Another married Republican politician is caught trolling for sex on the intertubes (via Gawker):
Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist’s “Women Seeking Men” forum, he’s Christopher Lee, “divorced” “lobbyist” and “fit fun classy guy.” One object of his flirtation told us her story.
[…]By modern day standards, the conversation was relatively banal: No prostitutes, escorts, or madams were involved. Just good old fashioned lying and an apparent willingness to cheat on one’s wife.
The woman says she cut off contact when she searched for Lee online and concluded he’d lied about his age and occupation. Then she forwarded us the correspondence.
Lying, willingness to break his marriage vows…and sheer stupidity! Seriously…the dude didn’t even change his name and then sends the woman a topless photo of himself. Was he trying to create a public scandal?
Perhaps there is something about diaper fetishes that gives unfaithful Republicans the courage to not resign in the humiliation of a public scandal. But Rep. Lee is no Sen. Vitter. Rather, he’s now former Rep. Christopher John Lee.
Update: Hellooooo Carl Paladino! (Via Swing State Project.)
Chris Lee seems like a pretty decent guy — for an attempted cheater that is. Looking at his Wikipedia bio, Lee appears to be independently wealthy, having sold the family-founded business for $400 million before running for Congress. I assume Lee had at least a few percent of that $400 million, and that he isn’t hurting for money.
At least he had the principle to resign. Nothing required that of course, and his transgression was much more minor than Bill Clinton or David Vitter. But maybe resigning will help out his new relationship. The lady on Craigslist broke it off because he lied about his occupation. Now that he has quit that job, who knows?
I’m guessing that she didn’t break it off because he “lied about his occupation”.
…when he was, in fact, a 46 year old married Congressman.
My hunch is that she broke it off because (1) He lied about being divorced, (2) he lied about other things (his age, his occupation).
Compared to these wingnuts, former Rep. Christopher Lee is a paragon of virtue.
I’m willing to cut him some slack. It’s now between him and his family.
Steve @ 3,
I don’t disagree. My biggest issue, as I point out, is the stupidity of the whole thing.
Wow, that’s really dumb.
I suppose the Republican’s are longing for the good old days when staffers trolled for whores for their congressmen.
LMFAO @ the mirror picture…now that is some classic shit.
@4 “My biggest issue, an I point out, is the stupidity of the whole thing.”
Indeed. Cheating on one’s wife is a stupid thing to do. He took it to the next level.
My dear Ms. Wingnut would likely come after me with a carrot peeler. Or maybe a steel funnel and a fire hose. She’s a really nice gal until she’s not. Then she’s horrid.
@6 That really is a classic photo. What’s he doing with his right hand? Measuring his dick?
I was going to say I feel bad for the guy, but this is a mess of his own doing. He decided to cheat, and more over do it “publicly” which was insanely stupid for a public figure. He should have known better.
I ASSUME this guy didn’t vote against gay marriage or civil unions at some point, IF he did, then he’s ANOTHER in the line of scum sucking hypocrites (like New Gingrich who was cheating on HIS wife WHILE publicly chastising Bill Clinton for doing the same).
It takes balls to be screwing with a Vegas prostitute while ranting in Congress about the holy sanctity of marriage.
Shit, I don’t even use my real name on the Internet for stuff I’m proud of.
What @ 8
“I ASSUME this guy didn’t vote against gay marriage or civil unions at some point,”
Well, he supported “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and voted to reject federal abortion funding….
dont ask dont tell is barely relevant….and his stand on abortion is hardly relevant to his escapades.
nice try…you fail.
LMAO! This is how a right winger represents his district. Second highest right wing rating in the NY delegation:
Good riddance!
THIRD highest – excuse me…
Congressman trolling on CraigsList. Not the brightest bulb in the pack. Looks like a douche in that the topless picture, that alone would put most women off. A reduction in testosterone may improve Congress. Hope they replace him with a woman.
I would settle for him being replaced by someone with a shirt on for starters…
the shirtless glamor-shot is TEH GAHY……
still lmfao….
This guy’s stupid even for a Republican! Sheesh. But it could have been worse.
What if the woman answering his ad turned out to be his wife?
@3 Naw, my guess is she broke it off because bigamy is illegal in his state.
@9 I don’t either, because I don’t want bricks thrown through my window. Wingnuts can’t have an honest debate about anything. If you disagree with them, they want to burn your house down. With your family in it.
@ 17
What if the woman answering his ad turned out to be his wife?
