Secure Scheduling. Seattle has secure scheduling. Just like with sick leave/safe leave and with various state and local minimum wage initiatives, the business community are having a sad. But just like those things, it’ll be a bit better than it was before for working folks.
Last week Trump had his hair mussed by Jimmy Fallon.
This week a Fallon interview with #CrookedHillary airs and she pokes fun at the homeless.
#CrookedHillary knows about these things, you see. She and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” after his presidency, after all.
If not for a single misdirected tweet, how high in national Dem leadership hierarchy might this putz be today?
EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a troubled 15-year-old girl telling her she made him ‘hard,’ asking her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits and pressing her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’
Read more:
Well, consider who he is married to, slick! (Yes trolls, I realize Weiner and Abedin have split up, so shut up.)
It’ll be a bit worse than it was before for working folks at CGI.
Clinton Foundation to lay off dozens of staff
Read more:
“Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a troubled 15-year-old girl”
If Weiner had been wearing a panda costume then he’d be behaving just like a Republican, except Republicans prefer 15 year-old boys.
“State legislative aide wanted to wear panda costume, have sex with boy, cops say”
There are hundreds more where that came from. Starting in 2008, I posted a couple hundred of them before you ever showed up here. Republicans are not just fucking kids, but watermelons, horses, donkeys, goats, dogs, chickens and washing machines. In fact, there is a higher percentage of Republican officials busted for pedophilia than there are American Catholic priests who were busted.
I’m not sure why you enjoy hanging out with and voting for wingnut pervs who fuck goats. I figure that’s your business.
@2 like the rest including every Republican Crook, higher than they should be.
It is great Boob can question a politicians ethics but to speak up about Wells Fargo? Nothing from the Boob. How about a Wells Fargo tweet Boob?
@2 only a pervert like you would want to read it….the headline is good enough for me – no need to read the filthy details.
So CGI is being permanently shut down to allay “appearance of conflict” concerns surrounding the future First Gentleman.
First, it’s necessary here to outline the legal contours: there are none. There is no law regulating conflict of interest for the President of the United States or his/her family. Uniform past practice among Presidents elect has been to divest or place any and all business interests into blind trusts. For what are pretty fucking obvious reasons, that would have no practical meaning in the case of the CGI. So Bill Clinton’s retirement project is being terminated permanently for the sake of trust and transparency. That’s been decided for quite some time and thoroughly reported. CGI employees not being retained with The Foundation are being given an immensely generous package of severance benefits including personal career coaches, professional job hunting services and outplacement services. As the CGI is wound down they are all being paid through the end of the year.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party Nominee for President continues to hide all details concerning his personal and family income and business dealings both domestically and internationally. He states outright that he has no intention of divesting or transferring any control of his many international businesses. As President he will continue to negotiate private business deals on his own behalf with foreign nationals, foreign governments, and giant corporations with business before the Executive branch.
Finally let’s recall what CGI did: bring together global leaders in government, finance, business, education, research, media, philanthropy, and NGOs to form cooperative agreements to solve the world’s most pressing problems using a unique outcome oriented model of sustained public/private implementation and coordination.
Let’s recall what The Republican Nominee for President does: license his name and image to defraud desperate working class people, foolish investors, and siphon millions of dollars out of investor owned enterprises and charities to support his high spending lifestyle and hide from the law.
So while the Republican Nominee for President promises if elected to use the office for corruption and personal gain while ripping off others, his rabid, lunatic supporters insist that the real problem lies elsewhere having something vaguely to do with “grumblings” and “concerns”.
All I can say is What The Fuck.
@ 5
Costumes and children rang a bell, Steve.
Remember this guy?
OK, not a child, but just-graduated. Hey, Michael Brown was a graduate and an adult as well, but media persist in calling that thug a ‘teenager’.
Both side have their slime. Weiner will be hard to top.
@ 9
There is no law regulating conflict of interest for the President of the United States or his/her family.
DR, how far did “no controlling legal authority” get you last time around?
If Trump wins, do you see yourself repeating that sentence in the next four years, DR? Or should Puddy, for instance, use that sentence in reference to a Trump presidency, will you let it go unchallenged?
This is how far liberals have fallen. Conflicts of interest aren’t illegal.
Time to stop thinking of yourselves as the good guys.
Well, at least he wasn’t robbing a convenience store.
Right Boob? Right?
So far, the Republican Nominee for President is the only modern era candidate for President to promise to take advantage of the lack of legal restrictions on the office of the President.
And fobbing this off onto the Fuckwad only makes you look more cowardly. As if accusing an innocent dead man of being a convenience store robber wasn’t enough.
@ 13
As if accusing an innocent dead man of being a convenience store robber wasn’t enough.
