A few days ago I wrote a rather whimsical post about political gadflies. The post was inspired by Richard Pope filing as a Democratic candidate for King County Council, District 6. In the general election Pope will be running against the Republican incumbent, Councilmember Jane Hague.
The interesting thing about this race is that District 6 is demonstrably a strong Democratic district. For example, the 6th incorporates parts of the 32nd, 41st, 45th and 48th legislative districts for which Democrats hold eleven out of twelve legislative seats. The 6th voted 61% in favor of Cantwell in the 2006 general election.
Considering how blue the 6th is, the King County Republicans ought not ignore Richard Pope. (Besides the taste of shame in losing to Mr. Pope will be all the more bitter because of a $40,000 fine levied on them by the PDC last month for campaign finance reporting violations. Richard Pope filed the complaint that resulted in the fine.)
Also, given what a motley band of tricksters that go under the Republican brand name in this state, we might well expect some dirty pool from the King County Republicans. And when it comes to goofy tricks, the Republicans never seem to disappoint.
Case in point: if you do a WHOIS query on the domain names “RichardPope.Org” and “RichardPope.Net”, the names were registered on June 9th, 2007 by Mr. Matthew Lundh of Seattle. A quick web search reveals that Matthew Lundh is both the Political Director and the Secretary for the King County Republicans.
So far, nothing has been done with the domain names (besides making them unavailable to Mr. Pope), but it is hard to believe that collecting domain names is simply one of Mr. Lundh’s weekend hobbies.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I do believe the King County Republicans are, um…rather concerned!
Richard Pope is a moron.
So, do you guys like this Pope guy or not?
RE: THE liars… er… LEFT
“After promising unprecedented openness regarding Congress’ pork barrel practices, House Democrats are moving in the opposite direction as they draw up spending bills for the upcoming budget year. Democrats are sidestepping rules approved their first day in power in January to clearly identify ‘earmarks’ —lawmakers’ requests for specific projects and contracts for their states. Rather than including specific pet projects, grants and contracts in legislation as it is being written, Democrats are following an order by the House Appropriations Committee chairman to keep the bills free of such earmarks until it is too late for critics to effectively challenge them. Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., says those requests for dams, community grants and research contracts for favored universities or hospitals will be added to spending measures in the fall. That is when House and Senate negotiators assemble final bills. Such requests total billions of dollars. As a result, most lawmakers will not get a chance to oppose specific projects as wasteful or questionable when the spending bills for various agencies get their first votes in the full House in June… What Obey is doing runs counter to new rules that Democrats promised would make such spending decisions more open.” —Andrew Taylor
Miserable fuckers
Fuh Que
So I am confused…do we want Pope representing our party? Seems kind of embarrassing to me!
Plus…why does this matter? If Pope wanted these domain names, he would have registered them himself before he filed. Seems like the Publicans are doing what anyone would do, trying to squash ANY competition no matter how inconsequential.
Lying liberal bitch:
Fuh Que
We need to get a real Dem running in that race. Otherwise a complete and utter fool who’s only goal is, it seems to get the government to support him, would have a chance of winning his first ever election. I don’t live in that district but will actively support any Dem who runs against Dickless. We also need to start doorbelling that district with posters that show Dickie’s pathetic face and that tell his story. He LOOKS enough like a pedophile that we should be able to stop him just by showing his face. And we need to link to all the radical, insane bullshit he’s posted here at HA. America and Washington need protection from this sort of shit.
Sorry to change the thread but ElBarade justissued some scary remarks about the nuclear situation in IRAN. I don’t have the time to review it all here but I did post a linl at SeattleJew.
tick, tick, tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick,tick, tick, ……………
typical cheap liberal bastards…
Atheists, agnostics stingy with charity buck
One of the outcomes of this profile – and one of the least favorable points of comparison for atheist and agnostic adults – is the paltry amount of money they donate to charitable causes. The typical no-faith American donated just $200 in 2006, which is more than seven times less than the amount contributed by the prototypical active-faith adult ($1500). Even when church-based giving is subtracted from the equation, active-faith adults donated twice as many dollars last year as did atheists and agnostics. In fact, while just 7% of active-faith adults failed to contribute any personal funds in 2006, that compares with 22% among the no-faith adults.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I do believe the King County Republicans are, um…rather concerned!
Everyone should be concerned at the prospect of Richard Pope in a position of public trust.
Congress Approval Ratings Lowest in a Decade
From LA Times, definitely not a paper anyone would call conservative leaning, we find out that in their latest poll Congressional approval ratings are 27%, which is down from 36% in January.
As they point out in the article linked above, this is the lowest approval rating for how Congress is doing its job, in over a decade…. thats right, they are functioning even more poorly and getting less done than when the Republicans had the majority.
