Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses—Thanksgiving edition
The meaning of Thanksgiving, Cold War style.
Fallon: Pros and cons of Thanksgiving.
What we talk about when we talk politics at Thanksgiving.
‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving:
Der Witz: Happy Thanksgiving.
Rubin Report with Dave Rubin and Gina Grad: Talking politics at Thanksgiving.
HuffPo’s collection of Thanksgiving Jokes.
Meghan Trainor’s Thanksgiving Carols
Obama pardons the Thanksgiving turkey:
…and the ever-classic “Sarah Palin and the Thanksgiving day massacre“:
Just don’t do it (H/T Bob Dole)!
The politics of Thanksgiving day,
Mental Floss: 23 Thanksgiving food facts.
Even lemurs can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at the Brookfield Zoo.
Medite says, “Enough with the “How to Discuss Politics at Thanksgiving” Posts Already, including a dozen “how to discuss politics at Thanksgiving” links.
Roy Zimmerman: I’m dreaming of a Black Friday:
Goldy @GoldyHA · 10h 10 hours ago
At gate 20 minutes after scheduled departure and @USAirways flight status still says flight is on time.
So, Cover Oregon’s former exchange director ended up running IT at USAirways, then.
So how many turkeys did you Republican murderers kill in order to gorge yourselves while the people your idiotic economic policies made unemployed live on rice from the food bank?
In the last thread the KKK Uncle of these threads krapped:
The fiend’s hatred of his own people taking residence in the inner city cores is strange indeed! But the fiend still hasn’t absorbed the contemporary truth yet.. (Heh as if that was ever a remote possibility):
Most African Americans (since at least 2010) now live in the suburbs.
Sorry kretinous krazed klownservative krackpot uncle your beloved “reservation” is yet another krazed voice reverberating in the echo chamber between your ears.
Jimmy Fallon is funny! Yet another apt description of the many (K)KKK trolls who have paraded through these threads.
Can anyone tell me how to put a picture next to my moniker
@5 Go to
Thanks. Success?
Thanks again.
Am I the only one that knows that if you goggle an article title you can get the same articles that are blocked when not paid for or registered for on the origin website. Why pay when you can read the story anyways for free.
@6 Too complicated for me to figure out.
@9 Yeah, I’ve been aware of that for some time.
Oil Price Drops After OPEC Rejects Production Cut
OPEC, apparently feeling that non-OPEC oil-producing countries should share the pain of production cuts, declined to reduce OPEC production targets at their meeting today. WTI crude promptly dropped 6.4% to $68.95, a decline of $4.73 per barrel, according to CNBC. Roger Rabbit’s oil stocks probably will go down when the stock market reopens tomorrow. I think I’ll wait awhile before buying more of ’em, because oil may not be finished going down yet.
The NAACP investigated police shootings in Oakland between 2004 and 2008. Here is what they found:
Total number of police shootings: 45
Fatality rate: 33%
Number of people shot by race:
Black — 37
Other nonwhite — 8
White — 0
Number of officers charged with a crime: 0
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guess this means white folks never commit crimes, huh.
@12 every American should go out and trade in their car for a car that gets 10 miles per gallon better or drive about 20% less and then let’s see where oil goes.
Some talk of gas guzzlers coming back because of the drop in oil. People are stupid.
You probably have some who have argued that gas prices are to high now feeling sorry for the American Oil companies because producing oil is less lucrative at lower prices. That’s when you know those capitalists are just hypocrites.
Oakland, another bastion of leftist led DUMMOCRETIN cities… eh, IDIOT Wabbit…
Nuff said!
Consider: There will be only five red-state Senate Democrats left in the next Congress if, as expected, Sen. Mary Landrieu is defeated in next month’s runoff. Even more striking, there will be only five House Democrats left representing districts that Mitt Romney carried in 2012. The once-influential Blue Dog Caucus of fiscally hawkish Democrats is all but extinct. Republicans now boast twice as many blue-state senators (10) and five times as many blue-district representatives (25) than their Democratic counterparts in red territory.
We couldn’t have done it without you, President Obama.
PuddyCommentary: Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETINS in-fight. It’s so beautiful to watch how certain DUMMOCRETINS realize their feckless policies were losers and Real Americans told them so November 4th; while others march on their merry way. This post mortem commentary was torn apart by other national DUMMOCRETINS. How dare Chucky Schumer tell the truth in public? Well maybe Professor Gruber forced Chucky’s conscience. Wait a minute… A national DUMMOCRETIN with a conscience? Whudathunkdat?
