And before the turd-infested right wing noise machine starts spreading their lies, NOTE; it’s a Publican justice appointed by the Bush Regime who said Libby goes to jail. You know it’s REALLY bad when Publicans start doing the right thing. Die in prison you traitor asswipe!
I wan to know where i can find that Scooter Libby jingle I have heard on the radio.
The Bush regime has a real problem on its hands. On the one hand, if they pardon Libby, then we have a HUGE campaign issue that keeps the Publican culture of corruption center stage during the next election – and we possibly win a super majority. On the other hand, you know this piece of shit has knowledge that could worry the White House. You can bet Libby knows where the bodies are buried and he may threaten to start telling the truth about the traitors on the right – forcing a pardon. Then there’s another way it could go – and I predict it WILL go this way. Scooter dies of a “heart attack” in prison – before he talks.
4 That’s pretty sad…but considering that the neocon junta has absolutely no respect for human life, other than the use of the unborn as a propaganda tool, it would’nt be at all surprising.
Fuh Quespews:
Of course he did… his name wasn\’t Sandy Burgler and he didn\’t have MommyClinton on his side, covering his fat ass.
It would be nice if you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers would actually care more about the rule of law and obeying the law of the land (hello document in the pants Sandy, hello Hillary and Harry sweetheart land deals, hello frozen ASSets Jefferson, hello queer prostitutes Barney) than you do about the gotcha game with those to whom you are afraid to lose power.
People like ‘Que and Mark The Red Neck frighten me. I can’t help but think that they are Tim Mcveigh’s in the making.
Fuh Quespews:
It\’s the fact that you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers revel in Conservative mis-step and misfortune while ignoring the same and worse among the pricks you support.
I can\’t wait to crow when the fat fuck Moore drops dead, when Clinton, Clinton and Carter are assassinated, when Fuckstein is fired and / or his preteen whore is deflowered.
Looks like ass-licking Puffybutt has name number 17.
Can’t wait until his hero Bush is in jail with his fellow traitors.
10 Naaaah. They’re cowards. They’re so scared to even go outside, for fear that they’ll stumble on anything that conflicts with their fantasies, that they spend their time spewing obscenities online at people they’ve never met.
“It\’s the fact that you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers revel in Conservative mis-step and misfortune while ignoring the same and worse among the pricks you support.”
Awwwww…our own little apoplectic wingding.
Isn’t that simply precious?
I’m surprised Roger hasn’t chimed in yet. Is he on vacation or something? He loves this stuff.
Fuh Quespews:
hopefully he finally succumbed to his infamous \”illness\” that required \”hospitalization\” Rest in hell.
I’m not sure if this guy’s behavior is more like a dog eating its own doo-doo or the way a male monkey masturbates whenever he knows someone’s watching.
Shouldn’t you be on a ledge somewhere?
Fuh Quespews:
That\’s right, shove the lying frozen bitch against the wall and make her pay..
For the second straight day, minority House Republicans ground the House to a standstill Wednesday as they drove home their objections to a Democratic plan to deny a floor vote on lawmakers\’ thousands of pet projects.
Public anger over the surging number of special member projects called earmarks — derided as pork barrel spending — was a factor in the Republicans\’ loss of House control last November, GOP members concede, and now they say they\’ve gotten religion on the need for openness in government.
Charges of hypocrisy flew in floor speeches as House leaders huddled behind closed doors to seek a way out of a dispute that Republicans said showed Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi had backed down on promises of openness and disclosure made when they took power last January.
Oh but the good OLD frozen bitch has time to hump for free kid trips…
SHOWDOWN: Pelosi wants to allow lawmakers\’ adult children to tag along on taxpayer-funded travel — for free!
Stefan Sharkookoospews:
Take a deep breath, sonny. Yer gonna have a strokey-poo.
Fuh Que
You’re so cute when you get all riled up. I’ll bet your little tirades get your sugar daddy all excited.
21 Sorry to say, you’re right. More and more, it appears we’re watching the incompetent and the timid fighting against the avaricious and unprincipled.
24 In other words, it’s like watching someone showing up with boxing gloves for a knife fight.
Fuc Way: Why do Republicans need billions of dollars to criss-cross the globe telling people not to have sex?
I don’t understand why that would be so expensive — unless they are just stealing the money from the gov.?
You seem so smart. What do you think?