Is anyone really that surprised?
Instead of working to get anything done as the American people truly mandated them to do, they did exactly what they said they weren\’t going to do, filled their time with votes they knew would be vetoed and would not get signed into law, filled their commitees time with fruitless investigations meant to \”emabarras\” the president and haven\’t gotten anything actually accomplished, except to name a few postal offices and recreational parks.
Guess what?
People noticed and from the looks of things, not just the conservatives but the liberals have been watching and disapproving also….better yet, the independents that wanted to see real changes, needed changes, occur, have been severely disappointed with this lame congress.
It isn\’t just Congress that are getting failing grades in the eyes of America as well as the world that is watching, but that Baghdad Reid has fallen to a 19% approval rating. (Via Rasmussen)
Hell, Dick Cheney is at 38% which is double Reid popularity now.
Nancy Pelosi\’s job performance has also been documented now and she is viewed less favorably than Newt Gingrich was when he led the GOP into the majority in 1994.
WASHINGTON — Fueled by disappointment at the pace of change since Democrats assumed the majority on Capitol Hill, public approval of Congress has fallen to its lowest level in more than a decade, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll.
Just 27% of Americans now approve of the way Congress is doing its job, the poll found, down from 36% in January, when Democrats assumed control of the House and the Senate.
And 63% of Americans say that the new Democratic Congress is governing in a \”business as usual\” manner, rather than working to bring the fundamental change that party leaders promised after November\’s midterm election.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), the first woman to hold that position, has also failed to impress many Americans. Only 36% approve of the way she is handling the job, the poll found.
In contrast, 46% of Americans in the current poll said they approved of the way Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia handled the job after he led the GOP into the majority in 1994.
The lies during their campaign with all the promises they made that they knew they had no way to keep are finally catching up with them and they have basically just started.
To understand how far they have fallen and that they are basically in a freefall at this point, the LA Times points this out:
A third of liberal Democrats, who constitute the party\’s base, approve of the job Congress is doing; 58% disapprove, the poll found.
That\’s a dramatic change from January, when a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that 43% of liberal Democrats approved of the job Congress was doing and 36% disapproved.
Their problem in a nutshell is everything is not about Iraq even though they keep yelling as loud as they can that it is.
They were voted in to clean up a corrupt congress and yet they not only haven\’t cleaned it up, they have added to that corruption with their pork stuffed bills, Democratic politicians found with $90,000 in their freezer (William Jefferson), their public statements that have angered not only the military, but those that support the military, their friends and their families, their continued support for their own corrupt politicians and a number of other obvious reasons.
They can blame Iraq all they want, but until they understand that the people want to see some legislating being done instead of all these worthless investigations, the people want to see accountability for the earmarks instead of watching Pelosi and crew learn how to \”hide\” those earmarks better, and until they learn that you cannot work in a bipartisan manner when everything you propose is a highly PARTISAN proposal, their numbers will continue to drop and the public will continue to turn against them.
Their problem really is simple. They are so busy trying to keep their far far far liberal left (Example: Kos & Co.) voters happy, the ones that would NEVER vote Republican anyway, that they are alienating the moderate Democratic voters and all of the independents as well and those voters have a much better chance of flipping the Democrats off and heading a little farther to the right.
It is that simple and it looks like they just cannot see how simple it really is.
They are going to lose the majority of their supporters to keep a minority of their supporters happy because the minority have bigger mouths and can scream the loudest.
Hey, no biggie to me… I never gave the Democrats credit for having a functioning brain between them anyway and if they want to tell their supporters to \”go to hell\”, who am I to try to stop them?
The New York Post has more on these and other poll numbers (with a great headline):
We all know President Bush has had lousy approval numbers for two years. We know also that the disastrous approval ratings for Congress in 2006 were the best indicator that some major changes were going to take place last Election Day.
Less well-known is that throughout 2005 and 2006, generic approval ratings for Democrats were lower than Bush\’s.
Congress and the Democrats both saw an uptick after the November election, with the Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll registering a congressional approval rating of 36 percent six months ago.
Ah, for the good old days.
That poll now gives Congress an approval rating of 27 percent – 6 points lower than President Bush\’s poll average at Real Clear Politics.
So, when you hear about Bush being \”deeply unpopular,\” remember that he\’s measurably more popular than Congress.
Congressional leaders are not faring well. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scores a 36 percent rating – which, as Noam Levey of The Los Angeles Times notes, is nine points lower than Newt Gingrich\’s approval rating in 1995, at exactly the same point during his speakership.
