With the demise of the Singing Senators quartet [Sen. John Ashcroft (R-MO, defeated), Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID, “stalled”), Sen. James Jeffords (R I-VT, wised-up), Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS, money!)], I would like to propose a new group: The “Singing” Republicans.
The new quartet would be composed of former and soon-to-be former Republican office holders who have had some stuff to sing about:
Sen. David Vitter (R–LA)
Rep. Mark Foley (R–FL 16)
Sen. John Ensign (R–NV)
Gov. Mark Sanford (R–SC)
If you want to float a petition calling upon them to resign, count me as signature numero uno.
Let’s just have it across the board, shall we?
The Piper
Hmmm…so he slipped off to Argentina to play hide-the-weenie with some skank. I’ve heard of the Three-State Rule for Adultery, but going to South America is a little overkill, dont-cha think?
Knowing SC as I do, this is probably the end for Sanford. They’re very morally uptight about such shit as adultery in SC.
How about the Democrat Tax-Cheater Anthem for Rangel, Geithner, Sebelius, Jefferson et al.
How about the Mortgage Scammers Anthem for Dodd and Barney Fag??
This is a liberal blog, so don’t expect to see much criticism from the usual suspects against liberal politicians. The criticism will have to come from people like you.
I think Mr. Klynical, Marvin, Puddy and Mark the Redneck would make for a great Republican singing group.
Oh, and don’t worry, Mr. Klynical. Marvin has absolutely no problem with you unapologetically calling gays “faggots”.
You see, Mr. Klynical, as far as Marvin’s concerned, IOKIYAR.
At least he wasn’t packing fudge like Bawney Fwank. God what a fucking disgusting PIG!
faggot /ˈfægət/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fag-uht]
–noun a male homosexual.
Difference between me & you is your references using faggot are offensive.
Personally, I don’t think marital infidelity which doesn’t impact the duties of an office-holder is an impeachable offense or necessarily calling for the resignation of the office-holder. It may be a sin, by my values, but not a disqualier for office. Sometimes we don’t want a saint to be our leader, and we do have separation of Church and State under the 1st Amendment.
But it was little more than ten years ago that Newt Gingrinch in the house, and Ensign in the Senate, led the charge against Clinton, loudly proclaiming that marital infidelity was proof that he was unfit to continue in office, that he had “dishonered” the Presidency by his conduct, and he should resign immediately or be impeached. Of course, that was before we knew that Gingrinch was, at the time, boinging his own intern in preperation for divorcing his second wife, and before Ensign engaged in his own extramarital affair, and numerous other “family values” Republicans were caught engaging in sexually immoral conduct of one type or another.
So, holding them to their own “standards” certainly seems appropriate.
61. Steve spews:
That faggot Marvin is such a cunt!
05/03/2009 AT 9:49 AM
@7 LMFAO!! When a wingnut calls a gay a “faggot”, Mr. Klynical says it’s not offensive!! IOKIYAR!! Good fucking gawd!!
Um, I’m sure Marvin agrees with you.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Gee steve–
It seems like a real pattern in your case.
I think you need some serious counseling.
You also refer to “we”…
Are you talking about yourself and a frog in your pocket??
Don’t see too many Lefty’s use the word faggot over & over again.
Careful steve…some of the Leftist Pinheaded Klowns are angry gay folks.
Rule #1 in political conversations.
When you find yourself in a deep, dark hole…
Listen, you are obviously a financially well off Klown…and arrogant about it.
Kommodore of the Yacht Klub.
Member of a private Kountry Klub.
Certified nut.
Go back to your Martini’s for Lunch Kommodore!
@9 Oh, I see. GBS and I regrettably calling Marvin a “faggot” and later apologizing for it offends Mr. Klynical to no end. Mr. Klynical unapologetically calling gays “faggots”, um, no big deal. IOKIYAR.
My God, what’s with this sudden outbreak of open heterosexuality among scandalized Republican politicians? Is this a sign of the times? Finally could Republican approval of gay marriage be so far off?
re 1: “Let’s just have it across the board, shall we?”
