Some hours after I posted the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza! there were interesting new developments in the 2012 Presidential race that can be appreciated best visually.
It began with this advertisement from the Obama campaign that had everyone all a-twitter:
David Kurtz at TPM, in particular, is awestruck by the ad:”One for the History Books” he titles a post, and at one point he comparing it to FDR LBJ’s Daisy ad (this one).
Locally, The Stranger‘s Paul Constant expressed some enthusiasm for the ad (his emphasis, not mine):
Holy fucking shit. This is the most brutal attack ad I’ve seen in a long, long time. It minces the hell out of Romney’s offshore fortunes and his record as a jobs exporter (in the private and public sectors). And it makes fun of Romney’s singing voice, turning his version of “America, the Beautiful” into a symbol of his warped view of patriotism
The Romney campaign hit back with an ad that can only be described as pathetic:
The thesis is that by hitting Mitt Romeny hard on the Bain thing, it somehow negates Obama’s “Hope and Change” message of the last campaign. The writers obviously try to confuse Obama, the President, and Obama, the candidate.
For over three years, Republicans have been warning about how President Obama was “changing America into something unrecognizable.” Now, the Romney camp is “warning” America that Obama is just like other candidates.
It is conceivable that this ad actually helps Obama, by defusing the “changing America into something unrecognizable” argument for folks who don’t recognize that campaigns are not the same thing as policy.
The weekend has brought out a plethora of politicos making the rounds on the talk shows, including bulldogs like Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Karl Rove—who has the naked audacity to “warn” Obama about negative campaigning. That’s hilarious!
But of all the interviews, the ones with Romney campaign senior adviser Ed Gillespie are the most interesting.
In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Gillespie stated (my emphasis):
“He is going to release them [2 years of tax returns], Candy, we’ve made that clear, and that’s the standard that Senator McCain, Republican nominee in the last election said was the relevant standard. It’s the standard that Senator John Kerry as the Democratic nominee said was the standard.”
First…he really ought to rethink citing the losers of the past two elections as the model. Just sayin’.
Another problem is that John Kerry did not say that was the standard. Gillespie was off by an order of magnitude. Kerry released 20 years of tax returns. So, about that “standard”….
And on NBC’s Meet the Press we get this gem when David Gregory asked about Mitt benefiting financially from Bain even while on leave:
He actually retired retroactively…
Watch the 00:01:57 clip:
The Twitterosphere has gone bananas with the hash tag #retroactively.
I’ll close by pointing out two things.
First, when the Romney campaign has to “explain” the subtly of Romney’s position during the “bad” Bain years by using a five syllable adverb, they’re not just losing the campaign battle, they’re fucking losing their base!
Secondly, I’ll point out again what a precarious position Romney is now in. We know he was drawing a six-figure salary for, apparently, being on leave; for being completely detached from decisions at Bain. But the media smells blood in that—they will relentlessly attempt to unearth evidence that Romney did make some big decisions. And they’ll probably find something.
But even if they don’t, Romney still has the (relatively unexamined) implications found in Gregory’s question: As the owner of and sole shareholder in Bain and other spin-off companies, Romney was at a minimum receiving salary and investment profit from outsourcing, layoffs, liquidations, the offshore tax havens and, apparently, disposal of fetuses.
That he solely owned Bain through 2001 is undisputed fact. It just makes him look like a weasel to absolve himself of all responsibility, while earning millions, because he was on leave. Or retired.&
It certainly helps Obama that the Romney camp is using out of touch elites in their ad. Some angry old while guy, David Brooks, and the that other guy- the one that called the president an asshole. Yeah, lets see more ads featuring these guys.
That was LBJ’s ad, of course, not FDR’s.
Good point, Darryl.
I was wondering why no one was asking how getting paid and owning the company, and standing by as they destroyed the livelihoods of so many, was much better than being directly involved when all those decisions were made.
That’s a fucking implosion right there.