Even more alarming for Democrats, the very accurate Rasmussen poll features a 19 percent approval rating – yes, one-nine – for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Fuh Que
Um, I think that anyone with a grain of intelligence would be worried if Richard Pope was serving in this capacity, not just the GOP. And unrelated to service in general – though it is rather consequential – not registering your own name before you file is irresponsible. What other incidentals is he not going to prepare for?
Concerned or not, well played Mr. Lundh. Well played.
Rompin Rudy loooooooses to Senator Cllinton by more than five points in the latest poll.
BOO FUCKIN’ HOO Publicans. No wonder you’re not happy with your current slate of candidates.
More bad news for the crooks and traitors on the right. Libby goes to jail NOW mutherfuckers!
And to top it all off, because the RIGHT believes in the RULE OF LAW, they peppered the judge with threats. Too bad we can’t just make it legal to rid America of the Publicans once and for all – by whatever means.
Nearly half of Congress in Publican – no wonder they have low poll numbers!
Fuh Que
I’m glad you can take such solace in the poll numbers you spew. Interpreting those numbers as pro-Republican in any regard, however, is seriously delusional. Democrats and independents, who will vote to further marginalize the Republican Party in November 2008, are demanding that congressional leadership give the wood to Bush and his criminal cabal. That such is not happening is what is driving dissatisfaction with Congress at present. By the way, did I ever tell you that you are an insignificant piece of shit who more often than not must be remanded to wipe his ass after shitting rather than before?
I’m a Democratic PCO who lives in the 6th, and I’m voting for Jane Hague this year. I’ll take a competent person I disagree with over an incompetent person I disagree with.
What is interesting — and something brought up on this blog months ago — WHY IS THE KING COUNTY DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP SO INTERESTED IN DEFEATING DARCY BURNER?
Please note that King County Democratic Chair Susan Sheary is listed prominently among those who want Darcy Burner defeated.
In fact, they seem more interested in defeating Darcy Burner, than in defeating Jane Hague. State Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48th) would have easily defeated Jane Hague, and would not have been required to give up his seat in this odd-year election in order to do so. Ross Hunter’s chances of defeating Darcy Burner in a primary or Dave Reichert in a general election are much more problematic — the first, since Burner is well-established in the race, and the second, since the 8th CD is a swing district, unlike the solidly blue 6th KCCD.
Nice try to deflect the converation Dickless – this isn’t about Darcy – it’s about how your own party thinks you are a stupid piece of shit.
Um, Richard really isn’t a Democrat. Anyone can file as a Democrat. Will Roger’s comment applies:
I’m not a member of organized political party. I’m a registered Democrat.
Now as to whether Richard would be an improvement over Jane Hague. . . .I’m torn.
One good thing could emerge from Richard being elected. He would have ongoing medical coverage and probably could receive ongoing care for his apparent bi-polar disorder.
I’m just sayin’
11 I’m not particularly concerned about the prospect of Richard winning a council seat as I am about any number of boobs currently holding office, and not all of ’em are Publicans.
Richard, I see that you did register the most relevant domain name to promote your candidacy, and look forward to checking out whatever Web site you put there. As to what your former “friends” intend to do with the others, there seem to have been a number of civil cases decided against people who registered domains just to defame individuals or corporations (like those folks over in Redmond…) Maybe if the KingCo GOP does something really dumb, they’ll end up financing you being able to take a comfortable early retirement.
Sorry to go off-topic, but the referenced blog site provides a compelling argument for Robert Bork’s personal injury lawsuit being characterized as frivolous:
What comes first, hypocrisy or Republicanism?
Methinks they walk hand in hand these days.
re 8: Why do Republicans need billions of dollars to criss-cross the globe telling people not to have sex?
I don’t understand why that would be so expensive — unless they are just stealing the money from the gov.?
You seem so smart. What do you think?
Feel free to tell me any Republican “youth abstinence hero” stories. Tell us an inspiring story of when you were young and within a pussyhair of getting some fine tail, but {with the strength of our Lord, Jesus H. Christ)managed to say NO at the last moment.
We’re all waiting …
Proud Leftist @ 21
Thanks for the link on the Robert Bork lawsuit. Since when did Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher start doing plaintiff personal injury work?
Re: #17
Hi Richard,
It’s not that the KC Dems want to defeat Darcy. Remember that she didn’t win in 2006. It’s really simple. The more names that galvanize the grassroots to talk to their neighbors, the better for all of us.
If Richard Pope did register richardpope.com, and nothing is done with the other two domains that Mr. Lundh purchased – including not bashing him with his own name – then is it such a callous move? And by the way, I’m pretty sure you can’t be prosecuted for buying domain names in general. So are the Publicans really scared, or is Richard Pope still an unprepared candidate?