Happy Thanksgiving and/or Chanukkah. Here are some links to hold you through the day….
A Thanksgiving Message from Gary Oldman:
Jonathan Mann: Some Thanksgiving Thoughts.
Pardon Me?
- White House: The Turkey Pardon.
- Presidential Thanksgiving pardons.
- Young Turks: Obama pardons some turkey.
How To: Make the perfect turkey.
National Menorah illuminates Washington D.C.
Thanksgiving poll: Did we steal America.
Ann Telnaes: What would a turkey choose?
Mental Floss: 25 little known facts about Thanksgiving:
Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo Offer Tips for Thanksgiving:
- The three types of annoying relatives.
- Surviving Thanksgiving with the archetype Republican.
- Dealing with the 47% believer.
- Surviving the FAUX News obsessed relative.
- Surviving the “Jews for Jesus” aunt.
- The Teabagger.
- The conservative uncle.
- The “independent”
- The fake liberal
- The libertarian techie nephew
- Republicans who believe they are entitled to their own facts.
- Coming out as a progressive at your conservative family’s holiday dinner
Sharpton: Biggest political turkeys of the year.
ONN: FAA Issues Holiday Reminder That Planes Can Crash And Kill You.
Mark Fiore: Peace Turkey.
Young Turks: Ready to argue politics at Thanksgiving.
Special “thanks” from American Family Voices.
British people explain Thanksgiving.
Ann Telnaes: Black Friday Thursday.
I will go to my Thanksgiving family-fest cheerfully. I will bring several cigarettes of a brand which insures nonchalance. I will take several walks ‘to stretch my legs’, and ‘clear my head’. I will be charming to all, if somewhat vague.
This time of year, everybody likes to gather round the ol’ Hammond and have a Christmas sing-a-long! Join in, you know the tune (and “the words she hums”? Whatever, Bernie):
I’ll get stoned for Christmas.
You can count on me.
I-502, breezed right on through,
By a large ma-jor-ity!
Christmas Day will find me,
Toking, by the tree.
Yes, I’ll Be Stoned For Christmas!
And for the first time le-gal-ly
For the first time, le-gal-ly!
Any bets on what GOATOY will do with his turkey?
Ad yes, I know, GOATBOY is a real UNCLE TOM TURKEY.
Darryl, the Palin video may be the “reality show” Thanksgiving BEST EVAR, but for my money the #1 must be WKRP in Cincinnati.
“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly…”
Some turkeys can fly for brief distances. After all, they have to be able to roost when it gets dark. Domestic turkeys may have lost this instinct/ability, however.
Oh yeah, Palin using turkeys getting their heads chopped off as a photo-op is a classic. Of course, losing their heads didn’t make those turkeys much dumber than they already were (that’s why we call them “turkeys”), but you can say the same of Palin, which is what makes this video so apt. That, and her total lack of empathy for suffering animals. She’d probably sign one of those Republican bills making it a felony to publicize mistreatment of farm animals.
@4, @5 – According to someone I know who grew up on a farm, turkeys can fly up into trees but won’t fly down, either because they’re too stupid or lack the physical ability, so the farmer brought them down with a shotgun.
I can’t speak for domestic turkeys but the wild ones who hang out in the yard out here in Keller will head for the hawthorn and serviceberry bushes when the dog figures out that they are eating her food. Soon as she head back to the porch they glide back down. I think that flight is an emergency maneuver for them.
Conservatives tell us fast food workers are teenagers working part time for spending money, and raising the minimum wage would eliminate these jobs.
Business Week profiles a real-world fast food worker here:
http://www.businessweek.com/ar.....lds#r=most popular
She’s a 40-year-old mother of three who has worked for McDonalds for 18 years and makes $7.60 per hour. She brown-bags to work because she can’t afford to eat at McDonalds, and feeds her family with $345 per month of food stamps.
Republicans want to cut funding for food stamps, and they fiercely oppose any and all attempts to raise the minimum wage. Is that something you can vote for?
Here’s a thoughtful, and seemingly objective, discussion of the minimum wage issue. Summary:
Raising the minimum wage is neither as wonderful as its advocates claim nor as dangerous as its detractors warn.