You don’t think Democrats should stand on Republican precedent?
@11 The “Leftist Pinheaded Klowns”, as you call them, are intelligent enough to see through your shallow, insipid bullshit, as well as Marvin’s.
re6: Barney Frank has been honest about who he is. He is elected as what he is — unlike the current crop of Republicans who profess family values, but cannot act upon their principles.
In short: Go fuck yourself, quim face.
The Screamin’ Weenies:
Barney Frank on lead gerbil and tinkling brass
Chris Dodd on ball, chain, and hacksaw
Granny Pelosi, lead vocals and estrogen replacement
Blago on phones and drums and wiretaps
Hillary Clinton on the funky chicken (two small breasts, two fat thighs, and two left wings)
Barack Obama, banjo and arugula
SJ, Jew’s Harp
@12 “Rule #1 in political conversations.”
The rule you and Marvin could have learned is, before nibbling on the worm, look for the hook. You didn’t learn that one so now you’re both being reeled in like big fat cods.
What part of Grand Jury don’t you understand?
Neither Gingrich nor Ensign lied to one. Blue Dress Bill did lie to a Grand Jury, although it all depends on what the meaning of lie is.
But we repeat ourselves. Let’s leave it to my attorney, Roger, the obese Samoan Brown Buffalo with fuzzy ears, to render his definitive opinion. And when Roger speaks or writes or types or squirts or excretes, debate’s over.
Something is not right with this story. An affair, OK.
But, something still doesn’t sit right, though.
Then I Googled “Argentina child prostitution”
“Argentina has a well-documented child sex trade related to thriving sex-tourism sector.
Argentina is one of the favoured destinations of the pedophile sex tourists from Europe and the United States.”
“Research undertaken for Unicef Argentina has revealed an increase in the extent of child and adolescent prostitution in the country. ”
” . . .young prostituted children and adolescents can be seen on the streets of towns such as Puerto Iguazu (Argentina) and Puerto Iguazu (Argentina). In the region, close to 3,500 children below 18 years of age are estimated to be victims of commercial sexual exploitation.”
What was the Govenor really doing on a “secret” trip out of the country where the child sex trade runs rampant???
This gov.has been lying from day 1. And, he’s still lying. The “I’ve been cheating on my wife” is something the media will swallow hook, line, and sinker.
But I say there’s still more to the story. His trip ought to be looked at more carefully by investigative reporters!!
@1 “Let’s just have it across the board, shall we?”
That’s never been an issue. Unlike Republicans, we don’t lie, cover up for, change rules to protect, sweep under rug for, or otherwise protect the miscreants in our ranks. In short, we don’t do The Doc Hastings Drill in our party.
“you’re both being reeled in like big fat cods.”
Naaaah. Cyn amd Marvin are more like a couple of old largemouth bass.
Refresh my memory. I’d forgotten that Boy Barney was straight-arrow honest about STEVE (ahem) Gobi fixing tickets out of Barney’s bedroon.
Hmmmmmmm … Is it possible that Barney’s Steve is our Steve? Our Commodore? Same offensive gesticulations and ejaculations, same manipulative mannerisms …
@2 “going to South America is a little overkill”
He probably thought he wouldn’t get caught if he didn’t chase his Argentine Firecracker through the Capitol Mall fountain, drunk in the middle of the night, like Wilbur Mills did.
My post is in filter hell for the links I’m sure.
I don’t buy his lies. This “affair in Argentina” didn’t sound right to me.
I Googled “Argentina Child Prostitution” WOW!
Now I know why he’s keeping his trip a secret.
That would explain Senator Edward “Going Down” Kennedy.
Red(d) Foxx, the Argentine Firecracker?
@14 I think they’re trying to rehabilitate the image of their party by demonstrating that some of them chase skirts instead of little boys.
@19 Well done!
[rabbit applause in background]
Argentina is a PEDOPHILE destination for sex tourism.
Keeping the trip a “total” secret makes more sense when you add the element of child prostitution into the mix.
Fucking weirdo!
I didn’t even have to use a worm to reel steve in.
