Today is primary election day in Washington. So whatever you do, get that ballot in the mail or stuffed into a ballot box at a drop-off location. Normally, I would then suggest that you hightail it to the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of returns-watching and discussion over a drink.
This week we will not hold our weekly meeting. Washington state is still the epicenter of coronavirus in the United States, with 166 confirmed cases and 22 deaths. For times like these, it becomes prosocial to be antisocial (really, a-social).
Normally, we meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle starting around 8pm. With any luck we’ll be getting together again soon.
If and when the leadership (Not descriptive by today’s measures) in DC should happen to change to a Democrat, I hope Democrat’s just respond to any criticism from the right by just saying, Go Fuck Yourselves”, no other defense is needed.
Kind of like the best response to Boob’s comments. No need to give Boob any more lip than jus t to say, Go Fuck Yoursef, or Go Fuck a Horse. That’s it.
@ 1
…I hope Democrat’s just respond to any criticism from the right by just saying, Go Fuck Yourselves”, no other defense is needed.
That’s what the concept of Permanent Democrat Majority caused Dems to do a decade ago.
How’d it work out then?
@2 How’d it work for you in 2018? How’s it working now?
@1 Boob’s a horse of a different color, because he’s a masochist and enjoys being abused, posts here with the intention of being abused, deserves to be abused, and we have a social and patriotic duty to abuse him. We’d be malingering if we didn’t.
I could paste in a link to a movie clip or two, but there’s no need.
The White House’s coronavirus plan is they don’t have one.
Following yesterday’s 2,013 point drop, the Dow started today up 945 points, but is now down 136 points. This doesn’t look good.
Meanwhile, Nobel-laureate economist Robert Schiller says a U.S. recession is “highly likely.” With businesses canceling conventions and meetings, flights and restaurants empty, and shoppers avoiding malls, that makes perfect sense.
“The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly surged as much as 945 points Tuesday, despite the White House walking back a payroll tax cut pledge from President Trump, as the coronavirus stock market correction continues”
“The White House is far from ready to roll out specific economic proposals in its response to the widening impact of the coronavirus outbreak, administration officials said.”
The Dow jumped up dramatically and then just angled down and down and down as investors learned that the impeached miserable failure’s plan was just talk. Maybe Democrats will save Republicans in the end, but Democrats were not invited in yet, to make it bipartisan.
A plunging stock market, a contracting economy, fear across the land and a government with no answers or plans, just lies — not exactly a formula for re-election.
Trump supporters may say the coronavirus outbreak and its knock-on effects — the falling stock market, an economic recession — aren’t his fault.
And I’ll say, doesn’t matter, the Desert One fiasco wasn’t Jimmy Carter’s fault, but it sank his presidency and re-election chances anyway. That’s just how things are.
Trump may think he’s a king or dictator (he certainly acts like one), but ultimately, the people are his boss. He serves at their pleasure, and they can fire him for good reasons, bad reasons, or no reason at all. Whether he or his supporters like it, or not, is immaterial. That’s how things are.
No president is immune from bad luck. (Ask Jimmy Carter.) But Trump makes his own bad luck, plenty of it, so it’s not surprising that bad luck is finally catching up to him — if not this, it would’ve been something else. Therefore he has no complaint; he’s not an innocent victim of circumstances. He created the circumstances now coming back to bite him in the ass.
Or, looking at it another way, you could say it’s “God’s will”. Just not the God’s will he and Franklin Graham expected, although the rest of us with clearer vision could’ve predicted what divine intervention in Trump’s re-election would look like, if there is such a thing.
If that’s what this is, he should be glad it didn’t take a different form, and count himself lucky to be alive. But I don’t believe it’s divine intervention, because no reasonable God would kill thousands of innocent people when a single well-aimed lightning bolt or cardiac infarction could accomplish the same objective. This is just a random act of nature.
@9 As I pointed out yesterday, in the previous thread, it’s very strange that no Democrats were invited to a White House confab to discuss actions requiring House approval.
I understand that Trump wants to leave Democrats out of the loop. I understand he wants to be president of 42% of the people, not all of the people. But that’s the problem, not the solution.