In short, “research finds that minimum-wage increases at the state level have caused little, if any, harm to employment” but “a higher minimum wage would do nothing for the unemployed.”
A federal $9 minimum wage appears to have legs: A Gallup poll this month found 76% of Americans support raising it to that level.
http://www.businessweek.com/ar.....omy#r=most popular
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I like the way President Obama summed up this issue: “In the richest country on earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.” That’s really a no-brainer, or should be. A typical Republican response to the struggles of low-wage workers and their growing dependency on taxpayer-funded welfare programs is to kick them off welfare while opposing efforts to increase their wages. Is that something you can vote for?
Sure was a foggy Thanksgiving. Went to Clearwater Casino, and the ferry Wenatchee was running slow, and the foghorns were in action.
Ahhh yes the ekimgoatsucking DUMMOCRETIN mind at work
Thank you ekimgoatsucka. Everyday you prove what a real DUMMOCRETIN thinks. You are a blessing to all DUMMOCRETINS!
So Our SENILE LUNATIC and DUMBASSSSSSS Wabbit is a vegetarian? Who knew?
The Knockout Game is no big deal to libtard MSM DUMMOCRETINS!
Remember schmuck-lunatic…
PuddyCommentary… You show schmucko-lunatic the facts DUMMOCRETINS voice over and over and it’s like talking to a granite statue. Nothing penetrates!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS… When the game comes to Seattle, will Head HA DUMMOCRETINS cover it?
Who knew GW Bush was Jewish.. Kanye West knew.
Listen to Kanye… He’s one of those DUMMOCRETIN prafets!
GW Bush net worth ~$35 Million
Kanye West net worth ~$100 Million
Billionaires who loved Obummer in 2012
– David Shaw, New York hedge funder: $500k+
– James Crown, of the Henry Crown dynasty of investors: $500k+
– Marc Lasry, New York hedge funder: $500k+
– Marc Benioff, founder of Salesforce.com: $500k+
– Penny Pritzker, business executive and Hyatt hotel heiress: $200k-$500k
Of course DUMMOCRETINS always scream it’s rich Republicans who screw up this country…
Pfffffffffffffffft wrong again! Maybe Kanye didn’t have the latest information when he made is radio comments. Well he is a Obummer loving DUMMOCRETIN. Puddy guesses he wasn’t told; the standard in DUMMOCRETIN excuses when Obummer claims ignorance!
Guess Puddy won’t be spending anymore time in Hyatts Hotels when in Asia!
Wow if this is true… Obummer is .the. .worst. .preznit. .evah.
Dayum… you HA DUMMOCRETINS voted for a real scumbag sadministration… GW Bush is a 3 inch birthday cake candle compared to the greater than 42.3 billion candle power (Luxor Hotel) spying scumbag Obummer is!
I see the puddibigot is doing his best house slave act, @14, and channeling the desperate fears of his master, the old pasty white people who watch Fox in fear – “Young black men are coming to kill you on the street!!!!!”
The phenomenon called “The Knockout Game” is making all the rounds on Hannity and WND and, apparently, Real Clear Politics.
Here is Ta-Nehisi Coates, in the Atlantic, putting the boogeyman away…
Here’s Emma Roller, in Slate…
Oooh, check this out, there’s more, quoting from an article, “The Knockout Game Myth, and Its Racist Roots“…
There’s that issue again that puddibigot keeps tripping over…the difference between a collection of anecdotes, and ‘data’. I guess it’s too much to expect someone who believes the universe is 6000 years old to have a facile grasp of the meaning of ‘data’ in a rigorous, scientific sense.
Though you would think he would try to avoid embarrassing himself this way. Guess not.
This issue does give a fascinating look at the circular and self-reinforcing nature of hysterical right-wing narratives. “This terrible thing for white people is being dismissed by the LIBTARD MSM!!1!!!!”
Well, yes, it is being dismissed, because actual, you know, critical analysis is applied, and the hysteria is found to be groundless.
What’s also amazing here is the naked racism that underlies the fear instructions from Hannity et al, and the puddibigot’s guileless, even child-like, belief in it – hook, line, and sinker. He seems SO desperate to identify with the white racist power-structure that despises him, it’s really rather sad.
I wonder what’s next? Roving bands of brown-ish MOOSLUM male youth, raiding churches to burn Bibuls?