Meanwhile great questions being asked…
PuddyCommentary: The reason Hagel was fired is precisely the lie Obummer told in this paragraph. You can’t make Obummer look like and ASS in public even though Obummer’s own words and actions prove Obummer is an ASS!
Speaking out your mind is a death knell in the Obummer sadministration! It’s bad for your political health!
PuddyCommentary: Yesterday was the one year anniversary of ObummerCare’s Pajama Boy. Wow, don’t you DUMMOCRETINS miss him? How many of you DUMMOCRETINS had a food-related injuries yesterday overstuffing yourself on Turkeys’ the IDIOT Wabbitrecently screamed about? Remember ObummerHeads For ASSes (OFA) just looking out for y’all’s health!
PuddyCommentary redux: Yes, please be persistent in your loonacy because Professor Gruber called you DUMMMOCRETINS stoooooooooopid! Too stooooooopid to know when you were being bamboozled.
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETIN friends in action… (you know, you whom publically stated on HA how you hate Christians)
My faith that white Democratic women could win over red state white women voters was particularly misplaced. CNN exit polls showed that Michelle Nunn lost white women to David Perdue 69-27; Wendy Davis lost them 66-31; Alison Grimes lost them 55-41. For now, the Democrats’ oft-touted advantages with “women” – which should always be described as “all women except for white women” — are outweighed by their difficulties with whites.
Right now, for complicated historical, cultural and racial reasons, white women vote more like “whites” – mostly Republican, though less than white men – and less like other women. Single white women and college-educated white women defy that trend more than others, but any 2016 prognosticating that relies on white women as Hillary Clinton’s secret weapon shouldn’t be trusted unless there’s data behind it. And I haven’t seen any.
So, that War on Women thing isn’t gonna work again, at least no time soon. With support among whites without college education at 27% (and support among college-graduate whites at only 41%),
Obama decides to implement his own, individual brand of amnesty.
Small wonder Senate Democrats are beginning to distance themselves. They’ve got future elections to win. Obama doesn’t.
How come there is no call by HA DUMMOCRETINS to hold big city police accountable for their careless attitude on inner city black people whom die in their custody like Tanesha Anderson and Eric Garner but scream and shout when it happens in a place like small place like Ferguson? And you wonder why Puddy calls you HA DUMMOCRETINS out on your silly attitudes on police brutality? Yesterday Puddy was talking to one of his east coast brothers over the shooting of a black NYC police officer by other cops back in 2009 We dicussed how DUMMOCRETINS don’t really react unless it’s trumped up in the slobbering libtard led msm. DUMMOCRETIN run inner cities and their cops have a shoot first mentality but noooooooooooooooo, nuthin back then or now to that. Yet let’s scream and shout over Michael Brown –
gentle giantthug – being shot!Per FBI statistics, a black person’s chance of dying at the hands of another black (27.8 per 100,000) was 6X higher than a white dying at the hands of another white (4.5 per 100,000). Black criminals are was almost 8X higher at offending (34.4 per 100,000) than whites (4.5 per 100,000). Yet all we read from HA DUMMOCRETINS is white cops killing blacks when it happens in small towns but nary a peep DUMMOCRETIN led big cities. The cynicism of HA DUMMOCRETINS is very telling to Puddy… Standard selective commentary! You get the city governments you vote for!
Meanwhile where was the HA DUMMOCRETIN screams for justice for this guy?
Seems popo people to busy watching HA DUMMOCRETIN OWS friends destroying innocent black businesses to check it out and a black man is dead!
Strangely, Puddy didn’t read of any HA DUMMOCRETIN screaming over this supposed police brutality… Yet the whitey led slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN race baiting msm didn’t cover this story in much detail! The cynicism of HA DUMMOCRETINS is very telling to Puddy… Standard selective commentary!
PINELLAS PARK — A man arguing with his wife and threatening to shoot a family dog early Tuesday accidentally shot himself in the face and died, Pinellas Park police said.
Another Floridian white-on-white homicide.
@ 23
What was your basis for identifying skin color, MBS?
The hatred of Sarah Palin continues… Y’all took a bloodbath in the 2014 elections and now that it’s over revert to the DUMMOCRETIN hatred playbook… Who can we hate on Thanksgiving? Hmmm…? Let’s check the archives…
Oh yeah that old November 2008 Sarah Palin in front of the turkey machine video. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
So sad! So very sad Perfessa!
