Merry F’n Christmas if you have a job! otherwise throw the Bastards out!
Interesting (if poorly written) article in the PI this morning. This has been the model for American industrial practices for the last 25 years, since Raygun was President.
The teabaggers have been most vehement in their support of this business model. Boeing is dying. The top executives are looting the company, outsourcing everything from engineering to flight line, then raking in massive untaxed cash bonuses while the company spirals down the tube. Then the company gets tax breaks for sending the work overseas.
When the progressive folks point this out, they’re vilified and excoriated in the corporate press and by the teabaggersheep as being anti-business.
Then, ostensibly to save the state money, they propose selling off the ferry system, the roads, the water supplies and the prison systems to other foreign-owned corporations.
GOP = Treason party. Sell America’s industrial base off to the people who would use it as a club to beat us to death with, and laugh all the way to the bank. All wile the teabaggersheep cheer them on for their entrepreneurial and independent corporate spirit.
They bust the Unions then complain about there being no work and the shit they all buy at Wallyworld breaks just by opening the package.
Yay! Unfettered capitalism!
Liberal Scientistspews:
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Today the minority Senate Republicans voted to block middle class tax cuts by filibustering the bill that passed the house yesterday.
How much do you want to bet that the assholes at the Seattle Times put a headline in the paper tomorrow that reads something like this:
Democrats fail to get middle class tax cuts.
Or even more dishonest:
Democrats let taxes increase.
They will absolve the obstructionist minority in the Senate of all fault with this bill failing, and somehow miraculously place all blame on the dems.
Getting ready to cancel my subscription to this piece of shit parading as a newspaper.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
The Blethen family is pushing crap for purely selfish greed. They can’t tolerate the idea of the estate tax break expiring, so they would rather crap all over the 98% of us who earn less than a quarter of a million dollars per year. They would rather crap on the 50% of us who earn less than 42K per year.
Here is a little factoid I heard from Bernie Sanders yesterday. The estate tax only effects the upper 0.3% of Americans. So 99.7% of us will never be hit with the estate tax. You would never believe this to be true if you read the Blethlen rag, which is constantly publishing crap about how it is going to hurt families and small businesses. Dishonest propagandists is what they are. And they are shoveling propaganda which will in essence hurt the bottom 99.7% of us by grossly underfunding government services. The Seattle Times doesn’t give a shit about anyone but rich people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Why did you ever have a subscription to a Republican Party newsletter in the first place?
You have to be really careful these days about getting on mailing lists. It’s been over a year since I watched Goldy kicked Grover Norquist’s ass in a debate at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, and I still get spam e-mails and fundraising solicitations from EFF.
I’ve never subscribed to the Seattle Times, but they were so determined to force me to buy their product I had to file a formal complaint with the state attorney general to compel them to stop the telephone harassment.
About the only way you can get away from these fuckers anymore is to be a homeless person with no address, phone number, or internet access.
If anything we should overspend for it. If only the roles of defense and education were switched in this country.
Which of course brings me to the right wing trolls. They believe in life long learning too. And it doesn’t cost the public a dime. What a great deal for the taxpayer!
All the education they need they get from right wing hate talk am radio and Faux News. The real nutcases among them (like Puddybud) read every batshit insane right wing rag, blog and website out there.
If there were REAL Democrats in Congress the banana-republicans would be covered in their own shit over the middle class ytax cut filibuster.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
I had to file a formal complaint with the state attorney general to compel them to stop the telephone harassment.
I wonder if the SeaTimes fishrag phone operation uses anonymous caller id. You can block that with just about any phone service I believe. It’s just a switch setting on a voice over ip service like I use. I wouldn’t be surprised if old landline service like Verizon/Qworst actually CHARGE to have that done.
Otherwise SeaTimes should respect the do not call list. Any service that ignores that and I don’t want calls from I just blacklist with my home pbx (free software, just needs a pc and the patience to configure and wire it).
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
In most places of the world, politics revolves around tribalism, clans, and families, and is often violent and savage. The old breed of Republican was merely greedy and money-driven. This new crowd — the Palinists and teajahists — would take us into a long dark descent into world of ethnic, religious, and cultural hatreds that makes the third world the wasteland it is, and will turn America into a wasteland, too. These self-styled “superpatriots” are the most unpatriotic people on our soil. Palin’s idea of “patriotism” is secession and civil war.
Richard Popespews:
I AM NOT JOKING. Governor Gregoire has ALREADY APPROVED these cuts. The link is a detailed list of the health care cuts, exactly what is being cut, and the effective dates of each cut.
Most of the cuts come from Medicaid programs. Which means that between 50% and 90% of the program is funded by FEDERAL MONEY. So the State of Washington savings on many of these items is very small, and will result in hundreds of millions of FEDERAL DOLLARS no longer being spent in Washington.
Under current programs, anyone earning less than 200% of federal poverty level — both WOMEN and MEN — get their birth control and family planning paid for by DSHS. Also, a woman whose pregnancy was covered by DSHS gets birth control and family planning covered by DSHS for a year after the pregnancy is concluded, even if her income rises over 200% of federal poverty level. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN PAYS 90% OF THIS PROGRAM, AND THE STATE ONLY HAS TO COVER THE REMAINING 10%.
Effective March 1, 2011, Gregoire is ELIMINATING these birth control and family planning programs entirely, so the State of Washington can save its 10% matching share.
Gregoire’s policies certainly are ANTI-CHOICE, since they deny both WOMEN and MEN numerous options for birth control and family planning.
But at least Gregoire is not ANTI-ABORTION. If a woman gets pregnant because DSHS would not pay for birth control or family planning, she can still qualify for Pregnancy Medical, if her income is below 185% of federal poverty level (based on a family size that includes the unborn child or unborn children). And in that situation, DSHS will still PAY FOR AN ABORTION. Which by the way, comes 100% from State of Washington funds, since the federal government does not provide any funding whatsoever for elective abortions.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Today the minority Senate Republicans voted to block middle class tax cuts by filibustering the bill that passed the house yesterday.
How moron? There are no tax cuts. When did Odumba pass a tax cut? The middle class aren’t going to pay any lower taxes if this bill is passed. It’s all how you libtardos say things and the stupid press eats it up.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
The Blethen family is pushing crap for purely selfish greed.
So when they jockstrapped Suzan DelBene and Patty Murray they did it for purely selfish greed. Thanks Puddy didn’t realize that!
Better have an extra large bong hit there Lee, then take up a collection under the guise of a “fund drive” to attempt to bail out Cheech, Chong, and the rest of them. ;)
Good luck!
(cough! hack! Whoa! Dude!)
Oh, and go Huskies!!
Richard Popespews:
Puddybud @ 16
We could call them the BUSH TAX INCREASES, instead of the BUSH TAX CUTS. Fact of the matter is that George W. Bush and a basically Republican Congress (okay Senate was 51-49 Dem in 2001-02) passed a law which provides for an across-the-board increase in tax rates for all taxpayers, starting on January 1, 2011.
Apparently, no one really wants these BUSH TAX INCREASES to apply to all Americans. Republicans want to repeal the Bush tax increases for all Americans, while Democrats only want to repeal the Bush tax increases for Americans making less than $250k or so per year.
Why didn’t the Republicans do something about the Bush tax increases back in the 2003 to 2006 time frame, when Bush was still President and the Republicans had pretty good majorities in both houses of Congress?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Rank Region SAT Scores:Combined Reading & Mathematics ÷ Expenditure per pupil in fall enrollment at public schools Result
40 Maryland 1,002.00 ÷ 10,031.00 0.10
41 Pennsylvania 992.00 ÷ 10,235.00 0.10
42 Alaska 1,036.00 ÷ 10,847.00 0.10
43 Delaware 993.00 ÷ 10,911.00 0.09
44 Maine 931.00 ÷ 10,342.00 0.09
45 Massachusetts 1,035.00 ÷ 11,642.00 0.09
46 Vermont 1,034.00 ÷ 11,972.00 0.09
47 Rhode Island 994.00 ÷ 11,667.00 0.09
48 Connecticut 1,022.00 ÷ 12,263.00 0.08
49 New York 996.00 ÷ 13,703.00 0.07
50 New Jersey 1,005.00 ÷ 14,117.00 0.07
51 District of Columbia 940.00 ÷ 13,348.00 0.07
Looks like if you throw more money at it the problem gets worse.
Comcast is up to their new/old tricks again. This time they are slapping additional fees on Level 3 Communications, a videocasting supplier for competitor Netflix:
they are bush tax increaes, and the democrats are for stopping the bush tax increases from hitting the middle class, and struggling families.
whereas the gop wants tax increases on the middle class.
wow. maybe obama should hire you to do his message work.
the media and even the democrats keep repeating the phrase bush tax cuts. it’s branded into 300 million minds. but they are tax increases. not to mention the tax increase on working class folks to pay for the interest on the borrowing that the bush tax laws have required.
these democrats couldn’t message their way out of a paper bag. “We are in favor of a sensible, bipartisan reform to work our way into an area of wider opportunities. For this we reach across the aisle toask for gop help in sponsoring tax credits for innovations in bag removal and systems to innovate for global competitiveness in paper bag deconstruction. But, in order to get gop votes, we decided to let agree to two more years in the paper bag. Everyone knows we shouldn’t fight our way out of a paper bag in a recession, because the rich people told us it would make them feel funny, and then they wouldn’t create any jobs !”
21 – Well, comcast is claiming they’ve had to build out stuff just for netflix.
Indeed I’ve been surprised at the increase in speed at the middle of the road tier over the last few years.
Thank you netflix subscribers. My bandwidth has increased and I’m still paying more or less what I paid 5 or more years ago. And I’ve never used Netflix or Comcast’s video on demand.
The compromise that will be worked out will be interesting. I vote for empowering franchisors – they provide the right of ways and pole infrastructure for the franchisee – they can dictate the neutrality terms. If the franchisee doesn’t like it they can pull out their stuff so localities can then do what they should have done long ago – provide network neutral broadband service.
20 – Try telling that stupidity to people who are being turned away at community colleges when they try to upgrade their skills.
The funding isn’t there in too many cases. Geez you’re dumb.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing money at them, putz, but I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing Republicans at them either. Neither approach seems to work.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
What does K-12 funding have to do with community college funding?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Why didn’t the Republicans do something about the Bush tax increases back in the 2003 to 2006 time frame, when Bush was still President and the Republicans had pretty good majorities in both houses of Congress?
Since Richard Pope became a liberal he’s lost his mind.
Do you remember why the sunset provision was originally set and why it was never removed? Nope cuz Pope is a Dope. Ever heard of the Senate filibuster Richard?
Puddy knows no one watches CBS News but even Katie Couric discussed it recently.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing money at them
Well that makes you a little smarter than the chronologically challenged ylb. He’s so dopey he promotes that silly argument all the time.
Of course, Spuddy, Id and Cynical have no problem with bankers and insurance executives raping the economy, looting the treasury and stealing every penny they can in their efforts to destroy the Nation. You fascist types don’t seem to have any issue with thievery and treason, as long as someone is making a buck off it. I guess its too bad you would rather live in a country resembling Honduras or Nigeria or Greece, as long as the billionaires get theirs.
Noodles forbid, we do anything to actually prevent theft if the thieves are making a hundred million a year off of their scams. Just as long as they can keep those congressional palms well greased. There were good reasons why Bernie Madoff and the other flim flammers donated excusively to the GOP, and concentrated their lobbying efforts within the conservative factions of government.
Anything goes, and the billionaires have no laws to obey, and nobody to tell them otherwise.