Maybe roving bands of brown-ish males with Mexican surnames, trolling the streets looking to wish people, “Happy Holidays”?
Perhaps roving bands of oversexed hypermasculine ‘urban youth’ hungrily eyeing virginal white girls who’ve taken “Purity Vows” to their fathers (ICK!) and future husbands, looking to turn them to sin and miscegenation?
Which will it be, puddibigot?
While you cogitate, puddibigot, I’m going to work.
While I’m gone, could you put together for the community here that positive argument for some right-wing medical care plan that you favor?
We’re all dying to see what sort of Teahaddist paradise you’d dream up as an optimal solution to solve this very real nation problem.
C’mon, tell us what you think.
Let’s see… The GOATBOY@17 thinks Obama is the worst president ever because of spying? AKA intelligence gathering?
In case the GOATBOY has forgotten, his 3 inch GW ignored intelligence of the 9/11 attack, started 2 illegal wars he did not have to, 2 depressions and lost millions of Americans their homes to the banks.
@13 If you’re looking for someone to feed on your carrion,
I know some worms who might be interested.
There may be some hope for the future of the Republicans after all:
“Fifty three percent of young Republican voters — Republican voters under age 35 — said that they would describe a climate [change] denier as ‘ignorant,’ ‘out of touch’ or ‘crazy,’” Whitehouse said. “Republicans outside of Congress are trying to lead their party back to reality and away from what even young Republicans are calling ignorant, out of touch or crazy extremist views.”
This statement by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is rated mostly true by Politifact.. If young Republicans are capable of examining data and accepting facts that have been uncovered by scientists, then their party remains viable.
We must also conclude from this that there is no hope for a viable Tea Party almost all of whose members deny reality.
10)The German Christian Democrats just agreed to a minimum wage of€8.50 an hour, the equivalent of $11.55 an hour here. It’s a compromise by the German equivalent of the Republican party to get the German equivalent of our Democratic Party to be the Junior coalition partner, as the CDU’s traditional partner, the equivalent of the Libertarians here got wiped out. Merkel was 4 seats shy of being the first Chancellor since Adanauer to not need a partner, and would not have had to make a compromise. The deal still has to be approved by the Social Democrats as a whole.
10)The German Christian Democrats just agreed to a minimum wage of€8.50 an hour, the equivalent of $11.55 an hour here. It’s a compromise by the German equivalent of the Republican party to get the German equivalent of our Democratic Party to be the Junior coalition partner, as the CDU’s traditional partner, the equivalent of the Libertarians here got wiped out. Merkel was 4 seats shy of being the first Chancellor since Adanauer to not need a partner, and would not have had to make a compromise. The deal still has to be approved by the Social Democrats as a whole.
The most important part of the Affordable Care Act are policies designed by health care economists to “bend the cost curve” of health care. Professor Krugman (one of this country’s greatest Americans) weighs in:
“a 2011 letter signed by hundreds of health and labor economists pointed out that “the Affordable Care Act contains essentially every cost-containment provision policy analysts have considered effective in reducing the rate of medical spending.” But such expert views were largely ignored.
…So what aspects of Obamacare might be causing health costs to slow? One clear answer is the act’s reduction in Medicare “overpayments” — mainly a reduction in the subsidies to private insurers offering Medicare Advantage Plans, but also cuts in some provider payments. A less certain but likely source of savings involves changes in the way Medicare pays for services. The program now penalizes hospitals if many of their patients end up being readmitted soon after being released — an indicator of poor care — and readmission rates have, in fact, fallen substantially. Medicare is also encouraging a shift from fee-for-service, in which doctors and hospitals get paid by the procedure, to “accountable care,” in which health organizations get rewarded for overall success in improving care while controlling costs.
Furthermore, there’s evidence that Medicare savings “spill over” to the rest of the health care system — that when Medicare manages to slow cost growth, private insurance gets cheaper, too.
And the biggest savings may be yet to come.”
This is very good news.. It truly means more affordable heath care for ordinary working people.
It also means exploding heads in the Tea Party and their surrogates in the Republican Party.
One of the lesser known provisions of the ACA allows states to go single payer in 2017. Vermont is laying the groundwork for implementing it. If the RETHUGS fail to stop it, I suspect that more states will go that route. (Pay attention Olympia.)
Just think. Good healthcare at an affordable price.
Who would have thought?
The crusade of libertarian millionaire Ron Unz to raise the minimum wage in California has been mentioned here before. I thought this statement was striking:
“He reasons that there’s at least one big conservative reason Republicans should back his proposal: It ends corporate welfare for large companies like Walmart and McDonalds by ending the low wages that force many of their employees onto the food stamp rolls.”
Just in time, Mr. Unz.. The Tea Party controlled Republicans in the Congress are hell-bent on cutting food assistance even as more and more of their own constituents queue up for it.
It’s amazing to me that TPAWCHP (The Performance Artist Who Calls Himself Puddybud) can even go off-topic in what amounts to an open thread.
Truly a breathtaking accomplishment(?).
It appears there’s a small breakout of lucid thought among some conservatives (or one anyway):
“I am an old-fashioned conservative who believes in accepting responsibility, facing reality, tackling problems head on, and making sure we leave this world in better shape for our children and grandchildren.
It is through that conservative lens that I view the problem of climate change and the threat it poses to South Carolina. The weather’s just not the same as it used to be. Summer days are hotter, seas are higher, droughts are more prolonged, and violent storms are a threat year-round.
…South Carolina has an enormous opportunity to benefit when our nation takes action on climate change.
But first our Republican leaders need to constructively engage on the issue and propose real, fiscally responsible solutions that spur innovation and economic growth.
That would be genuinely conservative.”
In South Carolina of all places! We can only hope that whatever is in the air or water there continues to work its way through the remainder of the South.
@28 I recommend substituting FFW (Food For Worms) for “TPAWCHP (The Performance Artist Who Calls Himself Puddybud.” It’s shorter.
So, SpittlePuddles @14 is perfectly willing to repeat the blood libel postulated and broadcast by the Goebbels-based propaganda organization calling itself “Fair and Balanced”?
Jesus fucked-up hairy palmed Christ Spittles, thats a flat out incitement to riot on that Companies part. How would you like it if the Police just started shooting every black man they saw on the street? Would that satisfy your penile white-supremicist envy?
We get it, Spittles. You hate niggers. You probably lock the car doors on the road every time you see one on the street. You probably won’t sit down in a restaurant that has one working in the kitchen.
Here Spittles, more grist for that twisted little mill of yours.
Fuckin psycho.
In Miami Gardens, a city in a state whose Republican-controlled legislature has authorized the lynching of black children by armed vigilantes, police have arrested Earl Sampson 62 times for “trespassing” at the convenience store where he is an employee.
The police harassment of the store’s employees and customers in the predominantly African-American community is so bad that the owner of the convenience store has installed 15 security cameras to monitor the police.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But our conservative friends tell us there’s nothing wrong with race-based profiling. They assure us that targeting people based on their skin color makes our communities safer from terrorists and criminals.
Racism is the core ideology of the republican party, and more so the tea party.
OWS Fraggy… Where has Puddy ever said Puddy hates “niggers”? How dare you use that word white trash? Haven’t you been paying attention?Yes you white trash. You been white trash since day one sucka.
Dayum you are a fool.
Honky can’t use the n-word! Dayum you one foolish mofo.
BTW Puddy dislikes foolish morons! That includes you! Oh yeah not Fox NEWS!
And racism is the core of PMSNBC, the cable show of race 24×7 used by all HA DUMMOCRETINS, it’s standard projection again OWS Racist Fraggy. The only race screams are from PMSNBC. Not ABC. Not NBC. Not CNN. It’s the channel of the Friday Night Comix.
You are headless lucy are two of a kind DUMMOCRETINS!
Thanks for playing OWS Racist Fraggy. You hate blacks who left the reservation. Very apparent!
Oh yes… proving every day HA DUMMOCRETINS are as stooooooooopid as a brick wall…
Hey it’s just fun. Except DUMMOCRETIN libtards don’t know what to do next.
Ignorance is bliss… Just ask the head DUMMOCRETIN Obummer. He don’t know nuthin… Just axk (Jesse Jackson) him!
Wow, an expose by the NY Slimes on Obummercare…