– Looks like the NPI fundraiser was a blast.
– I slept through the royal wedding, but this is more or less what I assumed.
– The planets we’re discovering around other stars are pretty amazing.
– Interesting ideas for the Seattle Center.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Looks like the NPI fundraiser was a blast.
– I slept through the royal wedding, but this is more or less what I assumed.
– The planets we’re discovering around other stars are pretty amazing.
– Interesting ideas for the Seattle Center.
Andrew’s event was a good time, although Jay’s speech was pretty rushed. Reuven Carlyle made a tremendous speech.
I enjoyed watching the royal wedding. I especially enjoyed the unique hat the women wore.
Although it will be dismissed by the trolls ’cause it came from Kos, here’s the first poll I’ve seen post long-form nonsense.
Do You think Barack Obama was born in the United states?
All, Y-67%, N-20%, not sure, 13%
Dems, y-86%, N-9%, not sure, 4%
Ind, Y-66%, N-21%, not sure-13%
Rep, Y-45%, N-32%, not sure-23%
As suspected, facts are not relevent for a plurality of Republicans. But they’re good ‘merkins…true patriots.
“These are people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know, morons.”
-The Waco Kid
you could say the same thing about some of the nutty rumors about Bush when he was president. The progressive frothers were all too eager to believe any number of nutty-ass stories about Bush.
you gotta keep it real dude.
people who dont support a person(in this case a president) are all too prone to believe anything negative….and its hardly the exclusive domain of the republicans.
interesting article about the planets….too bad our space program is headed backward now.
Are you referring to Truthers? If so, I don’t recall any national elected Dems endorsing the theory. Nor do I remember them saying things along the lines of, “That’s for people to decide on their own.”
Even more interesting is that “Macho Man” Randy Savage has a second career as an astrology professor.
Slim Jim’s must power his blog!
re 4: Care to list some of the ‘nutty’ rumors about Bush that Democrats believed? I’ll bet you can’t name one that isn’t based in actual fact>
Here is a fabulous article from Time magazine where they interview the kids who were being read the story by Bush when he was told about 9/11 attacks.
This is a whole lot different than the Michael Moore fictional portrayal. I think this is a timely article because President Obama knows we must be resolute and committed to this ongoing battle against radical extremists. We cannot just bail out and become isolationists. It’s going to be a bitter pill for the cut-and-run to swallow. It’s hard for me to accept the ongoing commitment of lives and money it’s going to take to keep us safe. It’s much more complex than just hunkering down and spending all this war money domestically assuming there will be no further attacks or rebuilding of Al Qaeda.
May the fourth be with you!
Some are now saying that Obama may be guilty of murder.
It now appears that Mr. bin Laden was completely unarmed.
Well, I’m sure if anything illegal happened it was Bush’s fault.
It’s being said that Mr. bin Laden was completely unarmed and was not resisting, and then was shot in the head.
I don’t care if he was unarmed or not……the bastard needed to die. Fuck bin laden, his homies, and his skank ass wives.
Prick sleeps with the fishes now….good riddance…just too bad they didn’t film him getting beheaded with a dull butter knife
He should have been read his miranda rights and taken into custody.
@4 Like what? That his minions stole two elections? That’s not a rumor, it’s a fact.
@11 Is Al Qaeda paying you to spew their line, or are you doing this as part of your community service?
@13 I’d have shot him in the head if he was naked and jerking off in the shower — do you have a problem with that?
@15 Ignore.
re 11: It’s not like he was a woodcarver with a pocketknife. He was unarmed!!
Whenever Troll starts a comment with “Some say…” you know that nonesense will follow.
Of coure, for that matter, all posts by Troll are nonesense, so that’s not really anything new.
Of course, we expected that when Sarah Palin opened her mouth, all we would get would be ignorance and talking points. Like when she praised President Bush for the elimination of Obama ben Laden, without even a mention of our current President.
But I expected more out of Condi Rice when she said: “Bush’s bullhorn speech at 9/11, days after history’s worst attack on American soil, was “probably the most important moment in American history.”
Really? More important than the founding of Jamestown? The Puritan landing at Plymouth Rock? More important than Lexington and Concord, the Declaration of Independence, the sacrifices at Valley Forge, the victory at Yorktown, the Treaty of Paris or the enactment of the U.S. Constitution?
