that because Senate rules allowed a minority to boss around the majority.
I was falling asleep and coffee would keep me up so I tuned into hannity. It was so sad. Hannity had on the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor and was lobbing leading question after leading question trying to reframe the statement that “Putin is smart”. For example, hannity practically begging the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves to just agree with the statement “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. And the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor couldn’t do it. Hannity tried at least five times in five different ways to give impotent actor an out, to spin the god emperor to not sound like a raving sycophant of putin’s and the bankruptor would have none of it. Toward the end, you could hear the exhausted defeat in hannity’s voice; it was like trying to nuke a hurricane. He had been broken.
@125 No, just somebody forgetting to lock the back door of the nut house.
@130 Speaking of hang Mike Pence, this email will hang John Eastman out to dry.
His sedition has already cost him his law professor job. This email will cost him his license to practice law.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit needs to work up a special racial slur for Hispanic Democrats who support Republicans for elected office.
I like Mayor Pete, don’t get me wrong. I don’t like everything, but I think that he would do a far, far better job protecting America than the disastrous shell of a human being currently occupying the Oval Office. I also believe he has the requisite intelligence to be Commander in Chief, while the disastrous shell of a human being currently occupying the Oval Office never has cleared that bar.
Mayor Pete has his problems with black voters, and whether those could ever be successfully addressed is very much in doubt.
Another, perhaps growing problem facing Mayor Pete is the sissy who would become First Gentleman. Who the fuck wants this:
in the White House?
G-clown, is there anything you can do about this?
Democrats: laser-focused on the most important issues, every day.
@141 Given Villaneuva’s track record, the last thing California needs is him picking the state’s attorney general.
@142 Doctor Dumbfuck is itching for World War 3 to begin, because he’s a dumbfuck. Here he is, trying to start it with a Zippo lighter.
it was like trying to nuke a hurricane. He had been broken.
Hannity should have tried using a Sharpie.
the disastrous shell of a human being currently occupying the Oval Office
Um, I hate to be the one to tell you this, you low IQ stupe traitor, but the disastrous shell of a human being you and Putin supported lost and is blessedly out of the Oval Office. Must suck. But there’s still some good news for you. Like yourself, your disastrous shell of a human being is still a Putin suck-up, recently calling Putin’s invasion of Ukraine’s Nazis a “genius” move.
Republicans claim to love unrestricted Capitalism until they pay the market prices for gas.
The greatest good for the greatest number of Americans is achieved by avoiding a nuclear exchange with Russia.
However, Republicans no longer give a shit about America or Americans.
This is the best and brightest that the next generation of Republicans has to offer:
“Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”
Remember that Republicans hate democracy and will attack it wherever they see it.
150. Social Equality Progress is being made. It is the first instance of a white conservative calling a white man a thug.
Don’t forget Zelensky is a Jew.
It’s not really progress.
A statement like that could only come from someone who is mentally ill.