Do they both like piña coladas? Getting caught in the rain?
@16 I don’t think either sex would find him appealing.
Obama Makes Super False Tax Claim:
“I didn’t raise taxes once”
In pre-Super Bowl interview, President Obama fumbles his record on taxes
Oh Really!
@22 Off topic; to ignore list.
Breaking: Boehner Sex Scandal
Just one day after a New York GOP congressman was forced to resign from Congress because of a Craigslist sex ad in which he lied to prospective female dates about his age and marital status, the blogosphere is crackling with rumors of an explosive sex scandal about to engulf GOP Speaker John Boehner.
The National Enquirer has already run a story linking Boehner to two women whom the Enquirer names. But the important story here is not what a supermarket tabloid says, but the news that New York Times investigative journalists are about to break this story in the MSM.
Boehner, 61, has bee married for 37 years — since he was 24 — but throughout his public life has often attended political and other events without his wife. And he is known to have had contacts with both of the women named by the Enquirer, one of whom is a lobbyist, the other is a staff aide to a Republican congressman from Colorado.
The allegations, if true, could bring an abrupt end to Boehner’s speakership — and perhaps his congressional career.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What is it with Republicans? Why can’t they keep their flies zipped? To begin with, many of them are rich, and are possessed of the hubris that wealth often imbues people with — they’ve enjoyed privileged status all their lives, everyone else sucks up to them, they’re used to bossing other people around, and they’re accustomed to taking what they want and not having to answer to anyone. Lacking either a sense of propriety or a feel for public relations, sooner or later they overstep important boundaries.
Well, you ask, how difficult is it to know that cheating on your wife is wrong? I would submit that most, if not all, cheating Republicans don’t realize it’s wrong for the simple reason that they’ve been cheating at everything for all their lives and getting away with it. When caught, they usually exhibit confusion — not over what they did, but over the fact they got caught and someone is making an issue of what they did. To them, fucking someone else’s women is just all in a day’s socializing, and they’ve been doing it so long they can’t understand why anyone would get excited about it.
Another possible reason is Republican women. I mean, just look at Republican women — if your wife was a Republican woman, wouldn’t you go looking for someone else to fuck? Anyone married to a Republican woman who doesn’t has to be superhuman.
So, we’re about to witness another top Republican falling like Saddam’s statue the day after Baghdad’s capture. Or so the National Enquirer says. Stay tuned for more fireworks coming your way soon, brought to you by courtesy of Republican Ingrained Immorality.
Fed chief Bernanke’s appearance before Congress this morning makes it clear that jobs just aren’t a priority for the GOP leadership.
Challenged by budget committee chair Paul Ryan (R-WI), Bernanke said QE2 — whereby the Fed is buying up to $600 billion of Treasury bonds in an effort to boost bank lending — is necessary to spur hiring.
But Ryan ignored the jobs issue and pounded on inflation risks and rising commodity prices. The latter, Bernanke retorted, are resulting from demand in developing country over which U.S. monetary policy has no influence and is the responsibility of central banks in those countries.
In fact, China’s central bank just raised interest rates again, so that issue is being at least partially addressed.
It doesn’t matter. You can’t argue with Republicans, because they’re not interested in honest debate. All they care about is promoting their agenda. Which, in terms of domestic economy policy, doesn’t care about jobs for working Americans beyond capitalizing on their ability to milk it for talking points and campaign propaganda. Everyone knows what the GOP agenda is: More tax breaks for the rich, who already have so many tax breaks that pretty soon it won’t be possible to give them any more tax breaks except by sending them Earned Income Credit checks. When people don’t pay any taxes to begin with, giving them tax breaks gets challenging.
Regular readers of HA comments know I’m not a big fan of QE2. As far as I can see, much of that $600 billion is going straight into the stock market, where it’s creating a bubble in stock prices that sooner or later has to burst. This benefits me, of course, because I invest in stocks. I’ve made over $40,000 in the stock market since Sept. 1, 2010 and lately I’ve been watching my portfolio’s value climb at the rate of $1,000 a day, which sure beats fighting commuter traffic and slaving away at a job for the wages Republicans want to pay America’s working class. I’m glad I don’t work anymore; I’d much rather be a capitalist like them, and pay Republican taxes on my stock market winnings.