Feel free to tell me any Republican “youth abstinence hero” stories. Tell us an inspiring story of when you were young and within a pussyhair of getting some fine tail, but {with the strength of our Lord, Jesus H. Christ)managed to say NO at the last moment.
Gosh, someone just emailed me a list of all the under cover CIA operatives names! Cool! I think I will post them on the internet. If Scooter Libby was not prosecuted for treason, then I guess posting the names of all our NOC’s should be legal right? All the right wing liars said there was no underlying crime, so outing all our undercover CIA agents should be ok right Hannity? Rush? O’Riley? Savage? That is what all the right wing liars said right? God they must hate America.
I think it must be hell being a Republicon these days. You can’t avoid hearing about all the prosecutions, and convictions. The investigations are showing that the Bushies wanted to turn every branch of government into a political arm of the Republicon Party, and to hell with the law. There is congressmen trying to talk the underwear off of teenagers, and Evangelicals badmouthing gays while doing speed and getting it on with the same gays….
Everywhere you look, the GOP is crumbling under the weight of it’s corruption, and outright lies.
Oops I forgot about Iraq.
The war Republicans started to try to increase their power. How is that working out for them these days?
I don’t think there is a single Iraqi that wouldn’t give anything to have Saddam back……
There is one thing that makes it truly unbearable to be a Republicon.
By the way, he won’t actually start serving for several weeks. Expect another round of Republicans rejecting the rule of law.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
Mr. RedassNeck – I thought the GOP was suppose to be conservative.
CNN excerpt regarding immigration
“Thursday’s breakthrough came just hours after President Bush threw his support behind an amendment that would provide an additional $4.4 billion for border security and work site immigration enforcement. The amendment is a bid to answer concerns from some GOP critics that the security aspects of the bill weren’t tough enough.”
I wonder which GOP senators were the critics, probably the ones that stand to get their hands on 4.4 billion.
Also, they always talk about how this my be amnesty for the illegal immigrants….what about amnesty for the employers who illegally hired….I suppose its ok to give them amnesty.
What should happen is that all the illegals should be deported and the business that employed illegals should be fined.
Did he cry out for his mommy?
And before the turd-infested right wing noise machine starts spreading their lies, NOTE; it’s a Publican justice appointed by the Bush Regime who said Libby goes to jail. You know it’s REALLY bad when Publicans start doing the right thing. Die in prison you traitor asswipe!
I wan to know where i can find that Scooter Libby jingle I have heard on the radio.
The Bush regime has a real problem on its hands. On the one hand, if they pardon Libby, then we have a HUGE campaign issue that keeps the Publican culture of corruption center stage during the next election – and we possibly win a super majority. On the other hand, you know this piece of shit has knowledge that could worry the White House. You can bet Libby knows where the bodies are buried and he may threaten to start telling the truth about the traitors on the right – forcing a pardon. Then there’s another way it could go – and I predict it WILL go this way. Scooter dies of a “heart attack” in prison – before he talks.
4 That’s pretty sad…but considering that the neocon junta has absolutely no respect for human life, other than the use of the unborn as a propaganda tool, it would’nt be at all surprising.
Of course he did… his name wasn\’t Sandy Burgler and he didn\’t have MommyClinton on his side, covering his fat ass.
Fuh Que
jail for libby good. prison rape jokes bad.
It would be nice if you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers would actually care more about the rule of law and obeying the law of the land (hello document in the pants Sandy, hello Hillary and Harry sweetheart land deals, hello frozen ASSets Jefferson, hello queer prostitutes Barney) than you do about the gotcha game with those to whom you are afraid to lose power.
Fuh Que
@ 8
Looks like somebody is overdue for a nap.
Que’s off his feed…
People like ‘Que and Mark The Red Neck frighten me. I can’t help but think that they are Tim Mcveigh’s in the making.
It\’s the fact that you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers revel in Conservative mis-step and misfortune while ignoring the same and worse among the pricks you support.
I can\’t wait to crow when the fat fuck Moore drops dead, when Clinton, Clinton and Carter are assassinated, when Fuckstein is fired and / or his preteen whore is deflowered.
Looks like ass-licking Puffybutt has name number 17.
Can’t wait until his hero Bush is in jail with his fellow traitors.
10 Naaaah. They’re cowards. They’re so scared to even go outside, for fear that they’ll stumble on anything that conflicts with their fantasies, that they spend their time spewing obscenities online at people they’ve never met.