Capitalism uber alles!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “The middle class aren’t going to pay any lower taxes if this bill is passed.”
But they’ll pay higher taxes if it isn’t, therefore Republicans voted to raise middle class taxes.
The way it works, dear fact-challenged putzy, is that Republicans … when they had unbridled control of the government … only gave the middle class a temporary tax cut. It’s got a shelf life, putzy, and when it hits the expiration date, middle class taxes go UP. So, yes, this bill is a middle class tax cut because it cuts middle class taxes from the permanent level. And the Democratic bill gives the middle class a permanent tax cut, unlike the temporary Republican tax cut.
What’s going on here is Republicans are holding the permanent middle class tax cuts hostage for budget-busting, deficit-increasing, tax cuts for the rich. You know, the same Republicans who have been making all the noise about deficits — they voted today for permanently higher deficits.
Of course, putzy, you didn’t mention any of that in your comment because, well, the facts shoot down your argument.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
You still haven’t answered the question ylb.
Stupid and still staying that way!
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, where are all the jobs the GOP’s tax cuts for the rich were supposed to create?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Of course, Spuddy, Id and Cynical have no problem with bankers and insurance executives raping the economy, looting the treasury and stealing every penny they can in their efforts to destroy the Nation.
You seem to forget who bankrolled whom in the 2008 presidential election. Big Bankers swung Odumba’s way. Also you seem to forget Bernie Madoff, J Allen Stanford, etc. DUMBOCRATS who harmed the public big time.
You love to throw shit all over this blog butt you seem to forget the facts DeadToad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Why didn’t you quote the rest of it, putzy? Is your cursor stuck? Here, I’ll help you out:
I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing Republicans at them either. Neither approach seems to work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “Big Bankers swung Odumba’s way.”
Yeah, no shit, maybe that explains why Obama looks more like a Republican every day. You should be happy he’s in there, puddy. He’s the next best thing to McCain from your point of view.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mrs. Rabbit and I have had conversations recently about 2012. She’s so fed up with Obama she’s hoping for a primary challenge. A lot of progressives feel that way, but it ain’t gonna happen. Not in any meaningful way. The last president to get booted by his own party was LBJ and it took the Vietnam War to oust him — and put in Nixon, who expanded the war. (The majority of Vietnam casualties occurred on Nixon’s watch.) It just doesn’t pay to try to turn out a president of your own party.
No, the GOPers have a real fucking problem on their hands, and not just Michael Steele and the RNC’s empty checking account. The vaunted GOP top-down hierarchical (and canonical) control of the rank-and-file is imploding just when they need it most. They’re fucked, man.
I do think Jeb Bush is the only Republican who has a prayer against Obama. And I also think a lot of the establishment Republicans realize it and are working behind the scenes to co-opt the nomination for him. Bush would give Obama a real race, and might even win. That is, if they can make Palin disappear. And I don’t see a legal way to do that.
Mrs. Rabbit rants that Obama is so unpopular he’s sure to lose in 2012. I respond, to whom? Who do the GOPers have? Plus, the GOP vote will be split by a Palin insurgency. Remember, folks, Palin isn’t a Republican, she’s a teahadist, and she’s certainly not counting on winning the GOP nomination. Nope, she’s fixing to run as a third-party candidate. Which is the best thing that could happen to Obama.
I’ve told Mrs. Rabbit that Obama is sure to be re-elected. He can’t take it for granted, of course. His handlers will have to work their asses off and run a first-rate campaign. But the GOP just doesn’t have anyone, and they’re facing a party split. Except …
Jeb Bush could beat Obama. That is, if the GOP can keep its nominating process under control, and keep its unruly teahadists under their tent, which to me seems unlikely. The teahadists won’t accept an eastern establishment nominee. They hate those guys — the Wall Street crowd, the oilmen, and so on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There will be a Republican president in 2013. His name won’t be Palin, Pawlenty, or Paul. It’ll be Obama or Bush.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Wrong again Roger Dumb Bunny Rabbit. The DUMBOCRATS did it to themselves.
1) DUMBOCRATS decided to wait until the elections to create a budget.
2) DUMBOCRATS planned to pass tax and spending bills that will push the deficit even higher level. Unfortunately there were some DUMBOCRATS who would not vote for this before the election but would gladly do it in a lame duck session because they didn’t want their fingerprints on this chicken crapola.
3) Pelosi gambled she wouldn’t lose the house so she could pass what she wanted.
4) Pelosi now has lost the house and says a big fuck you to the American public.
5) DUMBOCRATS know they put themselves between a rock and a hard place and now they want to blame everyone else. Too bad the public now knows the truth!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Golly Roger you have memory problems. Puddy didn’t and still doesn’t like McCain.
People in this country who need their skills upgraded have a difficult path to that right now. And right wing idiots’ ideas of education are the Limbaugh and Beck shows.
Yeah, some university that Beck fool is running. You really get what you pay for there.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
If the so called Bush tax cuts are extended, it isn’t Bush who will sign the legislation. It is Obama who will sign them. At that point, they become “Obama Tax Cuts.” I’m sick of these sick republican assholes who think they are the only ones who can play word games. Just because you got limp dick Limbaugh earning 55 million per spreading these bullshit talking points, doesn’t mean you guys are the only one who can do this.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
How are they Obama’s tax cuts? Nothing is being cut headless lucy! The levels are not increasing. This is still lost on you DUMBOCRATS!
Oh and the stupid comment from Alan I’m worth $31 Million Grayson seems to forget how many people Rush Limbaugh employs each year with his “$55 Million” earned. How many people does Grayson employ with his $31 Million? It’s amazing what people get from Media Morons and run with these days.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
There were two reasons the rethugs put a 10 year sunset on the tax cuts. First they didn’t have the votes, so it had to go to reconciliation, barely passing. The second reason was it hid just how bad these tax cuts were for the budget. It allowed people in the bush white house to manipulate the numbers and make them look less worse than they really were.
The reality is clear now. These tax cuts completely blew up the deficit. That and starting an incredibly expensive war that was based on a pack of lies.
God, Bush was a lying sack of shit who purposely bankrupted the country by funneling humongous tax cuts to his rich buddies, and by funneling humongous amounts of money to corrupt crony defense contractors. Anyone with half a brain can see this.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
If Obama signs them, they are Obama tax cuts. God I am sick of rethugs who think they are the only ones who can use the phrase “tax cuts.”
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
The second reason was it hid just how bad these tax cuts were for the budget.
Now that’s really strange headless lucy. Capital tax revenues gains were 2X after the 2003 tax cut.
So prove it headless!
Oh BTW, please tell everyone how many people Rush employs with his millions and then tell us how many Grayson employs with is millions.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Odumba’s tax cuts? Well then he would have finally done something right!
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Limbaugh employing a bunch of people because he earns 55 million per year?! Give me a break. He does his fricking show in his basement bunker at his own house. He obviously doesn’t employ one single fact checker or researcher because he continually pulls stuff out of his ass, to quote Al Franken, and spews lies onto the airwaves. I would be surprised if he employees maybe one or two people, and just like that rich ebay billionaire in CA, Meg Whitman, he probably hires illegals to work for minimum wage. Limbaugh doesn’t create any jobs for his 55 million. He pockets the entire thing himself. Maybe he might hire an illegal to polish his Maserati, probably for minimum wage.
Calling these rich people “job creators” is a pile of crap. If they do create jobs, it is crap jobs that pay lousy wages.
Speaking of billionaire Meg Whitman. She recently settled a lawsuit with one of her illegal servants for underpaying her. I think the woman was asking for 10K, which was probably fair. What did Whitman do, she forced the poor person to settle for half of what she wanted. So this billionaire screwed over a poor person to save a few bucks. And the money Whitman saved was like a normal person losing a penny in the storm drain. That extra 5K would have made a huge difference in this persons life, but old Meg had to screw her over one last time.
Limbaugh is the same exact kind of person. He only gives a damn about himself.
This “job creators” line is the final straw. I have met real job creators in my life. And not a single one of them is like fatuous limp dick Limbaugh who is all about greedy personal gain. Same with Beck, Hannity and all the rest.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Isn’t it convenient that people forget that Obama included huge middle class tax cuts as part of the stimulus bill.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Having a ten year sunset on bush tax cuts allowed them to manipulate the extended budget forecasts and hide how truly devastating these tax cuts were for the deficit.
Capital tax revenues gains were 2X after the 2003 tax cut.
To me that sounds like a factoid Limbaugh, Hannity or Beck pulled out of their ass. Where is the link proving this? It doesn’t exist.
Taxcuts pay for themselves. Up is down. Black is White. Welcome to the rethugs world. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
if you watch the “first 48”, its interesting that most suspects are usually reported to be fleeing back to mexico, and if you watch cnbc, most wall street crooks flee to israel.
lol, why dont you all just leave now and let us have our country back.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Limbaugh employing a bunch of people because he earns 55 million per year?! Give me a break. He does his fricking show in his basement bunker at his own house. He obviously doesn’t employ one single fact checker or researcher because he continually pulls stuff out of his ass, to quote Al Franken, and spews lies onto the airwaves.
You have no idea about how many researchers he employs. Sucks to be you. And apparently you have no idea what Al Franken said. How does that whoopASS feel headless lucy?
To me that sounds like a factoid Limbaugh, Hannity or Beck pulled out of their ass.
Nope you dope. Try again… It’s from a reputable source. Google it fool.
Calling these rich people “job creators” is a pile of crap. If they do create jobs, it is crap jobs that pay lousy wages.
Like those low paying jobs created during the Clinton years. Don’t take it from Puddy. Ask ylb because even he couldn’t refute the economic links and he has them all in the databaze.
BTW headless lucy, how much was that “tax cut” we supposedly received in the porkulus bill again?
Douglass Firzspews:
re 50: ‘1984, knocking at your door; will you let it in? Will you let it run your life?’ Randy California
War with Eurasia? It’s always been that way — unless it wasn’t.
Douglass Firzspews:
re 52: ” Ask ylb because even he couldn’t refute the economic links.”
How can you ‘refute’ a link? Are you some kind of refutenik?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
How can you ‘refute’ a link?
Easy, prove it’s wrong like Puddy did with Liberal Scientist and Media Morons last week!
Good Lord!! Those on the 99-week unemployment checks are now stopping so it’s going to be a grim holiday & our politicians are debating on requiring all cars to have video cameras so people won’t kill people as they pull out of their driveways (last yr. 243 people killed).
Where is the outrage any more? Just read a great book that’s about Americans actually taking a stand against tyranny & the corporate government. It’s a must read cause it’s about each of us & possibly our destiny.
Won’t have much spending money this holiday but I’m getting it for others cause it’s so real. I recommend it.
It appears that the congress in it’s gridlock for the nxt 2 yrs. will allow the country to continue it’s decline. How sad.
Liberal Scientistspews:
@55 Puddy you ignorant fool.
You did no such thing, asshole.
I use the epithet because your prancing about here bragging about besting someone in an argument is simply not true and makes me quite angry.
You made some (typically) ludicrous statements on that thread and I and others very easily refuted them and you ran away, not to be heard on that thread again.
So, that makes you both a coward and a liar.
enough is enoughspews:
where are all the job obama’s bailout was supposed to create?
last I checked, unenjoyment has increased
oh well, whats another trillion dollars on the backs our kids and grandkids – fucks like you dont care because you will dead and buried when they have to deal with it…selfish motherfucker, no wonder you were a lawyer.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Or do you refer to the Palin/North Korea thingy?
You were wrong then and wrong now.