More important than the Louisianna Purchase? The Dredd Scott decision? Lincoln’s “House Divided” speach? Union victories at Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Petersburg, and the Confederate surrender at Appomatox Courthouse?
More important than the purchase of Alaska from Russia? More important than the Marine charge at Belleau Wood in WWI? More important than FDR’s “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” speech? More important than Pearl Harbor, FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech, our nation’s commitment to fight a two-front war while serving as the “arsenal of democracy” for the Allied effort? More important than the commitment to the Manhattan Project?
More important than Truman standing up to the Russians in Berlin in 1948? More important than the U.S. position to serve as a bulwark against communist expansion in Korea in 1950, and Europe and the rest of the world thereafter? More important than the fall of Communism and the USSR?
I thought some of these Republicans were smart but just playing dumb to appeal to the Tea Party folks. But they really have absolutely NO SENSE OF HISTORY.
@22: Zzzzzzssst!
Some still don’t get that Troll is a troll. It’s gibberish by design. And I find him funny as hell.
The instructions to the Navy Seals were to take him alive only if they could confirm that he didn’t have any explosives or weapons on him. They couldn’t confirm that, with only a second or two to make a decision, so that was the end of Obama.
Under the circumstances, I can’t argue with that decision. The odds that Obama WAS armed, either with hidden guns or explosives, was rather high. The Taliban often concealed weapons when they surrendered, relying upon the reluctance of Afganistan police and soldiers to conduct a careful search of prisoner’s bodies (and risk being labled as homosexuals). This was how hundreds of Taliban and Al Quida prisoners took over control of the fortress at Qala-i-Jangi, a revolt which took several days to surpress.
Trying to equate it to a civilian encounter with police in the U.S. is just another false equivilency.
18. Roger Rabbit spews:
@13 I’d have shot him in the head if he was naked and jerking off in the shower — do you have a problem with that?”
I bet the thought of Osama jerking off in the shower gave you a stiffy, rodent! Be careful, at your age you can’t afford to waste them!!
so, what story do you think obama is going to pick that will play the best? bin laden was armed or he wasn’t armed?
rhp, is that really your picture, because you don’t look jewish.
I’m glad we shot the bastard.
However the bigger question is why in the hell did we turn his wife of 11 years over to the Pakistani’s??
If anyone had a wealth of info and could be broken, it was her. Yet we turned her over to the same folks that helped Bin Laden hide?
It makes no sense.
I don’t care if she was shot in the leg.
Too bad.
We needed as much info as possible…and we let her go.
22 – and I thought Condi was half-way smart. I guess I was wrong.
Oh, my favorite nickname for her was Kinda-lies-a-lot Rice.
Here’s a man after Puddybud’s heart:
The only things a fundi Islamist is going to say to his wife are where’s my food and spread you legs.
OMG make it stop!!! Maybe we can send the SEALS after Miley…
To the fool@31,
rujax and ylb.
Miley Cyrus Michael?
You are amazing…
Yes, rhp6033@22 is one of Cass Sunstein’s useful maleable Homer Simpson idiots!
I see that the stupid one wants to trash this thread as well.
Ban the stupid motherfucking hater and be done with it. He serves no useful purpose. We don’t need the constant barrage of wingnut hatred that’s spewn here.
34 – LMAO!!!!
Here’s a blast from the past:
Grady Warren would smile…
now here’s the face of a real jew
Three Senators Fall for Fake Osama Photo
You’d think with all the birther photoshop experts in the Republican Party these “Senators” would have gotten and expert opinion.
Now how about this bounce!
It’s horrible! It popped up with a few other really dreadful covers on a friend of mines FB page.
Damn, Republicans will believe anything.
osama bin laden
obama and biden
The coming housing calamity. These folks think the housing crisis is going to get a whole hell of a lot worse in the coming years. I have know idea one way or the other, but it’s an interesting read.
Oops, no idea. Where’d the edit feature go?
Awww Steve,
Medication not working today?
Yet yelling loser boy skips over his friend Cindy Sheehan
She is a hero of the HA loony leftists.
I must not be a loony leftist then, blech.