Ah. You’re back to Castile. Thought you meant Mike Brown. Who did, in fact, strong-arm rob a convenience store very shortly before he began assuming room temperature.
“Time to stop thinking of yourselves as the good guys.”
It really frightens me to think how the inattentiveness, impatience, and lack of detail you demonstrate in these comment threads must endanger your patients.
“Ah. You’re back to Castile. Thought you meant Mike Brown.”
I wonder what on earth slowed you down long enough to figure that out?
@ 15
Your ilk is frightened by hats that say “Make America Great Again’ or by “Trump 2016 written in chalk on a sidewalk or outdoor staircase.
and “your ilk” is frightened by the prospect of saying “I was wrong to let my pride and bigotry drive me to inflict pain on the memory of an innocent dead man. I am sorry”.
@2 Good thing Democrats catch these characters and expel them before they get into positions of real power. Wish Republicans would do the same.
Soooo….if the new scheduling law is such an important item for the working class, how come unions are exempt from it?
Hmmmm……..there is always more to the story…
@4 Dozens of people have lost their jobs, and Boob is celebrating. Why does Boob hate people who earn their living from honest work?
Instead, Republicans elect them overwhelmingly to be their Nominee for President. Just about says it all.
@ 18
No police report yet. More importantly, no video.. I’ll have no problem owning up if it turns out there’s no there, there.
As I’ve said many times before, it’s dumb to make your living by performing honest work. Your only reward for that is low wages, irregular hours, a declining income, disappearing benefits, and termination without notice at the boss’s whim. Workers are despised and treated like dirt. Stock flippers like Boob and me have the world by the tail. We get paid handsomely for doing nothing, producing nothing, and crashing the economy, and everybody admires and sucks up to us. Working, as admirable as it might be on paper, is for fools. Hey, I’m not saying it’s right; I didn’t create this crazy system, you stupid humans did, and I’m only along for the ride.
The Anthony Weiner story just gets worse and worse……
@5 Republicans marry coiffed, perfumed, dressed-to-the-nines women and then don’t want to fuck them. They’d rather fuck watermelons, horses, donkeys, goats, dogs, chickens and washing machines. Very strange. I can’t figure out humans. We rabbits chalk it up to low intelligence. You’re the stupidest species on earth. Half of you are goatfucking Republicans.
The Republican Charity rip-off story just gets worser and worser…
@9 “Meanwhile, the Republican Party Nominee for President continues to hide all details concerning his personal and family income and business dealings both domestically and internationally.”
Well, we do know he raids his charitable foundations for funds to pay off the lawsuits against his businesses.
Conflicts of interest aren’t illegal.
That is how Dick Cheney’s Halliburton made billions of dollars from the Iraq war. Something about being awarded no-bid contracts due to his being VP.
@10 “Costumes and children rang a bell, Steve.”
Boob, please get help before you irreparably harm some kid.
@17 No the hats are great, it’s the candidate who sucks.
as evil as he was, at least Cheney resigned his board positions and moved his investments into blind trusts, like every single other modern Pres/VP – including the Clintons. Trump actually intends to run his various businesses and investments from the White House (in the laughably unlikely event of his winning) and sees absolutely nothing “concerning” about that.
And when they aren’t fucking goats and ripping off charities, Republicans love to play fake war hero.
That one’s looking like a D pickup in the Senate.
@32 I’m not as sanguine as you about the odds of one of history’s most successful con men winning. There are a lot of stupid voters out there.
@14 – “before he began assuming room temperature.”
wow. it had always been plain that you disliked black folks. but, damn that is some cold hearted shit. fuck you, you racist shit-stick.
also, it’s weird how your rhetoric has changed over time. your right-wing bullet points and taunts are becoming Pudwhacker-esque. think about that – so you really want to sound like that fool?
the electoral math will have to change a whole lot more before I get worried. Gerrymandering and disenfranchisement can only get them so far.
This fight is for the Senate. And even if we don’t gain a majority this year, Republicans will have burned through their reserves of institutional capital and credibility by the time this is through. Governors, State AGs, and dozens of Senators and Congress members will bear the permanent orange shit stain. Even our own trolls can’t resist rolling in it. Fun to watch. Like Mike Pence degrading himself in defense of the Republican Charity rip-off.
DRUMPH is a successful business man?
The real reason Donald Trump is so rich
“I’m running for office in a country that’s essentially bankrupt, and it needs a successful businessman,” he told Rolling Stone.
Yet Trump has not done nearly as well as other American business magnates, or even a typical middle-class retiree following sound financial advice, as a review of the numbers over the past four decades shows…
“Weiner will be hard to top.”
