6:05: Here we go!
6:06: Prepare for an onslaught of lies, lies, lies, lieslies.
6:07: There is a small crowd here at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern for Drinking Liberally.
6:08: Why is Melanie wearing pajamas.
DemocratIC agenda. Don't be petty.
— Christina Reynolds (@creynoldsnc) February 6, 2019
6:10: He has said absolutely nothing so far.
6:11: Wait…”The Great Crusade” wasn’t the liberation of Europe! He is basically feeding his base with anti-Islamic dog whistles.
— Trump Sniff Counter (@TrumpSniffCount) February 6, 2019
Not everything is an applause line.
— Carl Ballard (@BallardCrl) February 6, 2019
6:19: The economy is good. That’s because Trump inherited the Obama recovery, and he hasn’t totally fucked it up. Yet.
6:22: What companies have come back to the U.S. as a result of the G.O.P. tax scam?
6:23: The U.S. is a net exporter of energy. But that was achieved under Obama. “Thanks Obama!”
Our economy is so hot Trump is gonna move on her like a bitch
— Jessica Mason Pieklo (@Hegemommy) February 6, 2019
6:29: I hate these fucking anecdotes. For every Alice there is a Joe Arpaio, so fuck off, Drumpf.
6:32: Here comes the bullshit “dangerous southern border” part of the speech.
6:33: “Caravans of refugees are coming!!!!!11!1!!1!” When, exactly, did Republicans become such fucking cowards?
6:37: Human traffickers, MS 13, and caravans, OH MY!
96 Americans die from gun violence every day. Every day. Yet, Trump will never mention that. He's only concerned about victims of crime when he can use their stories to further his agenda
— Joe Sudbay (@JoeSudbay) February 6, 2019
Human trafficking? You mean like what may have happened to the kids this presidential administration lost track of after they took them from their families at the border? #SOTU19
— Ruth H. Hopkins (@RuthHHopkins) February 6, 2019
6:42: Let’s see…Drumpf says 300 girls rescued from 1000 pimps!?! That is a very large pimp to girl ratio!
6:45: Drumpf describes his wonderful “barrier”. Did he get some funding from Mexico yet?
"I will get it built! And Mexi….uh.."
— Sam Seder (@SamSeder) February 6, 2019
6:46: “Walls work and walls save lives”. That should convince the Mexicans.
6:48: “More women serving in Congress than anytime before.” Drumpf does get sine credit for that, but not how he thinks!
6:50: “First ever program focusing on economic empowerment for women in developing countries.” Bullshit. Obama and Clinton had such programs. Hell, Shrub probably did as well.
Trump has one move. Scare white people that brown people are rapists, drug dealers, murderers and sex traffickers.
That is All This Is.
Race baiting plain and simple. #SOTU
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) February 6, 2019
6:52: USMCS is pretty much a slightly modernized NAFTA.
Before the week is out, our Trump-loving, @GOP-voting neighbors & co-workers will "know" with true Republican certainty that Trump & the Republicans are to thank for all the women now serving in Congress.
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) February 6, 2019
Did Trump claim credit for the electoral backlash against Trump?
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 6, 2019
6:56: Drumpf declares a war on “global freeloading”.
Note to @realDonaldTrump: Patients with pre-existing conditions already have protections written into law. It's called the Affordable Care Act. Stop the attacks on our care. #SOTU #HealthCareVoter #ProtectOurCare
— Laura Packard (@lpackard) February 6, 2019
7:01: Drumpf is all about paid family leave. We’ll see how long that lasts.
7:06: Yay for more nuclear weapons! “Mush Room Cloud! Mush Room Cloud!”
Applause for withdrawing from the INF treaty?! WTF? Who the hell applauds a failure in nuclear arms control agreements?
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) February 6, 2019
Nothing scares seniors on universal basic income and single payer health care like talk of socialism.
— ⚡️LOLGOP⚡️ (@LOLGOP) February 6, 2019
7:16: Drumpf says “radical regime of Iran” as if he is trying to convince people (and himself) it is true.