Navy SEALs. Top of the line folks. Special Operations Team #6. Elite military. Cheney’s Personal Death Squad per Stupid Liberal Commentary. Obama’s chosen Osama elimination squad.
Hey libtardos, what do you think they earn? How about $54K a year. From ABC News…Yet, you never hear a SEAL Team going on strike. You never hear of a SEAL Team protest. You never hear a SEAL Team demand lifetime pension and health care benefits. You never hear a SEAL Team defacing a public building (Madison, Wisconsin). You never hear a SEAL Team burn cars (WTO Protests).
They do their job! They drop their scraps in the bottom of the ocean!
Oh wait a minute… they ain’t union thugs!
Yes, they were BIG TIME!
Read about the major errors so far! And he’s a lefty!
Blah, blah, blah, Halperin’s a journalist that need to keep his name in circulation.
You ever hear of the VA?
48 – My condolences for the loss of her son. She spoke out vigorously against the madness of the Bush policies when it needed to be done and for that I’ll always commend her. I disagree with much of the emphasis of her current activism. She’s relegated herself to a fringe and it’s too bad.
50 – The SEIU nurses who took care of Glenn Beck for the miserable pain in his miserable ass are “thugs” as well right Puddybud? By the way, this moron you worship says our SEALS don’t kill an “unarmed man” meaning bin Laden. Can you tell us when Beck did his Navy SEAL service Puddybud seeing as your such a big fan?
51 – Halperin is a right wing tool who prostrated himself to right wing whackjob Hugh “spew” Hewitt. What a miserable hack. And wouldn’t you know it, right wing idiots are quoting his drivel.
By the way Puddybud, (if you haven’t noticed through all the noise made by hacks like Halperin, O’Felafel or Peter King), Osama bin Laden, the unhinged fanatic responsible for the death of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001 is dead.
Barack Obama signed bin Laden’s death warrant – not a miserable idiot son you voted for twice so the idiot could show up his hapless daddy.
Next thing you know Puddybud will be demanding that the SEALS contribute more out of their pay for their health and pension.
After all many in the private sector – like those working in a business run by the likes of Herman Cain have had their benefits cut or done with out them from the very start.
There’s been some classic pwning this last week. First, our President absolutely pwns Bin Laden while at the same time pwning Republicans and their Great Teabagger Hope, Donald Trump. Good fucking Lord! The President ended Trump’s candidacy by telling fucking dinner joke while putting a bullet in Osama’s head. Now that’s a BADASS motherfucker. And now a very ugly and vile street corner loon is getting his wingnut ass pwned in this thread.
2012? Republicans blew it. Their big teabagger revolution is over. heh- They’re now left to babble Randroid ideology to senior citizens, telling them how they want to gut their Social Security and Medicare so they can give more tax cuts to the rich.
You wanna get a load of teh krazy? heh- The wingnuts have a presidential debate this Thursday on the wingnut channel.
Speaking of teabaggers and teh krazy, “Baa” means no!
A couple days after the President puts a bullet in Bin Laden’s head, that dumbfuck Palin bitch accuses him of “pussy-footing around” because he didn’t release any photos. heh- What he ought to do is release a photo of Donald Trump’s very recently devastated presidential aspirations so that the dumbfuck Palin bitch can see what happens to you when you fuck with the President.
Hey Pudddddyyyyyyy?
At the risk of being off topic
So because the media is not going ape shit over Loughner means, he was a lefty? Wow, asking to disprove an improvable premise. You are a religious fanatic. Hey, I can’t PROVE that it’s NOT true, therefore it MUST be true. That’s how your pea brain works?
But back on topic. SEALs not only get their base pay, but they don’t pay any housing expenses, meals, and in fact the benefits that a lot of people strike over (medical, retirement) ARE PART OF THE PACKAGE. You can’t be so stupid to not know that SEALs are career guys who if they live through their service are on the high en of the government pension for life. Heard of the VA? Something about Government provided health care for life. Why aren’t they striking? Could it be that their benefits package approaches what would be called “Cadillac” in the private sector? They don’t need to DEMAND lifetime benefits you moron. They are guaranteed lifetime benefits already. (Stupidest Puddy point to date, and that’s truly amazing. And it came straight from the right wing indiosphere. http://horsesass.org/?p=34388#comment-1090548)
And they deserve it.
