This past week Rep. Jim McDermott suggested that Congress participate in a nationally-televised Iran war game. The exercise would help Congress and the American people evaluate the consequences of an attack on Iran.
“We know the Pentagon has conducted war games to examine the casualties and consequences of a U.S. military strike against Iran….We should too.”
“Think what we would have learned if we had done it before Iraq.” It’s hard to argue with that!
(This and some 60 other media clips from the past week in politics are posted at Hominid Views.)
Norman Mailer has died. Long live Norman Mailer.
In the 2008 remake of “War Games” the evil Dr. Cheney and his sidekick George W. Bush take control of the computers but in this version no one can stop them and the whole planet is reduced to a smoldering radioactive cinder.
Mailer could’ve had fun with that script. Trouble is, if he had lived to write about it, it might have been journalism instead of fiction.
The world is a better place now that Mailer has died. He was a despicable human being.
re 4: Well, he wasn’t perfect. I think his essays were more interesting than his fiction.
Wasn’t perfect? He was a rotten person. He’s responsible for the death of one man, and he stabbed his wife. She nearly died.
@6 So what? He’s no worse than the average Republican. Laura Bush killed her boyfriend.
This past week Rep. Jim McDermott suggested that Congress participate in a nationally-televised Iran war game. The exercise would help Congress and the American people evaluate the consequences of an attack on Iran.
Darryl does that mean that Bagdad McDermott will go to Tehran and meet with his new lover President Mohammad Khatanmi ? Then claim there is no weapons of mass destruction and then President Bush will know to start bombing their nuclear facilities. Goldy will go to the UN and show pictures of all the weapons and claim the attack was justified accourding to international law. Will now riding in a new tank will spear head the attack into Iran in milk carton tanks because they really don’t have an army. Roger will be selling bumper stickers Free Iran just like he did to free Tibet. They money will be flowing with all the support from Hollywood and nobody will die because they are on a mission from God. Within weeks the facilities in Anarak, Ardekan, Arak, Bushehr, Esfahan, Gchine, Karaj, Kolahdouz, Natanz, Saqhand, Tehran, Shalus, Darkhovin, and Tabas will no longer be utilized for anything for the next two thousand years.
Mullah’s Top Secret Nuclear Sites and WMD Projects exposed by the Iran Liberation newspaper.
Shades of Iraq boys, maybe you can get Jimmy Carter to help with this one. Yep Americans are the villains of the world, no love and peace. Those folks in Iran have the best government health plans just like Cuba just ask Arafat, Mr. Moor brother. Lucky for you there will be no civilian deaths due to this stroke of luck. Iraq wasn’t so lucky the French sent weapons there instead of medicine.
Oh, Oh, Patty Murray will provide all the support and medical benefits here in river city for all the Seattle draftee’s going to Iran. They will support those who liberate that democrat nation from the villains. Yep you folks can do a lot better job than us soldiers who went into the Middle East to win a conflict that you are clueless about. Now Jimmie McDermott has a plan that will bring world peace and no one will have to die for it. Roger how is that silk prayer rug working out lately. Folks, is Goldy doing great job in administering the prayers and not offending anyone lately?
All I’m saying is Norman Mailer was human garbage, and I’m glad he’s dead. The world is a better place without him here.
Who was the great American General that made this statement?
Congress is usually void of leadership. I don’t know that Congress will ever have any leadership because they are always running for reelection. But don’t worry about Congress. Just remember we have to live with them. Trying to get reelected every two years breed’s great jumpers and not great leaders. Congressmen and senators are quick to jump on a horse and ride off in a direction they think the people might be going. If a Congressman jumps on a horse going in the wrong direction, he will change horses in a hurry and try to jump at the head of the parade going in the same other direction. Great leaders will always lead. A great leader will never try to jump up to the head of a convoy of troops or even public citizens.
Folks what famous person who made that statement above?
But for Norman, the 1950s were only a foretaste of the adulation that covered him in the 1960s; that unrestful era was “the time of his time.” Meetings, protests, marches–Norman Mailer was everywhere. It was as though LBJ had conjured up the Vietnam War for Norman–and God then sent him Nixon. At one cocktail party Norman challenged McGeorge Bundy, LBJ’s foreign policy adviser, to a fistfight. The bespectacled State Department official declined. Apparently, there were no Green Berets around for Norman to take on.