7:23: The State of Our Union is 75 years ago.
I bet Judah doesn't think there were good people on both sides. #SOTU
— shauna (@goldengateblond) February 6, 2019
7:29: Drumpf gives a stirring speech asking us to chose greatness. Tomorrow he will Tweet something about “Cryin’ Chuck”.
7:40: Ummm…happy lunar new year?
Stacey Abrams looks great, relaxed & strong! She's rocking this #SOTU response!
— BCarniello (@BCarniello) February 6, 2019
Good chance @staceyabrams would be giving this speech as governor of GA not private citizen if it wasn’t for GOP voter suppression
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) February 6, 2019
How dare he speak of Dachau when he created this. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/CsdZ6o1CAs
— Parker Quinlan (@parkerquinlan) February 6, 2019
Stacey Abrams: "Compassionate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders."
— Michael Del Moro (@MikeDelMoro) February 6, 2019
All the dumbfucks are cheering him. They didn’t learn anythign from November.
All the dumbfucks are cheering him. They didn’t learn anythign from November.
He just introduced the “First Lady of the United States.” I didn’t know we had one. You never see or hear about her.
Now he’s labeling his agenda “bipartisan.” So much “winning for our country.”
Parade of heroes. Maybe he hopes some of their courage and devotion to duty will rub off on him. He sure didn’t have any when it was his turn.
Here comes the braggadocio. Did he just say 5 million people have been kicked off food stamps? Something like that.
He’s taking credit for the fracking boom, which took off in, oh, about 2008.
Here comes the rant against “investigations,” followed by a rant against “nominees stuck in the Senate for years.” Whose nominees? Obama’s? GOP hypocrisy on full display.
Here comes the border wall b.s.
Now he’s taking credit for all the women in Congress. He simply forgot to mention which party they’re from. Didn’t say anything about the Equal Rights Amendment, either.
…300 girls rescued from 1000 pimps!?! That is a very large pimp to girl ratio!
Just your average Kennedy campaign. Any of them.
Liz Warren claimed to be American Indian when she applied for admission to the Texas Bar.
Although I’ve heard worse. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit claimed to be an attorney.
The Democrats’ plan for “getting behind childhood cancer” is aborting them as soon as they begin breathing voluntarily post-parturition.
The obligatory tearjerkers. When’s he gonna introduce the illegal who was fired from his golf club last week after working there for 10 years? She’s there.
@11-13 Look who just slithered out from under the kitchen sink.
Now he’s reaching out to the governor of Virginia for bipartisanship …
… followed by the religious appeal, which sounds weird coming from an immoral, irreligious man like him.
Now come the attacks on our allies. When’s he gonna praise Putin?
Senator Spartacus gets owned.
Alyssa E. Hackbarth
Verified account
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ): “Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?”
Neomi Rao: “Senator, I’ve yet to be a judge. I don’t have law clerks.”
Embarrassing moment for Booker. h/t @dchauptmann
9:05 AM – 5 Feb 2019
Claims we’ll never be a socialist country. We already are. We have socialism for the rich.
AFghanistan is in the Middle East? I had no idea!
And now for something completely different
‘I trusted you!’ Trump voters seethe after realizing they’re getting screwed by the GOP’s tax planhttps://www.rawstory.com/2019/02/trusted-trump-voters-seethe-realizing-theyre-getting-screwed-gops-tax-plan/
Destroying families- OK.
Locking kids in cages- sure.
Sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court- Yay!
Destroy the environment- About time!
Take my tax money- Wait, what?
Everybody calm down, the billionaires will do just fine and the trickle down will make up for any shortfall you will experience.
Choose greatness! But NO investigations!!
No revenge politics, god damn it! Just politics of fear, lies, slander, hypocrisy and bigotry! Also – no pussy grabbing ya’ll.
Hang a fag today – that’s not abortion.
It’s “tinkle down”.
And only a few Russian prostitutes get any.