You still suck at this Puddy.
Wrong again yelling loser boy. Halperin is a left wing tool. He’s been criticized for his biased coverage of GWBush.
Whenever you see something you dislike you diarrhea with your stupid pronouncements. Remember your FireDogLake commentary?
Poor checksez,
Jared Loughner was a left-wing idiot… Too bad your small pea-brained self can’t handle the truth. So let’s review the facts again!!!
Jared was a 9/11 Truther just like some HA loony leftists here. yelling loser boy has the databaze proof.
Jared was a GWBush hater just like some HA loony leftists here. yelling loser boy has the databaze proof.
Jared was a known atheist just like some HA loony leftists here. yelling loser boy has the databaze proof. Don’t you have a similar shrine checksez?
Jared was a known pothead just like some HA loony leftists here. yelling loser boy has the databaze proof.
Jared Loughner was a libtardo whacko nihilist
Proof delivered and you are a moron checksez!
Using data from enhanced interrogation techniques and methods you moron! Even Nancy Pelosi got it unlike your sorry ass!
And the only thing checksez zeros in on are the health care benefits for the SEALS. Since you brought it up… Maybe they have some of the MOST DANGEROUS JOBS in the world checksez like killing terrorists? Maybe they EARN those CADILLAC benefits checksez like rappelling down ropes from a helicopter under live fire?
P R I C E L E S S!
Another certified moronic HA loony leftist with idiotic retorts!
Must be yelling loser boy sees Herman Cain as a real threat to
John EdwardsObama. He keeps bringing Herman Cain up. Must be that man crush thing again!Got that from Media Morons eh yelling loser boy? Or was it Thinkless Potheads?
Watch the ABC News video moron! Learn about those SEIU nurses at the hospital emergency room! Once again yelling loser boy demonstrates abject stupidity to the facts as his loser leftwing loony politics color his “view”.
Here’s one on the loony left who has a man crush on Osama.
Amazing how the left wing thinks.
Puddy doesn’t get it. (Like El Rushbo.) You went out of your way to point out that SEALs don’t go on strike. You made the point. And then used Madison as an example.
So I pointed out that SEALS don’t go on strike because they EARN amazing benefits for life (damn that socialist military pension and V.A.) that no one is suggesting taking away.
Precisely my point. Reading comprehension Puddy. In live debate, arguing your opponent’s point affirmatively is an automatic loss. (Yup, that sound you hear is the Daniel Bagley elementary debate society laughing at you.)
So….A guy who hated ALL governemnt officials (yeah W. included) HAS to be a lefty. A guy who smoked pot HAS to be a lefty. An Athiest HAS to be a lefty.
That’s how it works in your world Puddy?
Know any pot-smoking tea-baggers?
There’s no solid proof of that save for the bleatings of idiots like you and the moronic blogs you read.
Keep on lovin’ torture dummy as your right wing masters have commanded you.
Wow Puddybud is saying that the VA is cadillac benefits?? Who’d thunk it?
I thought the VA bears a striking resemblance to the Brit’s NIH..
You know that socialist system. But Puddybud already knows about socialist healthcare. He subscribes to GROUP DEATH of Seattle!
Brit’s NHS, excuse me.
Damn, get the comment editor working again!
How can anyone who thinks like you be a threat to anyone Puddybud??? As long as you’re bogged down here posting 30k plus comments of silly copy and paste – how does “threaten” in any way.
Republican political hacks everywhere says Cain has no chance.
I remember you trying to “innoculate” your right wing bullshit with a quote from FDL, yes..
Keep it up.. Your antics are childish.
LMAO!!! Beck complains about being driven nuts by drugs.
Like he’s a stranger to that!
So according to the moron of morons (Puddybud) SEIU nurses are prescribing drugs right?
So now Beck’s a health scare advocate??? Shit, the right wingers are knee jerking cuts to medicare right now and Beck’s spinning conspiracies about the SEALS killing an “unarmed man”..
Too moronic for words.
LMAO!!! So Beck’s wife holds poor little Glenn in the shower with her clothes on till the light breaks and there’s “hope” again..