@ 11
“It\’s the fact that you ball licking, prick sucking, fat bastard, cluster fuck pack of limp wrist queers revel in Conservative mis-step and misfortune while ignoring the same and worse among the pricks you support.”
Awwwww…our own little apoplectic wingding.
Isn’t that simply precious?
I’m surprised Roger hasn’t chimed in yet. Is he on vacation or something? He loves this stuff.
hopefully he finally succumbed to his infamous \”illness\” that required \”hospitalization\” Rest in hell.
I’m not sure if this guy’s behavior is more like a dog eating its own doo-doo or the way a male monkey masturbates whenever he knows someone’s watching.
Shouldn’t you be on a ledge somewhere?
That\’s right, shove the lying frozen bitch against the wall and make her pay..
For the second straight day, minority House Republicans ground the House to a standstill Wednesday as they drove home their objections to a Democratic plan to deny a floor vote on lawmakers\’ thousands of pet projects.
Public anger over the surging number of special member projects called earmarks — derided as pork barrel spending — was a factor in the Republicans\’ loss of House control last November, GOP members concede, and now they say they\’ve gotten religion on the need for openness in government.
Charges of hypocrisy flew in floor speeches as House leaders huddled behind closed doors to seek a way out of a dispute that Republicans said showed Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi had backed down on promises of openness and disclosure made when they took power last January.
Oh but the good OLD frozen bitch has time to hump for free kid trips…
SHOWDOWN: Pelosi wants to allow lawmakers\’ adult children to tag along on taxpayer-funded travel — for free!
Take a deep breath, sonny. Yer gonna have a strokey-poo.
Fuh Que
You’re so cute when you get all riled up. I’ll bet your little tirades get your sugar daddy all excited.
21 Sorry to say, you’re right. More and more, it appears we’re watching the incompetent and the timid fighting against the avaricious and unprincipled.
24 In other words, it’s like watching someone showing up with boxing gloves for a knife fight.
UF@21: Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Stupidman – Idiot
Support our troops – take their place.
Fuc Way: Why do Republicans need billions of dollars to criss-cross the globe telling people not to have sex?
I don’t understand why that would be so expensive — unless they are just stealing the money from the gov.?
You seem so smart. What do you think?
Feel free to tell me any Republican “youth abstinence hero” stories. Tell us an inspiring story of when you were young and within a pussyhair of getting some fine tail, but {with the strength of our Lord, Jesus H. Christ)managed to say NO at the last moment.
We’re all waiting …
Gosh, someone just emailed me a list of all the under cover CIA operatives names! Cool! I think I will post them on the internet. If Scooter Libby was not prosecuted for treason, then I guess posting the names of all our NOC’s should be legal right? All the right wing liars said there was no underlying crime, so outing all our undercover CIA agents should be ok right Hannity? Rush? O’Riley? Savage? That is what all the right wing liars said right? God they must hate America.
I think it must be hell being a Republicon these days. You can’t avoid hearing about all the prosecutions, and convictions. The investigations are showing that the Bushies wanted to turn every branch of government into a political arm of the Republicon Party, and to hell with the law. There is congressmen trying to talk the underwear off of teenagers, and Evangelicals badmouthing gays while doing speed and getting it on with the same gays….
Everywhere you look, the GOP is crumbling under the weight of it’s corruption, and outright lies.
Oops I forgot about Iraq.
The war Republicans started to try to increase their power. How is that working out for them these days?
I don’t think there is a single Iraqi that wouldn’t give anything to have Saddam back……
There is one thing that makes it truly unbearable to be a Republicon.
Why was Scooter not prosecuted for TREASON? Rove too?
I hear the scene in the courtroom was quite emotional:
By the way, he won’t actually start serving for several weeks. Expect another round of Republicans rejecting the rule of law.
Mr. RedassNeck – I thought the GOP was suppose to be conservative.
CNN excerpt regarding immigration
“Thursday’s breakthrough came just hours after President Bush threw his support behind an amendment that would provide an additional $4.4 billion for border security and work site immigration enforcement. The amendment is a bid to answer concerns from some GOP critics that the security aspects of the bill weren’t tough enough.”
I wonder which GOP senators were the critics, probably the ones that stand to get their hands on 4.4 billion.
Also, they always talk about how this my be amnesty for the illegal immigrants….what about amnesty for the employers who illegally hired….I suppose its ok to give them amnesty.
What should happen is that all the illegals should be deported and the business that employed illegals should be fined.