You are either naive or kidding. Bob, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but from Hawaii to Florida, Republican officials have been busted for soliciting black men to allow them to blow them in public park toilets for $20. I don’t know why this is a thing, Republicans wanting to give black men a BJ in public park toilets and paying them $20 for the privilege, but sad to say, that’s the way it is. Unfortunately for these Republicans, some of the blacks they’ve solicited have been undercover cops.
At an actual news organization an on air host who appeared in a presidential campaign ad would be immediately terminated.
There’s a big stink going on about EpiPens and Mylan, the manufacturer. Here’s a quote from Reason Magazine’s November issue (pages 2 and 3) concerning the controversy:
“Milan acquired the EpiPen from Merck in 2007, by which time the product was already 25 years old, which means the question of paying basic research costs was moot. In 2009, Teva Pharmaceuticals tried to enter the market- and Mylan sued. Teva managed to get its product to the FDA anyway, only to be told that it had “certain major deficiencies,” unspecified. In 2010, Sandoz Inc. tried its luck and got bogged down in the courts, where the case still dwells. In 2011, the French company Sanofi made a bid to gain approval for a generic, which was delayed for years because the FDA didn’t like the proposed brand name. Which brings us to this year, when Adamis decided to sell plain old pre-filled epinephrine syringes directly to patients without the fancy injector. Cue an FDA recall, on the rather vague basis that insufficient study had been done on standard administration of a drug whose medical properties have been known since the turn of the last century.”
Well, there you have it – EpiPens are now costing a fortune because of government incompetence and arrogance and crony capitalism. BTW, the CEO of Mylan is the daughter of the a senator from West Virginia.
So, out of “an abundance of caution” Republicans believe that calling an innocent dead man a worthless piece of shit is the right thing to do. Very well done, gentlemen.
Buy the rights to a product that saves kids’ lives, raise the price by 500% — the customers will gladly pay it; after all, what is their child’s life worth, right? — and raise your own salary by 671%. It’s capitalism’s finest hour.
Disclaimer: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Mylan stock.
@40 Sounds more like influence peddling or outright bribery to me. Why else would a drug company be run by a lobbyist who happens to be the daughter of a U.S. Senator?
Trump reports. YOU DECIDE!
@ 41
Dead but hardly worthless. Three Gofundme accounts were established for the womenz in his life.
They might even get to be on stage during 2020 DNC. Never know what O’Malley will be thinking then.
Honestly, this one sounds like some Fuckwad work product –
Details, details.
Out of an even greater “abundance of caution” Republicans need to smear the families too.
Even better.
Now go ahead and try to convince yourself that you haven’t played an important part in the NO RAGRETS Orange Catastrophe befalling your party and your political ideology*. Do that in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.
*Such as it is.
@ 46
Why, of course he was.
You don’t melt steel unless you reach a critical temperature and for that the Twin Towers needed, in addition to a bit of jet fuel and some paper, the incendiary rhetoric of a young state senator. From another state. In a different time zone.
“They might even get to be on stage during 2020 DNC. Never know what O’Malley will be thinking then.”
Are you trying to put your Kiss of Death on O’Malley? Seeing as how Bernie is now campaigning for Clinton, it looks to me like it only works when you do it to Republicans. Walker and Fiorina come to mind.
Well, one has to admit it would be far easier to continue dicking bimbos if one were not married to the president.
This all begs the question: Is Bill Clinton trying to deliberately tank his wife’s campaign? He’s certainly an experienced politician, and he’s definitely old enough to know better. But yet, four times now, on two separate topics, Clinton has “inadvertently” reinforced arguments against his wife as President.
Just ask #CrookedHillary. The woman got virtually no trim from 1993-2001.
@ 49
Yes, Steve.
By mentioning 2020 it was O’Malley’s electoral possibilities on which I was riffing.
Follow the money:
AP interactive campaign ad spending site.
#CrookedHillary spending an awful lot of money. And watching her popularity decline with her credibility as she’s spending it.
This guy claims a demon is inside him – Marcusssss!
Nah, it’s just called Nesnderthalism.
Tidbit du jour, from today’s Fox OH poll:
Meanwhile, Clinton trails Trump by two points among voters living in union households. That voting bloc went for Obama over Romney by 23 points in 2012.
Another Fox tidbit, this time from the NV race:
The Democrat is trailing expectations among women and younger voters.
Particularly among those who think she oughta be able to make it up the stairs on her own.
“Follow the money”
While Trump steals from his charity foundation, a charity that does charitable things only when forced to do so by the courts or, as with the veterans he tried to stiff, when exposed by the media. Otherwise, the only thing Trump’s charity ever did was pay for portrait paintings of the founder and his legal bills.
Damn. The guy who loves golf actually rigged a hole-in-one contest to stiff any winner, then pays the penalty by stealing from his charity. For a guy putting himself out there as being worth billions, this is some seriously sick, cheap-ass shit.