They have to do SOMETHING to stop the bleeding.
We may end up with Jeb Bush as the Republican Nominee after the Convention.
I just don’t see how Romney recovers…and don’t you just KNOW there’s more out there.
so…OK…SO WHO WAS THE CEO from ’99 to ’02?
Just answer THAT question!
Get the guy on…send him around.
That OUGHT to fix it.
It’s starting to look like it wont be Mitt.
Michael @ 2,
Indeed! Fixed.
Michael @ 1,
Agreed! That is definitely another lame aspect of the ad.
@1: Yeah, David Brooks. I assume that he sounds sensible and moderate, even mainstream to conservatives.
Man, what an epic Fail.
BTW, the #retroactively stream is hilarious, well worth checking out.
Double HA!
Nice expose from Bloomberg…a well know “lefty” rag.
The guy Romney is a fucking crook…a criminal.
A couple of related stories.
Forbes, The Capitalist Tool, has 35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away
Because Slick Willard can’t answer most of these questions, he won’t even try.
Next, Rmoney’s Senior Advisor and spokesperson, Ed Gillespie, seems today to have confirmed David Javerbaum’s March hypothesis A Quantum Theory of Mitt Romney
No, Javerbaum did not publish that column #retroactively.
Did I see Mark Halperin in the Willard (R-Money) ad?
Oh my! According to Puddydope, he’s a “leftist”..
What’s he doing being used in a Willard (R-Money) ad?
Puddydope must be wrong as usual…
Christ…when’s it going to stop? This is like a bad TV movie.
HA’s crazed deranged databaze ylbfool asked about Mark Halperin…
The last one proves my original post which was crazed databaze attack #68
Gotta hand it to HA’s crazed deranged databaze ylbfool, he keeps flagellating himself. I guess he enjoys pain!
…I bet the puddypussy won’t try to explain how Halperin gets into a raw-money campaign ad.
Typical lying fuck.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No sentient life form in ylb, just a wife sucking mooch!
Nuff Said Sucka!
The same way Bob Schieffer got into a Mitt Romney campaign ad you moron!
rujax = small black dickhead robot, used by DUMMOCRAPTS. You are just what the New Black Panthers claimed you to be… a whore and prostitute!
Going to be fun watching the wingnuts over at SP twist themselves into knots defending the fraud Romney over the next 4 months.
Oy, so this is what Puddy uses as evidence that Halperin is a lefty?
Let’s quote the memo more completely:
In other words, Bush was more prolific and adept at lying than Kerry was, and Halperin pointing out the facts makes him a lefty. Hell, this is even better than the Alan Greenspan was a liberal claim.
I think we’ll be remembering this for a long time; according to Puddy, if you tell the truth you’re a lefty.
Too damn funny! Puddydope gets so twisted in knots when he’s exposed to be such an idiot right wing tool!
The business press does not seem enamored with Slick Willard.
Bloomberg Jul 15, 2012 3:30 PM PT
Romney’s Bain Yielded Private Gains, Socialized Losses
Feeding frenzy, indeed.
Who do see in the R-Money ad:
Bob Schiefer – moderate right winger, never hesitates to harshly criticize Dems.
Bobo whathisname – unapologetic right wing tool who holds up the right wing end on the NY Times editorial page.
Mark Halperin – embarrassing pseudo journalist who flagellates himself like a whipped dog before right wing morons like Hugh Hewitt.
I like that ad. It’s hilarious!
Don Joe,
I see you too are a moron… Halperin is on MSNBC… what are the needed qualifications to be on MSNBC… A leftist! Halperin is on all the time. Now you can try and assert Michael Steele on MSNBC… but he’s only a contributor and you RARELY see him on MSNBC!
27 – Is Joe Scarborough lefty dumbass?
Perhaps look at how much Obama has spent, virtually all of it going negative, and consider where it’s gotten him thus far.