The stock market sees this more clearly than he, Moscow Mitch, or his incompetent advisers (think Larry Kudlow) do.
Today’s Morning Headline:
“Trump campaign chief is funneling pay to Eric Trump’s wife, Don Jr.’s girlfriend: Report”
The Story (excerpted):
“President Donald Trump’s campaign manager is quietly channeling money to Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle ….
“The payments are hidden from public view because they’re made through campaign manager Paul Parscale’s private company, Parscale Strategy, based in San Antonio …. Typically, such payments would be part of public filings required by the Federal Election Commission so that donors can find out how their contributions are being used — in this case, to pay members of the president’s family.
“The family benefits are linked to a network of politically connected private companies — operating with the support and help of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner — that have charged roughly $75 million since 2017 to the Trump reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee and other Republican clients ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Make no mistake, this is bad, but it has a silver (albeit tarnished) lining: For once, they’re not stealing from taxpayers, but from their own supporters.
I suppose we should feel bad for the Trump supporters who sent their hard-earned money to the Trump campaign organization in good faith, believing it would be used to help re-elect him, especially if it came from their Social Security or disability checks, but I can’t help feeling that if someone has to be robbed by these people: Better them than us.
“Fox Business host Trish Regan claims the coronavirus outbreak is just ‘another attempt to impeach’ President Donald Trump. … As she spoke, a graphic reading ‘CORONAVIRUS IMPEACHMENT SCAM’ appeared on the screen ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s amazing a media organization gives her a microphone. It’s even more amazing that she has an audience. Most amazing of all, her audience is dumb enough to believe this nonsense.
Sorry doc, but this, not Hillary Clinton, is how we got Trump. And you’re part of that idiotic MAGA mob, doc. Deny your Trump allegiance all you want; your actions — you shill for him every day, and never ever criticize him — belie your specious denials.
There actually are two viral infections raging across America right now: COVID-19, and Trumpism. Both threaten to bring the country and economy down; both need to be contained; both require sanitizing every surface they touch. In the case of COVID-19, antibacterial wipes or alcohol will do; to fight off Trumpism, stronger medicine is needed, but just what I’m not sure.
Trump supporters may say the coronavirus outbreak and its knock-on effects — the falling stock market, an economic recession — aren’t his fault.
The fact that president cat-food-brain is unable to respond is his fault. The fact that the entire universe of Republican government elected officials have rendered themselves incapable of intervening is their fault. The many lies they’ve told about the severity of the pandemic crisis are their fault.
And certainly there comes a point when all those lies, and that failure to respond makes the rapid worsening of the outbreak and the falling stock market and economic recession entirely their fault.
It’s really just more of the same old treason. Only this time instead of trashing democracy and the rule of law they are trashing the economy and killing people. The potential for this was always there. It always is with Republicans.
both need to be contained; both require sanitizing every surface they touch.
Tell that to the thousands of hapless victims of CPAC DeathWatch virus now hunkering in their #tornadoshelter leaving voice mail for Matt Schlapp begging for updates.
@16 Not all of them are hunkering down, and that’s a problem:
“The weaknesses in the [self-quarantine] system became apparent over the weekend in Missouri when a man broke quarantine and took one of his daughters to a dance.
“The unidentified dad was already cutting the rug at a hotel Saturday when he got confirmation that his other daughter, the one who had stayed home, had tested positive for the virus, St. Louis County Executive Sam Page said during a news conference Sunday.
“Father and daughter headed straight home, but Page said they are still trying to determine how many people they had been in contact with, and he warned that the dad would be slapped with a court order ‘to remain in the house by order of the sheriff’ if he ventures out again.
“‘When we ask someone to quarantine and they tell us they will, we have to trust that,’ said Page, who is also a doctor. ‘Quarantine’ means stay in your home.’
“St. Louis County Public Health Department workers had been in touch with the family by phone every day since Thursday, when the daughter who has the disease went to get tested and the county told the family to ‘self-quarantine,’ Page said. … ‘The patient’s father did not act consistently with the health department’s instructions.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No comment from Page or anyone else there about the father dating his own daughter. Possibly just emulating Trump’s example. Or maybe that’s considered normal in Missouri.