But hey, I’ve never claimed my financial speculations are productive or good for the economy. They aren’t. I’m involved in a zero-sum game whereby I take money out of other people’s pockets and put it in my own pocket because they let me — even encourage me — to do it. This doesn’t make the economy healthier. It probably makes it less healthy, because far from being a consumer, I’m a skinflint who never buys anything. Like Republicans, I get everything for free, for example by reading news content online instead of buying newspapers and by checking out library books instead of buying books from some offshore bookseller that doesn’t collect and remit Washington sales taxes.
My main beef with QE2 is that I don’t see the jobs it’s supposed to be producing. They aren’t there. The money Bernanke is printing isn’t going to Main Street. It isn’t going to small businesses. It isn’t being used to hire workers. It’s simply being stashed in stocks and commodities, which are now being used as alternative currency to warehouse value, because everyone expects the dollar to lose value because of QE2! By stubbornly sticking to QE2, Bernanke is creating new asset bubbles and running the risk of future inflation without getting any job benefits. So why keep doing it?
I’m not saying Republicans have a point. They don’t. Their obsession with inflation in a deflating economy and with debt in a depressed economy in which, according to Keynesian economic theory (which has been proven to explain the real world infinitely better than the GOP’s discredited supply-side nonsense), we should be borrowing money to revive the spending from which all jobs come … is just plain irrational. The Republicans are nuts.
But just because Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics is wacko doesn’t mean Bernanke is right, either. He is, after all, one of the Wall Street guys who helped engineer the financial collapse that led to the Great Recession. But more to the point, there’s just no evidence that QE2 is working as advertised.
Which means no one is doing anything about jobs. Not the Fed. And certainly not the Republicans with their job-shrinking agenda of spending cuts, credit contraction, and continuing to reward job offshoring with tax breaks for companies who send American jobs to India or China. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not arguing for protectionism, but I think there’s room for regulatory intervention when the government pursues policies that put billions of dollars in the hands of banks to lend to businesses and then the banks don’t lend it but instead use it to pad executive salaries and shareholder dividends.
@20 I just think it would be horribly funny if a married guy trying to cheat on his wife ran a sex ad posing as a single guy, and the woman answering it turned out to be his own wife trying to cheat on him.
The thought that comes to mind, of course, is that people like that deserve to be married to each other.
Here’s a link for comment #25 if you want it.
As rabbits are nocturnal, it’s my bedtime, so I’m gonna get some shuteye now and I’ll see you asswipe troll traitors later in the morning after the stock market has been open for a couple of hours. I like to get up around 11 AM or so and count my money like Scrooge McDuck rolling around in his Money Bin. I listening to the clinking of coins I didn’t have to work for dropping into my tax-sheltered piggy bank.
#28 should read: “I love listening to …”
I’m making typos because the sun is coming up and my eyelids are getting heavy.
Later, feckless and fuckless trolls.
RR @ # 26: I think there was a made-for-TV movie about that, some years ago. Except instead of Craigslist, the man was using a high-class escort service to acquire hookers. And it wasn’t his wife that showed up at the door, it was his daughter.
I don’t know what happened next, at that point I turned off the TV. The whole plot made me sick to my stomach at that point, I didn’t want to know how it turned out.
Off Topic, but breaking news: NBC says that sources high inside the Egyptian government are saying that Mubarak will announce his resignation in a speach today.
@24 Boehner Sex Scandal
I seem to remember, in the back cobwebs of my mind, reading a story about Versailles Washington, all insidery and the stuff the MSM won’t touch, about Boehner being a big-time playah – I seem to recall a story of open secret sex parties, hot tubs with lobbyists and the like. This was 5-8 years ago, I think, and I’ve never seen mention of it again. However, I’ve always connected this memory of mine to him, and have always had this sense that it would be a great story if it came out with a bang.
# 34: There are a lot of hidden land mines out there for Senators and Congressmen who have been in office for a long time.
There used to be a “gentleman’s agreement” (I use that term loosely) that one side wouldn’t reveal or capitalize on the indescretions of the other because everyone was living in glass houses. In the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, Congress was more like a fraternity house, and some wild parties with “working girls” or “party girls” was not an unusual occurance. Lots of times these festivities were part of lobbyist junkets, so the Congressmen didn’t have the inconvenience of having to explain questionable expenditures to their wives or as part of office or campaign budgets.
The occassional news which did come out was because of very public indescretions, like the aged Senator (Wilber Mills?) who was drunk and drove into the Tidal Pond with a passenger who happened to be a well-knowns stripper (Fannie Fox?).