Roger is this why you love Norman he like to fight the Democrats who run the country? Now I know why you are all mess up. Now I know why you love Republicans your buddy Richard Nixon got you out of the Viet Nam War. Poor funny rabbit.
Jesus Christ, Klake! Close yoour italics
McDermott has to check back in at the home.
OH I FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
In a fight between Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal (they loathed each other), a sane mind roots for there to be two losers, which is the only logical outcome.
The Piper
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
re 6: She was being difficult.
War games? Some people have an opinion concerning such matters. See below…
The New Pearl Harbor
By Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.
11/08/07 “ICH” — — -The Bush administration has covered up and ignored dissenting Pentagon war games analysis that suggests an attack on Iran’s nuclear or military facilities will lead directly to the annihilation of the Navy’s Fifth Fleet now stationed in the Persian Gulf. Lt. General Paul Van Riper led a hypothetical Persian Gulf state in the 2002 Millennium Challenge wargames that resulted in the destruction of the Fifth Fleet. His experience and conclusions regarding the vulnerability of the Fifth Fleet to an assymetrical military conflict with Iran have been ignored. Neoconservatives within the Bush administration are currently aggressively promoting a range of military actions against Iran that will culminate in it attacking the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet with sophisticated cruise anti-ship missiles. They are ignoring Van Riper’s experiences in the Millennium Challenge and how it applies to the current nuclear conflict with Iran.
Navy Lacks Plan to Defend Against `Sizzler’ Missile (Update1)
By Tony Capaccio
Last Updated: March 23, 2007 15:16 EDT
March 23 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Navy, after nearly six years of warnings from Pentagon testers, still lacks a plan for defending aircraft carriers against a supersonic Russian-built missile, according to current and former officials and Defense Department documents.
The missile, known in the West as the “Sizzler,” has been deployed by China and may be purchased by Iran. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England has given the Navy until April 29 to explain how it will counter the missile, according to a Pentagon budget document.
The Defense Department’s weapons-testing office judges the threat so serious that its director, Charles McQueary, warned the Pentagon’s chief weapons-buyer in a memo that he would move to stall production of multibillion-dollar ship and missile programs until the issue was addressed.
Given that GasBaghdad Jim McDermott is of the Kucinich wing of the Democratic Pary, the question is now begged: UFO’s, Jim? How many have you seen or been swept up into? This is the only logical explanation for anything you have to say.
The Piper
Klue for klake: Brevity is the soul of wit.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, Lucy. Klake will NEVER have a clue.
@19 Piper
YOU are talking about gasbags???
Norman Mailer was a sexist pig.
re 21: True, but the economy of Piper’s recent offerings is a blessing.
#17 headless lucy says:
I see the racist is still hanging around.
re 23: So was Ronald Reagan and his best friend, Roy Cohn.
#24 headless lucy says:
Tough work reading all those big words?
re 27: No. I don’t have time for fluff.
@22…Chad T….& @24…JP using an a/k/a…
Jealous of my ability with words? And that, with them, I whip the lot of you with my eyes closed?
You birds won’t venture outside the cloistered confines of HA to do battle in the real world, so it’s no wonder that I confound you with such ease!
The Piper
You are such a conceited pig, Piper.
#29 Piper Scott says:
Headless lucy if you haven’t heard is a guy. A wrasslin’ coach. He had a blog, not sure if it’s still up. He made a bunch of racist comments, and not surprisingly, he lives in Issaquah, a very very white community. (go figure, where else would a racist live) He’s a disgruntled musician, never able to learn more than 3 chords on his guitar. Facinates about rock stars. This guy is a strange one, even for this blog.
Not sure about chad t. That would be funny if they were the same guy. Supposedly Goldy doesn’t allow sockpuppets.
Lee, are you still collecting the droppings of the astonishing asshole cited above? Never, since I’ve been coming here, has there been a bigger monomaniacal, self-important, sanctimonious narcissist.