In that thread, when you posted a raving rant containing 7 (as I recall) links documenting a media feeding frenzy over the Palin gaffe (which didn’t occur) I looked at one of them. I sat through 15 minutes of Shields and Brooks to find what you were talking about and it was not there. I then decided not to waste my time with the rest of your links.
You are a liar and a deluded fool.
As more experienced posters here have noted, trying to converse/argue with you is an exercise in futility – not because of your skills and knowledge but because of your relentless incoherence and violent allergy to facts.
According to Yahoo Yakima is the 6th least brainy city in the US. Could that be due to immigration? give me your tired, weak and stupid…
Actually, the question should be, where are all the jobs created by 30 years of Republican tax cuts to the wealthiest 5% of the population? All those “job creators” have shipped their money, and their factories overseas, and stopped paying taxes altogether on that foreign income.
So, where are the jobs created by all those tax cuts?
enough is enoughspews:
simple solution to that shit: put a huge tariff on imported goods…I’m down with that.
of course the spineless and crooked R and D politicians wont do anything like that.
all you putz’s doing the R vs D and D vs R shit are nothing but a bunch of lemmings. you are clueless
you all would be better off with a mimimum wage paying job, smoking weed, and snowboarding all day….oh wait….
@ 62
When the top income tax rates were in the 70% area, tariffs on imported goods stood at 100% of cost. It was Roosevelt that did that in the mid 1930’s.
It was Raygun that tore those all down. It was Raygun and Bush 41 who campaigned on and pushed through the first free trade treaties. It was Bush 43 that insisted on lowering taxes on the smallest percentage of income earners at the top levels, while pushing through more free trade deals, claiming that such low tax rates and free trade deals would put Americans to work. The promises made, were that more Americans would be working if the top income earners were exempted from taxation.
NAFTA and CAFTA were Republican deals, and Clinton went along simply to get his other proposals through a mostly fascist congress.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Notice the really deluded moronic fool Liberal Scientistuses the wrong thread. We’re talking about Media Morons and Media Morons is no where ON THAT THREAD!
Typical topical deflection from another HA progressive!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Or do you refer to the Palin/North Korea thingy?
That’s the only commentary where you used Media Morons moron!
Of course your ASS was slapped so silly you are still smarting over it.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
All those “job creators” have shipped their money, and their factories overseas, and stopped paying taxes altogether on that foreign income.
PUH-LEASE! Puddy already listed liberal led company after liberal led company that shipped jobs overseas. Ask your bud ylb for the list again! It was a long list.
ylb is checking now!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
NAFTA was passed when the DUMBOCRATS were in congressional control. NAFTA was created when the DUMBOCRATS were in congressional control.
Try again!
enough is enoughspews:
and as expected, you qualify as one of those R vs D types.
Last I checked, the D’s held congress when reagan and Bush sr held the white house….funny how you leave that out, but blame the R held congress when crooked dick was in the white house.
spin all you want, both parties share equal blame for this mess.
2 terms max for all politicans, or a combined total of 20 years in public office and thats it, get your ass out and go contribute to the private sector…these life long fucks like mcdermott and his ilk are directly to blame. crooked fucks should be tried and jailed or executed anyway.
and comparing roosevelt time to today is irrelevant…the world was a much different place then.
and hey, while we are at it, someone(you?) suggested we get our of the middle east and close down all foreign bases and bring all trooops home….and I can go for that IF, and only IF, we dont send another penny to ANY nation in foreign aid….this includes food aid, aids money, etc….along with serverely curtailing immigration for cesspool nations that cant seem to unfuck themselves and who like to burn US flags….
Liberal Scientistspews:
Of course your ASS was slapped so silly you are still smarting over it.
Keep your perverse fantasies to yourself, Pudpuller, and certainly don’t include me in them.
It’s all about dreams of causing physical harm to your adversaries, isn’t it, Putz? Just like the fascist wingnut Teahadist that you are.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Yeah, Putz, I was really really embarrassed by you , here and here. (Heavy sarcasm dripping from voice)
Liberal Scientistspews:
So Putz,
Let’s get away from the nickel-and-dime spatting over minutiae like Media Matters accuracy and Sarah Palin gaffes, and get at something bigger.
If you can tear yourself away from your latest Sraah Palin-fueled masturbatory activities, why don’t you lay out for me, and the community, your vision for this nation we share.
What would it be like in a perfect Puddy world?
Give us your aspirations for the nation, it’s government, its economy, it social structure, it relationships in the world. The whole shebang as you would have it based on the principles you cherish. I’m curious what that world would be like.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
And here is where you needed mental guidance “scientist”.
You of no principles, using Media Morons!
Puddy giving you a national plan? Sorry dude, not gonna happen. Where’s yours first?
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
72. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
And here is where you needed mental guidance “scientist”.
You of no principles, using Media Morons!
Puddy giving you a national plan? Sorry dude, not gonna happen. Where’s yours first?
12/05/2010 at 10:13 am
If it doesn’t come from William Miller or Glen Beck theis motherfucker has NO ideas…no clue.
so i’m watching dolphins vs browns, i guess its cbs, and they show a teaser of some new show with jim belushi so, i dont watch netwrok programs but the teaser shows them apparently ridiculing gun owners and saying thins like these people are nuts. another propaganda atempt by by the kike hollywood producers to try and disarm christians. well jewboys, y’all better get it done before the dominos start to fall, like greece, irekand , portugal spain. cause whe it comes here, game over. and guess who the good ‘ol boys are going to blame? enjoy your bagels while you can jewboys.
enough is enoughspews:
yo rujaxoff, which chruch did you go after last night? was it broken window or spraypaint night?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Puddy giving you a national plan? Sorry dude, not gonna happen. Where’s yours first?
Coward. I challenged you, but OK, I’ll bite. This is from a few threads back, and not comprehensive, but a bit of an outline.
I voted for the state income tax. I also think the Federal marginal tax rates should be increased, at least to the level of the Clinton years, if not higher. The Bush tax scheme absolutely should be done away with, certainly for people at the top. I suspect that advocating for policies that will reduce my income and wealth as part of a greater good is something you will not be able to grasp.
The wealth and income disparity in the country is morally wrong, dangerously destabilizing and a result of relentless and systematic gaming of the system by those accreting more and more power – and this must end if we are going to survive as a nation.
The solution is fairly simple – you make/have more, you pay proportionately more (flat taxes are a dishonest mirage)(also, tax wealth more and labor less) – end imperialistic foreign wars and shrink the defense dept and national security apparattus – sane, preferably single-payer health care system that is equally accessible for all. Add to that investment in infrastructure – modern transportation, energy and information technology; reliable, healthy and non-industrial food; excellent free/affordable education for all.
Is it really that hard?
Blue Johnspews:
Pud won’t describe his ideal world because he knows if he does, we would show him how destructive that would be for the country. He doesn’t want his fantasy blown apart and shown to be a nightmare.
Or he’s just lazy.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
75. enough is enough spews:
yo rujaxoff, which chruch did you go after last night? was it broken window or spraypaint night?
12/05/2010 at 10:30 am
Oh…MAXIE’s back! I wonder which domestic violence call on the police blotter went to his house last night. Some say he STILL hasn’t stopped beating his wife. Poor woman.
enough is enoughspews:
ehh..give that about 2 out of 10…in other words, TEH FAYLE…
and for what its worth, my wife could kick the shit out of you, and YLB….at the same time.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Lazy, perverse, cowardly – take your pick.
I would really be interested in an earnest reply from him, but I certainly don’t expect it. I worry, as you do, that it will reflect a Christianist, anti-science, socially-Darwinistic dystopia that is the right-wing agenda.
simple question. as each country’s economy topples, like greece, ireland etc. do you think its more likely or less likely that jews will make money either going short, as soros did with the pound, and/or make money off the interest on the money that the imf is lending them?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Blew John, Liberal Scientist
WTF? Puddy already advocated the flat tax. Puddy refers you to ylb who has the PuddyCommentary of what Puddy suggests.Oh yeah Congress has the same health care as the common peeps.
You want it, ask ylb. Put him to work!
WTF? Christianist, anti-science, BS from the moronic one. God invented SCIENCE fool! What natural laws didn’t He create?
It kind of varies based on the intensity of the brain fart activity between his ears.
By the way Puddybud, the only thing I’ll ever say to Jesus is to send me where you aren’t. Eternity is a long time to be in your miserable company.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I now remember the second link you post, thank you.
I thought Putz was a YEC, but I wanted to hear it from him – thank you, as I think you are right that he will deflect and say the usual, “Ask ylb”.
God invented SCIENCE fool!
No, Putz, humans invented science, as a tool for understanding our world.
And that tool has quite unequivocally shown that the earth is billions of years old. Your advocacy for declaring the planet to be 4000 or 6000 years old, presumably in order for it to be congruent with your bizarro belief system, is an unabashed denial of the validity of science. By doing so, you very effectively support my contention that your world view is indeed anti-science. And Christianist to boot.
How about going for social Darwinism as well, and claiming the dystopian trifecta?
Oh yeah – you mentioned the flat tax – a disaster of a regressive idea that would do irreparable harm to the lower levels of the socioeconomic strata –
DING DING DING – We have a Winnah!!
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
Arizona GOP Death Panel Denies Lung Transplant To Catholic High School Coach
Tiffany Tate needs a lung transplant. She was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was just four months old. It is a condition that’s made it impossible to work full time, impossible to get health insurance. Her lungs will deteriorate with age.
So at age 27, Tiffany Tate needs a lung transplant. But in our third story, if all that were not enough, add one new obstacle because Tiffany Tate lives in Arizona.
And she is just the latest person to fall victim to Governor Jan Brewer and the death panel. She joins me in a moment. As we have reported on this news hour, Governor Brewer and state Republican lawmakers have cut funding for arizona’s Medicaid program access, thus denying life-saving organ transplants to low-income patients.
The governor calls the program a “Cadillac plan” and has defended her death panel by explaining that transplants qualify as “Cadillac” and optional care.
GOP Death Panels. Get used to it.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
There is more to the flat tax from an earlier Puddy commentary. Not gonna replay it here.
Regarding Puddy and the Earth being 6000 years old. Yes Puddy still believes that and the comment ylb claimed Puddy refuted it specifically said in the first paragraph. “The world is 6000 years old.”
Such simpleton Pavlovian morons!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Yes Puddy still believes that and the comment you claimed Puddy refuted it specifically said in the first paragraph.
That sentence makes no sense. I’m not talking content, I’m talking grammar – it’s indecipherable. Care to correct so we can at least have a conversation?
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
89. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
There is more to the flat tax from an earlier Puddy commentary. Not gonna replay it here.
Regarding Puddy and the Earth being 6000 years old. Yes Puddy still believes that and the comment ylb claimed Puddy refuted it specifically said in the first paragraph. “The world is 6000 years old.”
Such simpleton Pavlovian morons!
12/05/2010 at 1:12 pm
Such simpleton Pavlovian morons!
Such stunningly acute self anaysis,
Liberal Scientistspews:
Regarding Puddy and the Earth being 6000 years old. Yes Puddy still believes that…
If you actually believe that the age of the earth is 6000 years, we may have nothing to discuss. That is so monumentally insane as to threaten the existence of any shared notion of reality. The granite and slate in my house is older than 6000 years, by A LOT.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Living stuff older than 6000 years here, and here, some of which are over a million years old.
Not to mention rocks that are several billion years old.
Putz, you claim to be in some sort of technical field. How can you possibly have any scientific training and even entertain the notion that the earth is 6000 years old?
the comment ylb claimed Puddy refuted it specifically said in the first paragraph. “The world is 6000 years old.”