Correcting a typo: Headline should read, “Moron who threatened Rep. Ilhan Omar sentenced to 1 year in prison.”
The severity of the sentence is related to the fact the charges included “felon in possession of a firearm.”
For some reason, these guys are always felons. And these felons always have guns in their possession. The latter is easy enough to explain: Republican gun policies.
Here’s more:
“Prosecutors said Carlineo ‘believed that Congresswoman Omar supports Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and that Congresswoman Omar’s election to the United States Congress was illegitimate.'”
Of course he did. Because he’s an idiot. Aren’t they all? Probably voted for Trump, too. (Even though he’s a felon.) Maybe more than once. It doesn’t appear he’ll vote in the 2020 election, though, unless New York has adopted felon voting policies championed by liberals.
Rock meet hard place. Continue to appeal setting the narrative that you have lots to hide and possibly lose much much closer to November or give up and hope people forget in a couple months.
Yep, we planed it. Us liberals with TDS.
We weren’t satisfied with death panels we are actively killing your granmama to win in 2020. (Don’t tell. It’s a secret plot)
Republican conversion therapy in action:
“Katey Morse is on a journey of political atonement. ‘I’ve gone on Facebook and apologized to family and friends and said hey, I made a mistake,’ the 39-year-old Michigan resident said last year of her 2016 vote for Donald Trump. …
“A turning point for her came in March 2019, when she took her son to a Trump rally. She was horrified. …
“Morse, who is not registered with a party but considers herself an ‘independent Republican,’ … can’t see herself voting for Sanders in November, but … added: ‘At the end of the day, the idea for me is to get Trump out of the office. And so I’m just going to support Biden in this race and hopefully [he] can go all the way in November.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If she votes for Biden in November, fine, we’ll accept her vote, but I wouldn’t spend a minute of effort or penny of campaign funds wooing people like her. As far as I’m concerned, she’s just a hobo hitching a ride on our train without paying a fare.
Of course. Because these companies limit employee hours in order to limit access to benefits. So most work multiple jobs with multiple employers to make ends meet and still don’t have access to doctors.
#PetriDish meets #agarslant
And here’s the irony: it isn’t as if these mostly low income young women who work as nursing aids in these settings are out to get the Boomers as pay-back for the “FuckYourFeelings” gig-economy. These are all people who truly do care for the residents they serve and would never ever want to see them come to any harm. But they have young families of their own. And they have no control and even less say over their working conditions. So if being less than 100% vigilant about spreading pathogens from one facility to another is what it takes for them to hang on to a few of their jobs and feed their children, then they knock back a couple of Red Bulls with vitamin C and head in to work.
Still: single payer “Socialism” is satanic evil that would destroy our society and thrust us all into an authoritarian abyss. Thank goodness Americans are “moderate”. Apparently just “moderate” enough to kill off a few thousand Boomers. Oh well. Maybe next time this won’t happen.
@2 not sure you understood what I wrote but Go Fuck Your Goat.
Everyone – Bob wants you to think that he’s done fucking you.
Let us pause briefly to be reminded once again that Mueller is a lifelong Republican, was chosen for his appointment as Special Counsel by a group of lifelong Republicans, his selection was approved by Trump, and he staffed his office with mostly lifelong Republicans, and that throughout the entirety of his investigation the Republican Party was in complete control of both chambers of Congress and the White House.
And all House Democrats are seeking is a limited peek into exactly what the Republicans who ran that show learned about themselves.
Biden’s right: The guy’s a “horse’s ass,” and he’s “full of shit.” Can’t fault him for saying so. The fault lies with the horse’s ass who’s full of shit.
How is a payroll tax cut going to help the people who are not allowed to work because they are in quarantine?
Or their company furloughed them until demand comes back?
Think the republicans will do this?
Coronavirus: Italy to suspend mortgage payments amid outbreak
Think it should also apply to renters in hardship?