That’s a hundred million dollars, shot, just in battleground states, and it’s only July.
Small wonder Obama’s begging for cash and looking heavily at foreign sources for it. That money is gone, he’s even with Romney, there are nearly four months to go, and eventually the rich guy thing will grow old and his record will have to come up.
Enjoy this, lefties. I suppose it wouldn’t surprise me if Biden is replaced, but I doubt you’ll see Romney replaced.
Are you really going to talk rich guy for four more months?
Really? That’s your plan?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa
The slobbering libtard MSM is really afraid of Mitt. Why? All these attacks and Obummer is basically even with Mitt in latest Gallup Poll! There is way more attack from the leftist media than we saw on Obummer in 2008. Hillary was right. Dirty!
30 – LMAO! Why is he in the R-Money ad stupid if he can’t be relied on to support their story??
Why isn’t Obummer running on his record? Everyone knows why!
puddypussy is whipped.
“Bin Laden’s Dead, GM is Alive”?
THAT record?
Beats Willard’s…unless Willard want to go “retro-active”…LOL!
Oh no, DHS will allow Florida to purge their voting rolls!!!!
Oh my!
GREAT…puddywhippedpussy is now against democracy.
Bin Laden – used Bush’s pre-configured infrastructure! Set it up if the mission failed a navy admiral would be the fall guy!
GM – Bush allocated $17.4 Billion. Obummer upped it to $62 Billion to cover his UAW peeps and threw out Bush’s loan preconditions. Obummer can’t stop crowing about how he saved Government Motors and the car industry. So rujax, if the Government Motors bailout is such a success story, why can’t it pay back its debt to taxpayers? Now how much does Government Motors owe the taxpayer?
Man this rujax is a moron!
Where does it say illegal aliens can vote in any US Election rujax?
Still stoooooooooooopid and another HA cellar dweller!
Florida and other state’s anti-voting laws disproportionately targets old people, students and minorities (particularly African American).
Why does puddywhippedpussy hate African Americans for God’s sake?
Watch, a DUMMOCRAPT leaning leftist blog will be his next entry.
rujax, why are you a whore and prostitute to DUMMOCRAPTS?!? Where does it say illegal aliens can vote in any US Election rujax? – Yeah you can’t answer the question!
I’ll give the puddywhippedpussy same answer he gives everybody else:
“Prove I’m wrong, asshole. PROVE the MASSIVE instances of voter fraud…YOU PROVE IT!!!! I’m NOT your fucking research assistant.”
Last I checked this thread was about the complete implosion of your guy. That Romney’s the best you, and a whole lot of people like you, could come up with is laughable. If you look at what Romney did as Governor, his politics are closer to mine than than yours. Yet, that’s who you’ve got.
But hey, it looks like you might have a second chance as Romney’s campaign just cratered. Maybe they’ll pick someone else at the convention.
U lose! U can’t prove nuthin…
Thanks for playing
Still waiting for HA leftists to discuss Obummer’s economy!
puddywhippedpussy is playing “Calvinball” again…LOLOL.
Nice try by the right-wing trollop. Kind of like Ed Gillespie this morning.
Still waiting for the puddywhippedpussy to reveal HE was the Bain CEO from ’99 to ’02.
Add @47…
NO! It was Herman Cain!
NO! It was J.C. Watts (THAT’S where he was…)!
NO! It was Charles Sowell!
I’m trying to figure out how many Private Sector jobs Obama created before he became President?
Is it…ZERO!
This attack on Romney will come back to bite him.
Obama is clueless about the Private Sector. he views it as a minefield for mining $$ to grow government.
It’s mid-July.3-1/2 months to election day and Obama is shooting his load now. That’s called desperation. Romney is about to rope the dope.
Notice when rujax can’t prove jackshit he goes ad hominem!
Typical so typical!
Notice when Obummercare tax was getting traction, the libtard press attacked Romney for Obummer.