That hopey, changey thing worked out just fine for Glenn!
Love that swill you swallow Puddybud.
Oil’s back down under 100 bucks a barrel. 8% drop, just the morning. I haven’t look to see what made it drop yet.
77 – The ld/LD(iot) should be here soon belly-aching about the hit he took.
Been a great week – bin Laden taken out. Commodity speculators losing money.
Yes, oil was down almost $10 per barrel today. Looks like the speculators are losing interest.
And money.
“The planets we’re discovering around other stars are pretty amazing.”
At the rate you humans are screwing up this planet, you’re gonna need ’em.
you really think the speculators are losing money? LMFAO
You are completely clueless if thats what you think.
@79 Fortunately, I sold about 40% of my oil stocks in the last two weeks.
I sure feel sorry for whoever bought those stocks from me. Probably some pension fund, bank, or Ay-rab.
Anyone see a pattern? Commodity speculators bid up the prices of fossil fuels (primarily oil) until the U.S. economy starts to buckle – then they head for the exits. Rinse, repeat.
Until people rise up and demand that their governments reign in the greed of the oil companies and their enablers in the financial markets, this pattern will continue until the world economy is completely crashed out.
Then what will we have?
82 – Do we (the U.S.) import Iranian oil?
I see Murdoch is having the exact effect right wingers wanted him to have on the Wall Street Journal:
Don’t bust your keyboards running over their right wing dopes.
Hey Puddybud,
Just did a database search.
You never commented on, let alone denounced James D. Adkisson.
Does this mean you’re a supporter of “violent TEAHAD”????
Where did that come from except your leetle pea brain? You brought up your readings of Media Morons and Thoughtless Pinheads on SEIU nurses. Now that the real deal is out you change your tune like always.
Who’s he? Never heard of him!
Ummm checksez,
The commentary on the SEALS is about earning their keep. You can’t fathom the comparison of screaming for a gimme vs earning it. Union thugs earned it? Nope you dope!
See ya and those great debate skillz since you skipped over the other parts of the argument. You LOSE!
Looks like Very LIBERAL Lanny Davis kicks the worthless crew of PMSNBC to the curb along with HA loser crew!
90 – Oh but Puddybud Adkisson has been discussed on this blog before.
Everyone can see yelling loser boy can’t follow a thread. Well morons can’t think an argument through.
chekcsez brought it up earlier yelling loser boy! Reread the thread moron!
Guess there’s no other conclusion..
All signs point to Puddybud supporting violent TEAHAD..
TEAHAD commander Alan West will be calling Puddybud to duty when Barack Obama is re-elected.
“Let me ask this: If the SEALs had put women’s underwear on Osama’s head, would Obama release those photos?” – Rush Limbaugh!
That’s funny! Very true!
@95, 96
Snore bore!
Anyone laughing at 97 yet?
Didn’t think so..
Here’s someone who’s a really joke.
Puddybud’s dear friend, teahadist Grady Warren.
Your president is always up to his tricks.
100 – He’s got a learn from this schmuck:
Not that he should learn anything like that.
Looks like it worked yelling loser boy!
Back to checksez,
Jared Loughner… A truther, an atheist, a GWBush hater, a nihilist, and a pothead… the perfect qualifications to be a HA leftist. Just like you checksez!
Didn’t know you were a lawyer dummy.
No wonder the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Gee if these dopes could come to their senses then maybe the right wing truly is doomed:
That would be the best news of all.
Awwwww… A certain Randroid idiot from Wisconsin may have to take Malkin’s advice and “go Galt” after this:
Maybe he can team up with Jared Loughner.
LOL…YLB thinks the oil speculators are losing money
question: does YLB do anything else all day long than surfing “news sites” on the internet?
Nope! He only visits the dopey sites. Notice #105&6, dopey site
Moron @ 107
Know anyone who’s ever lost money speculating on equities?
There’s plenty more, relatively speaking, who have lost their collective shirts on commodities.
Yawwwwwn, question: does the United States import any commodity from a country that is on the State Department’s list of State Sponsors of terrorism?
108 – Well consider that his moron has over 30k comments to my 21k or so in these threads, let’s look over the “dopey sites” he reads:
1. blogspot (lots of dopey right wing bullshit blogs there) 103 links.
