Thom: Who are the “sovereign citizens”?
Obama on an all-of-the-above strategy to take control of our energy future.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News crops out comedy from Catholicism satire.
Thom: The Walker recall moves ahead.
The G.O.P. Krazy Kooky Klub:
- Ann Telnaes: The G.O.P. sets itself on fire.
- Mark Fiore: Leaders.
- Pap: Santorum is living in the Dark Ages.
- Mitt’s small donor problem.
- Buzz60: Santorum surge and the Washington caucuses.
- Actual Audio: Mitt Loves Michigan.
- Stephen on Settling for Mitt.
- How out of touch is Mitt Romney?
- ONN: Heartbroken Santorum condemns gay marriage for two timing jerks.
- Romney on earmarks.
- Stephen on Jeb, Mitt and the desperate G.O.P.
- Ed and Pap: Santorum’s anti-intellectualism.
- What Romney will take away from women.
- Jon on Romney wins and CNNs nerd terrarium.
- Mitt Romney: “I’m a big believer in getting money from Washington” (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ann Telnaes: Rick Santorum and the separation of church and state.
- Sam Seder: Santorum’s mommy issue.
- Jonathan Mann“Let’s Get Rick Santorum Laid”:
Alyona: Trump says police should be more violent.
White House: West Wing Week.
Liberal Viewer: Money equals speech.
Stephen: On gas and Obama.
Andrew Breitbart dies:
- Newsy: Breitbart dies at 43.
- Buzz360: Breitbart is dead.
- Sam Seder on Breitbart’s death.
- Young Turks: The legacy left by Andrew Breitbart.
- Sam Seder on Frum on Breitbart
- Thom: Andrew Breitbart…the bell tolls for thee.
- Sam Seder: The horrible legacy of Andrew.
Kimmel on Bristol Palin’s reality show.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Freedom for some religions.
Obama speaks at a conference on conservation.
Thomas Tolbert (New Mexico’s Jane Blaugh) is Worst Person in the World.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Republicans Waging War on Women:
- Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Rush Limbaugh says 99% of women are sluts.
- Eric Schwartz: STFU Rush Limbaugh.
- Ed and Pap: Limbaugh’s lack of virility behind his hostility towards women.
- Newsy: Limbaugh’s slut comment.
- Women’s Health experts speak out.
- Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) speaks out against the Blunt amendment.
- Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) interviewed about the Blunt amendment.
- Newsy: Is the GOP losing ground in contraception war.
- Keith and Marcos: Rush, sluts and birth control.
- Alyona: What are men for?
- Jon on the blunt amendment debate
- Ann Telnaes: Romney’s stance on the Blunt amendment .
Newsy: Federal judge admits to forwarding racist email about Obama.
Sam Seder: The return of “Random Rush”.
Thom: Even more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Bizarre: Herman Cain hates goldfish…or something.
Bill Maher’s prediction.
Garfunkel and Oats: “Save the Rich” video:
Rush Limbaugh hoes his way to Worst Person in the World.
Thom with more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Hoo boy, Ol’ fatass Rush may have stepped into a shithole he won’t walk away from for a while.
Florida Statute 836.04, Defamation.
—Whoever speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
History.—s. 1, ch. 3460, 1883; RS 2419; GS 3260; RGS 5091; CGL 7193; s. 990, ch. 71-136.
Sandra Fluke has a VERY good case against him. I really hope she sues, and files charges. This could really be serious.
After a little more reading, a second incidental offense by the same offender, against the same person, is a felony punishable by up to 5 years in the State Penitentiary. I would just love to see a “Conservative” dropped down a hole because of a law passed by other conservatives.
The Onion.
heh. I like that Jonathan Mann.
Pudge, eat your heart out.
It’s Getting Hotter For Limbaugh
There are two Rush Limbaugh stories on MSNBC this morning.
First, he’s getting backlash from America’s women — the half of our population he impugned, insulted, denigrated, and demeaned. They’ve had it with this guy.
Second, he’s losing sponsors. Advertisers who are either offended by his intemperate on-air behavior, or worried about the public backlash against it, are dissociating themselves — and taking their money with them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s time for Rush Limbaugh to be gone from America’s public discourse. He’s a destructive, not constructive, force in our society; and we’ll all be better off without him. That includes his most fervent listeners; he’s not good for them. He’s like a meth dealer who keeps feeding their ideological addiction. Maybe this time he stepped so far over the line that this incident prove to be career-ending for him. Let us hope so.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“An altercation outside a nightclub in suburban Phoenix erupted in a shooting, leaving 13 people wounded including two in serious condition, police said Saturday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re a nut with a gun who mows people down in parking lots, don’t worry, Republicans have your back! They’ll make sure gummint doesn’t take away your gun rights. In Wisconsin, GOP legislators believe anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check and carry it anywhere without a permit.
Hey, global warming deniers, how do you like this fucking ICE AGE we’re in?
“Less than a year after a series of tornadoes caused some of the worse insured losses in U.S. history, the insurance industry is likely facing substantial costs again after storms killed dozens this week.