Remember ObummerCare is a tax!
In other news…
And this was interesting…
So here is the punchline…
@ 27
Halperin is on MSNBC…
We get it, Puddy. If you tell the truth, you’re a leftist. You don’t have to keep repeating the point.
As for the President’s record, I rather like this graph. That big jump in initial unemployment claims in early 2011 follows shortly after Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. After running on a Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! platform, just how many jobs bills have the Republicans in the House of Representatives passed, Puddy? What’s the ratio of jobs bills to attempts to repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act? Republicans in the House of Representatives own this economy now, Puddy. That’s a fact.
Which brings us to Gov. Romney’s record. He certainly can’t run on his record as Governor of Massachusetts. His most significant political accomplishment was health care legislation that’s virtually indistinguishable from the Affordable Care Act.
And, now, it looks like his business record is becoming even more toxic than his political record. That’s why the Romney campaign has been flailing about this past week. These are the only cards they have left to play, and they’re making their candidate look like an effete wuss (demanding an apology!?) in the process.
Gov. Romney now has no record on which to run. And this is all before the Republican National Convention. By the time we get to the Republican National Convention, people’s stomachs are going to churn at the mere mention of Bain Capital. They’ll be showing videos at the Republican National Convention, and people are going to shut their TVs off.
Sucks to be you, Puddy. I’d suggest you find some avocation other than wingnut sock-puppetry. ‘Course, you’re too stupid to take that advice, so you’ll be here entertaining us all into November.
@Puddy everywhere:
“OMG, Oh Noes, Mitt’s campaign just imploded! I must go online and try to keep members of the left distracted!”
Sorry, the news is: your guy imploded.
See, Romney’s imploding:
And all the righties are doing exactly what Puddy’s doing.
Ha, ha, this is precious:
Maybe Puddy thinks George Will is a leftist?
Maybe George Will became a leftist “retroactively.”
Nope! Glenn Beck told the truth about Eqypt. Beck told the truth about Van Jones. SCOTUS Chief Justice told the truth about ObummerCare being a tax!
Nuff SAID Sucka!
@ 60
SCOTUS Chief Justice told the truth about ObummerCare being a tax!
An act for which the right has vilified him.
Too. Damn. Funny.
That’s because they wanted ObummerCare repealed. After thinking about it… ObummerCare is a tax. It’s his albatross!
Oh Don Joe,
Forgot one more thing… Glenn Beck was the first to tell the world about Obummer’s Truth Teams.
But remember, anyone who earns less than $200,000 per year will not pay one dime any any new taxes at all, not income tax, not capital gains, not dividends, not any kind of new tax etc etc etc.
But they will on average pay $1300 for Owebammacare IN NEW TAXES!
More Progressive Thought in action…
Wow you progressives are a strange bunch! How telling…
Microsoft is leaving MSNBC…
Finally got rid of that simpleton group! Maybe MSNBC will deliver real information!
Puddy @ 66,
Way fucking off topic…belongs in an OPEN THREAD!
Owebamma is on track to spend 12 trillion dollars more than the government even takes in, more than doubling the entire national debt of the last 230 years.
That is hardly something to be proud of in an election year. We are heading toward a Financial cliff, and these are not just my words they are all over the financial news today, if someone does not put this country on a path to financial control, we will fail as Europe is failing. These massive social programs cannot be sustained at current levels. Period!
I have some questions for the Fascists that come in here, and you know who you are.
1) If you are criticizing Obamas “negative” campaign advertisements, and accepting Karl roves assessment of them, how then can you justify Mr. Roves use of words like “coward” and “intellectually anti-American” when he was advising the campaign of Saxby Chambliss against Max Cleland, a three-time-decorated United States Army officer and Vietnam Veteran, while also using a whisper campaign of him self-inflicting his wounds that left him a triple-amputee?
2) If you seem to believe that Mr Romney is an honest man, why then did Mr. Romney order the destruction of all records pertaining to his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts in the final days of his administration as Governor?