2. faux news 81 links
3. breitbart 72 links
4. new york post (money losing, failing Murdoch competitor to NY Times) 70 links
5. realclearpolitics (some figures, lots of bullshit) 63 links
6. moonie times 44 links
7. national review 39 links
8. the torygraph 38 links
9. wordpress (more right wing bullshit blogs) 34 links
10. zombietime (walking dead right wing bullshit blog) 31 links
11. newswhacks 30 links
12. dailymail (another brit right win tabloid) 26 links
13. cnsnews (right wing whackjob website) 26 links
14. opinionjournal (right wing wall street journal editorial page) 22 links
15. typepad (more right wing blogs) 21 links
16. eyeblast (Brent ‘hozell bullshit video site) 20 links
17. michellemalkin (unhinged right wing tool who defended Japanese internment) 19 links
18. washingtonexaminer (Philip Anschutz outfit that lean right wing whackjob) 18 links
19. weeklystandard (was Murdoch now Anschutz owned, right wing neo-con crap) 15 links
20. examiner (generic Anschutz website that attracts more right wing bullshit) 15 links
21. heritage (more right wing bullshit) 15 links
22. biggovernment (breitbart crap) 14 links
23. townhall (right wing bullshit) 14 links
24. suntimes (chicago daily that has leaned right wing since Murdoch acquired it and then sold it to Conrad Black) 15 links
25. cagw (citizens against gov waste founded by right wing asbestos poisoner peter grace) 13 links
it goes on and on… rush limbaugh, freerepublic, blah, blah… Dopey sites that are the go to places for Puddybud’s right wing bullshit.
107 – bawk, bawk, tehchickenshit alert, bawk, bawk..
i.e. Mad Max Thunderdome.
Grady Warren is your cup of TEA. Here’s the link ONE MORE TIME!
@110 That explains everything, except where his mental illness came from in the first place.
I was just reading in The Economist about how the Syrian dictator’s cousin has become one of the richest people on the planet by requiring all major business deals in that country to go through companies he controls. And how the dictator’s buddies live in huge villas up in the hills overlooking the slums where everyone else lives. Dictatorships are all about money — about controlling a country’s economy for the benefit of a tiny elite while keeping everyone else dirt poor. When was there a dictator (especially a rightwing one) who didn’t stash billions in Swiss bank accounts against the day when he would be forced to “retire”? Same sorry story in Egypt, where the whole country was reduced to a financial concession for the multibillionaire Mubarak clan. It’s always about money. Even Lenin’s “workers’ paradise” degenerated into a cesspool of corruption that enriched the power elite. Classless society, bah, show me a communist and I’ll show you a money-grubbing profiteer as greedy as any U.S. banker.
I don’t understand the obsessive grasping for money that some people have. We’re not here very long and we all end up in the boneyard with the same net worth; so why go to all the trouble? For me, ripping off the institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, pension funds, etc.) comprising two-thirds of the stock market is a game; I never spend any of the money, I just keep piling it up to see how high I can the total. I’m as non-materialistic as they come — all I want is a comfy hole in the dirt and grass to munch on with an occasional lettuce leaf or carrot (YUMMY!!! I (HEART) CARROTS!!!).
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: The small investor is NOT at a disadvantage in the stock market!! So what if the Big Boys have supercomputers and quant staffs — hot lot of good it does them. Did you know that 80% of all mutual fund managers UNDERPERFORM the market averages? There are several reasons for this. One, they manage so much money they’re all forced to put it in the same few dozen big-cap stocks. Two, they don’t care if they make or lose your money; what they care about is not getting sued which means they’re all rigid conformists. No original thinking in that bunch. Three, they can’t make buy-sell decisions based on investment considerations; when money flows into a mutual fund the manager has to buy stocks regardless of whether they’re priced too high, and when money flows out he has to sell stocks even if he knows the current market price is so low he’s giving them away. All he can do is shrug. The herd is almost always wrong; the masses pull money out and stuff it in mattresses when they should be buying like crazy, and they buy like crazy after stocks have already gone up and the smart money has already been made. Ahem, I just sold a bunch of oil shares in the last two weeks to (most likely) institutions that are now showing red ink on their purchases. For example, I got rid of NOV (National Oilwell Varco) at 79 and it’s now 68 or something like that — in two fucking weeks. Trust me, the herd is STUPID. That’s why I don’t have to commute to a fucking job anymore — I get paid now for sleeping 20 hours a day. I’ll wait until NOV goes back down to 45 (where I bought it) and then buy my shares back and sell them when they go up to 75 again. I’ve been trading in and out of NOV (and its predecessor, Varco) for about 20 years now and I’ve made fat city every time. I can’t believe people are this stupid to give me their money like that; but, what the hell, I’ll take it.