“Friday’s system has already been compared to the ‘Super Outbreak’ of April 1974, one of the largest and most violent ever recorded in the United States, as well as to a devastating outbreak last April. In total nearly 50 people have died this week from violent storms.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One of the predicted consequences of greenhouse gasses and rising global temperatures is more frequent and more violent storms. But don’t try telling this to deniers. They’ll respond these storms are God’s punishment of America for tolerating homosexuals.
P.S., Expect your insurance rates to go up this summer because of these storms, because insurance companies need money to pay claims, and there’s only two ways insurance companies can get money, from premiums or investment returns — and you know what investment returns are.
I had to deal with so-called “sovereign citizens” as a state lawyer. This movement arose from the tax protests of the 1960s. It ultimately became leaderless because all of the people who created it ended up either dead or in jail. The core idea is that any person can declare himself a sovereignty and become, in effect, a separate and independent nation — and therefore doesn’t have to submit to governmental authority, pay taxes, etc. Apparently a “sovereign citizen” is accompanied by a zone or bubble of sovereignty that follows them wherever they go. I’m not sure what the dimensions of this zone are; i.e., I don’t know if it’s 3 feet wide, or 6 feet wide, or whatever. This doesn’t work legally. If you don’t pay the income taxes you owe, you’ll be prosecuted and go to jail. Why? Because the American nation has a bigger army than your “nation” has, therefore can make you do what the American government tells you to do. Ultimately, to be a separate and independent nation, you must have an army capable of defending your assertion of independence and sovereignty — or another country willing to protect you. As I said, it doesn’t work, either legally or in reality. As Mark Potok says in the video, these people are wackos. If you’re interested in delving further into this subject, Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League maintains a superbly informative website on American militia groups, sovereign citizens, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and similar fringies:
(I had to use a separate comment to insert the link because the edit window keeps scrolling back up to the top and there’s no way to get it to hold still. It does a lot of other weird things, too, like timing out after 15 seconds instead of 5 minutes. Unfortunately, Goldy’s edit function doesn’t work very well — when it works at all. HA needs a better edit function.)
We all know Fox “News” is rightwing propaganda, not journalism, so what do you expect from those liars?
Hmmm, this is interesting, Ron Paul has attacked his other rivals 39 times in the debates, but hasn’t attacked Romney even once — so does this mean Paul has “sold out to a moderate Republican establishment?”
There was an R coup (literally seized control)at the State Senate last night (with the treason of Tom, Kastama and Sheldon).
I hope something like a Wisconsin response is in the works, because I’m there for the duration if someone offers a place to sleep and take a shower occasionally.
It’s time to fill the Capital Building with lots of noise and signs, especially targeting the D traitors. They should not be able to go anywhere without being confronted.
Hopefully folks will share organizing opportunities here.
Clueless Republicans Live Inside Bubbles Dep’t
Scroll to the very end of this video and listen to a GOP strategist argue that the uprising against Gov. Walker in Wisconsin is merely “union thuggery” and has nothing to do with the impact of Walker’s policies on teachers, cops, firefighters, and other public workers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “Reality-challenged” isn’t the right word; this guy is OBLIVIOUS to reality. I swear these people could be hit by a bus and wouldn’t even know they’re hurting.
I’ve met Kastama and I don’t like having to put the man on a list of people we shouldn’t help get re-elected, but at this point his name should be on the list.
@14: He’s running for SoS. Here are the other candidates:
Kim Wyman (R) Thurston County Auditor
Kathleen Drew (D) Ex-State Sen
Zack Hudgins (D) State Rep
Greg Nickels (D) Ex-Seattle Mayor
Didn’t some showboating moron sheriff in AZ say something or other recently?
Thought the yd(iot) would be crowing about it by now.
Oh well, must not have been anything the least bit relevant or reality-based.
Looks like we’ve got plenty of other people to support. Hope Nickels doesn’t win.
@12, 14, 15
Yeah – just heard about that (was in Dunn lumber, waiting, and they had a copy of the ST on the counter)
Treasonous is right. Undermining your party at this point in an election year – for what? I’m still not sure what they’re getting out of this. Are these clowns going to support an (R) for Senate leader? Given the depth of the deceit, and the gravity of the issue – the budget – at the very least each of these three should be deprived of their committee assignments. Also, no $$$ or assistance from the State Party for their reelections.
I knew that Tom and Sheldon were assholes, I had never heard of Kastama before. I heard on dailykos that Sheldon might be interested in running for Norm Dicks’ soon-to-be former seat. Hope this shoots that down. Hopefully all of their careers in the Democratic Party are now over.
I’m sorry, but…
“For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.
I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone’s bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.
My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.”
This from an article on
Weasel. Hopefully this non-apology will be met with more derision and calls for his going away, for good.
Expect the Republicans to latch onto this and loudly proclaim that the kerfuffle is now over. Not if we can help it.
There is much to be gained politically by slaying this particular beast.
You don’t even OWN a TV.