There is indeed a crook running for president, but no matter how many times Bob leaves hashtags here, it isn’t Hillary.
Of course, a guy who can stiff the Freedom Kids is capable of doing anything.
“Pro-Trump ‘USA Freedom Kids’ plans to sue campaign”
I hope he treated the Russian mob better than that. The fucker is probably running for president because he believes having the launch codes is the only way he can put a stop the hit that’s been put out on him.
Hillary Clinton ‘dropped climate change from speeches after Bernie Sanders endorsement’
Indeed, the signs were there. During the last six months of Clinton’s primary campaign against Sanders, the transcript log of her speeches shows she was talking about climate change at one out of every two speeches she gave.
But since Sanders endorsed Clinton on July 12, the full focus of the Clinton campaign has swung to Trump. In 38 speeches since that date, Clinton mentioned climate change specifically eight times. Just once every five public addresses.
You’ve been played and then sold out, Berniebros.
Oh, and then told to STFU
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
by a guy who cashes a weekly check written by a billionaire.
We wouldn’t want to attack her credibility, now, would we?
One reported dead during rioting tonite in Charlotte – gunshot to the head.
Not a cop. Not yet, anyway.
In case they decide to revive the All My Babies’ Mamas reality TV concept, they’re gonna need a new protagonist.
Sister Toldjah ツ
Time Warner Cable Arena being looted right now per WBTV live feed.
Hey, looks like that NCAA decision to pull all of those events out of NC wasn’t so stupid after all.
Thank you, #CrookedHillary, for including the Charlotte killing in your statement earlier today.
Hillary has the Avengers. Trump has David Duke. Deal with it.
34,192 NYC Democrats thought Anthony Weiner as mayor was a good idea.
@ 62
Not to piss on your white-boy comic book fantasy, Steve, but I don’t remember seeing the union label on any of that China-made Avengers crap they handed out in Happy Meal boxes.
And even if the Avengers were a union shop, #CrookedHillary would probably have less @ 52 than a comfortable majority.
And Steve? Scarlett’s always been an Obama Girl.
She’s acting in that vid, Steve. Hates that Toxic Cunt with a passion.
The Oregon moron @13 is a real racist jackASS. Travis brought up a real issue if Trump wins. There will be no controlling interest because Trump isn’t PWNED by the wall street oligarths like Careless Crooked Heilary!
The Oregon moron is a real girly boi!
See ya!
Wow. Sister Toldjah. That’s still a thing? Sweet baby jeebus, no wonder the alt-Wrong, beta-male, 4chan, butt plug, New GOP has left Boob behind. It’s like he’s stuck in 2008 trying to break McCain out of his tiger cage.
And Goodspaceguy guy has twice received more votes Statewide than Weiner in NYC which has a million more residents than the entire Wasington state.
Did you have a point?
He still thinks cigar jokes are relevant. Any day now he’ll end a post with “Take my wife, Please!”
Why did Daryll delete one of Boob’s posts and one of my posts but then let’s Puffballs go with calling people names like girly man?
Isn’t that basically the dialogue that Boob and I had that we were reprimanded for?
@67 Boob never has any point. Any good punchline that means nothing that he can tossed around Is like the last 6 years of what Congress has been like.
@67 not sure if you remember Boob trying to be funny by accusing me of being some crazed Jeffery Dalhmer because my posts occur in the early morning hours in the morning (pacific time) because he was too stupide to figure out that I am in the east coast. The guy is brainless, stupid and dumb.
Wow. Suppose we’ll hear howls from the NRA today?
One candidate is now on record as wanting to confiscate guns. One candidate is now on record saying if a law enforcement officer thinks you are
a person of colorsomeone who shouldn’t have a gun they will just take it.BTW, that poll
PiddlesThe Liar is so excited about….Trump has lost five points since Sunday and it’s inside the margin of error. And it’s a nationwide poll so it still has nothing to do with nothing.
Person of color? Oh, you mean colored people.
So do we think NC will trend more red, or more blue, as a result of the riots and injuries to a dozen police in Charlotte? National Guard mobilized, etc.
Will #CrookedHillary throw a makeup fundraiser for all those rich libbies to replace the one she suddenly cancelled this week? Or would the optics not be so great once the video of the dude with a gun in his hand is released?
I think Burr’s “A” from the NRA as well as his voting record will become an issue.
@ 74
Of course he does.
And if he ever really thought about it, he’d realize that his preference is that hundreds of inner-city Chicagoans continue to be killed each year, if an alternative might be activity possibly not passing Constitutional muster in an effort to do something about the killings.
Liberals are all for gun confiscation unless it’s done in a way suggested by someone who isn’t one of their kind. They’ll violate the Second Amendment with impunity but they hide behind the Fourth Amendment each and every time they think it’s in their best political interest to do so.
