Goldy recently wrote about the signs of gloom and doom for the Republicans. The bad new and “expectations management” continues. Just look at a couple of the articles that hit the press this weekend:
Politico has the headline GOP getting crushed in polls, key races:
In case you’ve been too consumed by the Democratic race to notice, Republicans are getting crushed in historic ways both at the polls and in the polls.
At the polls, it has been a massacre. In recent weeks, Republicans have lost a Louisiana House seat they had held for more than two decades and an Illinois House seat they had held for more than three. Internal polls show that next week they could lose a Mississippi House seat that they have held for 13 years.
In the polls, they are setting records (and not the good kind). The most recent Gallup Poll has 67 percent of voters disapproving of President Bush; those numbers are worse than Richard Nixon’s on the eve of his resignation. A CBS News poll taken at the end of April found only 33 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the GOP — the lowest since CBS started asking the question more than two decades ago. By comparison, 52 percent of the public has a favorable view of the Democratic Party.
Things are so bad that many people don’t even want to call themselves Republicans. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has found the lowest percentage of self-described Republicans in 16 years of polling.
It’s hard to dismiss this stuff as “liberal media bias” when elections hand districts (with decades of Republican-control) to the Democrats. The article even has a Republican insider saying:
“The anti-Republican mood is fairly big, and it has been overwhelming,” said Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis.
That’s bad. I mean, at some point even the most heroic self-deception must fail, even in a community that is infamous for rejecting reality and facts.
The Republican gloom and doom is featured in this piece appearing in The Weekly Standard titled Gloomy Republicans: For good reason? by Executive Editor (and noted Wingnut) Fred Barnes:
First, the good news. Conservatives won a sweeping victory in an enormously important election the week before last. Unfortunately, it happened in England….
Alrighty then…. That’s the (totally irrelevant) good news. The bad news is that…
Prospects for Republicans in the 2008 election here at home look grim.
[…]More than 80 percent of Americans believe the nation is heading in the wrong direction. Democrats have steadily maintained the 10 percentage point lead in voter preference they gained two years ago. And President Bush’s job performance rating is stuck in the low 30s, a level of unpopularity that weakens the Republican case for holding the White House in 2008.
There’s another piece of polling data that is both intriguing and indicative. In a Wall Street Journal/NBC survey last month, John McCain fared better with Republican voters (84 percent to 8 percent) than Barack Obama did with Democrats (78 percent to 12 percent). McCain was also stronger than Obama among independent voters (46 percent to 35 percent).
These are terrific numbers for McCain. But they aren’t enough. In the overall match-up, McCain trailed Obama (43 percent to 46 percent). The explanation for this seeming paradox is quite simple: The Republican base has shrunk. In 2008, there are fewer Republicans. [Emphasis added]
This same pattern holds here in Washington state. In the most recent SurveyUSA Washington head-to-head poll, Sen. John McCain gets 87% of the Republican support compared to 83% of Democrats who support Sen. Barack Obama. (One difference is that among Washington state independents, 55% support Obama and 34% support McCain.)
Overall, however, Obama strongly leads McCain, 53% to 40%. The reason for the double-digit lead is that only 28% of those polled admitted to being a Republican, whereas 41% fess-up to being a Democrat.
SurveyUSA polls provide data on the long-term trend in party affiliation. Here are the percentages since May of 2005:
The numbers show a slight decline of about 1.4% per year in Republican affiliation. At the same time, there is a 2.7% increase per year in Democratic affiliation. The big change is in independents, who have declined by about 4% per year.
The numbers support the notion that, in Washington state, independents are increasingly calling themselves Democrats. An analysis of correlations indicates that the increase in Democratic identity is most strongly associated with a concomitant decline in independents (r = -0.872). In other words, declines in independents “explains” about 76% of the increase in Democrats (found by squaring the correlation coefficient). The decrease in Republican identity “explains” about 20% of the increase in Democratic identity (r = -0.451).
The take-home message is that Republicans have good reason to be gloomy in Washington state. Their brand name is tarnished; the percent of Washingtonians admitting to being a Republican is declining. At the same time Democrats are experiencing growth.
And if Republicans are counting on independents to make up the difference, they are bound to be bitterly disappointed: there are even fewer independents than there were three years ago as former independents start calling themselves Democrats.
Ok brace yourself – here come the mindless nitwits from the GOP side trying to attack Bill Clinton or making false statements about other Dems in the hopes we won’t notice they’re getting the shit kicked out of em! You know it’s all the right has left. The idiots will down with the ship and America will be better for it.
Deflect Deflect Deflect – hurry fools – call Limpdick Limbaugh and ask for talking points. We’re waiting!
History will remember Bush as the guy who elected America’s first black president.
Roger ..
You are just happy because Obama has big ears!
Personally I have no prejudices based on ears on guys.
Women with big ears are another matter all together, Jessica Rabbit will never by MY president. I prefer ROUND ears, as with Minnie Mouse!
Has it occurred to anyone besides me that Obama looks a blt like Elmer Fudd?
Seriously though, no one party rules for long without falling to corruption or other issues. Those few of the animals here that care about the farm, really ought to watch what is going on amongst the pigs.