Marvin, I’m pretty sure that you and Piper have teamed up to fill this blog with vacuous shit so that the rest of us will leave in disgust. I’m about to. Then you can just feed shit to each other and the little sniping trolls like JBD, and have a giant incestuous cluster fuck.
What I find interesting is that McDermott says:
I urge all my collegues in the media to support me…..
Hmm, I thought he was a member of the house of Rep, not a journalist ? Or are laws now being made by the media ?
Maybe a Freudian on his side ?
Chad and I are old buddies…You can learn all about him by checking the PDC filings for Richard Pope.
He, too, has been known to utter racist comments…about how Clarence Thomas isn’t a real black man, for example. Like, he’s in the authoritative position to define who is and isn’t black? Some weeks back, he got so pissed at me, he quite blogging at HA only to slither back in violation of his promise.
To make the thread credible to uber-censor, Darryl, let me just say that both Chad T. and Joe Pine aka any number of aliases are quintessential Jim McDermott constituents even though both live outside his district.
But I’m still curious…the UFO that Dennis Kucinich saw? Did it drop some of these guys off as a fifth column?
Not too worried about Iran, though, since Israel, France and other EU countries will probably act on their own to whack the Ayatollahs and Ahmedcantgetajob much like Israel did to Iraq’s under-construction nuclear reactor back in the 80’s.
Say…anyone notice? The Gov and many Dems in the state legislature are genuflecting at the alter of I-747…They’re swearing up and down to have the 1% limit struck down by three members of the Washington Supreme Court enacted into law by the legislature.
Eyman wins again!!!
The sun is out, too, so all in all, it’s a pretty good day!
The Piper
@9 And all I’m saying is that Republican warmongers and torturers, and those who support and enable them, are human garbage and the world would be a better place without them.*
* Just kidding! Like a good Christian, I love you guys. (Paws crossed behind back)
@23 Yes; but he was a better writer than you.
@29 You birds won’t venture outside the cloistered confines of HA to do battle in the real world, so it’s no wonder that I confound you with such ease!
By your own admission, you sit at home every day, all day, generating your endless tripe, while most of the rest of us WORK for a living (It’s clear from the amazing quantity you post here and elsewhere, that you have no business), so where do you come off saying WE don’t venture out? Answer in less than 20,000 words.
@29 “Jealous of my ability with words? And that, with them, I whip the lot of you with my eyes closed?”
Not up to Mailer’s literary standard. Hell … not even up to Roger Rabbit’s literary standard, whatever it is.
and on another note….maybe Hillary has a job with Fema ?
Crackpiper is his own most ardent admirer.
So, Piper, you prove once a gain that you’re a hypocrite of the highest calibre. After complaining that someone outed you here (and you damn well know it wasn’t I) you repeatedly tell people where to find MY name and address.
That’s typically Piper. A cowardly egocentric that stoops to what he deplores in others, and assuming that the readers here are too stupid to see that hypocrisy.
Which kids will you be hiding behind next week?
#33 chadt complained:
Opposing viewpoints scare you that much?
I don’t believe that Piper or myself has engaged in the name calling and profanity you and your fellow lemmings here have. Without a doubt Piper has raised the intellectual level of this blog.
Look at your own post, “incestuous clusterf*@k.” And you actually talk about vacuous shit? And if vacuous shit is such a bother why not mention the rabbit and his one sentence posts of mindless drivel.
BTW, considering how much time you spend posting here you will never leave. I don’t believe you would have a clue what to do with all that time. Let me make a couple suggestions, go outside. Enjoy nature. Exercise. Read some books, real books, literature type of books. Go to a concert. Go to a museum. Trust me, if you work at it you can have a life off of HA.
We have some terms for your behaviour, Piper.
You’re a chickenshit. A cowardly little pissant that puts on airs while hiding at home, living out in verbosity that which you can’t achieve in real life.
We’re all really impressed, I’m sure.
GOP Obstructionists Block Tax Relief For Millions
Republican obstructionists in Congress, holding out for preferential tax treatment of billionaire hedge fund managers and tax cheats who park their income offshore, have blocked legislation that would keep the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) from snaring millions of middle-class taxpayers. They want to pay for AMT relief with deficit spending.