Pity there are so few libbies with the balls to point out that doing something materially useful about the killings in Chicago will be an uncomfortable form of sausage-making. Better just not to return to Chicago after January 20th, at least a couple of them of them have decided.
@ 76
I’m counting on it.
It’s the 14th.
What your candidate advocates would violate the 14th amendment.
Your lies will go down better when you learn to dress them up carefully. Did you lose your copy of Frank Luntz’ book?
While you’re counting that, you should also count the number of white NC voters with college degrees. In a state as racially polarized as NC, ya’ll need more dumb fuck whites.
@75 “once the video of the dude with a gun in his hand is released?”
You might want to check in with the police chief, sport. He says the video isn’t definitive.
that would be valid except that the NRA has never agreed with it. Try to remove guns from the homes of mentally ill family members? Jack booted thugs. Cop killing armor piercing bullet ban. Jack booted thugs. No sale if you are on the terror watch list? Oh you better believe the Jack booted thugs are going to bust in your door and take your guns.
But stop people on the street because law enforcement can tell by looking if someone is a criminal or just a licensed carrier, and keep in mind that The Donald can’t pass a law that only applies to Chicago, it’s the entire nation or nothing…. Silence from the NRA.
What Trumo proposed last night and today would mean that even in an open carry state if a cop thinks you might commit a future crime he/she can take your gun away.
NRA? Silence.
@ 81
The witness photos taken after the guy was shot were definitive – that is a pistol on the ground, not a book.
In fewer than two days the prevailing narrative has gone from a father sitting in a car reading a book to a felon with previous weapons convictions holding a pistol and refusing repeated commands to drop it before he was finally shot by a cop with the same skin color.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is left to claim that the video doesn’t definitively show the guy raising the gun to shoot before police finally decided he wasn’t going to drop the deadly weapon.
RR, you are nothing if not consistently a fucking asshole.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, he of nearly decade-long “Liberals must arm!”
infamy, unable to comprehend a very foreseeable response by authorities when someone does what he advocates.
Damn that was trip down memory lane…..back when this blog was kinda entertaining….
What Trump proposed today goes against every argument the NRA has ever made including the most recent, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
A nice mother of three, stable, married, both parents working, living on the South Side of Chicago decides that the neighborhood is too violent but they can’t afford to move to the Gold Coast so both parents take a few lessons, buy a handgun and use it to “keep their family safe.” One day dad is filling up the car and an officer sees that he thinks he has a gun. The officer doesn’t know anything about him, and hey, let’s imagine he ISN’T any kind of minority.
Trump just proposed that the officer is allowed to detain him and then make a judgement call on if he is a future danger and take his gun away if he decides he is. Now there may be some administrative process to get the weapon back but in the meantime the law abiding, gun for protection citizen is disarmed and in the rhetoric of the NRA defenseless.
To quote the gun rights t-shirt on sale at my local gun range. “An armed individual is a citizen, An unarmed individual is a Subject.”
And the NRA is silent and Boob defends that position.
The Panama Canal took 10 years to complete.
ST3 need 22 years to get to Ballard????
LMFAO…..but of course you dupes will vote for it….
Hunh. Imagine that. Trump has no clue about IT infrastructure
Wonder why the Al Gore fake quote crowd isn’t all over Ted Cruz
That British guy Sir Tim something might have some opinions on that…
@ 88
In yesterday’s WSJ/NBC poll, 64% of respondents felt #CrookedHillary’s email abuse was of either moderate or major concern.
And you think you’ll get traction ’cause Trump can’t write code?
Good luck with that, CZ. You’re more and more like YLB every day – just need to add some exclamation points and a spritz of perfume to your spews.
Were the canal an underground covered waterway through a densely populated urban setting you might have a point instead of displayed stupidity.
Run along Troll.
In yesterday’s Fox News Poll 60% of respondents thought Trump was hiding something in his tax returns.
Suppose this is rising now that we know he illegally used money donated to charity to settle lawsuits against him? Now that his campaign has explicitly said that Trump would have people “Pay” him through the foundation (illegal) instead of as taxable income and so the foundation is actually his personal account more or less (illegal) and that the family has access to the accounts (illegal) and move along? Nothing to see here. We dealt with that in a report that I have right here in my hand and no you can’t see it. Trust me, it’s in the report I’m holding.
To quote the liar, show me where I said this would deflect from emails. What I implied was this is another example of Donald Trump not knowing his ass from his elbow.
Funny thing is, you actually believe that kind of reasoning….lolz
I’ll tell you what. Dig a three foot deep trench ten feet long on the floor of your dwelling or back yard if you have one. Then pour and cure concrete so you can fill it with water.