The Elder Pig running for Leader-of-us-all is already being challenged by a younger porker named Newt.
Newt seems to ‘spect that thew swine will lose the election but this flat nosed pinko has plans. This fella is calling the pigs together to see whether they can rally their forces for future contests. So far no other group of pigs seems to be contesting Newt’s plan.
Yeh, it is pretty neat that our guy the colt looks to win but watch out, you know how them pigs can get it together!
McCain will win 40 states. It will come down
to an individual in the booth asking themselves
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
Mark at 5
Were you born an asshole or have you developed this over your 7 years of high school?
Race baiting? Your mom should have had that abortion your father begged her to undergo. In fact, I believe that in your case you should be subject to an after birth abortion. I know many people, some licensed and some not, who would gladly perform the procedure absolutely free of charge. (Anne Coulter has inspired the preceding humor).
6 You are the retard. Come back when you learn
how to spell.
Just like the previous 2 presidential elections, the gop doesn’t have a chance.
Why is no one talking about how the gop is going to steal another election. Oops, I let the cat out of the bag.
That will leave obama the other 17 states.
Republicans are getting crushed in historic ways both at the polls and in the polls…Their brand name is tarnished; the percent of Washingtonians admitting to being a Republican is declining. At the same time Democrats are experiencing growth.
Oh! That’s all Bill Clinton’s fault! He was responsible for that terrible economy of the 90’s when there was full employment and $1.50ish/gallon gas.
You know the economy everyone wants to return to? Nostalgic bunch – American voters.
Further proof of the failing government school system.
Thanks for pointing it out.
“Do I want a jigaboo for president?” Nahhh.
Stupes and Stamm: nice party you losers shill for.
Marv- the schools can only provide the opportunity. If one is too dense to take advantage, one must take responsibility for that problem.
Too bad Marky doesn’t have the stones to walk down Rainier Ave calling people names like that. Typical republican cum-drunk bitch. All hat and no cattle. Keep denying your destiny asswipes. It will be really fun watching you crash and burn.
The republican party will be the refuge of:
people too stupid to figure out how badly Bush and rerpublicans have messed over this nation
people content with their lot – the rich and the uncaring
people with lots of stock in oil companies
That will add up to about the 33% share republicnas have. Intelligent, non-prejudiced, aware voters will reject the GOP falsehoods. The scare tactics don’t work anymore – the GOP has cried 9/11 too many times and they have not delivered (or even tried to deliver) bin laden.
The excesses of Bush and the republicans – illegal torture, illegal wirtapping of Amnericans, illegal manipulation of the Justice dept., illegal collusion with lobbyists for companies at the EPA, FDA, FEC, Agriculture, State and other depts have soured real Americans on the GOP. Real americans are tired of the corruption and the Abramoff ties, the foley scandal and the coverup by the GOP and the hypocrisy of the “values” party disregarding all values. McCain is more of the same – he will go down in flames (probably by his own pathetic words).
I notice that the republicans trolls have not called out Mark (@4) for his racist comment – apparently, that is tolerated just fine in the republican party…
Mark – you have NO credibility. Pathetic.
Say, is it hard for you to be around black people 24/7 like others in your party?
I think the neck and neck Gregoire/Rossi numbers are a lot like the neck and neck McCain/Obama numbers. Most folks just flat don’t give a rip about the contest until about 10 days before the election. Then they pull up all the memories of the negative images they have of either side, hold their nose, and vote the way they learned to do from their parents.
Unless their legacy party has done some thing really, really bad, they will stay loyal to their primal party affiliation.
Unfortunately, this time, the Republican party has done some things that are reeeeeaaly, reeeeealy bad. They got us into a needless war that we can’t win, and the economy is in the toilet.
Also on the bad news side of the ledger for them is that the Democratic candidate is a fairly interesting speechmaker. He can really get a crowd going, even through the medium of television.
Again on the bad news side is the Republican nominee is about as exciting as skim milk. Yeah, he’s a war hero; we’re not sure how or why, he got his butt shot down in a very unpopular war that no one likes to talk about very much. But he managed to live through the experience (an awful lot of folks didn’t), so what the hell; let’s call him a hero.
But still, he can’t seem to come up with anything new or creative except for things that infuriate his core constituency; like immigration reform or campaign financing.
Bottom line is Washington will no more be a “battleground state” in the Presidential election than Alabama. And Dino Rossi, who has nothing more to offer than he did in the last election, will again be defeated. Except this time, no one will bother on a recount because it won’t even be close.
So people born not as smart as you should suffer for that?
How do you feel about people that live in the country of opportunity yet don’t take advantage to get a good paying job. Should they take responsibility for their problem?
Should others pay for their health care? Their housing? Their food stamps?
@4 I don’t know anyone named Jessica. My name has nothing to do with any media enterprises, comic books, films, animated characters, etc. It’s the name Mommy Rabbit gave me, and I’m stuck with it.
@5 Spoken like a racist Republican.
@5 (continued) Guess what, America is barely majority-white, and guesssss whooooo the minority voters are gonna vote for? Not the rich fat cheap labor conservative white guy.