@27 I remember when Washington’s last Republican governor, John Spellman, delayed state workers’ paychecks for six weeks during the depths of the 1981 Reagan Depression, and publicly asked mortgage companies to give state employees a grace period on their payments. So I called my mortgage company, explained the situation and told them about the governor’s request, and they just laughed at me and hung up the phone. We haven’t had a Republican governor since. Things like that help explain why.
And then there was Bush the Elder, who ordered the IRS to cut withholding — not taxes — to encourage people to go out and spend during the First Bush Recession. So people got bigger paychecks, and went out and spent, and then the following April discovered to their horror that instead of getting refunds they had to send money they didn’t have to the IRS. That helped make him a one-term president. Also “read my lips, no new taxes” followed by raising taxes.
It’s not like this shit is a surprise to anyone. Republicans have been doing this kind of stuff for over 100 years. The problem is either today’s voters don’t remember it, choose to ignore it, or weren’t around then. Or maybe they just enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the people they voted for.
Just on the surface which seems more corrupt.
Son of a prominent politician takes job for which he’s not qualified and is forthcoming about why he thinks he was hired.
Campaign manager puts girlfriend of son and wife of other son of a prominent politician on the payroll of the political party but sets up a shell company entity to keep it off the books.
Why was Ivanka on the India trip?
Rhetorical question, is there a difference between a gold digger and a prostitute?
Doesn’t help at all. Smart people know that but the wage earning rubes who dream of being millionaires one day if only the Gubment would get off everybody’s back don’t know that and feel in their belly that a payroll tax cut is just the thing to make them rich.
$25 a paycheck ain’t gonna get you that Gulfstream.
For all their talk about “property rights,” out in the Red Counties “private property” is a flexible concept. If your neighbor wants to hunt on your property, he will; after all, his daddy did, and his daddy before him did. If he wants to drive his snowmobile across your yard, he will; as far as he’s concerned, now is public property, free for the use of all. And if you fence off the shortcut everyone was using before you bought the property, he’ll ambush and kill you.
Here in the liberal suburbs of Seattle, we don’t have killings over property disputes, because everyone has fences and no one has snowmobiles or hunting rifles in their pickups.
Our system seems to work better than theirs, or at least, it’s more survivable.
Radio nutjob Alex Jones apparently arrested overnight on suspicion of DWI near Austin, TX.
Spent some time in the drunk tank before being released on bond.
Doctor Dumbfuck has been absent since 8:05 am. He must be busy buying more Varian stock to lower his average breakeven cost.
“President Donald Trump, in a meeting with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill Tuesday, pitched a 0% payroll tax rate for employers and employees that would last through the rest of this year, a White House official told CNBC.
“There was also discussion of making the payroll tax rollback permanent, said the official, who declined to be named. Payroll taxes are used to fund Medicare and Social Security. When asked about the potential cost of a payroll tax cut, the official pushed back and asked why there is always a focus on the cost of tax cuts.”
Not mentioned, but in the works, a plan to suspend Social Security benefits and end the Medicare program because there will be no money to pay for them.
“According to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll, 62% of Republicans say the seriousness of the coronavirus is generally exaggerated in the news while only 31% of Democrats share that same feeling.”
Not hard to figure out where the mortality is going to be concentrated.
@37 – This virus could clean out the homeless camps littered around the big cities of the country. Just sayin’…
It could thin out the Social Security roster quite a bit, too.
Maybe it’s the corporate media lying in lock step with “moderate” Democrats.
Might be a worthwhile question to ask when “Can’t possibly afford public option” meets “firefighter won’t give you CPR”.
We’ve known this was coming. We’ve known our community access to healthcare was in perilous decline since the Clinton administration. We’ve kicked that fucking can down the road for thirty fucking years. And now here we are where limited access to affordable healthcare combines with the gig economy and a novel virus to begin randomly killing off people over 70. Remember that in a few more weeks when King County is in lock down. People are out in your community right now spreading this shit around because they have no other option but to pretend they aren’t feeling sick and keep going to work.
This virus could clean out the homeless camps littered around the big cities of the country.