So when will we see the video of Sarah Palin claiming “Thanksgiving is for real Americans, not Indians.” ?
@24, my “basis”? LOL. Let Me Google that for you brainiac.
What’s your “basis” for breathing?
@ 25
Hatred of Palin continues. Perhaps in the minds of some (War on Women, doncha know) it may even have eclipsed BDS (the GWB43 one, not the Israel one).
A day late, perhaps, but still a classic:
An article last Sunday about surprises in politics referred incorrectly to the turkey carried by President Bush during his unannounced visit to American troops in Baghdad over Thanksgiving. It was real, not fake.
Only three links per entry… So continuing with Omar Edwards useless and senseless death by white cop!
More on black cop Omar Edwards dead by white cop! @ 1:05 you’ll view Al NoSoSharpton!
Yes I read that comedy from the NY Slimes. I just shook my head!
Hmmm… Apparently in NYC (libtard bastion) you leave the dying man’s body (black police officer) in the street and stand around…
Didn’t y’all scream about how Michael Brown dead body was treated?
What’s your “basis” for breathing?
What’s yours CubScout?
Looks like a white man to me.
“Hatred of Palin continues.”
“The hatred of Sarah Palin continues…”
Um, not hate, laughter. Try to keep this shit straight you guys.
“it may even have eclipsed BDS”
Lame. As though Bush Derangement Syndrome ever even existed anywhere but your own minds. And as if Americans protesting against your senseless, unpaid-for war sold on lies is symptomatic of a derangement syndrome. Of course, at the time, your kind dared to even call anyone who opposed that war a traitor. So how did that fucking war of yours work out, asshole? Big fucking success, was it? Did it pay for itself? Ever find the $8,000,000,000 in cash shrink-wrapped on a pallet that you lost?
As we continue to deal with the mess in the Middle-East you lied us into, you pretend as though “you get to keep your doctor” is the worst lie an American president ever told. Go fuck yourself.
Sooooo. if the 777 isn’t selling what will the libtard unions do? STRIKE?
Meanwhile digging out the Newsmax archives… Chucky Schumer loved ObummerCare back in April…
PuddyCommentary: Yes they really looked better eh Chucky? Just a sliver of fake sunlight appeared and all was well with ObummerCare Senate libtards thought. Butt, Schumer was right about this
Chucky didn’t realize how prescient his comments were. ObummerCare is rigged against the healthy middle class, nailing them with higher premiums to pay for certain leftist creep health care costs whom frequent this blog. Yessiree, the chickens came home to roost with their DUMMOCRETIN politics of division over the last several years. War on wimens, war on minorities, war on drugs, war on gays, war on whatever! Meanwhile the Real American concerns were over Harry Reid’s Senate malfunctions, the lack of real tax reform, and full time job economics. Remember Obummer just claimed on Tuesday Obummer will veto any Harry Reid agreement with Republicans on taxes!
I’m sure that, if Sarah had brought her family’s drunken, curse-filled brawls to the White House lawn, we’d be hearing today that we’re suffering from Palin Derangement Syndrome for having a few laughs.
If opposition to Bush’s lies that took us to war constituted a derangement syndrome, what descriptor would we have left to describe what we’ve seen out of the right for the last six years? Mass psychosis? Maybe for the Puddys of the world. For the rest of you, I’d say it’s just hate-fueled, stars and bars racism come out of the fucking closet.
@15 Which makes it okay for Oakland’s racist cops to execute blacks the streets just because they feel like it, right? Not a problem for you, as long as you don’t visit Oakland on work assignment or whatever. You’re probably delinquent in your NAACP dues, too.
@25 “The hatred of Sarah Palin continues… ”
You’re confusing hatred with pity.
@30 Yep, it’s interesting that all those NYPD cops stood around picking their noses, and doing nothing to help the black guy bleeding to death on the sidewalk, until they figured out he was a cop. Very interesting indeed. Racist cops, anyone?
Which brings us to this: If you’re black, there’s a way to protect yourself from America’s racism, and that’s to join the local police department. You get good pay and benefits, the work isn’t too bad, and your fellow cops won’t fuck with you as long as you behave like a white boy and mace protesters and shoot blacks along with the rest of ’em.
@35 “War on wimens, war on minorities, war on drugs, war on gays, war on whatever!”
Sounds like you’re reading from the GOP platform.