3) If you seem to believe that Mr. Romney is an honest man concerning his tenure as CEO, President and sole owner of Bain Capital, Why then is there an obvious conflict between his statements that he left Bain to run the Olympic Committee in 1999, while testifying before Congress while under oath in 2002, that he was still in charge of Bain Capital at that time?
4) It is a Felony to knowingly file false statements to the SEC. With this in mind, how can you rationalize Mr. Romney’s sworn testimony that he left Bain Capital in 1999, while filing documents with the SEC in late 2002 that he was still in charge of operations at the firm, receiving salary and taking dividends from that Company?
5) If you seem to believe that Mr. Romney is an honest man and worthy of holding the office of the President of the United States, why then is he hiding foreign income, and maintaining bank accounts in the same foreign banks that the drug Cartels in Mexico and Columbia use to invest their money in the US Stock market?
Answer those questions, Fascists. Answer them as honestly as you can without rhetoric or hyperbole.
So, Glenn Beck is Puddy’s standard of truthfulness. This Glenn Beck:
When the Muslim Brotherhood actually establishes some kind of Caliphate, get back to us on Glenn Beck’s truthfulness. Until then, you’ve only managed to prove my point.
To steer this back on topic, no one typifies Republican mendacity quite like Gov. Romney, who is currently running the most fact-free and dishonest campaign in the history of American Presidential politics.
If “the ACA is a Tax!” ends up being the Republican rallying cry, then Republicans are fucked.
fact-free and dishonest.. Damn! No wonder Puddybud supports this guy!
Signs that the Obama Re-Election campaign is working:
Republican talking heads show up on Sunday morning talk shows to demand that the President “apologize” for his campaign use of Romney’s own words and signed documents against him.
Puddy shows up on HA to try to change the subject (again).
The truth is that the President is a known entity. We know how he will perform in office. If Republicans don’t like that performance, they are free to vote for Romney, Ron Paul, or Ross Perot for that matter, or anyone else who appeals to them.
Romney, on the other hand, is a squishy pile of mud who has spent most of his career trying to avoid taking a principled stand on – well, anything. Heck, he can’t even declare which state he lives in anymore, or when he left Bain Capital, or release his tax returns to show he had nothing to hide.
Like an entitled brat, he acts like “you HAVE to believe him”, unless you have a smoking gun which says otherwise, in which case he will change his story again anyway.
Mitt’s not used to the level of scrutiny he’s receiving. The “help” just doesn’t talk to him that way. The written record doesn’t support what Romney claims is the truth. His flip-flopping from one explanation to another looks like a fish that’s just been landed on the boat, desperately tryng to regain the safety of the water.
That’s like when Rove accuses the Obama campaign of “going negative”.
Only one, ONE post from Serial “Makes fun of the looks of African American girls and then claims it was a JOKE and he’s not a bigot” Conservative on Romney and that was an attempt to change the subject. Typical conservative troll. Strive to tear the Democrats down, but won’t stand UP for his republicans and their values.
Obummer and his love of GE outsourcing… Now that’s interesting…
Don Joe,
Was Glenn Beck right on those topics?
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Having been paying attention have you. They just kidnapped two black peeps from a religious pilgrimage!
Stupid and staying that way!
In response to my reference to the Caliphate, Puddy @78, said,
Having been paying attention have you. They just kidnapped two black peeps from a religious pilgrimage!
Undoubtedly, Puddy’s referring to these two tourists:
Got that? Egyptian authorities, who are led by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, have secured the release of these tourists who were, in fact, kidnapped by Bedouin tribesman.
What any of this has to do with the establishment of a Caliphate is a mystery that not even Puddy can solve.
But on this:
Was Glenn Beck right on those topics?
We know. Glenn Beck was not correct on these topics. The political events in Egypt have not, in fact, led to the establishment of a Caliphate.