Michael Steele
Republican National Committee
310 First Street
Washington, D. C. 20003
Dear Michael,
When that bunch of old white males at FOX decided to stage teabagging protests they were, no doubt, clueless about the damage they would cause. Let’s get real…the mental image of Rush Limbaugh, trousers around his ankles, with his droopy teabags festooned into a gagging and gently weeping Glenn Beck isn’t anybody’s idea of a recruitment tool. That this image will be scorched upon the minds of hip-Americans, and “refreshed” every April 15th, suggest to me that the entire generation is lost to the G.O.P.
Any hopes you have of winning the hearts and minds of young America no longer lies with hip-hoppers. Instead you need to go after the cutting edge of youth subculture—the Emo kids.
Think about it…their culture of building esteem out of a sense of alienation and ironic self-loathing makes them a perfect ideological fit for today’s Republican Party. It’s a match made in, um…Haydes.
So, here’s the plan. Next April, you call for a nationwide series of “Tax Cutting Parties” to be held all over the land. The concept is, of course, “taxes as another form of self-harm.” The protests will give participants a way to literally feel the pain of taxation as they “draw the line” on the government taking their money. And the next morning the scars of taxation will be upon them and remind them how the Republicans helped them hate themselves for paying taxes. And, privately, they’ll feel a bit of pride in themselves and the G.O.P. for that.
Oh…and you might get Mike Huckabee on board. He has a thing about razor blades, too.
Yours verily,
Darryl you KLOWN..
Here is the truth from today’s Rasmussen:
You just don’t get it, do you Darryl.
All the lunatic white male posters at HA really think America has shifted to Amerika.
1994 wasn’t that long ago.
I’ve told you KLOWNS when 49.3% of Americans feel overtaxed…the Conservative shift is on.
Your letter was childish Darryl.
Typical of a KLOWN.
And the purpose your letter served Darryl??
NOTHING but trying to stoke the sick ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE PINHEADS like ByeBye, YLB and steve.
Was this one of the polls that were “irrelevant” 12 months ago?
I admit, what with all the constantly shifting allegiances of hard core conservatives wildly swinging this way and that, I just can’t keep track of what it is that you guys approve of from day to day anymore.
Please forgive me if henceforth I ignore you. But you conservatives have become like unto a totally random event. It’s like staring into the flames of a house on fire. It can be fascinating to watch. But it is simply impossible to make any sense out of the pattern or to derive any higher meaning from it.
1 “Truth” and “Rasmussen” in the same sentence?
That about blows it right there.
Mr. Cynical,
“Your letter was childish Darryl.”
It was…and I’ll always hate myself for that.
I know, this whole “tea bagging” thing is pretty creepy.
I am so out of it, I had to look up what it means.
And, correct, it doesn’t make me appreciate the GOP’s lame, wasted message any better.
I have issues with our current tax code. Big issues. I think many of the people “teabagging” today are getting screwed by the federal tax code — and they’re certainly getting screwed by our antiquated, regressive, Rube Goldberg-esque state tax system!
Here’s what I think we should do. We should have a single-rate federal income tax. Everyone would get a personal exemption for basic subsistence — the income you need for basic survival shouldn’t be taxed! Taxes on retirement savings would continue to be deferred. Beyond that all exemptions, deductions, and credits would be eliminated. All income from any source, whether earned or unearned, whether wages or inheritances, would be taxed at the same rate. What could be more fair than this?
One of the biggest advantages of this approach is that it would eliminate the economic distortions caused by tax-favoring certain kinds of income and discriminating against other kinds of income. For example, wages would no longer be taxed 3 times as much as dividends and capital gains, and heirs would no longer get an exemption 1,000 times what workers get. Under the current tax code, working is so disfavored there’s no longer any economic reason for any American to work! This is why we’re sending all our jobs to China and India. It just doesn’t pay to work in America anymore, because of the very heavy taxes levied on wages. That’s why I don’t work, and flip stocks instead. This is an example of what I mean by the “economic distortions” created by the tax code. Republicans, who hate working almost as much as they hate workers, gave themselves huge tax breaks on their own inheritances, capital gains, dividends, and other unearned income, while continuing to tax the shit out of wages. Well, I want to live like a Republican too, so I don’t do any work or earn any wages anymore, I’m now living off money I don’t work for, just like they do! Now, I get Republican tax breaks, too! I don’t see why anyone would work under the Republican tax system. I sure don’t.
The GOP is against big government EXCEPT when they control the government. Then child rapists like CYNCYN give em a pass. By the way, Faux News runs Rasmussen so we all know that there isn’t one shred of truth to anything they say – but it doesn’t matter anyway. Next Presidential election is a long ways off. You right wing turds will hopefully run that cunt Palin and we will have the thing over by Noon!