Then dig a two foot deep tunnel five feet long AND deep enough underground to ensure the earth above it doesn’t move even slightly then coat the walls with concrete to a tolerance that no dirt will fall into it and no concrete will ever fall on anything moving through it.
Did one of those projects take considerable longer to complete or are you some kind of Wizard?
Move along troll.
Omg what a great comparison! You should work in the construction industry!
Yes….building a few miles of choochoo line is far far far more (2x as much if you go by duration) of a massive accomplishment and undertaking than, say an easy project like the Panama Canal..
Bonus fun fact! The 1st phase, and a large portion of the overall system) of Montreals underground subway system was built in 5 years…..but i know, Montreal is not an urban place…in fact its more like a Panamanian jungle than it is to a city like, say seattle..
Grand Coulee Dam…..9 years
The ENTIRE Manhatten Project…6 years
Choochoo to Ballard…..22 years
“email abuse”
Abuse? Holy shit snacks, Boob! You’ve just got to do better than that! What? Did the email have to hide out in a battered email shelter? Did Clinton have to double her security detail in case of “battered email syndrome”? What about the CChildrens?
I swear your act gets better every day.
Nice googling. How many workers died on each project?
How large is Grand Coulee? A mile wide and 550 feet high. Adjusted for inflation that relatively small structure by comparison cost $3B
Hey lookkeee! I found some public works projects that cost less and were done quicker! I win!
Never mind that Redmond and Kent DesMoines would be completed in eight years. Federal Way and West Seattle in 10. Let’s only look at Ballard. HooWee the project is going to take a long time to include Ballard so the choo choo is going to take a really long time to build.
Run along troll.
Trump reports. You Decide!
Trump reports. You Decide!
I would be interested to know what czechsays’ finance, engineering, or construction backgrounds are.
After all, anyone who thinks grand coulee dam was just a small project is obviously amazingly qualified to comment on large scale civil projects.
Funny how he passes over the montreal subway project….
BS in Civil Engineering
BS in Mech Engineering
Masters in Const. Mgmt
But what do I know……
22 years…lolz……54 billion (for now)…..lolz….
all run by non elected officials with a terrible track record of budgets and schedules.
Thats a hell of a gamble, and playing against the odds…
PHD in online assholery..
Funny how it skips over those.. Them finance and construction priorities in the ‘burbs!
Just get Dori Monson on the case. Nothing needed but self-driving buses with dedicated lanes and lyft/uber..
CZ – this troll isn’t going anywhere until Drumpf is defeated and it’s left babbling “free stuff” until a bunch of kids are slaughtered in its beloved ‘burbs.
Didn’t boob say Hills would be indicted by now?
Now it’s left babbling #Crooked… 9 or 10 matches in this thread alone.
Boob’s done been drumpfed. Oh well, lie down with dogs…
Give them more time. Over the last thirty years they’ve tried to hang over 90 murders on Hillary.
A regular fucking cottage industry with tens of millions spent, and yet all they ever came up with they blundered into during one of their countless witch hunts – a presidential blow job. Not that what they’re doing isn’t effective in driving down Clinton’s approval numbers. But it’s along the same line as a draft-dodger’s campaign making his opponent’s military service and Purple Hearts a campaign issue. Here we have a thief and scam artist who steals from his charity, who rigs hole-in-one contests and who screwed everybody who ever worked for him, including little girls, hashtagging Clinton as a crook.
“Now it’s left babbling #Crooked… 9 or 10 matches in this thread alone.”
Bob knows better than to give Trump any money as it’ll just end up in the thief”s pocket, but he will gladly donate a score of hashtags each and every day until November.
This from the perfumed asshole itself. Ya live long enough…
“But what do I know……”
The ST project schedules and costs are mind-boggling.
I first rode the Montreal system in 1982. Totally impressed. BART, not so much, but at least the trains move fast.
@102 Regulation wouldn’t be necessary if businesses didn’t have a terrible track record of scheduling workers.
Here’s what businesses want from workers:
1) Work for low wages so we can keep our labor costs low.
2) Work less than 30 hours a week so we don’t have to provide health benefits.
3) Work irregular hours on short notice so we can schedule work optimally to minimize our labor costs, even though this means you can’t hold a second job to make ends meet.
Boob is right, restaurants and small retailers will close in droves, but not for the reason he thinks. Not because of labor costs, but because of labor shortages. Part-time minimum wage earners won’t be able to afford to live here, so they’ll leave, and these businesses won’t be able to hire workers because there won’t be any workers to hire. By treating their employees like this, they’re blowing off their own dicks.
@95 If we needed light rail to win a world war, you can bet it would be finished in 6 years or less, and damn the costs.
Two degrees in engineering.
All I can say in response is that’s way, way more problem sets than anyone should ever be forced to complete in a lifetime.