Oh, btw, the latest $5-a-gallon gas scare is over for now and you’ll have an easier time at the pump for a year or so, but trust me, high crude prices will be baaaaack and I’ll buy back my oil stocks in the trough and make another killing. This is so predictable it’s boring.
I LOVE human nature. You humans are soooo predictable. I really enjoy taking your money.
Rabbits are superior to all life forms except mosquitoes. Mosquitoes suck other critters’ blood with an efficiency you wouldn’t believe! And they can survive nuclear winter, too, after you stupid humans blow yourselves up. I envy mosquitoes. I wish I’d been born a mosquito, but being born a rabbit is the next best thing.
Anyone see a pattern? Commodity speculators bid up the prices of fossil fuels (primarily oil) until the U.S. economy starts to buckle – then they head for the exits. Rinse, repeat.
Until people rise up and demand that their governments reign in the greed of the oil companies and their enablers in the financial markets, this pattern will continue until the world economy is completely crashed out.
Then what will we have?
lol, ylb….and who might some of these “people” be?
i’ll give you a hint…now, the sec is investigating “steve cohen” of sacs…oh, what a suprise!
What a pathetic loser. The post was about you sitting around all day at home cruising the whack job left. You didn’t deny it moron! I proudly use those sites. Why not tell the world how many TPM, DK, HP, MM, NYT, WP, LAT, BG, CT posts used? Oh those are libtardo MSM sites.
FireDogLake – Right wing per yelling loser boy!
Puddy will display the truth from all locations. Sure glad he’s your clown Darryl!
Another EPIC FAIL! P R I C E L E S S!
Interesting… Just like it was reported for Clinton’s Job Creation!
April JOBS: +244,000… 62,000 McDonalds.
Yep he has control alright!
Thanks for admitting you’re full of right wing bullshit Puddybud.
And you forgot to mention that you call this crap “truth”.
Like Grady Warren and his ilk..
Hey Puddybud,
We were talking about putting you up for President a while back..
Grady Warren beat you to it!
It’s remarkable how much this clown’s views resemble yours.
Grady Warren again:
See link in my last comment..
This clown is just loony enough to be real! LMAO!
And a dead ringer for the Puddybud and tehchickenshit mentality…
@122 “Thanks for admitting you’re full of right wing bullshit Puddybud.”
It’s a useless gesture because he doesn’t even realize it’s bullshit, and even if he did, he would believe it anyway.
Anyone who can’t tell the difference between Fox (propaganda) and New York Times (journalism) is beyond help.
yet another day of YLB surfing the intwarweb and posting links….ALL…..DAY……LONG.
Must be nice not to have a job, eh YLB?
and no, we do not import oil from Iran. However, our oil prices are directly affected by what Iran decides to do with their oil production. Iran has just much affect on our oil prices as saudi arabia or venezuala does.
and do you really think oil speculators are losing money still? LMFAO….sure…
That’s strange mr. max thunderdome..
Some stupid knee-jerk dumbshit bigoted name-calling idiot here said otherwise..
Got anything you heard from Dori to share with us today?
nope, nothing from Dori..
…but I did hear from some moron that all the oil speculators are losing their asses…LMFAO..
still though, it wasnt the same moron who swore up and down that florida was the #1 beef producer in the US.
128 – All oil speculators? Where did anyone say that?
Typical right wing moron – making shit up.
Did yelling loser boy say anything significant all day?
NOPE, he’s a DOPE!
130 – It’s been 5 days since Osama bin Laden was dispatched upon the orders of Barack H. Obama..
The Grady Warren’s of the world like Puddybud are still deep into mourning…