The attempts of you and gbs to belittle me didn’t work out so well, especially when you now can’t even stop talking about it.
@20 They disbarred his lying ass for that. What more do you want? Drawn and quartered? The punishment was appropriate for, and proportionate to, the offense.
Given that Clinton wasn’t actively involved in the practice of law, his disbarment didn’t directly affect his employment, and it was up to his employer (the American people) whether he would lose his job or not.
Personally, I wish they had tossed his butt out of office, and Gore had run in 2000 as an incumbent. That would have spared our country 8 years of unimaginable incompetence, corruption, and cupidity.
It was Fanny Fox and Wilbur Mills. If I remember correctly, Wilbur Mills was the Speaker of the House and was from some backwater district in Oklahoma. I could have that wrong, however: that whole shit-storm happened nearly 40 year ago!
Sure he wasn’t in the Dominican Republic with Rush and a bottle of Viagra?
But seriously … The GOP’s reversion to heterosexuality, as unlikely as the reversion is, is infinitely better than the Democrats’ incessant and insistent preference for copulating with quadrupeds.
One Democrat + one goat = one Rabbit.
End of story.
@20 (continued)
Let’s review:
Clinton lied about sex.
Bush lied about: WMDs in Iraq, Saddam trying to get uranium from Nigeria, whether he was kidnapping and torturing innocent people, the size of his deficits, who would benefit from his tax cuts, his real purpose in tinkering with Social Security, and too many other things to list.
Your values and priorities are fucked up, my friend.
If I remember correctly Mills was a Democrat.
And nevermind my feeble attempt at Foxx humor.
That was Chick Hearns fav expression when listeners would call in to his talk show and refer to themselves and the Lakers as “we.”
Thanks for bringing back a good memory.
Tell it to the grand jury, 35. That’d be grand.
20 Lessee here. First, this Sanford guy bails on his family on Father’s Day to go ten thousand miles for a little extracurricular rumpy-pumpy, pulling strings that sure as hell ain’t available to you and me to quietly and swiftly slip out of the country–hell, I’ll betcha he didn’t have to take his Goddamned shoes off. He gets his office staff and his wife to lie for him, then when he comes back, he first tries to claim that he just went all that way “to break up” with the senorita in question. Finally, after everyone stops laughing, he finally admits he was banging the hell out of her.
No, he isn’t the President…but he probably had a pretty good shot at being the next Republican nominee, and on a strong “family values” theme at that. Apparently the urge to dip his todger in some south-of-the-equator lady’s…uh, south-of-the-equator was sufficient to make him rationalize that he could get away with all this. I dunno about the rest of y’all, but I feel rather relieved that someone with judgement this bad didn’t wind up in the Oval Office with his finger next to the Big Red Switch.
This pretty much takes hypocrisy and hubris to a whole new level, even beyond Senator Wide Stance, whoever tried to pass Jeff Guckert off as a member of the White House press corps, and all the things Rushbo’s rumored to be into…oh, wait. I forgot-Limbaugh isn’t an officeholder. Kind of easy to forget when the GOP leadership are all following him so closely that if he stubs his toe they’ll all break their noses on his butt.
@26 Exactly who lied for Kennedy? As I recall, his indiscretions usually hit the front page the next day.
As for the Massachusetts voters who forgave him and re-elected him, it’s their business who represents them. Obviously they prefer Teddy, with all his faults, to any Republican. I don’t blame them — that one’s a no-brainer.
@33 He was an Arky, not an Okie.
Are you now calling yourself a wingnut?
38. Steve spews:
You have never posted anything I’ve ever written that demonstrates hatred and intolerance spewed in the direction of gays or any GLBT,
Thanks steve, without you posting about it and keeping your bigotry current
With all of this, tell me again how gays wanting to make official their monogamous relationships is supposed to be such a horrendous “threat to marriage”…….?
Don’t fret, Mr. Klynical, Puddy would seem to hate gays too, so you have company to keep.
Hmm, just what is Puddy’s position on “queers” and “fags”?
heh- I bet Marvin never did a search on “Barney Fag”. Here’s a hint, goatfucker, it wasn’t libs spewing “Barney Fag” on this site.