In thread 27520 you say the earth is 4000 or so years – you never say it’s 6000 give or take.
You had a brain fart and you can’t admit it. And sorry the evidence clearly shows this planet has taken many, many more than 6000 or so journeys around the sun. Those Moroccans who harvest trilobite fossils deposited from 526 to 250 MILLION years ago would laugh at your deluded ass.
What a loon! With core beliefs like this he has some nerve to bullshit about “facts”.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Puddy can’t wait until Jesus returns and you all are proven wrong wrong wrong!
Jesus in His clouds of Glory and the fools crying why Lord didn’t I believe!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Man’s “measurements” of millions of years may be way off. Jesus will clarify all when He returns.
What will all you fools say when He returns?
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
96. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
Man’s “measurements” of millions of years may be way off. Jesus will clarify all when He returns.
What will all you fools say when He returns?
12/05/2010 at 4:02 pm
The big p’dumbski is really really waiting for this to happen.
Puddy can’t wait until Jesus returns and you all are proven wrong wrong wrong!
Jesus in His clouds of Glory and the fools crying why Lord didn’t I believe!
Quite a bit of condescension and gloating…not very, um, Christian…or, I suppose, quite Christian, really.
Man’s “measurements” of millions of years may be way off. Jesus will clarify all when He returns.
Oh. My. God. You really believe the earth is 6000 years old. As in, not a question about it. Like, a young earth creationist. Like Adam and Eve rode around on dinosaurs. Like Moses had Tyranosaurs on the ark next to the aardvarks and zebras and penguins and mastodons.
You’re a complete fucking loon. I had no idea. Things seem so much clearer now – you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about – on any subject.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Call Puddy what you want but any Bible believing person agrees the earth is 6000+ years old. As the Bible says, shake off the dirt from your sandals and move on when they don’t believe, Puddy doesn’t need to continue prove God’s existence. He exists. Since you don’t believe this or Jesus, when Jesus returns that will be shock 1. When Jesus returns that will certify the earth being 6000 years old shock 2. When Jesus returns and you don’t make it that will be shock 3.
See ya!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Lee!
Marijuana is very good!
It is helpful in dealing with the cyclist issue we discussed last week.
ROME – A speeding car plowed head-on into a group of cyclists in southern Italy on Sunday morning, killing eight of them, officials said. The driver had been smoking marijuana, police said.
Bent, mangled bikes were strewn about the scene, and the sheet-draped corpses dotted the two-lane road near Lamezia Terme, in the Calabrian “toe” of boot-shaped Italy where the accident occurred.
In addition to the eight cyclists killed, four people were injured: two cyclists and the driver and a young boy in the car with him, said Maria Dolores Rucci, commander of the road police in nearby Catanzaro.
The ANSA news agency said the driver, who was only slightly injured, was placed under arrest on charges of multiple homicide. A police spokesman who declined to give his name said the man, a Moroccan national, had tested positive for marijuana.
enough is enoughspews:
but lee told us that smoking pot doesnt impair a person’s driving…….
legalize pot = more deaths on the highway…
Liberal Scientistspews:
Putz @ 100
So, were there Tyranosaurs and aarvarks and penguins and mastodons on the ark with Noah?
When the universe was created, did God pull the light from Andromeda to make it only appear that it had traveled for 2.54 million years, when in reality He put it just 6000 light years distant?
Did he put the cosmic microwave background out there, perfectly evenly dispersed in every direction to appear to suggest that the universe was once, a long long time ago, tiny and hot and filled with hydrogen plasma, just to fuck with us?
Really – how do you assimilate these observations?
@ 101, 102
So, by your logic, we should ban alcohol for all the deaths on the highway caused by it.
Oh, wait, we tried that.
The fact that the man was speeding, was passing another car, and is probably an idiot driver whether or not he had been smoking weed is completely lost on you.
Alcohols effects on reflexes, vision and judgement can be measured and specifically quantified in terms of the level of alcohol in the bloodstream as to make it legally enforceable on that basis.
Marijuana can not. Are you prepared to give a blood sample if you are pulled over?
Blue Johnspews:
Give us your aspirations for the nation, it’s government, its economy, it social structure, it relationships in the world. The whole shebang as you would have it based on the principles you cherish. I’m curious what that world would be like.
I’m tired of waiting for the conservatives to act, they only tear down. Besides, none of the conservatives here will stand up for what they believe in and actually have a discussion, because they cannot handle the idea that they could be wrong. They would rather snipe and tear down and cast fear, dissension and doubt.
So here is my take on this….
America is a We society, not just a Me society. Unfettered Greed is destructive to America. My goals would be a strong middle class because most of us can attain a middle class life.
In no particular order….
The purpose of government is to counter big things where fierce individualism is not enough. Government is needed to for defense against invading armies, destructive corporations, unfettered free trade and capitalism. Regulations must be enforced, to protect small business, workers, the environment and the economy from monopoly capitalism. It is the duty of the government to not ignore social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Eminent domain should not be used for private development
I would change our tax and trade laws to make manufacturing and R&D viable in America again. Jobs sent overseas would penalize the company. If that means being branded a protectionist, then so be it. The laws much change until it’s cost effective to manufacture in America again, while paying living wage jobs.
Income Taxes would be steeply progressive where the wealthiest Americas paid more, because they could without a significant degradation of lifestyle. The estate tax would go back to being “high” to avoid the concentration of wealth into economic royal families. The Walton heirs need to earn their wealth, not just wait and inherit it.
Social Security provides a safety net for the nation’s poor and needy. It should not be privatized because the ‘free market’ is too volatile. Welfare is a safety net which provides for the needs of the poor. Welfare is necessary to bring fairness to American economic life. It is a device for protecting the poor.
I would have “civil commitment” for gay couples with all the benefits of marriage, but not the name of “Marriage” or the need for the church. Abortion should be legal, safe and rare so sex ed in school, birth control for those who want it. Abstinence-Only has been shown NOT to work. I believe we should promote personal responsibility and emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems, with government there for back up. Government should minimize interference with religion and religious freedom, conversely religion should not be imposing their rules and edicts on the greater society. Maintain a separation of church and state, and state and church.
Education is vital to the economy and an informed electorate, so public education should be promoted and made as good as possible. This means challenging the teacher’s union to get rid of the bad teachers and challenging the conservatives who want to get rid of public education all together. School must teach critical thinking, not teaching to the Test. Sciences and math are important, but so are the arts because they teach creativity. About the only thing I don’t think is important are expensive sports, like football.
Make it easier to unionize because unions lead to a bigger middle class. Enforce the option of 4 weeks paid vacation if the worker wants to take it, without consequence, to strengthen families. I would institute Single payer health care, with strong emphasis on preventive care.
Support legal immigration. Employers go to jail if they hire illegals. That includes home owners who have a pattern of hiring illegal maids and gardeners.
The War on Terror is a police action, not a military one. Good diplomacy is the best way to deal with terrorism. Relying on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism.
There. If the thread is not dead… Discuss.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This story yanks the covers off ImamObaMao’s farcical claim to freeze Federal Employees pay.
What a joke.
Do you think most Americans actual believe the MisLeader-in-Chief?
They won’t after they see the FACTS.
ImamObaMao is a sick bastard.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I hope the thread’s not dead.
I’ll respond later when I have more time (I’m at work) – but I really liked what you wrote.
I would change a few things, of course ;), but that’s what a discussion is for!
And to the right-wingers out there – esp Pud – come on – where’s your vision?
Blue Johnspews:
P.S. Elections should be publicly financed, and spending should be capped and limited depending on the race, to get the money out of politics. If your cause is just, if you are the right person for the job, get people to vote for you because of your ideas and actions, not your dollars or your corporation’s dollars.
Corporations are not people and cannot have free speech.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Where is the Silly Rabbit…the one who told me I was foolish to invest in Gold when it was under $800/oz.??
It’s now $1429/oz. fool
And silver is $24.57
And my primary precious metal stock hold Barrick Gold is–;_yl.....211;?s=ABX
Investment Rule #1–
Find out what Roger Rabbit thinks of an investment opportunity
Investment Rule #2 (MOST IMPORTANT!)–
Do the OPPOSITE of the Rabbit.
Financial Freedom
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Corporations are Legal Entities.
Why shouldn’t they have free speech?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And why is it you Leftist Pinheads are always focused on limiting the speech of folks or entities you disagree with?
I love it when you KLOWNS babble on & on about your Marxist vision for America.
That’s one of the reasons the 2010 elections turned out the way they did.
ANd the more you KLOWNS talk..the more likely 2012 will be more of the same.
Blue Johnspews:
WTF? Yes, Corporations are Legal Entities, not People. That is my point.
Why should things that ARE NOT PEOPLE have free speech?
Blue Johnspews:
And why is it you … are always focused on limiting the speech of folks or entities you disagree with?
I’m trying to keep the corporations and the rich from drowning out the other voices in the conversation. Why are you fighting inclusion?
Why do you support organizations that subvert democracy?
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
I presume that by the reckoning of MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown and the big p’dumbski…the big jesus in the sky is gonna lift only their kind of faithful to the big paradise (btw…muslims get virgins and christians get…WHAT??…canasta???). So if you are a non-christian (or a roman catholic which is a particular kind of “non-christian”), or a non -believer, or a “Deist”, or a whatever and a good person and true to a reasonable moral code you are just shit out of luck.
It’s just a clubby club club for the really really cool kids…who were total asholes that nobody liked and now they’re getting eternal revenge.
On Friday, December 3rd, a week after this article was published in Rolling Stone, Massey Energy announced that Don Blankenship will be retiring as CEO and chairman. “After almost three decades at Massey, it’s time for me to move on,” Blankenship said in a statement. It’s not clear whether he was forced out, but the news took nearly everyone in coal country by surprise. An executive at the West Virginia Coal Association called the announcement “unreal,” and a leading environmentalist exulted, “Ding, dong, the witch is dead!” WebMine, an influential industry publication, noted a similarity between Blankenship’s sudden exit and that of Gen. Stanley McChrystal earlier this year: “Both men were the subjects of highly controversial profiles by Rolling Stone magazine.”
Blankenship’s exit may be part of a larger strategy to keep himself out of jail and avoid financial liability for the suffering he has caused during his decades as Appalachia’s most powerful coal baron. But it’s good news for Massey stockholders: With Blankenship out of the picture, it could now be easier to find a buyer for the coal company that he has turned into a national symbol of lethal greed.
Wow. How cool is this???
Blue Johnspews:
@110. Explain to me how you can argue tooth and nail that an unborn clump of cells is a person, yet turn around and argue that a corporation, that has no living cells at all, is equally a person?
Or is it just that since corporations have money that they might give you, they should be granted personhood?
Liberal Scientistspews:
The right-wing notion of ‘personhood’ is a perverse one.
Blastocyst-Americans are persons soley as a means to disenfranchise women and to stigmatize sexulity in general.
Corporations are persons because they are powerful anti-democratic activitists with gigantic resources.
“Real-Americans” as defined by the Teahaddist Palinistas, is aimed at contrasting with, and thereby maginalizing, anyone not in their racial/religious tribe.
The right-wing agenda is one aimed at narrowing the distribution of power and wealth, and one powerful tool is to define who is, and more imprtantly, who is not, a real person. It also fits nicely with their eliminationist rhetoric, some of which we experience here from our resident trolls, that lays the groundwork for ‘removing’ all of us who don’t go along with their violent insanity.
Blue Johnspews:
And as usual, the conservatives here won’t describe the America they want.