The Republican-caused delay threatens to hold up over $75 billion of 2008 refunds, the IRS says, and also threatens the sales tax deduction and tuition credits.
“Alternative-tax ‘patch’ in jeopardy
“By McClatchy Newspapers and Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — For the first time since 2001, it’s not clear that Congress will pass an annual temporary ‘patch’ in time to prevent the … alternative minimum tax (AMT) from forcing up tax payments for millions of … middle-class taxpayers.
“In addition, if Congress doesn’t ‘patch’ the AMT tax next week — and it appears highly unlikely to do so — [Republican] bickering … could delay tax refunds next year for tens of millions of Americans.
“The Democrat-controlled Congress pledges to … prevent the AMT from hitting an additional 19 million taxpayers. … The House voted 216-193 Friday to do just that. But the tally — all Washington state Democrats backed it; all Republicans opposed it — escalated an emerging political battle over tax priorities ….
“The bill would make up an anticipated $80 billion in lost tax revenue by requiring managers of investment partnerships, such as private equity funds, to pay ordinary income-tax rates on more of their income, rather than a lower capital-gains rate. The bill also would restrict the ability of very affluent Americans from reducing their tax rates through offshore tax shelters.
Meanwhile, … tax provisions affecting individuals and businesses would be extended. These include … itemized deductions of state and local sales taxes, and … a tax break for tuition expenses. …
“When Republicans ran Congress, … they didn’t make up for the lost revenue: They expanded the federal deficit. They now are pledging to fight any new taxes to pay for the AMT patch, and the White House has said it would veto a tax increase. …
“By missing the Friday deadline, [Republican] lawmakers will mess up the timely issuance of tax refunds for millions of taxpayers. The IRS and Treasury Department estimate a patch not passed by early December could delay issuance of $75 billion in refunds to taxpayers who file 2007 tax returns before March 31, 2008.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story about disgusting GOP delaying tactics and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....amt10.html
(Note: Information in brackets added by Roger Rabbit for greater clarity.)
Labeling me a racist is far easier than proving that I am. I am just waiting for the right time to dispose of that canard.
Keep digging, Marvin. When it’s big enough maybe everyone will want to jump in? They’ll only be me to fill in the hole.
@44 True, Marvin. You fucking nazi pigs don’t use vulgar language or call people names. All you guys do is torture and kill them.
#35 Piper Scott says:
I’m not surprised. It saddens me to think that this blog is all Chad T has going in his life. I made a few suggestions in my last post, hopefuly he will consider them.
#47 headless lucy says:
Your words proved it. You never explained your post. Your post was racist, you painted all black people with the same brush.
Go back in the HA archives and answer the question I posed about your post. Don’t run scared from the question. It’s your refusal to answer the question that proves your racist thoughts weren’t a grammatical error or misuse of words.
#48 Roger Rabbit lying:
So we torture and kill people on this blog? Priceless.
Go back and post what I said in the context of the discussion.
You don’t care about racism. You are just trying to silence a voice in opposition to your own.
You are the racist.
Then, when you have done that, I will ad more information that will put the way you are trying to paint me in a totally different light.
You know what happens when you make an assumption, don’t you Marvin? You make an ass out of you and umption.
#52 headless lucy says:
Do you do drugs? Just say no next time. Don’t you remember, I posted it many many times, you ignored it. If you want to explain your racist post, you go find it.
I haven’t seen a single post of yours that required any thought. Even your own blog didn’t have any thoughtful posts. You write one sentence, usually hate filled. Remember your first response to me? You hate me, you really really hate me.
Get a clue, your voice is nothing I’m worried about.
@42…Chad T….
Don’t blame me…blame Richard Pope…He outed you in his PDC filings.
And I never complained about being outed – Hell, in a lot of venues, I out myself. I just didn’t like the way it was done.
At least I don’t traffic in unlawfully intercepted phone conversations like GasBaghdad Jim…
Curious…will you be contributing to his whine-a-thon to raise money to pay the judgement against him?
What’s becoming a theme among you modern libs these days is your complete willingness to dish it out – anonymously, vulgarly, and quite meanly – but without a comensurate willingness to take it. Witness HRC complaining about “piling on” such that she now plants suck-ups in her audiences and you that you can’t rhetorically move your bowels with impunity. That you get challenged or bested isn’t fair so you threaten to run away and hide.