@35 You fancy yourself a genealogist? I hate to pop your bubble but my daddy was a jackrabbit. You’re confusing me with your buddy Kracked Klown. When that old goat fucks goats, it’s not bestiality. I suspect you have goats in your family tree, too.
@37 Who said he wasn’t? I didn’t.
Hmm, it would seem that Mark the Redneck has some issues with gays. Well, at least he’s not afraid of them. I’m sure Marvin’s gonna come along and smack him down any minute now.
Oh, my bad. No smackdown because IOKIYAR.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@33 He was an Arky, not an Okie.
I stand corrected. Not much of a diff, however, between an Okie and an Arkie. They share a common border.
I remember Wilbur Mills went to a de-tox program after the Fanny Fox incident. Then he did a big mea culpa in front of God & everybody about how he felt so good that he didn’t need a drink.
He certainly must have gone on to his eternal reward by now. He’d have to be almost 100 if he was still alive.
@48 MTR hasn’t posted in quite a while, so naturally I assume he’s fish food for nonpayment of gambling debts.
BTW, Wilbur Mills died on May 2, 1992.
@49 Right you are! Old Wilbur cashed his chips 17 years ago. If he were still around, he would have celebrated his 100th last month.
So tell us about john edwards and that coverup?
It was talked about on right-wing blogs for over a year before the enquirer decided to make it public.
The right wing apologists are back at it – but the facts are that another republican leader with a strong “family values” platform has gone down the rabbit hole with lies about illicit sexual affairs.
Vitter (family values Republican Senator) and his prostitute.
Craig (anti-gay republican Senator) and his bathroom stall
Ensign (leading republican candidate in the Senate, big on family values) and his year long affair and now
Sanford (I won’t take stimulus money -oops, I did anyways, family values republican with four kids and head of the republican governors) and another year long affair.
Hmmm, the trolls are really protesting too much. This is now a major trend.
did any of them get a blow job from monica lewinksy yet?
@55: Was that your attempt at humor?
How lame.
A little projection there – is that what you want?
Hmmm, all the talk about the mid-1970’s figure Wilbur Mills reminded me of another alleged alchoholic, Martha Mitchell, wife of former attorney general and convicted Watergate consipiritor John Mitchell.
Martha Mitchell would make rambling, slurred phone calls to reporters in the middle of the night, proclaiming her husband’s innocence and claiming that the Nixon administration, including Nixon, Haldaman, Erlichman, etc. were the really guilty parties behind Watergate, and they were trying to make her husband the scapegoat. She also claimed that government and Republican Party agents were keeping her locked up against her will and sedated so she couldn’t easily talk to reporters.
At the time, the Nixon administration was able to portray her as being alchoholic and mentally ill, and dismiss her allegations as the ravings of a lunatic. Certainly, it seemed that such allegations were beyond the pale of reason. But as the Watergate investigation proceeded, it turned out that most of what she claimed was true.
In the end, her name was attached to the “Martha Mitchell” syndrome, in which a patient’s complaints are mistakenly dismissed by a health-care professional as being the result (or evidence of) mental illness. Kind of like the character Sarah Conner in the Terminator movies, who gets incarcerated in a mental institution because she insists that machines are going to take over the world and seek to destroy humanity. Or, to put it another way, “Just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean that people aren’t really out to get you”.
A piece of trivia I didn’t know which appears on the Wikipedia article about John Mitchell: During WWII, he was a commander of a PT Boat squadron in the Pacific, which included the boat commanded by John F. Kennedy.
@53 “So tell us about john edwards and that coverup?”
So tell us about Coulter calling Edwards a “faggot”. Did you not consider that her/it’s remark would be subject to hateful commentary by our blog’s deranged gay-hating trolls? Do a HA search and open your eyes to some real hate.
Oh wait, you’re not concerned with the hate spewn by trolls towards gays. My bad.
IOKIYAR, of course.
did any of them pay thousands of dollars illegaly to prostitutes and then not be indicted?
did any of them appoint their homosexual lover state commisioner of homeland security, and when he’s not even a us citizen?