They’ll be grazing their way through your produce aisle and self-service deli line for weeks before then. And your problem is that means they’ll get on that last remaining ventilator long before you do, sunshine.
This virus could clean out the homeless camps littered around the big cities of the country.
Know what else it may “clean out”?
The ranks of low skill, low wage, non-union warehouse and distribution center employees that the modern grocery industry depends on to keep the pallets flowing to your local grocer. When they get sick, are they staying home? And if they do, how do you get your toilet paper or your Metamucil? And do you even want them to show up for work and cough all over your bananas and Eggo Frozen waffles? What happens when the schools and day cares close? Who looks after their kids so they can keep stacking boxes on pallets and pallets into trucks? We know it isn’t you.
Quite the pickle, eh? Oh don’t worry. Pickles are safe. You can’t get it from food. Right? We know that. Right?
@38 Is that republican compassion or republican humor?
Thank goodness!
That afternoon press gaggle from president cat-food-brain will be sure to calm the markets:
“We’re working on a lot of different things. We’ve also had some very good updates on the virus. That’s working out very smoothly. Tremendous people. It’s a tremendous task force. They have done a great job. Not a good job, a great job.”
Asked if he’s been briefed that up to 100M could ultimately be exposed:
“I’ve been briefed on every contingency you could possibly imagine. Many contingencies. A lot of positive. Different numbers, all different numbers, very large numbers, and some small numbers too.”
I feel better already.
Despite whatever the GOP DeathWatch bullshit might be, as of 4pm EST today the US is still tracking at a two-day doubling time for coronavirus infections, which is pretty bad news.
Again assume some of this is testing catch up owing to big delays in testing and response. But nobody should take comfort from that. Because it indicates that the level of undetected infections in the community is still very high. And latent undetected infections are the infections that are most threatening to us all.
If doubling every two days does not slow down the health care system will become over burdened and collapse before we get the spread of the virus under control Doubling every two days is a powerful indicator that we are still a long way away from gaining control. It took China three months to get ahead of the virus facing a six-day doubling time.
At first nobody really cared about me. Funny how it all works out in the end.
Also floating the idea of a massive bailout of the shale oil industry.
(Pulls down a dusty old Webster’s) Flip, S flip Sea flip flip Shame, flip flip, soap, flip, soba, flip sobriety, finger down the column, socca, soccer, sociability AHA socialism)
Feb 27th,
“We shut it down. There are only 15 cases and soon it will be zero” Donald.
Not quite two weeks later. Still no mass testing. No temporary treatment/trauma plan. 30 dead. (a bit more than zero) 975 known cases. Very significantly more than zero.
Not sure that is a true statement but maybe because it’s hard to trust a scummy felon.
Borrowing from future generations of taxpayers to prop up the domestic shale and tar sands petroleum industry would essentially be generational theft. Large scale investments in that industry were and are high risk and are now sunken. They can’t be somehow recovered to be reinvested for the benefit of some other future group of taxpayers and consumers. Those investments were made to prolong an arcane lifestyle of distant suburban and exurban development on cheap land combined with lengthy daily commutes and weekly supply trips to the warehouse club in the H3.
Besides, everyone knew that the Russian economic system would be unable to sustain production limitations indefinitely. Including those investors. That risk was priced in from the start. A bail out at this point would amount to a windfall bonus. That won’t keep food on the shelves at the local grocery.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
730Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Google tells more than 100,000 employees in North America to work from home
Waffle House Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19 in North Atlanta
CDC: The window for containing the coronavirus ‘has passed’ in some parts of the U.S.
U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials
City of New Orleans cancels this week’s public parades, concerts, Super Sunday events
Shortening The Fucking Moron II @ 50 a bit:
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office) severe pandemic has now killed 30 people in a population of 331,000,000.
Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
@51 Looks like Trump is now impersonating Doctor Dumbfuck. I’ve always felt, deep down, that someday it would come to this.
@ 49
What a coincidence. Borrowing from future generations of taxpayers by subsidizing paid stay-home-during-the-coronavirus-scare leave for employees not otherwise covered would essentially be generational theft, too.
Just ask YLB’s kids. They’re the one’s you’d be stealing from.