I had a MechE roomie in college. All he did was study and do homework. Named a frisbee after him.
Trump Reports. You Decide!
Agree….the Montreal system is impressive…and works well…..was there earlier this year.
Yo old dude….you are confusing two completely different subjects…
@101 and 102
Warning: sociopath internet stalker alert
Still wondering why unions are exempt from the new employee scheduling laws…..
….did someone get a payoff??
Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton: “Why am I not 50 points ahead?”
Becuz you suck Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton!
CBUs are exempted from many wage and non-safety workplace laws. It would be unwise to rely on “journalism” for an accurate understanding of laws regulating employment.
For example, many LEOs, Fire Fighters, and other emergency services workers may be exempted from the OT requirements of FLSA. And no “payoff” was involved. Wonders.
That’s President Careless Crooked Hillary Clinton, to you fool. Hahaha haha hahaha!
Ok….I work in construction, as some here may know. And I am closely involved with scheduling projects. All of the project that I have worked on or I am working on are buildings – Office bldgs., Schools – lower and higher education, Convention Centers and Museums, water treatment plants, etc. But I have really never been too involved in any major transportation project.
But – I took interest in the 22 years versus 10 years comparison. So I started to google information on ST3. Just some brief research – no more than 10 minutes worth. Cutting the research short because I wasn’t able to find any quick sites that pertained to schedule and timelines, and I have to run out the door in about ten minutes.
I ask – can anyone share a good website that has information on the Project – I’d like to look into it in more detail.
All I can say at this time is – is the 22 years versus 10 years an apples to apples comparison. A term commonly used in Construction, as I suppose in general elsewhere too. Yes, 22 years seems like a long time, too long. Regardless, the two projects aren’t the same.
But with regard to apples to apples – without even looking up the panama canal project information – does one figure include design time? Looks like the voters haven’t even voted on ST3 yet, so that too me says no one is committing any funds yet in design. Design time can take a while. How long before construction of the latest Canal Project was in the planning in development or design stage prior to it starting…and yes, the design of each project may differ – one is easier to design than the other, or has less regulations and approvals, aside from the actual engineering design. Yes drilling miles of tunnels can take more time than cutting a swath through the open land. Especially in hard rock versus no rock…or on the other hand, it can be very problematic if there isn’t rock and a lot of water infiltration underground, which could even take more time than boring through rock.
But the Chinese do work pretty quick and cheaper labor can allow to put more men on the project at one time to make it go quicker and could have been factored into the cost of the Project, impacting time. And safety could even suffer? Did anyone die on the Canal Project in comparison to the normal average rate?
I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift. Again, if anyone has a good website with schedule and time information I’d love to check it out.
@97, just catching up – I see you asked the same question as I asked about how many died.
@114 then state the facts of each project to prove your point instead of just make a generalization and possibly not comparing apples to apples.
Canal on one side and ST3 on the other.
@ 116, 118
If the unions are excluded, and the burden is sufficiently onerous on the employer, the employer might permit employees to unionize, thereby
1. relieving the employer of the burden of complying with the requirement
2. providing more union dues to the union, as well as more members paying those dues.
Eventually it may be a bad deal for the employer. And, ultimately, for the newly unionized employees as well.
But few think about eventualities.
what difference does that make?
I would guess most of the people that died on the canal project were victims of diseases like malaria…something ST3 doesnt have to worry about.
apples to apples and all…..
I dont think sound transit has released much data on any of the early or pre-design work that has gone on. There may not even be that much at this point.
@120…you are right, they are not even close as apples to apples comparison – but that was not my point.
My point was comparing one the most massive projects in the history of man to a relatively minor project in seattle. And even with 100 years of construction technology on its side, the seattle job will take over twice as long?
sumptin dont add up…..and neither does the money.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Dow Constantine @kcexec
How King County became one of the best Affordable Care Act success stories in the country: @POTUS
Well, not being located in the state of Oregon certainly helped.
Which buys less over time. Competing for bid up materials like concrete with China, etc. Deliberative processes, anticipating some pushback or other issues in heavily populated areas eats up time.
For a bit more “balance” as opposed to the psychopathic hatred of the troll:
And the troll has still not addressed the shorter ST3 time frames in its beloved ‘burbs. Hate does that to a person: fixates it on what it hates, doesn’t allow it to see a larger picture.
Warning: Sociopathic Internet Stalker Alert
@128 addendum #1: Nobody asked you YLB, you are way out of your league on this topic. Go back to sucking your husbands cock..we will let you know when we want a sandwich or RC Cola…..
At least Teabagged has some educated knowledge
@128…oh, and 10 fucking years to get is hardly something to brag about……big fucking deal.