@1 “sick ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE PINHEADS like ByeBye, YLB and steve”
I’m a Christian, thank you. Not that you care. You have hate to spew and spew it you will, truth be damned. How Christ-like of you.
What Jesus taught us in Matthew 7 somehow escapes you, doesn’t it?
“When that bunch of old white males at FOX decided to stage teabagging protests they were, no doubt, clueless about the damage they would cause. Let’s get real…the mental image of Rush Limbaugh, trousers around his ankles, with his droopy teabags festooned into a gagging and gently weeping Glenn Beck isn’t anybody’s idea of a recruitment tool.”
LOL!!!! I nearly pissed myself reading that. That is GOOD!!
Mr. Cynical – keep up the good work and keep givin em HELL!
One thing is for CERTAIN, with the Dept of Homeland Security recognizing that these extreme right-wingers are, IN FACT, domestic terrorist that should be kept under strict surveillance.
I used to say that just to get under their skin. Now, there’s legitimate information from our security agencies that right-wingers are dangerous.
No doubt about it folks, there’s another domestic terrorist like Timothy McVeigh getting all fired while they’re tea bagging each other.
You have to admit, Sarah Palin and John McCain are partly responsible given all the Obama death threats that were made at their political rallies.
This is what happens when you don’t fund education and you mock academia as something “un-American.”
You ever notice when you’er an extreme right-winger is leads to insults, intolerance, and violence. But, when you’re an extreme left-winger is all Kumbaya, peace, and love.
If you had to put the teaching of Jesus Christ on this scale where do you think the Prince of Peace would fall?
[ ] Right wingers
[ ] Left wingers
Republicans are morons.
They’re out there today, all enraged about spending and taxes without understanding that President Obama just gave 95% of them FREAKIN’ tax cut, while George Bush and the Republican congress siphoned off $11,176,492,178,718.80 in the last 8 years.
That’s roughly $1.4 TRILLION dollars per year they didn’t include in their budget.
These yum-yums seem to forget that we STOPPED borrowing money under President Clinton with his “pay as you go” system and ACTUALLY started paying down the national debt.
Had we followed President Clinton’s fiscal policies do you realize we’d be a DEBT FREE nation right now with LOWER taxes because we wouldn’t be servicing the Reagan/Bush debt any more???
Add in the $11 Trillion dollars lost in real estate wealth and $8 Trillion dollars in stock market wealth and the Reagan Republican ideology of governing cost this nation $30 TRILLION dollars of real wealth.
Add it the unrealized gains that could have been made, like the 275% increase in the Dow during the 90’s and the cost to this nation approaches $50 TRILLION dollars.
And, they overly incensed now??
It’s high time Republicans yielded their patriotism to America again instead of allegiance to men like Bush and the proven failed ideology or Ronald Reagan.
“Country First,” remember? Or was that just another meaningless bumper sticker slogan.
I wonder how the wingnut hate-fest went today? Government, academia, unions, science, peace, decency, Mom, apple pie – they hate them all with a passion, led by rich wing-nut media mouthpieces, exhorting the masses towards ever more hate. Has there ever been a more gullible crowd of fools in America’s history?
@12 [ ] Right wingers
[X] Left wingers
But I’m sure Mr. Klynical will soon be here to tell us that Jesus teaches hate and that any so-called Christians to the left of him are really just “sick ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE PINHEADS”.
Limbaugh loves pirates more than he loves America.
RUSH: You know what we have learned about the Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers that were wiped out at the order of Barack Obama, you know what we learned about them? They were teenagers. The Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers who took a US merchant captain hostage for five days were inexperienced youths, the defense secretary, Roberts Gates, said yesterday, adding that the hijackers were between 17 and 19 years old. Now, just imagine the hue and cry had a Republican president ordered the shooting of black teenagers on the high seas. Greetings and welcome back, Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.
They were kids. The story is out, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but apparently the hijackers, these kids, the merchant marine organizers, Muslim kids, were upset, they wanted to just give the captain back and head home because they were running out of food, they were running out of fuel, they were surrounded by all these US Navy ships, big ships, and they just wanted out of there. That’s the story, but then when one of them put a gun to the back of the captain, Mr. Phillips, then bam, bam, bam. There you have it, and three teenagers shot on the high seas at the order of President Obama.
Is KKKLincal Rush Limbaugh in real life? Muslim radicals are bad unless killed on the orders of a Democrat, and now they’re youthful martyrs? How Klynical-completely divorced from reality.