@53 Wherein the Dumbfuck impersonator equates tar sands with child care. However, one pollutes the environment more than the other. The impersonator pollutes the comment threads.
If that’s really the Dumbfuck channeling Trump, and not Trump impersonating the Dumbfuck, then we’re supposed to believe that someone who thinks and talks exactly like Trump didn’t vote for Trump.
For sheer incredulity, that one’s right in there with moon landing hoaxes, 9/ll hoaxes, climate change hoaxes, and coronavirus-is-a-Democrat-hoax hoaxes.
In Mississippi, Creepy Joe is pummeling Sanders, 80-15.
It’s too bad for Bernie that #WallStreetPete isn’t still in the race to take some of the black vote away from Biden.
Isn’t that right. gman.
Every sentence Biden is allowed to utter on camera is a risk to Democrat hopes.
@56 Too bad for you that you don’t get to vote against a black person in this election. Even if you moved to Mississippi.
@57 #58 ditto.
@56 go fuck a goat.
Updated delegate count (NBC News):
Biden – 766
Sanders – 631
Candidates who dropped out – 124
Doctor Dumbfuck’s and Putin’s candidate – 2*
* Looks like the Anti-America Party isn’t doing too well.
First Whidbey Island case of COVID-19 reported. Father of a high school student in Oak Harbor.
@60 How can you wish such a thing on the poor goat?
Vote Suppression Circa 2020:
“A man intentionally backed his car into a St. Louis polling station on Tuesday and then started throwing liquid on voting machines, police said.
Arlice Thompson, a 60-year-old St. Louis resident and poll worker, told NBC News … a man in his sixties had crashed his car into the side of the church and walked inside yelling obscenities. He then poured an unknown liquid from a gallon milk jug onto the floor and voting machines and started throwing chairs and tables around ….
Kinda reminds me of Charlottesville. Same type of person? Doesn’t sound like one of ours.
@62. “First Whidbey Island case of COVID-19 reported.”
Why does the racist incel care? Given what he said, if the father dies, he will have probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and or more likely succumbed to “the flu”.
Here’s are reasons why it’s more likely than not that the guy who trashed a polling place @ 64 is one of yours:
1. The article quoted a Republican:
2. Although the guy was seen by a whole lotta people and was taken into custody, he is described only as “the man”.
3. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch doesn’t have a story about it.
Here’s one reason why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit might be correct;
Joe Hoft doesn’t have a story about it.
@65 Why does he care? Isn’t it obvious? How else would he know about this before it’s reported in the media? Probably was exposed at work. Didn’t know he had a kid in high school. My condolences to Dumbfuck. We’re going to miss him. It’s next to impossible to recruit new trolls for this blog.
@66 So let’s see if we can follow the many little threads of Dumbfuck’s reasoning:
1. The perp was described only as “the man,” therefore he’s black.
2. In addition, the fact a Republican elections official made a statement to the press about the incident makes it even likely he’s black.
3. If the St. Louis Dispatch doesn’t have a story about it, he’s black for sure.
4. If he’s black, he’s a Democrat for sure.
@ 66
Jim Hoft. Not Joe.
This may help explain why there are only 30 31 confirmed coronavirus deaths in the U.S. so far:
“Despite vows to drastically expand the coronavirus testing regime, federal and state public health authorities have tested only 6,563 people for the coronavirus as of Tuesday morning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numbers provided by all 50 states.”
A million tests in a week. Meh.
@69 Can’t even keep alt-right conspiracy theorists straight. Gotta be Trump impersonating a dumbfuck for sure.
Trolling Biden doesn’t work anymore.
Like I’ve always said, Democrats need to behave more like Republicans. One finally is, and I like that. So do a lot of Michigan voters.
@ 66, 68
Here’s some more “reasoning” for you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
1. The polling place was in the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, located on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive.
2. The church is located several blocks north of Delmar, according to a map found in this source.
You’re a fucking asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Dr. Dumbfuck is now an actuary: “Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, ”
He probably just played solitaire on his computer and didn’t bother to read x-rays or CT scans of older people because they would have died soon anyway. However, he was all too happy to bill Medicare.