Mindless nitwit @6: See #1, first sentence.
What % of whites vote D, % that vote R?
@11 For example of private school product, I give you George W. Bush as Exhibit A.
@19 Where are all these “good paying jobs” in our “country of opportunity” run by cheap labor conservatives? Last I heard, you Republicans want to pay workers $2.13 an hour and put their tips in your own pockets.
@24 I figure white folks will split about 60-40 in favor of Democrats. You Repubs don’t have much going for you. You’ve proven your incompetence, greed, criminality, and dishonesty to the nines. Only the black boxes are going to vote for you this time, and this time that won’t be enough.
I just read through the national sex offender database and there is a Marvin Stamm on the list. Could this be our very own retarded Marvin?
Do you think that’s about the same or different than the last 2 presidential elections?
Considering bush was re-elected, why do you believe that reps are going to vote for a dem?
What were you doing, checking out your family members? Checking to see if the aclu got your name off the list yet?
Please don’t tell me you are really this stupid! Are you the ONLY one of the regulars that think this is my real name?
Damn are you one ignorant classless jackass!
You made your feelings about racism known to HL pretty loud and clear as I recall.
To that Mark character?
Not in a million years..
And as for the rest of us not denouncing HL, you can go to hell – you don’t see us high fiving HL and praising him.
Nice party you shill for Stamm.
And you believe I’m high fiving mark and praising him?
You got a link?
If you’re not going to denounce headless why do you believe it is my position to denounce mark?
Why the double standard, do you hold me to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
why do you believe it is my position to denounce mark?
That would mean you’re consistent. You already made a long winded speech denouncing HL calling him a racist.
But for Mark?
Nope. That’d mean losing your troll paycheck.
@28 “I just read through the national sex offender database and there is a Marvin Stamm on the list. Could this be our very own retarded Marvin?”
I seriously doubt it. “Our” Marvin isn’t smart enough to get a zipper open.
@29 Bush wasn’t re-elected.
@30 “Are you the ONLY one of the regulars that think this is my real name?”
C’mon, everyone here knows you’re one of Kevin Carns’ multiple personalities.
@32 It’s not true that we didn’t denounce HL. I certainly did, and in no uncertain terms. And I’m sure that, when I did, I spoke for all the rest of us liberals here. We don’t tolerate racism.
re 17: No, Marvin. You are just full of shit.
Marvin: When are you going to denounce the Republican governor of S. Carolina for flying the confederate flag and Mark for using egregiously negative racial stereotype language?
You are a complete hypocrite. You said you only comment on things in California. And I am disapointed that RR feels it is appropriate for him to ‘denounce’ me for saying that black people can be difficult to be around 24/7.
How is that a racist statement? You’ve been bamboozled and hoodwinked by the trolls constant repetition.
O-blah-blah has only been vetted so far by other DEMOCRATS. The R’s have just been sitting back watching. Makes you wonder what they have managed to dig up about O-blah-blah, doesn’t it???
Do you really think they have nothing???
I think the Chicago-style mob politics that are a way of life in Illinois & O-blah-blah was indoctrinated into, won’t play well with the rest of the Country.
In Washington State—I think a huge issue will be the position Rossi & Gregoire take on citizens Constitutional Right to Initiative/Referendum and Legislative talk to regulate to the point of complete ineffectiveness.
Also, Gregoire’s massive spending increases and adding of State employees to the point of a $2.4 BILLION deficit staring her & US in the face. Will she propose Tax Increases to deal with the Deficit she created??
It is HER Deficit to deal with.
Like folks taking out mortgages they couldn’t afford and are now squawking….the day of reckoning is HERE (not near).
Crushed. Dave Reichert. Dino Rossi.
Oh, and mark? Classy.
Calling yourselves a Repbliconvict these days would be like calling yourself a NAZI after the concentration camps were discovered…..
The prosecutions of the criminal enterprise, today’s GOP have not even started yet.
Imagine what will happen when the justice department is doing something other than voter suppression…….
Mr. Cynical fails to accept the fact that every day old people, who are ignorant enough to think Republiconvicts are good for America die, and youngsters register to vote. For Democrats….
The only thing the party of liars, frauds, and corporations have to offer young voters is more unnecessary wars, and more debt they will need to pay for.
So after we spend 2 trillion a year (the true cost) on our military machine, how much is left for us?????
Had you said, the Smith family (which happens to be black) is hard to be around 24/7 you wouldn’t have outed yourself.
Instead, you made a blanket statement, “black people are hard….” Not ALL black people are like those that burned down your neighborhood.
It would be no different than a racist pointing out one black welfare cheat and then said all blacks are welfare cheats. Or using the crimes of one black to paint all blacks as criminals.
Or a troll pointing out that democrats started the KKK, fillerbusted the civil rights act and trying to paint all democrats as racist.
The difference between us trolls and your comment is you were being serious, I’m a troll. In my heart I don’t believe ALL democrats are racist.
That explains why I wear shoes without laces.
Mark at 7
I would appreciate you pointing out the misspelled word or words.
You are a complete moe-ron.