@58: Steve:
Yup, but did he have to go prove her wrong (in the way he did)?
Just kidding there…..
Hey Everyone!
How about a simple standard for everyone? Anyone in office, either elected or appointed, or any candidate for office who lies about his personal life or persoal business is to be considered untrustworthy to tell the truth about other things.
Include in this affairs, illegitimate children, reporting car accidents, favorable loans, plagarism, running of illegal operations out of his or her home or office, or similar stuff.
Run them out of town – out of the country, for that matter – on a rail. And do it without respect to party or ideology.
When any of them do it, we all suffer.
The Piper
Poor Steve. My position on queers, fags, goatfuckers, etc. is well known. Just don’t flaunt it in my face Steve. Take your personally purchased goat outside to the barn please.
It funny when Mario screams like a stuck pig though!
Again you are pointing the fingers at others to justify your behavior.
I never knew ann coulter posted on this blog. Gotta link?
Let me play your little game…
Have you denounced president clinton for pardoning the democrat child molester mel reynolds? Hell, have you even denounced mel yet?
And what about gerry studds? Since you haven’t denounced him does that mean you condone his having sex with a 16 year old boy? Does it matter to you he never apologized, and still he was re-elected by democrats.
Hope that makes you happy.
Is there something wrong with getting a blow job from monica?
Clinton wasn’t impeached because he got a blow job, he got impeached because he lied about it.
Clinton lied.
did you ever denounce barney frank for allowing his male lover to run a prostitution ring out of frank’s condo? he’s been reelected many times. but frank is untouchable. he’s gay, he’s jewish, and newton, ma., the town he lives in, is 90 per cent jewish. think he’ll ever lose an election?
@64 “Again you are pointing the fingers at others to justify your behavior.”
Nice try at spin. Your hypocricy is being shoved up your ass and you don’t like it. All that hate towards gays spewed by your friends and not one single word of condemnation out of you. Not one word of apology out of them. That kind of exposes you all for what you really are, doesn’t it? You never had any concern for gays. You merely exploit gays to serve the wingnut agenda of a crazed, hate-filled, goatfucker. Um, that’d be you, clueless one.
lol….roger, did i hear you right, democrats dont lie? let me count the ways
bill clinton, lied. well thats redundant
elliot spitzer
william jefferson. new meaning to “cold” hard cash
hillary…she had to duck bullets you know
nancy pelosi. no more media coverage of her charges the cia lied means the msm knows she lied
al gore. buddhist fundraier? created the internet?
joe biden…hmmm, well, i suppose just saying stupid things isnt lying
and last but not least, has obama said anything yet that is not a lie?
You claim hate? Steve you need to research your position before you step in your own shit dude.
Ever been to a GLA GLAAD parade? Ever see what they do in front of little children?
Nuff SAID dude.
68 George W. Bush. Lied us into a war. Thousands of brave Americans dead.
Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis.
The entire world economy in its death throes.
The Republican Party in ruins.
Pakistan (and its nukes!) on the verge of falling under control of the Taliban.
Maybe we’d have been better off with someone who fucked around.
@69 Go ahead, Puddy, and call them “fags”. We know you want to do it. You’ve done it many times before. You know that you’ll do it again. So don’t hold back. Show us the hate you feel towards gays. And don’t you worry about Marvin condemning you for it. That’ll never happen and you know it. Here, let me remind you of what a dose of Puddy-hate is all about.
Barney Frank says you are NOT A BIGOT if you don’t support gay marriage.
How interesting.
hey artie. tell me, why would bush want war? for oil? how would that have worked? oilmen funneling money to him. use your head for a change the only ones that benefited by a war in iraq was israel. paul wolfowitz, david pearl and the rest of the zionists pushed that war. you think the nyt would say that? your being played a fool. even if you are jewish, they dont give a shit about you.
Unlike Republicans we don’t lie, cover up for, change rules to protect, sweep under rug for, or otherwise protect the miscreants.
That explains Billary’s activities.
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– Second president accused of rape**
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court