Once again he proves his medical degree is a complete sham.
@73 “You’re a fucking asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Yeah, but that’s small potatoes compared to being an incel racist.
First Washington results any minute now.
Now here’s a rousing vote of confidence:
Biden leads in ID, Sanders in ND.
Fuck yeah.
First Washington results:
King County: Sanders 33.6%, Biden 32.5%
Statewide:* Sanders 33.6%, Biden 33.0%
* Based on 692,078 votes
NBC News has just updated to Biden 33.1%. Sanders 32.5% (with 58% in)
But you already knew this.
GOP approval rises, Democrats fall post-impeachment in Gallup poll
Admit it. You need the coronavirus to take off. Otherwise you’ve got Biden.
WA SOS now has:
Sanders – 333,115
Biden – 330,904
This is with Sanders leading by about 4,400 in King County, so Seattle is giving Sanders a slight lead in Washington, but he’s trailing Biden in the rest of the state.
Here are the links if you want them:
Of 467,989 King County votes reported so far, Trump has 74,069, and GOP write-ins are running above 3%. That seems like an unusually large number of write-ins. Here in King County, there are at least 2,295 disgruntled Republicans among us. And that’s just the ones who bothered to vote.
In Island County, there are 13,109 total votes with 15 write-ins on the Democratic side, and 9,297 total votes with 171 write-ins on the Republican side.
No Libertarian choices on their ballot, so Dumbfuck fucked a goat.
@81 Admit it, you need a post-impeachment, pre-coronavirus, pre-stock market crash poll to make Trump look slightly better than he did pre-impeachment, pre-coronavirus, pre-stock market crash.
Sucks to be him. And you.
With 15.8% of the King County primary vote cast for Trump, Roger Rabbit calls King County for Biden in November. Island County may be a little closer, depending on how many unfucked goats are left by then.
More Pollywood.
PA arrests Palestinians for spreading fake news about coronavirus
Yabbut so is Hamas.
Well, no real surprises tonight: Biden clobbers Sanders in ID, MI, MO, MS, and Sanders appears to be winning WA by a hair; on the dark side, Dow futures are down for tomorrow’s stock market and Dumbfuck is hoping and praying for more coronavirus deaths; so I’m going to do something else for a while. Like have dinner.
@ 86
The Chardonnay Lady 3.0, who will be the nominee, is disappointed to learn that she won’t even win deep-blue Seattle.
You’ve been warned.
The I-5 corridor always goes for a Democrat for the presidential election. It does not matter who the Republicans, the Libertarians, the Greens or any other party runs for president. Washington’s electoral votes will always be won by the Democrats’ candidate. In fact, the Democrats don’t even have to campaign here in WA, and the other parties are wasting their time to attempt to win this state’s electoral votes.
@89 Dumbfuck thinks Hillary will win the nomination. Must’ve got that from either Breitbart or Goat News Service, because it’s not in MSM.
@90 “It does not matter who the Republicans, the Libertarians, the Greens or any other party runs for president.”
It does matter. That’s why the Democrats always win the I-5 corridor.
@ 90
Yes. They do.
For the money.
In which gman is begged to stop letting total strangers fuck him bareback in dingy, poorly-lit alleys behind bars.
A few months ago? Try lunchtime.
@93 Speaking of money, I wonder how much our local civicly-engaged billionaire, Howard Schultz, will spend to save our country from Trump? Crickets?
Shit just got real.
It does not matter because the Democrats will always win WA’s electoral votes. The other parties can run no one or run twenty candidates – it simply does not matter.
@ 97
And for that reason, neither does my vote.
@97 ” … the Democrats will always win WA’s electoral votes” because the people here are patriotic.
@ 99
…the Democrats will always win WA’s electoral votes” because the people here are
@98 Of course your vote counts. For losers. Because you’re a loser, too.
Hey, Dumbfuck, here’s something from your favorite St. Louis newspaper. Just not what you were hoping for.
When not voting for the winner in a presidential election, voters are showing the potential president that he/she does not have a mandate for anything.