Oh IDIOT and Senile Wabbit… How quickly you forget facts… This was the DUMMOCRETIN platform from Sandra Fluke’s pedestal erection! Remember Puddy can only provide three links at a time, so Puddy chose three wonderful ones!
That bastion of “free thought”, DUmmies which refers to a website used by rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears all the time
And last butt not least the war on gays from DUMMOCRETIN perspective
Nuthin really useful to copy from this site. It’s hate 24x7x365. Must be the empty tea bagger with a chafed puffy butt favorite site with all that hatred.
So you see IDIOT Wabbit, not only are you FACTUALLY lacking but senility has caused you to forget those items previously presented on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile Don Lemon put Jesse HiJackson on the spot and read the gibberish from HiJackson justifying the destruction of minority owned businesses in Ferguson. Remember “pain can lead to irrational conclusions.” – Oh my!
Pharrell Williams ain’t gonna be accepted in the hood anytime soon!
Maybe just maybe Michael Brown learned his thuggish behavior from momma?
Yet another brutal police action that our village idiot troll will approve:
Of course the krazed klownservative krackpot (KKK) uncle approves. Look at the victims..
People he calls “cheap”…
LOL!!! The KKK uncle of these threads has complained FOREVER of people whose stomach turn at his antics of trying to silence him..
Yeah right.. At 42k+ comments here – the nausea continues.,.
Roll tape:
As always his kind wrote the book on it.
The Krazed Klownservative Krackpot (KKK) uncle of these threads apparently approves of the use of deadly force by Darren Wilson..
He also celebrated in these threads the recent nuptials of Officer Darren Wilson..
The implication is clear.. The KKK uncle must believe Officer Wilson to be a klownservative kop..
And he screams that the prosecutor McCulloch is a Democrat!
Imagine that – a klownservative kop who killed an unarmed black kid was RESCUED from the jaws of justice by someone he considers a Democrat..
yeah I know the troll is a krackpot
Hmm, see a black guy walking down the street with his hands in his pockets? Time to to call the cops!
Walking with hands in pockets while black. Lucky he wasn’t shot.
“Why aren’t we talking about that?”
Could it be because “looking bullyish” isn’t a fucking crime, even for male black teens in Ferguson?
Puddy PWNS the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Every day in every way! See
Ummm… NOPE!
It’s wonderful to view how the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot counts PuddyComments as it’s head explodes. Another useless attack from #209 from the crazed database… And Another EPIC FAYLE!
buttspigot – 1/209 = 0.00478468899521531100478468899522
PUDDY – 208/209 = 0.99521531100478468899521531100478
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
LOL @ 51!!! Damn yet again his head EXPLODES!!!
I love that 1/209.. Remember that stupid fucking hammer you krapped one time?
Keep jacking yourself over that “1”… It’s WAAAAAY MORE than that..
Such a freaking joke you are!
Yawwwwnnnn. And such a tiresome fantasy he’s got going in 51..
It’s all over the time I caught him using an apple product to conduct his political activities on this web site..
When were were “told” by the krazed klownservative krackpot (KKK) uncle that Apple was tracking us and that’s why his shit don’t stink ass doesn’t use Apple products..
What a freaking idiot.
Since this was Pontiac, Michigan per your link… There is an 87.82% chance this was a DUMMOCRETIN who called it in since Obummer won Pontiac 87.82% to 11.41% 2012. There libtard representative is Brenda Lawrence and she won 85.17% in 2014 while the Republican only won 12.24%
Wow! What’s hilarious are the comments after the article. These useless RUBES don’t even know the voting outcome breakdown. These LIVs just assume the standard narrative. Typical low information DUMMOCRETINS!
Uhhhhh.. Krazed Klownservative Krackpot (KKK) uncle???
All health insurance works that way…
You and the union dues paying wife being over the hill empty nesters pay for younger couples having kids with your insurance premiums..
You and the union dues paying wife pay for another’s pain medication with your insurance premiums.
You and the union dues paying wife pay for another’s depression medication with your insurance premiums..
Etc, etc..
And if something happens to you and the union dues paying wife??? Someone else will pay for you.. It’s how the system has ALWAYS worked..
What a freaking idiot you are!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa … now the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot calls itself righteous? There’s none righteous except jesus and YOU absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot don’t believe in Him!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! The buttspight leaks strong in this one!