ST would do better to turn this giant, overpriced, over-the-horizon scheduled monstrosity into small chunks. Its easier to sell to taxpayers, and allows better flexibility while being able actually promise something.
if this thing passes, there will never ever ever ever be another transit levy that will get approved for 20 years….doesnt matter if its Metro, ST, or some other entity – if it passes, this will be a death blow to any other proposals.
putting all eggs into one basket is a dumb fucking idea – and smells of a power/money grab by ST – which is run by non-elected suits.
@124 safety can be a correlation with time. More accidents happen when projects accelerated. Do you sacrifice safety for time?
Takes about 3 years to build a 60 story high rise residential bldg. in NYC, not including any design time or procurement of trade contractors. And it is nothing like boring a tunnel underground.
And the cost might be a fraction of the cost of ST3. And is ST3 phased? A phased project will take longer. Not sure a municipality, even such as Seattle, wants or can expend the amount of money it will cost over a shorter period of time.
So many questions unanswered but yet you are so sure that 22 years is too long. 50 miles? I’m sure it isn’t all underground, if it is and it includes design time, not too sure it is too long. But again, it could be.
I’ll see if I can find any good information on it. Then I can better question whether 22 years is too long.
Nobody invited you here to spew your lame hate about Seattle… You can’t shake hate of Seattle out of your puny skull..
Keep it up though.. Lurkers can see what klownservaticism and Drumpfism is all about.
And the laughs are priceless.
It’s EIGHT “fucking” years to Kent Desmoines and Redmond and it’s TEN to Federal Way and West Seattle..
As the troll boob would say, “you dumbfuck”….
Way to skip over the Seattle business mag article just like you skipped over ST3 goals of reaching your beloved ‘burbs. Stay ignorant and stupid.
Imagine that as someone’s “life goal”, that someone is happier that way.
Most of ST3 is abovegrade I believe.
Witness the HATE fixation:
Yours truly took ST light rail not so long ago from Husky Stadium to SEATAC Airport – in SEATAC. Last I looked the airport is not in Seattle.
ST buses regularly take people to and from the troll’s beloved ‘burbs to jobs in Seattle and elsewhere.
We have a family friend who commutes to her job from EDMONDS to downtown Seattle using the ST Sounder train.
ST serves folks from all over the ST service area. All the troll can fixate on is Seattle.
What a weird psycho!
Not too long from now, I’ll be able to freaking walk to a ST light rail station and hit all the major spots from N. Seattle through the UW through DT all the way to the Airport
There’s all kinds of transit oriented development going on all through that route. Just ride the route and open your eyes.
Yeah it freaking costs. It should have been done long ago. As that article said, it makes way more sense as a means of moving people in bulk than one working slob to a SUV guzzling gas in bumper to bumper traffic on a widened highway.
Jeezuz YLB, you write like a 17 year old girl…no wonder people mistake you for a woman.
Comical… go make me a sandwich, like the good little bitch you are.
…..on sourdough.
……just wait until monthly mortgage payments go up a hundred bucks a month or more….FOREVER!
suckers…..thankful i be livin outside the ST taxing zone of death. Hahahhabahahha
Im sure our company will get millions of $$ in contracts from the the 54b pricetag
Thanks YLB! Your yes vote could end up making me lots of money!
Rollin rollin rollin…….
LOL! Just used the ST3 opposition’s calculator to figure out our tax bite.
It wasn’t that bad. And it’s a bit disingenuous. The total figure of course includes the cost of ST and ST2 which folks are paying right now. I don’t see folks budging from Puget Sound because of ST and ST2. We’re not feeling it.
I’m happy to support infrastructure projects especially mass transit. I’d much rather see light rail than more gridlock on highways that fill up once they’re built.
Heh. Whatever dude. Yawwwn.
You write like an asshole. Welcome back to HA.
Must be a lonely world offline for someone like you.
And it’s back to calling someone a girl, which to a Milo lover is still the worst think one can be.
if this thing passes, there will never ever ever ever be another transit levy that will get approved for 20 yearsWanna bet on that? Some predictions that have never come true:
All the rich people will leave if you raise taxes.
Everyone will go outside city limits to save money if the minimum wage goes up. The Subway in Lake City will be cheaper!
Romney is going to win!
First off why did you switch to an urban/ethnic mode and what does that say about you’re intellect?
Second, so then why do you care? If the ST taxing area wants a decent light rail, that’s their business, local control of politics and all. Decisions more on the local level without interference from say, a bloated federal government.
So another reality TV “Star” decided to weigh in.
Damn Amarosa. Is that how it works in America? Will he get to drink the blood of the vanquished and dine on their flesh live on TV too? Will all cower before him and despair?
Project plans:
For the genuinely interested.
Beyond the comprehension of attention deficit troll idiots.