@19 Nowadays, that’s called “Freedm” And no, I didn’t mistakenly leave out the “o”.
“We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good,” Trump said in his State of the Union address.
Pelosi then stood and clapped, aiming her applause at Trump.
I look forward to the trump sea change and him cooperating with the Democratic Party.
Fugelsang …
Trump just said “We will never be a Socialist country”
in a taxpayer-funded building
to a taxpayer funded Congress
the heads of the greatest socialist-funded military the world’s ever known
after giving $12 billion in socialism to farmers
& demanding billions of $ for a socialist wall
Ever notice that GOP calls for “bipartisanship” and “compromise” always boil down to “shut up and do what we want”?
Yeah, I hope Democrats have learned and treat republicans as they have treated Democrats
I have often heard it said that no other country would DARE attack the US simply because they are aware that most Americans have access to guns at their houses. BTW, it is also interesting that every Swiss male is required, yes, required, to have a gun at the ready in their homes. They haven’t been attacked either; and not because ADOLF didn’t like cheese!
Nobody anywhere holds onto a grudge like a member of Congress.
Tracking and measuring personal and political loyalty is their life blood. But for pols not term limited it has to be done with discretion.
For President GolfNap’s first two years he was insulated from all that by disciplined majorities in both chambers fiercely in pursuit of billionaire tax cuts and FedSoc court packing. Consequently he spent most of those two years blundering through his “unstructured” daily schedule insulting and degrading the hill lifers and shrugging off policy slights by his cabinet appointees.
Members from both sides of the aisles have waited patiently for this moment.
“I never think it’s a mistake to stand up for what you believe in”
You got that right you mother fucker, including standing up to you, you fucking asshole!
To which Doctor Dumbfuck says, “I like the cut of your jib!”
“WV Emergency Services Official Imagines Trump’s Wall With Severed Heads Of Black People”
If the current rate holds by the end of his four year term President Very Stable Genius will have spent one quarter of his time in office lounging and playing at one of his golf resorts. That’s one whole year out of four.
Re @ 33
Those are not the heads of Americans, free or enslaved. They are Maori tribesmen (NZ) and those severed heads were removed following natural death and preserved as an honor to the surviving family. They are housed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where they can be misconstrued by West Virginians and Seattleites alike.
@35. Spin, spin spin.
QoS McHillbilly @ 34
Now do the stock market at the end of four years.
New job creation at the end of four years.
How about comparing DJIA point increase per round of golf for each president?
Fun fact: Eisenhower played 800 rounds of golf as president. Two rounds a week, each and every week on average, for eight years. Last I heard the ’50s weren’t such a bad period once the Korean War ended.
I wanna know what AOC did during her kindergarten years.
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Another top Virginia Democrat has admitted to wearing blackface decades ago. Attorney General Mark Herring issued a statement Wednesday saying he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.
I mean, that’s where this is going, amirite? We’re looking at high school yearbooks now. In another 10-12 years we’ll find out that when she was six years old AOC punched a black kid in the nose and used a racial slur she learned from her next door neighbor. She must be taken down for this.
Times change. Now Democrats are afraid of socialists.
Goldy Retweeted
EJ Dionne✔
#StaceyAbrams calls for action on guns, showing how much the politics of guns has changed. Democrats used to be afraid of the gun issue.
Stacy Abrams
”Victory is not winning for our party; victory is winning for our country.”
”The foundation of our moral leadership around the globe is free and fair elections, where voters pick their leaders, not where politicians pick their voters.”
@39. What the F is the linkage between Action on guns = Afraid of socialists? It must be a alt right thing. like thinking a wall of severed heads is a good idea.
@ 40
”Victory is not winning for our party; victory is winning for our country.”
John Podesta was at the Hillary campaign podium on Election Night because Hillary was unable to speak these very words.
Shorter Abrams: Country First.
@38 Spin, Spin, Spin.
Given how much time and effort gudwad is spending trying to desperately imply Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is associated to anything bad, she must really terrify him.
What she said was ”Victory is not winning for our party; victory is winning for our country.”