Of course, Gary Hart was a special case – he was running for President, and he invited the media to follow him, and they did – right to Jennifer Rice (if I remember correctly), and to a lobbyist-supplied yacht appropriately named Risky Business.
But the rules changed forever when the ultra-hypocrite Newt Gingrich went after Bill Clinton for a brief dalliance in the oval office, obtaining an impeachment in the house but failing to win at trial in the Senate. Perhaps those in the Senate were thinking back to dalliances of their own, and wanted a precedent which included reprimand but not removal of office.
Of course, Newt Gingrich was already out of office when it was discovered that he was conducting an affair with his own intern while he was self-rightously denouncing Clinton for the same conduct. But ever the spinster, Gingrich claimed that it was “courageous” of him to denounce Clinton in order to “save” the dignity of the office of the Presidency, even while he was engaged in similar conduct while serving as Speaker of the House.
Now, all gloves are off, and either side will be more than happy to use such “indescretions” in their political values. These unveilings are coming more often from members within the same party, as part of a primary challenge or an attempt to ward off a potential rival for prestige within the party. And now that the internet provides so much more evidence than was previously available, and the media doesn’t act as a curtain behind which a politician can hide with not much more than a denial voiced with faked outrage, nobody is safe anymore.
@35 You know, it’s not a bad thing that Senators and congressman are having their sexual perks taken away from them. They still have plenty of other perks. And they don’t earn any of them.
What I really want to see is a drunken Michelle Bachmann falling into the tidal pool in the company of a male stripper.
@26 If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain….
What is it with politicians that they can’t keep their middle aged crisis private? Who needs the mental image of Boehner with a boner. Same thing with the Clinton and Lewinsky gross out.
@35 “Of course, Gary Hart was a special case – he was running for President, and he invited the media to follow him, and they did – right to Jennifer Rice (if I remember correctly), and to a lobbyist-supplied yacht appropriately named Risky Business.”
The yacht was named “Monkey Business”, which is even funnier.
# 40 yep, mea culpa. It was the 1980’s movie that was named “Risky Business”, the yacht was the “Monkey Business”.
And speaking of dumb acts, what guy, while cheating on his wife, poses for pictures with a pretty young girl sitting on his lap with her arms around him? Seems like Hart wanted to get caught.
And it was Donna Rice. Jennifer Rice is the local teacher in the news.
Donna Rice went born-again and campaigns against internet porn.
Yeah, because there certainly has never, ever been a lefty Libtard in an elected office caught up in a sex scandal, now has there? LMFAO!
Typical, yet expected Libtard hypocrisy.
As least Mr. Lee had the prescence of mind to resign.
Slow day for news for all you Tenderhands, eh?
# 43: Gee, you haven’t been paying attention again, have you? As soon as you saw the subject of the post your knee started jerking and you started typing.
Go back and read the discussion threads, you will see that at least two prominent Democrates were mentioned – by us “lefties”, as you call us.
But note that there have been a lot more Republican lawmakers caught publically in sexual transgressions over the past four years or so, than Democrats. What made their trangressions particularly news-worthy was that they were usually by those who most vocal in advocating “family values”.
Please try to keep up.
While we are on the subject, what’s in the water in Maricopa County?
Fulton Brock is a Republican, holding the post of Maricopa County Supervisor. His wife (age 48) and daughter (age 21) have been charged with molesting a teenage boy numerous times, beginning when he was age 13. The same teenage boy, but apparantly not at the same time. A friend of the wife is also charged with attempting to destroy evidence (erasing e-mail files on her computer). The wife has plead guilty, I’m not sure of the status of the charges against the daughter or friend.
Fulton Brock appears (so far) to be innocent of any misconduct. He’s divorcing his wife, but as he noted, he can’t divorce his daughter. You’ve got to wonder how the family got to that state of affairs. Is it something in the water down there?
@43: How many of the Democrats who’ve been caught in compromising positions spent their professional careers spouting “family values” and raging against the culture war that undermines those “values”? The interesting piece isn’t the sexual indiscretion–it’s how hypocritical it is.
For example, I don’t care that Newt Gingrich was cheating on his wife any more than I care about Bill Clinton doing the same–I do care, however, that Newt was leading a charge to impeach the President for it while getting his own on the side. Infidelity is between a person and his or her spouse. Hypocracy on that scale is an indicator of cynicism on an epic scale.
hypocrisy in politics is hardly a subject dominated by one part or the other…they both practice it as a norm.