Only lost would put himself out there and he eventually quit posting after he was repeatedly shown, with facts and logic, that his vision for America was a disaster to be. I guess he went somewhere where nobody would challenge his worldview.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John–
Why should Corporations pay taxes if they cannot have free speech to question those in power, the tax collectors, who impose them???
Answer that?
Perhaps if Corporations no longer have to pay taxes or abide by government regs…they will go along with the MUZZLE you propose.
Why is it you want to MUZZLE taxpayers??
Fine. Give corporations the rights of a person. But also give them the responsibilities. We can start the education of corporations on their civic responsibilities by prosecuting the boards and management of Massey Energy, Halliburton, Transocean and BP for murder. I suggest that the executions take place on Wall Street. Bankers to be tried and executed next. Think of it as deterrence. Speaking of deterrence, let’s string up the KLOWN and the rest of our trolls while we’re at it. That’d be because they’re accomplices to the murder of American miners and oil platform workers, as well as the fleecing of America and Lord knows what else. After they’ve been hung, shoot them a few times for good measure.
119. Mr. Cynical spews:
Blue John–
Why should Corporations pay taxes if they cannot have free speech to question those in power, the tax collectors, who impose them???
Answer that?
Perhaps if Corporations no longer have to pay taxes or abide by government regs…they will go along with the MUZZLE you propose.
Why is it you want to MUZZLE taxpayers??
12/06/2010 at 3:54 pm
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
119. Mr. Cynical spews:
Blue John–
Why should Corporations pay taxes if they cannot have free speech to question those in power, the tax collectors, who impose them???
Answer that?
Perhaps if Corporations no longer have to pay taxes or abide by government regs…they will go along with the MUZZLE you propose.
Why is it you want to MUZZLE taxpayers??
12/06/2010 at 3:54 pm
If MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown isn’t the stupidest motherfucker on the planet I’d like to know who is…
@122 The title seems to go to whichever troll posted last. Right now, the “dumbest motherfucker on the entire planet” title appears to go to the KLOWN. He could lose the crown the moment Puddy shows up. I tell ya, Rujax!, these dumbass motherfuckers are not only the dumbest motherfuckers on the entire planet, they’re damned proud of it.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
Ber fore I get deleted for “OT”…I’ve played music all my life and spent many many evenings back in the day admiring “Push”. Just a great band. There were sooo many in those days!
Blue Johnspews:
Because corporations pay taxes they are people in your eyes? Is my car a person, because has car tabs? Is a home a person, because it has property taxes?
My car has follow rules of the road, does that make it a person?
That is a very illogical argument. A corporation is not a person, and should not have the rights of a person. To argue otherwise is to be purposely stupid.
Blue Johnspews:
How about it cyn, what’s your vision for America?
Dr. Zaiusspews:
the left-wing idea of personhood is no less perverse: remember now, its the left that says an 8month old fetus isnt a person, and can be killed simply for being inconvenient
the left that says an 8month old fetus isnt a person, and can be killed simply for being inconvenient
Gee if you have a lot of money, you can fly anywhere in the world to have something like that done – if you can find a doctor and want to risk going under the knife. Yet the right wing wants to cut taxes on people like that to “create jobs”.
In Canada there’s not a single law on the books regulating abortion – no cutoffs at the first trimester, no parent notification – nothing.. Canada hasn’t fallen under melting arctic ice cap last I looked.
Right wingers are so stupid.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
so in other words you have no issue with abortion on demand right up thru 9 months – for simply being inconvenient?
129 – I have no issue with freedom. It’s completely a matter between a woman, her family and her doctor. It’s none of your miserable business.
And continue to desire to cut the taxes of those who already have the means to do whatever they damn please. It’s the most fervent dream of the knee jerk authoritarian right winger.
Your kind make me vomit indeed.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
your idea of freedom is one in which is it OK to murder a viable child…yet you resist the notion of things like property rights and wealth redistribution.
and it should be none of your business how many trees I cut down on my property – yet you feel the need to restrict me and what I can do, while at the same time refusing to compensate me for your idea of freedom.
its also none of your business what kind or how many guns I choose to own…yet you feel the need to restrict what I can own, even though I have commited no crimes.
the only conclusion I can reash is that you value a douglass fir more that you value a child.
this is the freedom you and the rest of left desires…no thanks.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
I also find it comical that in the progressive world of freedom, a person is free to think and say whatever they like, so long as it tows the line and doesnt offend anyone.
I think I rather like offending people: if I think you are a piece of shit white trash cracker, then I will tell you. if I think you are a stupid lazy nigger, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a worthless wetback, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a short dicked little chink, then I will tell you.
are you offended? good.
so I will have to pass on your version of freedom, tyvm.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
132. Dr. Zaius spews:
I also find it comical that in the progressive world of freedom, a person is free to think and say whatever they like, so long as it tows the line and doesnt offend anyone.
I think I rather like offending people: if I think you are a piece of shit white trash cracker, then I will tell you. if I think you are a stupid lazy nigger, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a worthless wetback, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a short dicked little chink, then I will tell you.
are you offended? good.
so I will have to pass on your version of freedom, tyvm.
12/06/2010 at 10:31 pm
Well isn’t this asswipe the fucked up piece of shit?
Dr. Zaiusspews:
aawww…someone is offended…do you need moist towelette?
131 – Boycott Canadian oil and gas then if you feel a country that doesn’t regulate a woman’s body in the way you’d like is so morally reprehensible. Advocate prosecuting rich people for traveling to Canada or Europe or Brazil, wherever for their abortions while making it a bit easier with the next tax cut.
Cut as many trees as you want on your property. I don’t give a damn. That’s between you and your neighbors. If you harm them in anyway by your behavior they might have something to say about it.
Own as many guns as you’d like as long as you don’t point them at me. I’m all for them. I need them to defend my family against unhinged authoritarians like you. Don’t tread on me right winger.
The only conclusion I can reach is that everything you ever cared to know you learned listening to the Limbaugh show.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
why should I boycott them? I am not canadian and I do not live under their laws. They can do what they want. could you please try and come up with something that makes sense?
how am I an authoritarian if I advocate free speech, property rights, human rights(as in baby humans), and the right to bear arms?
seems to me I liek freedom, and it is you and your ilk who are authoritarian.
I do not listen to limbaugh..or beck….or shultz….or hartmann….or any other talking head.
if thats the “only conclusion” you can reach, you are pretty fucking stupid….but hey, I am all for stupid people like you mouthing off and ranting around….its what makes life entertaining…it also makes me thankful I am me and not you.
136 – If you buy their products then you support a country who does not control a woman’s body the way you’d like. Wow what a surprise! Yet another right wing hypocrite!
You’re an authoritarian because you want to control a woman’s body. You want to throw a woman in jail because she needs options in an uncertain life. You’d chortle in glee at women suffering in prison for making desperate hard choices that you’d never have to face.
You want to impose your ignorant wants and desires on others. Basically you’re a selfish obnoxious asshole. Sure sucks to be you. And yes I’m very glad I refuse to be so ignorant.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
purchasing something form canada does not mean a support anything canadian, accept the company that made the product I am buying.
do you buy chinese products? and since you will answer “yes”, your great logic would conclude that you support an authoritarian regime that imprisons people who dont go along with the current political ideals of that country. Tianamen(sp) square anyone?
actually, with that description of china, they sound just like most progressives here in the US.
I have no desire to see women on prison you sick twisted white trash cracker, but I also dont think its rigth for babies to be killed because people are too lazy to be responsible.
you are too easy to twist up, and you really arent that smart….next person please!
Dr. Zaiusspews:
I cant believe you used the “you support canadian govt policiy if you buy canadian products” argument.
fuck you are dumb. I hope you dont own any chinese products….cause…well….oh nevermind, you wont even understand the irony…
Dr. Zaiusspews:
Question: What do Charlie Rangel and Wesley Snipes have in common?
138 – Fine then send your money to a country who refuses IN ANY WAY to regulate a woman’s body as you’d like. I’m sure when the Soviet Union was going strong you wouldn’t have denied yourself a shot of Stoli. No skin off my back.
And YOU CERTAINLY DO WANT to see women (and men who are an accessory) go to prison for your delusional beliefs. That’s the place where your beliefs have to lead.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
You are a very confused person, and one who’s logic leaves much to be desired.
And please, dont tell me what I want to dont want – you do not have any idea.
Perhapls you should straighten out your own beliefs before exclaiming you know what beliefs and desires others have.
Liberal Scientistspews:
remember now, its the left that says an 8month old fetus isnt a person, and can be killed simply for being inconvenient
Women do not, repeat not, go through 8 months of pregnancy and then just decide to have “an abortion on demand” (another telling epithet/wingnut talking point.) Just does not happen. Moreover, those late abortion are medically complex and potentially dangerous and are not undertaken by a physician without very good indication – like a malformation that would lead to conventional delivery creating greater risk for the mother than a termination procedure. Even if someone simply wanted an abortion at 30 weeks, for no reason but to manifest autonomy over their body (which your side so fears), no physician is going to do it without a very compelling medical indication.
Your characterization of irresponsibly murderous women blithely saying, “Oh, I guess I’ll kill my baby today” bears NO resemblance to the anguish most people I know who’ve chosen an abortion go through. Your caricature does a powerful disservice to any kind of rational discussion.
Liberal Scientistspews:
do you buy chinese products? and since you will answer “yes”, your great logic would conclude that you support an authoritarian regime that imprisons people who dont go along with the current political ideals of that country.
In a way it does – it certainly supports the maximal unsustainable greed (MUG ™)form of authoritarian capitalism that we and the Chinese are perpetrating on the world. It exploits workers in China and leaves American workers bereft of jobs and power and political voice over here. Which is why I try (without full success) to avoid buying stuff made in China, particularly that value-less plastic crap showered on the US by the likes of Wal-Mart and its hillbilly billionaires in Arkansas.
Liberal Scientistspews:
piece of shit white trash cracker
stupid lazy nigger
worthless wetback
short dicked little chink
I bet that made you feel really good writing those phrases in a public space. The license to let go and let what’s inside finally see the light of day – a perverse and twisted form of coming out of the closet, though perhaps the first step toward recovery, one can only hope.
(Threw in that first one just to give cover to using the others, I bet.)
I also find it interesting that your (and other wingnuts’) ideas of freedom seem to revolve around the freedom to malign and smear people who are different from you, to despoil nature at will, and to own devices for harming other people.
It’s really telling, comparing that to our notions of freedom that involve the freedom to marry whom you choose, the freedom to participate openly in society and the military without hiding who you are, the freedom to participate in an economy that isn’t rigged to steal your money and your dignity, the freedom to exercise autonomy over your own body, the freedom and right to have breathable air and drinkable water and an ecosystem not spoiled by the rapacious greed-heads looking only for the next dollar.
Blue Johnspews:
@127, you think abortions are wrong. Will you join me in advocating that the need need for it be as rare as possible? Teach everyone birth control and give birth control methods to everyone who wants it. Stress that being faithful to your partner is important. But if they are going stray or fool around, they must use condoms and birth control.
That way the need for abortions is cut dramatically. Would you agree to that?
Blue Johnspews:
#131. IMHO, liberals want rules and regulations when your actions effect others. It’s about nuance and what if conditions. I know that sort of gray area can be hard for some people. You cannot chop down the trees on your land if it effect other people.
Here’s the subtle part. If cutting down your trees, will cause a landslide condition that will take out the subdivision, you cannot cut down your trees. If cutting down part of your trees, threatens a salmon street, that the loss of will effect the salmon fishing industry, you cannot cut down those specific trees.