@56 KAAAAAAAAAAPPPPOOOOOOWWWW.. Damn I’m good at making this freak’s pin head EXPLODE!!
I own this KKK Uncle!
(of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
“he is a good, righteous man, I am sure”
synonyms: good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, decent; More
ethical, principled, moral, high-minded, law-abiding, honest, honorable, blameless, irreproachable, noble;
saintly, angelic, pure
“righteous living”
justifiable, justified, legitimate, defensible, supportable, rightful;
admissible, allowable, understandable, excusable, acceptable, reasonable
“righteous anger”
antonyms: sinful, unjustifiable
very good; excellent.
“righteous bread pudding”
Righteous as opposed to an ASSHOLE who celebrates a klownservative kop putting 6 bullets into an unarmed kid.
It’s so wonderful to view how the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot counts PuddyComments as it’s head explodes.
Tonight’s scorecard:
buttspigot – 1/209 = 0.00478468899521531100478468899522
PUDDY – 208/209 = 0.99521531100478468899521531100478
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
At least you acknowledge that you are a leaking buttspigot!
That’s the start of wisdom! Something truly lacking in the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Nice to know the KKK uncle @ 58 ACKNOWLEDGES he’s a Krazed Klownservative Krackpot!!!
Even??? You mean that’s low on your list?
Nice to know also you really regard latin americans as “cheap”..
Alzheimer’s to boot! Forgot the stupid hammer! Forgot the oil wells. Forgot all about the countless things that have made him the most STUPID, the MOST CREDULOUS, BULLSHITTING ASSHOLE in the history of this website..
Don’t take my word for it – that’s the opinion of the moderators here.
uncle kkk@ 58
How’s using those apple products to conduct your political blogging working out for you?
According to you, your shit don’t stink ass can’t bring itself to use them at home for some stupid reason..
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Some "wisdom" uncle kkk@58 used to put up a stupid hammer as scientific proof of creationism..
Something not even most creationists believe!
Some “wisdom” uncle kkk@58 used to believe in Chinese oil wells slant drilling from Cuba..
Indeed the most STUPID, most CREDULOUS, BULLSHITTING ASSHOLE in the history of this website.
Happy Holidays my fellow liberals! Bye for now!
All the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot has is ad hominem. Keeps track of every Puddy Post! So why is that?
Take the test Oh it’s fake
Dancing on Mike Webb’s grave
It’s in quotes so it’s assumed, not verbatim
Chronological IDIOT – posting old articles 33 times and counting
Shall Puddy continue?
Puddy PWNS this moronic sucka!
Jesus is the reason for the season!
Merry Christmas Libtards. Merry Christmas!
61 Lines from various Christmas Carols:
Worship Christ, the new-born King
O Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord
The night that Christ was born.
Christ, the Lord, the new-born King
Our Lord Emmanuel
Christ the Savior, is born
Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King
King of Kings, For ever and ever
O night divine, the night when Christ was born
Hail, the heav’n-born Prince of Peace
Hail, the Son of Righteousness
Christ, the everlasting Lord
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day
Jesus, annointed to be our Savior. Alleluia
Angels adore him, men bow before him, heaven and earth proclaim
Jesus your King is born
God’s son is born this night
For a blessed Babe was born
Christmas, Christmas time is near
For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth
Come and behold Him, born the King of angels
Born is the King of Israel
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Hail! The King of Glory
Our Jesus Christ is born
Jesus Christ was born to save
Christmas Eve is coming soon
The King of kings salvation brings
For it is Christmas Day
Worship Him, God on high
Merry Christmas
Oh, I’m gettin’ nuttin’ for Christmas
Remember Christ our Savior, Was born on Christmas Day
To free all those who trust in him, From Satan’s power and might
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
And may all your Christmases be white
Soon it will be Christmas day
And be Thyself our King of peace
Many ways; “Merry Christmas to you”
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
The Child, the Child sleeping in the night
Rocking around the Christmas tree
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ, To be our dear Saviour
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Lo, the King of heav’n is born
Have a holly jolly Christmas
I’ll be home for Christmas
Any Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ
With God as our Father
The Savior who is Christ the Lord
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Waiting for Christmas day.
Tomorrow is Christmas
A Savior King was born that day
And it came to pass on that Christmas evening
Christmas for Cowboys and wide open plains
Is Christmas in Killarney
Tales of the glories of Christmases
So sad when you reject Jesus! 61 tunes Jesus hating libtards can’t sing and rejoice like the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot