The week Newt Gingrich announced his presidential candidacy, everything went wrong.
Tim Pawlenty isn’t starting off on a very good note, either. This is the announcement in his home town newspaper:
New Pawlenty campaign slogan: “I’m not dead yet!”
(Via Political Wire.)
This isn’t gonna help either.
For me this was the image that defined the McSame campaign:
And for me this is all that needs to be said about Pawlenty:
Fergot about that one…whooops.
# 3: Except that Pawlenty’s policy to keep taxes on the rich low so he could “defer maintenance” (hopefully until the next guy takes over) is pretty much Republican governmental philosophy.
They figure if they can defer maintenance, regulatory oversight, etc. for eight or twelve years, and it all comes crashing down while a Democrat is in office for four years, they can blame it all on the Democrat and take it back over again after four years (lather, rinse, repeat indefinately).
The problem is, they are finding that their timing isn’t that good. Things have a habit of collapsing at unexpected times. Like the Minnessota bridge collapse. Or the 2008 economic collapse (on a national and global scale).
Obama probably doesn’t think so right now, but he was pretty lucky that the chicken’s came home to roost on George W. Bush’s economic policies in the late summer/fall of 2008. Otherwise, the Republicans would be able to confuse more of the public into thinking that was all Obama’s fault – even if the collapse occured only a few months into his administration.
Dang, things are already going down the tubes for Pawlenty.
Wow Pawlenty’s bid for the White House appearing next to the obits.
Pawlenty’s LYING about his fiscal record in MN – he inherited a State in the red and he’s leaving the state very much in the red!
“Tell the Truth”????
Then there’s Herman Cain confusing the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.
Just another day in the bizzaro world of the right wing.
Continuation of # 4: In other words, Pawlenty might actually be able to wear the Minnesota bridge collapse as an “award of honor” in his support for the Republican cause of keeping taxes BELOW the safe level. This might make him a shoe-in for the Republican nomination.
The general election, however – that’s another story. Expect him to try to pass the blame at that point on unionized employees, Democrats in general, or whatever.
T-Paw needs to bring back his mullet to have any chance. A mullet with that fake southern accent will do him just fine. Bring him back from the dead!
Ed Schultz is going to do a piece on Pawlenty tonight on his TV show. Ed, who is from Minnesota, will be going over the financial disaster Minnesota is facing because of Pawlenty.
damn dude, if youre gonna listen to that sack of crap Schultz, you may as well listen to Limbaugh too….both them are fat-ass, pompous, partisan assholes.
and they are both proven liars.
LMFAO @ “big eddie”…what a pile human garbage that creep is.
ekim, is back…how as your pilgramige to israel
10 – And one of them – Limbaugh – does what you do every time you come here – spew stupid half-assed right wing nonsense.
Sorry that anti-Limbaugh crapola from you never cut any bait around here.
I could really care less what a partisan lemming loser with a mid-life crisis like you thinks…
making a mockery out of you day after day is really getting boring… got cut from the junior varsity team long ago…
13 – Oh you could care less? What about?
Time with your family maybe? Add up the thousands of minutes you’ve spent here just repeating ad nauseam your dumbass drivel and yes, people can easily see what you really care about.
Stroking yourself silly obviously.
Yea Gods, Man on Goat! You should really check your posts. All these errors make you look like an ignorant, uneducated troll. Oh, wait, you are an ignorant, uneducated troll. My bad…
BTW, how is your goat herd?
Wow. Pawlenty is going to have to join the “abolish Medicare” circus to keep the Tea Party voters happy. For some reason, Republican politicians in very red states are getting rave reviews from their supporters on that issue. But once they quit preaching to the choir, they are going to get a very different issue.
One voter in Georgia pointed out to her representative, Rob Woodall, that her employer doesn’t provide medical insurance after retirement. Woodall cut her off, with cheers from the Tea Party folks, saying that she shoulnd’t be expecting the government to provide anything for her in retirement.
Apparantly she should have already taken care of that herself – I guess like Walker did. His disclosure statements don’t show that he’s saved more than a nominal amount for retirement, but his Congressional pension and gold-plated health care plan should take care of him very well.
Rob Woodall
I guess some get taking care of by the government, and others don’t. It’s a lot like the philosophy of the con man or the thief – “if you were too stupid not to keep me from taking advantage of you, then you are at fault, not me”.
“tell the truth” theme for race
sounds a lot like a
“straight talk express” theme for race.
To tell the truth, the GOP needs a standard bearer who once sported a mullet.
To tell the truth, teabagging Republicans sure do love to talk about the Constitution without having the foggiest idea regarding what it is.
To tell the truth, most Republican politicians are idiots.
Ahhh yes the moronic of the moronic rujaxdipshithead cuts and pastes leftwing BULLSHITTIUM… and for comic relief rhp6033, Cass Sunstein’s favorite Homer Simpson malleable DOH! fool joins right in!
The NTSB said the I-35W bridge had an original design flaw from 1961 along with the addition of 2 inches concrete on the bridge surface. They didn’t fault bridge maintenance.
You can look it up yourselves. I hope leftist pinheads attack Pawlenty with this “commentary”.
Yeah MikeBoyScout… Like 57 states.
Admitted moron @ 20 –
If Cain wins, (miniscule to no chance of that), he will have to take an oath to defend the Constitution and he obviously has never read it. At best he’s got it completely confused..
Reminds me a lot of your dumb ass.
Uhhh…don’t tell the puddybitch, but he’s wrong again. T-paw vetoed two measures that would have fixed the bridge.
Shhhhhhhhh…don’t tell the puddybitch. It’ll be our little secret.
I love the way the puddybitch defends politicos that propose and pass laws aimed at keeping him from voting.
Oh my rujaxdipshithead is talking about the 7.5 cent tax increase for new road construction that Pawlenty rejected? Oh my what a big gas bag this fool is. Another Merry Fitzmas on the horizon.
PROVE IT rujaxdipshithead. The NTSB said otherwise. It was a design flaw. There are 700 bridges like it all over the US who are deemed needing repair. WSDOT determined after the I-35W bridge collapse there were 142 bridges classified in 2008, maintained by your libtardo crews, as being structurally deficient. Butt butt butt, WA State is a libtardo zone.
You rujaxdipshithead are a certifiable moron!
I love how rujaxdipshithead runs to left wing blogs and drinks their kook-aid when the evidence is quite the opposite.
Even when the NTSB says otherwise!
Stay stupid! You, Steve, and yelling lost boy make us LOL.
The puddybitch misses the point…as usual…that t-paw had the LAST BEST CHANCE…TWICE…TO FIX THAT BRIDGE AND HE FUCKING DIDN’T DO IT.
The puddybitch is not only a 24 carat (NOT carrot…carat) moron but as we see every fucking god-damned day…a complete asshole.
rujax dishing out some more racism…
some things never change.
Wehn have Republicans taken a long view about anything that does not line their pockets?
Notice how Puddy is not defending the child rapist that Pawlenty pardonen – or how Pawlenty lied about his “fiscal” record of bankrupting the state.
That is all we need, another republican President who lowers taxes and creates deficits and kills the economy….where do the republicans come up with these incompetent candidates?
Ban the dumbfuck street corner loon and his mad ravings. I seriously doubt that anybody here will miss the stupid, hate-filled motherfucker.
Look at the ad on the top of the page for voting for the republican candidates….they have Huckabey (not running), Palin (not announced and probably not running) and Newt Gingrich (self-destructed already) pictured. Herman Cain “won” the first debate and the idiot is lecturing people on the constitution and he quotes the Declaration of Independence – not to mention he didn’t even know what the Palestinian right of return meant.
Obama makes these fools look like second rate used car salespeople…is that the best the republicans can put out there for president?
So what is going on here? I thought ButtPutty got
RupturedRaptured on Saturday. Is he (it) telecomputing? Or do we have a fake posting now.@31, why they make ButtPutty look good.
By the way, did you see the Daily Show piece on Santorum? Then ABC News carried the piece as a news item. And Santorum has been hoping for 8 years that little bit of bad PR would go away…
32 – LMAO! Oh Puddybud was raptured all right. After all he was holier than thou of any believer you could shake a stick at. Anyway he probably left his handle to some sycophantic minion of his who worships on Sunday or in a fit of pique blaphemed the holy spirit and therefore was “left behind”.
But for all intents and purposes the “new” Puddybud is the same old same old purveyor of right wing bullshit.
T-Paw…we hardly knew ye…..
Correctnotright, not correct again. How many times now? So numerous!
Where did I claim to support Pawlenty? All I wrote was the NTSB bridge was not a maintenance issue under Pawlenty. The rujaxdipshithead claims he had two opportunities to fix the bridge?
Yes Stupid Solution Steve should be banned immediately, if not sooner! Truth and Stupid Solution Steve are diametrically opposed poles!
Haw haw T Paw.
Oh and take your meds Putty Butt.
Just about all the Republican presidential candidates seem pretty dead in the political sense …