It’s IF your actions effect others, then you MAY not be able to cut down your trees. Can you understand the difference?
Blue Johnspews:
I also find it comical that in the progressive world of freedom, a person is free to think and say whatever they like, so long as it tows the line and doesnt offend anyone.
IMHO, not true. If you want to go around calling people names, you have that right. You just seem a true jerk when you do it. And those groups have the right to call you names back, or not do business with you, or rent to you, or interact with you as little as possible.
However, if you advocate violence or suppression toward those groups or are in a position of authority when you use that speech, THEN I have a problem with that and you have crossed the line. If you are the TSA agent and you use those names for everyone who comes through the screening line, it’s not like they can go somewhere else, that’s you abusing your minimal authority. That’s wrong.
Can you understand the difference?
Blue Johnspews:
So Dr. Zaius, what’s your conseravite vision for America. If you were running it, what would it be like.
I have some data points so far.
Abortion would be illegal, because cells are people from the moment of conception.
No property management imposed at all. If the next door neighbor want to put in a gay strip club, you wouldn’t stop him and the neighbor on the other side wants to put in a manure processing plant, you would be fine with that.
No redistribution of wealth. Probably a flat tax and all that implies.
No restrictions on guns, so long as you don’t use them.
What else?
Watch folks like you wring your hands and gnash your teeth over not being able to confiscate more money from Rich Guys…and it’s YOUR GUY to blame.
Blue Johnspews:
cyn, at least for me, I agree that I’m infuriated with Obama.
See, I can agree with you when you are correct.
However, I STILL think Obama was better than mccain/palin.
P.S. where’s your conservative vision for America? What do you want to see?
However, I STILL think Obama was better than mccain/palin.
How so?
Read the article above.
It’s enlightening.
Palin/McCain understand Economics.
Obama doesn’t
Skipper's Best Friendspews:
29. YLB spews:
Oh and how about the people who owe a house when they graduate college?
Is that because of Republicans or the greed of liberal college professors wanting more money. if only college kids didn’t have to fund the sabbaticals of college professors working on other projects at the same time. Collecting 2 paychecks, one from the pockets of the youth attending college and one from elsewhere.
The cost of college, a house as you put it, is in the pockets of liberals.
Skipper's Best Friendspews:
140. Dr. Zaius spews:
Question: What do Charlie Rangel and Wesley Snipes have in common?
Answer: The same accountant.
What do Snipes, Rangal, Geithner, Ron Kirk, Daschle, Hilda Solis and Nancy Killefer have in common.
All tax cheats.
The only one not politically connected went to jail.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Fox News article? Enlightening?
McCain/Palin? Two morons. One deluded by his own advertising, the other no better than a grifter.
Yes. In California it was at one time pretty much free to go to community college. You paid little beyond books and some minor fees. Then Prop 13 passed, everything tightened up and then Republican Gov George Deukmejian imposed a $50 per quarter/semester fee and those were the good old days. Now I guess it’s as ridiculously expensive as it is here in WA State.
Republicans are generally the worst enemies of education. If everyone could think critically they wouldn’t vote for any Republican now and only for a rational Republican (almost extinct now) who could provide some balance to the Dems who can’t see the forest for the special interest trees.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
LS @ 156–
How intolerant of you.
I know, articles based on economic principles hurt your pointy l’il noggin.
You enjoy the Progressive nonsense that defies the laws of basic economics.
It’s doing real good for us LS
The safe, legal and rare thing is a political talking point we heard a lot from the Clintons. I have no problem with the safe and legal part but the rare part is a matter of a woman’s choice. As a man I can proffer my opinion if I’m personally affected but the final decision is up to the woman. It’s her body. It’s more or less her future that’s at stake. If I don’t like her decision I don’t have to associate with her. There’s plenty of other fish in the sea who may be more agreeable to my views on the matter.
As a firm believer in freedom and autonomy for all people I can’t hold any other view.
I’ve seen figures as high as 40 percent for the number of women in this country will have an abortion in their lifetimes. If this is true then to be against abortion is more or less to be against women. And that perfectly describes my experience of knee jerk right wing idiots when they ascend their high horse on this issue – they want to control women because they feel so empty and powerless themselves.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
158. Mr. Cynical spews:
LS @ 156–
How intolerant of you.
I know, articles based on economic principles hurt your pointy l’il noggin.
You enjoy the Progressive nonsense that defies the laws of basic economics.
It’s doing real good for us LS
12/07/2010 at 11:28 am
VooDoo economics.
Cut taxes, raise spending (like banana-republicans ALWAYS do) and everything will be ok.
Fuck you ashole.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I read the article – it’s drivelicious wingnut kant. Writen by John. R. Lott, Jr, famous for arguing that abortions increase the murder rate and other ravings detailed here.
Not intolerant at all. What I display are called critical thinking skills, something I suppose I shouldn’t expect from you.
As Rujax says, what that FoxNews propaganda piece was was nothing more than a bunch of right-wing talking points strung together with more-or-less adequate grammar.
Gawd, how I long for a troll who displays some sort of respect for facts and something beyond adolescent, self-centric, Galtian viewpoints.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
162. Liberal Scientist spews:
Gawd, how I long for a troll who displays some sort of respect for facts and something beyond adolescent, self-centric, Galtian viewpoints.
12/07/2010 at 12:37 pm
Thanks, man…I hope you’re not holding your breath.
how I long for a troll who displays some sort of respect for facts and something beyond adolescent, self-centric
He or she wouldn’t be a troll then. They would resemble a thoughtful human being.
Liberal Scientistspews:
(Turning Blue)
Call Medic One!!
(passes out)
Liberal Scientistspews:
911 Dispatch inadvertantly sends Galt-One, instead of Medic-One, to respond to Liberal Scientist’s syncope.
They find him unconscious, blue, but with a pulse and blood pressure. They perform a wallet biopsy prior to deploying Advanced Life Support. The biopsy results look OK, so they administer oxygen and airway protection.
Fortunately, due to his robust physiology (and rugged good looks) he was able to tolerate the time it took to receive payment preautorization before treatment was given. He woke, his palor resolved and he began breathing spontaneously and regularly.
When the Libertarian Galt-One crew asked where he wanted to be taken, he said with a tired whisper, “Harborview.” They exchanged shocked and fearful side-glances. “Um, sir, I mean Dr. Liberal Scientist, uh, we can’t go there.”
“Fergawdsakes, why not?” questioned the incredulous and devilishly handsome LS.
“Well, sir, if this rig gets within 100 yards of charity, or kindness, or hard work without remuneration, it’ll self-destruct.”
You’re brave. I see foxnews and I stop right there.
The same reason I avoid the Wall Street Journal Editorial pages – I don’t like the feeling of my blood boiling.
Liberal Scientistspews:
It wasn’t easy, though it became evident very very quickly that the “article” was just what I said – drivel, right-wing talking points bearing no resemblence to the planet I live on. Then I looked into the author – and whoa! what a whack job. Main policy interests seem to be that guns reduce crime and abortion rights increase homicide rates.
It is hard to go to FoxNoise, and I think sometimes that Cynical just links there to send them more hits. OTOH, I want to be able to refute what they say at face value, though I think most of the time what our trolls, and right-wingers in general, are doing is just vomiting up verbal nonsense to confuse issues. I don’t want to give them the opportunity, however, to say that we didn’t refute their ‘argument’.
Dealing with wingnuts is ultimately tiresome and frustrating. And with Pud, I think I’ve reached the end of my rope – I just cannot imaging taking seriously anthing said by someone who actually believes that the earth is 6000 years old, AND whose answer to inconvenient facts like fossils and radiometric dating and red shift is that when Jesus comes in his clouds of glory he’ll explain how science got it all wrong.
Sheesh what a whack-a-doodle. (Oh, and he never did explain whether Noah had Tyranosaurs and aardvarks and penguins and mastodons on the ark together.)
Blue Johnspews:
I read the fox news article in 152. It didn’t prove his point.
“Taking money from wealthy people and giving it to poor people doesn’t create more spending. It just alters who gets to choose where the money is spent.”
And that’s the reason conservatives and fox news hates this so much.
@159 Dumbfuck KLOWN sez, “This is why Public Schools are in trouble..force feeding anti-Christian BS.” And then a link to Fox News, of course.
Taylor points to is Ehrenreich’s description of a Christian service she attended in Maine.
“It would be nice if someone would read this sad-eyed crowd the Sermon on the Mount, accompanied by a rousing commentary on income inequality and the need for a hike in the minimum wage. But Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to say. Christ crucified rules, and it may be that the true business of modern Christianity is to crucify him again and again so that he can never get a word out of his mouth,” Ehrenreich writes.
It’s not the description of Jesus that bothers people like you. It’s the mirror she holds up so that you have to see how shallow and weak your so-called Christian faith has become. So, yeah, I can see how this bothers you. You invoke his name but never use his words. You brandish a cross but you ignore the teachings. If people like you who dare to call yourselves Christians hadn’t of kicked Jesus “the living man” out of your faith then you could read a passage like that and not feel threatened or insulted.
The author held up a mirror to you and what you saw is damned ugly. In fact, it’s so damned ugly that you can’t bare to look.
KLOWN, you can take the neon Jesus you’ve created in your image, you can take your perversion of Christianity, and you shove it up your ass.
Deepest heartfelt condolences to the family of Elizabeth Edwards.
May she rest in peace.
Blue Johnspews:
Several socially conservative organizations have threatened to boycott one of the largest gatherings of conservative activists of the year if a group of gay Republicans is allowed to serve as a participating organization at the event.
Once again, your party’s intolerance is showing.
What’s next? Brown people, women, and poor people will be excluded from the party if they want to participate?
Merry F’n Christmas if you have a job! otherwise throw the Bastards out!
Interesting (if poorly written) article in the PI this morning. This has been the model for American industrial practices for the last 25 years, since Raygun was President.
The teabaggers have been most vehement in their support of this business model. Boeing is dying. The top executives are looting the company, outsourcing everything from engineering to flight line, then raking in massive untaxed cash bonuses while the company spirals down the tube. Then the company gets tax breaks for sending the work overseas.
When the progressive folks point this out, they’re vilified and excoriated in the corporate press and by the teabaggersheep as being anti-business.
Then, ostensibly to save the state money, they propose selling off the ferry system, the roads, the water supplies and the prison systems to other foreign-owned corporations.
GOP = Treason party. Sell America’s industrial base off to the people who would use it as a club to beat us to death with, and laugh all the way to the bank. All wile the teabaggersheep cheer them on for their entrepreneurial and independent corporate spirit.
They bust the Unions then complain about there being no work and the shit they all buy at Wallyworld breaks just by opening the package.
Yay! Unfettered capitalism!
Today the minority Senate Republicans voted to block middle class tax cuts by filibustering the bill that passed the house yesterday.
How much do you want to bet that the assholes at the Seattle Times put a headline in the paper tomorrow that reads something like this:
Democrats fail to get middle class tax cuts.
Or even more dishonest:
Democrats let taxes increase.
They will absolve the obstructionist minority in the Senate of all fault with this bill failing, and somehow miraculously place all blame on the dems.
Getting ready to cancel my subscription to this piece of shit parading as a newspaper.
The Blethen family is pushing crap for purely selfish greed. They can’t tolerate the idea of the estate tax break expiring, so they would rather crap all over the 98% of us who earn less than a quarter of a million dollars per year. They would rather crap on the 50% of us who earn less than 42K per year.