Please do…
Very truly yours,
The Piper
@51 “So we torture and kill people on this blog? Priceless.”
Are you really as big an ass as this makes you look?
@54 “Marvin Stamn says: … Do you do drugs?”
Nowhere near as bad as doing Republicanism.
re 54: You are just name-calling. Ad-hoc and ad-hominem attacks don’t prove a thing. Just keep blabbering, Marvin, and when you trip up (which you always do), I’ll start hammering so you so hard with it, we won’t hear from you for another few months.
re 55: Piper, surely you must realize that a statement such as this makes you look, at the very least, extremely stupid:
“At least I don’t traffic in unlawfully intercepted phone conversations like GasBaghdad Jim…” Piper Scott
And at least I, Piper, don’t poison my political enemies with U.S. government anthrax — like the current administration does — not to mention the BILLIONS of illegally intercepted communications they’ve stolen.
Piper: You’re not in the protected ‘wealth-bubble’. You are this administrations target. They will turn on you as sure as the sun rises, and as surely as they will eventually discard and ruin these current FCC commisioners — a little bit down the road.
They know where the bodies are buried. They’ll soon join them.
re 58: In fact, Marvin, I’ve saved some of your racist comments. So be careful what you do. They could show up very easily.
Just back from Kucinich’s UFO, are you?
Been reading the Readers’ Digest condensed version of any number of consipiracy theories? Antrhax? “Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
But I do have a bug planted under your bed, and all I can say? Your technique leaves much to be desired…
The Piper
Are they all stored away in Joe McCarthy’s briefcase?
The Piper
I care not what you think in your sneering dismissal of anything outside the box of your rabid extreme-right orthodoxy.
You wear skirts, Piper.
And don’t give me the ‘cultural’ excuse.
And you? An abyss of anger and discontent with a singular talent of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory while spoiling the day of all with whom you come in contact.
Genuinely…I do feel sorry for you! Not man enough to wear a kilt, either.
The Piper
Norman Mailer has died. Hmmm Crime is going down. roof roof.
re 66: Are you really in constant despair and sympathetic woe over the imperfections you think you see in others?
I think not.
Actually, all you WingNut™ trolls are just so many insanely wheedling Smigels that entertain us to debunk here on HA.
I’d like to point out that you have never driven away a single Progressive commenter from these threads and we have driven away dozens of you wheedling,WingNut™ Smigels.
And Piper, the point you brought up here earlier about you ‘doing battle’ on HA comment threads, while we are too ‘afraid’ to confront you on your own turf. That is a complete and absolute lie(Surprise! Surprise!).
Steve Sharansky BANS commenters who score points against you Asshats. If you ‘confronted’ me onuSP, you’d never hear my reply, because I’m banned.
The fiction is that I’m uncivil. The truth is, you’re CHICKENSHIT. Just like Bush, the biggest, baddest chickenshit off them all.
I kinda think it’s funny how the right(trolls) always foils the lefts big government plans. Hehehehe Hearing you lefties squeal like a pig is just delicious and so so precious.
And if you could spell your own name the same way from day to day, you might sway some opinions.
Re 67: He died at the age of 84 a multi-millionnaire who smoked, drank, and indulged in chronic for the better part of his life.
And you? The less said, the better.
Maybe Jesus loves you. I don’t.
#65 headless lucy says:
Another expression of your tolerance for the cultural beliefs of others.
And you wonder why you come across as a racist?
#69 headless lucy says:
Thanks for proving my point that lee hasn’t won an argument on sound politics. Luckily Lee has his own blog where he can rewrite history.
Ahhh yes, Headlice Loocie trying to come off as a everyday “normal” person. The light of truth displays the “truths” of headlice loocie.
His raist words from September 9-15, 2005 many blog threads.
Dissed by Perfessor Darryl, Mr. X., GBS, one other.
Marvin: Good call on Loocie. My post number 75 is in hiatus.
Same old same old. MickeyD.
Someday I will open my paer or browser to read that Jimmy6 McDemitt has donbe something substantive.
I will admit he is cheaper than most other entertainers.