What you shortened it to is an nasty Alt Right meme. You may feel that way, but she didn’t say that.
Do we think that Liz Warren’s family scalped white people?
Being an American Indian and all, she might have heard stories like that told in her Oklahoma kitchen while her mother was cutting the crust off of her Wonder Bread sandwich.
I mean, I’m sure it was family lore that led this grown, educated white woman to refer to herself as American Indian on her Texas State Bar license application in 1986.
Time for another video, Liz. This time don’t refer to it as beer. It’s Fire Water. A 0.0976% solution.
I love it when my behavior is validated by the other side’s behavior.
Kasie Hunt✔
NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson.
Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck that bitch.”
— @GeoffRBennett & @jonallendc
8:41 AM – Feb 6, 2019
Virginia Democrats in trouble:
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
And Steve @ 33 comes up with a tweet by some guy who works in Emergency Services in West Virginia.
Steve, when the flop is red face cards and you’re holding the two of clubs and the four of spades, you fold.
Was Fairfafax also put in charge of organizing
BEACHBITCH WEEK!!! ?Gosh, I sure hope good ol’ Renate made the trip.
No need to apologize for anything done in your high school years….you know – yelling out fagot, wearing blackface – it’s all good.
Ok – how many here wore blackface or seen someone where blackface in person? And how many here have heard the use of the N word or faggot or homo. I rest my case, how much apologizing for blackface of the yester years is necessary….kids will be kids.
No. No. No. Yes. Yes.
Black face or using the N word was something only done by racist low class people you didn’t want associate with in the 1970s where I grew up in southern Oregon.
If a person felt like that, they did the proper thing and kept it to themselves and only talked/acted that way during their hidden Klan meetings.
@45. Spin Spin Spin. Gudwad, While you got most of them, you did miss a few racist Native American memes I have seen go by on the donald.
Another powerful woman that terrifies Gudwad so he’s doing his part to make himself feel better by trying to attack her character.
“my behavior is validated by the other side’s behavior.”… So you routinely say “Fuck that bitch.” and think that’s a valid thing to do?
@ 48
In which a heretofore semi-intelligent HA spewer compares the maturity of high school boys to that of Virginia’s Lt. Governor.
Doesn’t do the latter any favors, but then neither did Trump’s little penis. Because he’s absolutely right – what the Lt. Governor said was sophormoric and unbecoming of someone only one small step from the state’s highest elected office.
“They are Maori tribesmen”
WTF does that say? When it comes to white supremacists and your notions of border wall decoration, any non-white head will do?
@ 51
So you routinely say “Fuck that bitch.” and think that’s a valid thing to do?
Rosie O’DonnellYLB.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9lcr-wsYOk
BEACHBITCH WEEK!!! by the pussy!MAGA!
Oh sweet baby jeebus, not this again.
Teh Dumbfuck, just how plain does it all have to be made to you???
Nobody not crippled by the years of motherly neglect and fatherly mockery you endured would ever bother to compare “intelligence” with someone dumb enough to trade 24 years of devoted, disciplined study for 80 hour weeks sniffing bum scrote for less than minimum wage.
Of course you retired “early”. It was either that or eat a bullet.
Now all you have to do is figure out how to survive tying your self identity to a lazy, undisciplined, uneducated orange cheeseburger hole.
“Ok – how many here wore blackface or seen someone where blackface in person?”
I went trick-or-treating wearing blackface in 6th grade, but the kids I was with that night were black, so what can I say except I wish there were photos?
I’m just impressed that you managed to get into Med School at the age of 11.
Way to crush Doogie Howser… and Teh Dumbfuck.
“Fuck that unserious woman.”
Still derisive to the YLB’s of the world.
NBC News✔
Lt. Gov. Fairfax’s chief of staff and policy director acknowledge to @NBCNews that the lt. gov. used the “F” word to refer to the situation, but dispute that he used the “B” word at all or used any heated language directed toward Vanessa Tyson.
10:12 AM – Feb 6, 2019