Here is a little factoid I heard from Bernie Sanders yesterday. The estate tax only effects the upper 0.3% of Americans. So 99.7% of us will never be hit with the estate tax. You would never believe this to be true if you read the Blethlen rag, which is constantly publishing crap about how it is going to hurt families and small businesses. Dishonest propagandists is what they are. And they are shoveling propaganda which will in essence hurt the bottom 99.7% of us by grossly underfunding government services. The Seattle Times doesn’t give a shit about anyone but rich people.
@4 Why did you ever have a subscription to a Republican Party newsletter in the first place?
You have to be really careful these days about getting on mailing lists. It’s been over a year since I watched Goldy kicked Grover Norquist’s ass in a debate at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, and I still get spam e-mails and fundraising solicitations from EFF.
I’ve never subscribed to the Seattle Times, but they were so determined to force me to buy their product I had to file a formal complaint with the state attorney general to compel them to stop the telephone harassment.
About the only way you can get away from these fuckers anymore is to be a homeless person with no address, phone number, or internet access.
Morrell is a nurse, Zeiger is a part time employee of a Washington DC think tank. Hmm…
Why isn’t this piece of black trash being convicted of a hate crime? She targeted only white women.
I’ve always advocated education. Education, education, education. Lifelong learning.
If anything we should overspend for it. If only the roles of defense and education were switched in this country.
Which of course brings me to the right wing trolls. They believe in life long learning too. And it doesn’t cost the public a dime. What a great deal for the taxpayer!
All the education they need they get from right wing hate talk am radio and Faux News. The real nutcases among them (like Puddybud) read every batshit insane right wing rag, blog and website out there.
If there were REAL Democrats in Congress the banana-republicans would be covered in their own shit over the middle class ytax cut filibuster.
Your banana-republicans at work!
I had to file a formal complaint with the state attorney general to compel them to stop the telephone harassment.
I wonder if the SeaTimes fishrag phone operation uses anonymous caller id. You can block that with just about any phone service I believe. It’s just a switch setting on a voice over ip service like I use. I wouldn’t be surprised if old landline service like Verizon/Qworst actually CHARGE to have that done.
Otherwise SeaTimes should respect the do not call list. Any service that ignores that and I don’t want calls from I just blacklist with my home pbx (free software, just needs a pc and the patience to configure and wire it).
Your banana-republicans at work!
Politics has never been about reason, it springs from emotion, which is why the world gets this:
and this:
In most places of the world, politics revolves around tribalism, clans, and families, and is often violent and savage. The old breed of Republican was merely greedy and money-driven. This new crowd — the Palinists and teajahists — would take us into a long dark descent into world of ethnic, religious, and cultural hatreds that makes the third world the wasteland it is, and will turn America into a wasteland, too. These self-styled “superpatriots” are the most unpatriotic people on our soil. Palin’s idea of “patriotism” is secession and civil war.
I AM NOT JOKING. Governor Gregoire has ALREADY APPROVED these cuts. The link is a detailed list of the health care cuts, exactly what is being cut, and the effective dates of each cut.
Most of the cuts come from Medicaid programs. Which means that between 50% and 90% of the program is funded by FEDERAL MONEY. So the State of Washington savings on many of these items is very small, and will result in hundreds of millions of FEDERAL DOLLARS no longer being spent in Washington.
Under current programs, anyone earning less than 200% of federal poverty level — both WOMEN and MEN — get their birth control and family planning paid for by DSHS. Also, a woman whose pregnancy was covered by DSHS gets birth control and family planning covered by DSHS for a year after the pregnancy is concluded, even if her income rises over 200% of federal poverty level. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN PAYS 90% OF THIS PROGRAM, AND THE STATE ONLY HAS TO COVER THE REMAINING 10%.
Effective March 1, 2011, Gregoire is ELIMINATING these birth control and family planning programs entirely, so the State of Washington can save its 10% matching share.
Gregoire’s policies certainly are ANTI-CHOICE, since they deny both WOMEN and MEN numerous options for birth control and family planning.
But at least Gregoire is not ANTI-ABORTION. If a woman gets pregnant because DSHS would not pay for birth control or family planning, she can still qualify for Pregnancy Medical, if her income is below 185% of federal poverty level (based on a family size that includes the unborn child or unborn children). And in that situation, DSHS will still PAY FOR AN ABORTION. Which by the way, comes 100% from State of Washington funds, since the federal government does not provide any funding whatsoever for elective abortions.
How moron? There are no tax cuts. When did Odumba pass a tax cut? The middle class aren’t going to pay any lower taxes if this bill is passed. It’s all how you libtardos say things and the stupid press eats it up.
So when they jockstrapped Suzan DelBene and Patty Murray they did it for purely selfish greed. Thanks Puddy didn’t realize that!
For today’s Saturday “open thread”:
More of Stoner Lee’s buddies go down:
Better have an extra large bong hit there Lee, then take up a collection under the guise of a “fund drive” to attempt to bail out Cheech, Chong, and the rest of them. ;)
Good luck!
(cough! hack! Whoa! Dude!)
Oh, and go Huskies!!
Puddybud @ 16
We could call them the BUSH TAX INCREASES, instead of the BUSH TAX CUTS. Fact of the matter is that George W. Bush and a basically Republican Congress (okay Senate was 51-49 Dem in 2001-02) passed a law which provides for an across-the-board increase in tax rates for all taxpayers, starting on January 1, 2011.
Apparently, no one really wants these BUSH TAX INCREASES to apply to all Americans. Republicans want to repeal the Bush tax increases for all Americans, while Democrats only want to repeal the Bush tax increases for Americans making less than $250k or so per year.
Why didn’t the Republicans do something about the Bush tax increases back in the 2003 to 2006 time frame, when Bush was still President and the Republicans had pretty good majorities in both houses of Congress?
Well you surely don’t demonstrate lifelong learning ylb here on HA. Maybe sitting on your ASS, kook-aid drinking… Yes!
And the data blows away your latest attempt at an argument.
Rank Region SAT Scores:Combined Reading & Mathematics ÷ Expenditure per pupil in fall enrollment at public schools Result
40 Maryland 1,002.00 ÷ 10,031.00 0.10
41 Pennsylvania 992.00 ÷ 10,235.00 0.10
42 Alaska 1,036.00 ÷ 10,847.00 0.10
43 Delaware 993.00 ÷ 10,911.00 0.09
44 Maine 931.00 ÷ 10,342.00 0.09
45 Massachusetts 1,035.00 ÷ 11,642.00 0.09
46 Vermont 1,034.00 ÷ 11,972.00 0.09
47 Rhode Island 994.00 ÷ 11,667.00 0.09
48 Connecticut 1,022.00 ÷ 12,263.00 0.08
49 New York 996.00 ÷ 13,703.00 0.07
50 New Jersey 1,005.00 ÷ 14,117.00 0.07
51 District of Columbia 940.00 ÷ 13,348.00 0.07
Looks like if you throw more money at it the problem gets worse.
Comcast is up to their new/old tricks again. This time they are slapping additional fees on Level 3 Communications, a videocasting supplier for competitor Netflix:
Isn’t it time for clarity and enforcement of Net Neutrality?
mr. pope, excellent point.
they are bush tax increaes, and the democrats are for stopping the bush tax increases from hitting the middle class, and struggling families.
whereas the gop wants tax increases on the middle class.
wow. maybe obama should hire you to do his message work.
the media and even the democrats keep repeating the phrase bush tax cuts. it’s branded into 300 million minds. but they are tax increases. not to mention the tax increase on working class folks to pay for the interest on the borrowing that the bush tax laws have required.
these democrats couldn’t message their way out of a paper bag. “We are in favor of a sensible, bipartisan reform to work our way into an area of wider opportunities. For this we reach across the aisle toask for gop help in sponsoring tax credits for innovations in bag removal and systems to innovate for global competitiveness in paper bag deconstruction. But, in order to get gop votes, we decided to let agree to two more years in the paper bag. Everyone knows we shouldn’t fight our way out of a paper bag in a recession, because the rich people told us it would make them feel funny, and then they wouldn’t create any jobs !”
21 – Well, comcast is claiming they’ve had to build out stuff just for netflix.
Indeed I’ve been surprised at the increase in speed at the middle of the road tier over the last few years.
Thank you netflix subscribers. My bandwidth has increased and I’m still paying more or less what I paid 5 or more years ago. And I’ve never used Netflix or Comcast’s video on demand.
The compromise that will be worked out will be interesting. I vote for empowering franchisors – they provide the right of ways and pole infrastructure for the franchisee – they can dictate the neutrality terms. If the franchisee doesn’t like it they can pull out their stuff so localities can then do what they should have done long ago – provide network neutral broadband service.
20 – Try telling that stupidity to people who are being turned away at community colleges when they try to upgrade their skills.
The funding isn’t there in too many cases. Geez you’re dumb.
@20 I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing money at them, putz, but I’m not a believer in trying to solve problems by throwing Republicans at them either. Neither approach seems to work.
What does K-12 funding have to do with community college funding?
Since Richard Pope became a liberal he’s lost his mind.
Do you remember why the sunset provision was originally set and why it was never removed? Nope cuz Pope is a Dope. Ever heard of the Senate filibuster Richard?
Puddy knows no one watches CBS News but even Katie Couric discussed it recently.
Well that makes you a little smarter than the chronologically challenged ylb. He’s so dopey he promotes that silly argument all the time.
Oh and how about the people who owe a house when they graduate college?
Great state of things in the richest country on the planet. And it didn’t use to be that way.
Puddybud: what a dummy! All the fool thinks a person needs is Limbaugh.
Bernie Sanders speaks the truth.
Watch the whole speech.
Of course, Spuddy, Id and Cynical have no problem with bankers and insurance executives raping the economy, looting the treasury and stealing every penny they can in their efforts to destroy the Nation. You fascist types don’t seem to have any issue with thievery and treason, as long as someone is making a buck off it. I guess its too bad you would rather live in a country resembling Honduras or Nigeria or Greece, as long as the billionaires get theirs.
Noodles forbid, we do anything to actually prevent theft if the thieves are making a hundred million a year off of their scams. Just as long as they can keep those congressional palms well greased. There were good reasons why Bernie Madoff and the other flim flammers donated excusively to the GOP, and concentrated their lobbying efforts within the conservative factions of government.
Anything goes, and the billionaires have no laws to obey, and nobody to tell them otherwise.
Capitalism uber alles!
@16 “The middle class aren’t going to pay any lower taxes if this bill is passed.”
But they’ll pay higher taxes if it isn’t, therefore Republicans voted to raise middle class taxes.
The way it works, dear fact-challenged putzy, is that Republicans … when they had unbridled control of the government … only gave the middle class a temporary tax cut. It’s got a shelf life, putzy, and when it hits the expiration date, middle class taxes go UP. So, yes, this bill is a middle class tax cut because it cuts middle class taxes from the permanent level. And the Democratic bill gives the middle class a permanent tax cut, unlike the temporary Republican tax cut.
What’s going on here is Republicans are holding the permanent middle class tax cuts hostage for budget-busting, deficit-increasing, tax cuts for the rich. You know, the same Republicans who have been making all the noise about deficits — they voted today for permanently higher deficits.
Of course, putzy, you didn’t mention any of that in your comment because, well, the facts shoot down your argument.
You still haven’t answered the question ylb.
Stupid and still staying that way!
By the way, where are all the jobs the GOP’s tax cuts for the rich were supposed to create?
You seem to forget who bankrolled whom in the 2008 presidential election. Big Bankers swung Odumba’s way. Also you seem to forget Bernie Madoff, J Allen Stanford, etc. DUMBOCRATS who harmed the public big time.