This is a republic, which means a representative democracy, not a dictatorship of the majority.
@100 Uh-huh. The city called “Silicon Valley North,” headquarters of Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, and Seattle Genetics, home of tens of thousands of aerospace and software engineers, plus thousands of university researchers and professors, is full of “sheep.”
An alternative interpretation is that you’re a goat. That would explain a few other things, too.
@103 “not a dictatorship of the majority”
The last refuge of proponents of dictatorship of the minority.
The rest of us learned the principle of “majority rule” — one of the core principles of our society — in kindergarten. You must have flunked kindergarten.
@103 (continued) “When not voting for the winner in a presidential election, voters are showing the potential president that he/she does not have a mandate for anything.”
Clinton: 65,853,514
Trump: 62,984,828
Explain to me again what Trump has a mandate for? Or, that’s right, “he/she does not have a mandate for anything.” By your reckoning, his every official act is illegitimate. Me, I wouldn’t go that far. I would only argue his attempt to coerce a foreign ally to fabricate dirt against Joe Biden to aid his re-election, for which he was justifiably impeached, was an illegitimate misuse of the authority of the office he holds in public trust.
I’m not holding my breath for any of these things to happen if Biden wins. Instead, I expect 4 or 8 years of nonstop whining about Biden being an “illegitimate” president.
@103 “which means a representative democracy”
Which means, among other things, not ignoring one of the houses of Congress simply because it’s controlled by the opposition party.
It is true, as you say, that we are a “republic and a representative democracy.” That means, among other things, that if Biden wins a majority of electoral votes in November, Trump’s presidency is over on January 20, 2021, and he is expected to hand over power peacefully to his successors; and he, his supporters, and you are expected to acknowledge the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency that follows.
I’m not holding my breath for any of these things to happen if Biden wins. Instead, I expect 4 or 8 years of nonstop whining about Biden being an “illegitimate” president.
Not yet.
But it will.
Call it whatever the fuck you like, gun-humper. We’re still taking away your bump stock and your barrel mags. Go buy tea bags, I guess. Until the next Trump comes along.
@109 Lest they forget, it was President Trump, not a Democrat, who signed the bump stock ban into law.
Meanwhile, I sure did like Biden’s takedown of that Trumper trying to troll him in Detroit. Michigan? Biden won big there tonight, and he’ll win it handily in November, too.
Most presidents are better at timing their recessions than Trump is.
-GOP RapeHero, Feb 26th
@111 That’s nothing less than a presidency-defining moment, to wit:
“Former Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) … likened Trump’s February claim that the number of cases in the U.S. would soon fall from 15 to ‘close to zero’ to President George W. Bush’s misguided 2005 assertion that then-FEMA chief Michael Brown was ‘doing a heck of a job’ tackling the fallout from Hurricane Katrina. … ‘[H]e can’t take it back … [a]nd whether it’s incompetence or not, what Donald Trump doesn’t realize in this moment is the American people are fearful …. He is not providing leadership ….'”
There was a special election in New Hampshire last night to fill a Republican seat in the state legislature whose incumbent died in December. It’s now a Democratic seat.
A Fox commentator — one of the less crazy ones — thinks Biden might pick John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, as his running mate. Says it would guarantee Biden Ohio and “Trump can’t win without Ohio.” Sounds left field to me.
And Alabamians will always run a child rapist and will be glad to consider it a candidate. What’s your point twinkle toes?
the party that shares liberalism with countries euthanizing the elderly and inconvenient,
the party that governs states that have legalized euthanasia,
the party that says you shouldn’t have children to save the earth,
the party of population control by any means necessary,
the party that celebrates abortion and abortionists are suddenly worried about the flu killing off people?
Why aren’t they instead celebrating getting rid of so many in one fell swoop?
You’d think they’d be cheering for it.
Oh wait.
It was just announced (on Fox) that someone in Maria Cantwell’s office has tested positive for the Hunan virus. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope the recover well and fast to live a good long life
Also, just as sad, the Archbishop of Seattle has just cancelled all Masses.
Both events are tragic.