You love to throw shit all over this blog butt you seem to forget the facts DeadToad.
@28 Why didn’t you quote the rest of it, putzy? Is your cursor stuck? Here, I’ll help you out:
@34 “Big Bankers swung Odumba’s way.”
Yeah, no shit, maybe that explains why Obama looks more like a Republican every day. You should be happy he’s in there, puddy. He’s the next best thing to McCain from your point of view.
Mrs. Rabbit and I have had conversations recently about 2012. She’s so fed up with Obama she’s hoping for a primary challenge. A lot of progressives feel that way, but it ain’t gonna happen. Not in any meaningful way. The last president to get booted by his own party was LBJ and it took the Vietnam War to oust him — and put in Nixon, who expanded the war. (The majority of Vietnam casualties occurred on Nixon’s watch.) It just doesn’t pay to try to turn out a president of your own party.
No, the GOPers have a real fucking problem on their hands, and not just Michael Steele and the RNC’s empty checking account. The vaunted GOP top-down hierarchical (and canonical) control of the rank-and-file is imploding just when they need it most. They’re fucked, man.
I do think Jeb Bush is the only Republican who has a prayer against Obama. And I also think a lot of the establishment Republicans realize it and are working behind the scenes to co-opt the nomination for him. Bush would give Obama a real race, and might even win. That is, if they can make Palin disappear. And I don’t see a legal way to do that.
Mrs. Rabbit rants that Obama is so unpopular he’s sure to lose in 2012. I respond, to whom? Who do the GOPers have? Plus, the GOP vote will be split by a Palin insurgency. Remember, folks, Palin isn’t a Republican, she’s a teahadist, and she’s certainly not counting on winning the GOP nomination. Nope, she’s fixing to run as a third-party candidate. Which is the best thing that could happen to Obama.
I’ve told Mrs. Rabbit that Obama is sure to be re-elected. He can’t take it for granted, of course. His handlers will have to work their asses off and run a first-rate campaign. But the GOP just doesn’t have anyone, and they’re facing a party split. Except …
Jeb Bush could beat Obama. That is, if the GOP can keep its nominating process under control, and keep its unruly teahadists under their tent, which to me seems unlikely. The teahadists won’t accept an eastern establishment nominee. They hate those guys — the Wall Street crowd, the oilmen, and so on.
There will be a Republican president in 2013. His name won’t be Palin, Pawlenty, or Paul. It’ll be Obama or Bush.
Wrong again Roger Dumb Bunny Rabbit. The DUMBOCRATS did it to themselves.
1) DUMBOCRATS decided to wait until the elections to create a budget.
2) DUMBOCRATS planned to pass tax and spending bills that will push the deficit even higher level. Unfortunately there were some DUMBOCRATS who would not vote for this before the election but would gladly do it in a lame duck session because they didn’t want their fingerprints on this chicken crapola.
3) Pelosi gambled she wouldn’t lose the house so she could pass what she wanted.
4) Pelosi now has lost the house and says a big fuck you to the American public.
5) DUMBOCRATS know they put themselves between a rock and a hard place and now they want to blame everyone else. Too bad the public now knows the truth!
Golly Roger you have memory problems. Puddy didn’t and still doesn’t like McCain.
Are there any working brain cells left?
You still haven’t answered the question ylb.
Don’t care about your
orders“questions” fool.People in this country who need their skills upgraded have a difficult path to that right now. And right wing idiots’ ideas of education are the Limbaugh and Beck shows.
Yeah, some university that Beck fool is running. You really get what you pay for there.
If the so called Bush tax cuts are extended, it isn’t Bush who will sign the legislation. It is Obama who will sign them. At that point, they become “Obama Tax Cuts.” I’m sick of these sick republican assholes who think they are the only ones who can play word games. Just because you got limp dick Limbaugh earning 55 million per spreading these bullshit talking points, doesn’t mean you guys are the only one who can do this.
How are they Obama’s tax cuts? Nothing is being cut headless lucy! The levels are not increasing. This is still lost on you DUMBOCRATS!
Oh and the stupid comment from Alan I’m worth $31 Million Grayson seems to forget how many people Rush Limbaugh employs each year with his “$55 Million” earned. How many people does Grayson employ with his $31 Million? It’s amazing what people get from Media Morons and run with these days.
There were two reasons the rethugs put a 10 year sunset on the tax cuts. First they didn’t have the votes, so it had to go to reconciliation, barely passing. The second reason was it hid just how bad these tax cuts were for the budget. It allowed people in the bush white house to manipulate the numbers and make them look less worse than they really were.
The reality is clear now. These tax cuts completely blew up the deficit. That and starting an incredibly expensive war that was based on a pack of lies.
God, Bush was a lying sack of shit who purposely bankrupted the country by funneling humongous tax cuts to his rich buddies, and by funneling humongous amounts of money to corrupt crony defense contractors. Anyone with half a brain can see this.
If Obama signs them, they are Obama tax cuts. God I am sick of rethugs who think they are the only ones who can use the phrase “tax cuts.”
Now that’s really strange headless lucy. Capital tax revenues gains were 2X after the 2003 tax cut.
So prove it headless!
Oh BTW, please tell everyone how many people Rush employs with his millions and then tell us how many Grayson employs with is millions.
Odumba’s tax cuts? Well then he would have finally done something right!
Limbaugh employing a bunch of people because he earns 55 million per year?! Give me a break. He does his fricking show in his basement bunker at his own house. He obviously doesn’t employ one single fact checker or researcher because he continually pulls stuff out of his ass, to quote Al Franken, and spews lies onto the airwaves. I would be surprised if he employees maybe one or two people, and just like that rich ebay billionaire in CA, Meg Whitman, he probably hires illegals to work for minimum wage. Limbaugh doesn’t create any jobs for his 55 million. He pockets the entire thing himself. Maybe he might hire an illegal to polish his Maserati, probably for minimum wage.
Calling these rich people “job creators” is a pile of crap. If they do create jobs, it is crap jobs that pay lousy wages.
Speaking of billionaire Meg Whitman. She recently settled a lawsuit with one of her illegal servants for underpaying her. I think the woman was asking for 10K, which was probably fair. What did Whitman do, she forced the poor person to settle for half of what she wanted. So this billionaire screwed over a poor person to save a few bucks. And the money Whitman saved was like a normal person losing a penny in the storm drain. That extra 5K would have made a huge difference in this persons life, but old Meg had to screw her over one last time.
Limbaugh is the same exact kind of person. He only gives a damn about himself.
This “job creators” line is the final straw. I have met real job creators in my life. And not a single one of them is like fatuous limp dick Limbaugh who is all about greedy personal gain. Same with Beck, Hannity and all the rest.
Isn’t it convenient that people forget that Obama included huge middle class tax cuts as part of the stimulus bill.
Having a ten year sunset on bush tax cuts allowed them to manipulate the extended budget forecasts and hide how truly devastating these tax cuts were for the deficit.
To me that sounds like a factoid Limbaugh, Hannity or Beck pulled out of their ass. Where is the link proving this? It doesn’t exist.
Taxcuts pay for themselves. Up is down. Black is White. Welcome to the rethugs world. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
if you watch the “first 48”, its interesting that most suspects are usually reported to be fleeing back to mexico, and if you watch cnbc, most wall street crooks flee to israel.
lol, why dont you all just leave now and let us have our country back.
You have no idea about how many researchers he employs. Sucks to be you. And apparently you have no idea what Al Franken said. How does that whoopASS feel headless lucy?
Nope you dope. Try again… It’s from a reputable source. Google it fool.
Like those low paying jobs created during the Clinton years. Don’t take it from Puddy. Ask ylb because even he couldn’t refute the economic links and he has them all in the databaze.
BTW headless lucy, how much was that “tax cut” we supposedly received in the porkulus bill again?
re 50: ‘1984, knocking at your door; will you let it in? Will you let it run your life?’ Randy California
War with Eurasia? It’s always been that way — unless it wasn’t.
re 52: ” Ask ylb because even he couldn’t refute the economic links.”
How can you ‘refute’ a link? Are you some kind of refutenik?
Easy, prove it’s wrong like Puddy did with Liberal Scientist and Media Morons last week!
Good Lord!! Those on the 99-week unemployment checks are now stopping so it’s going to be a grim holiday & our politicians are debating on requiring all cars to have video cameras so people won’t kill people as they pull out of their driveways (last yr. 243 people killed).
Where is the outrage any more? Just read a great book that’s about Americans actually taking a stand against tyranny & the corporate government. It’s a must read cause it’s about each of us & possibly our destiny.
Won’t have much spending money this holiday but I’m getting it for others cause it’s so real. I recommend it.
It appears that the congress in it’s gridlock for the nxt 2 yrs. will allow the country to continue it’s decline. How sad.
@55 Puddy you ignorant fool.
You did no such thing, asshole.
I use the epithet because your prancing about here bragging about besting someone in an argument is simply not true and makes me quite angry.
You made some (typically) ludicrous statements on that thread and I and others very easily refuted them and you ran away, not to be heard on that thread again.
So, that makes you both a coward and a liar.
where are all the job obama’s bailout was supposed to create?
last I checked, unenjoyment has increased
oh well, whats another trillion dollars on the backs our kids and grandkids – fucks like you dont care because you will dead and buried when they have to deal with it…selfish motherfucker, no wonder you were a lawyer.
Or do you refer to the Palin/North Korea thingy?
You were wrong then and wrong now.
In that thread, when you posted a raving rant containing 7 (as I recall) links documenting a media feeding frenzy over the Palin gaffe (which didn’t occur) I looked at one of them. I sat through 15 minutes of Shields and Brooks to find what you were talking about and it was not there. I then decided not to waste my time with the rest of your links.
You are a liar and a deluded fool.
As more experienced posters here have noted, trying to converse/argue with you is an exercise in futility – not because of your skills and knowledge but because of your relentless incoherence and violent allergy to facts.
According to Yahoo Yakima is the 6th least brainy city in the US. Could that be due to immigration? give me your tired, weak and stupid…
Actually, the question should be, where are all the jobs created by 30 years of Republican tax cuts to the wealthiest 5% of the population? All those “job creators” have shipped their money, and their factories overseas, and stopped paying taxes altogether on that foreign income.
So, where are the jobs created by all those tax cuts?
simple solution to that shit: put a huge tariff on imported goods…I’m down with that.
of course the spineless and crooked R and D politicians wont do anything like that.
all you putz’s doing the R vs D and D vs R shit are nothing but a bunch of lemmings. you are clueless
you all would be better off with a mimimum wage paying job, smoking weed, and snowboarding all day….oh wait….
@ 62
When the top income tax rates were in the 70% area, tariffs on imported goods stood at 100% of cost. It was Roosevelt that did that in the mid 1930’s.
It was Raygun that tore those all down. It was Raygun and Bush 41 who campaigned on and pushed through the first free trade treaties. It was Bush 43 that insisted on lowering taxes on the smallest percentage of income earners at the top levels, while pushing through more free trade deals, claiming that such low tax rates and free trade deals would put Americans to work. The promises made, were that more Americans would be working if the top income earners were exempted from taxation.
NAFTA and CAFTA were Republican deals, and Clinton went along simply to get his other proposals through a mostly fascist congress.
Notice the really deluded moronic fool Liberal Scientist uses the wrong thread. We’re talking about Media Morons and Media Morons is no where ON THAT THREAD!
Typical topical deflection from another HA progressive!
That’s the only commentary where you used Media Morons moron!
Of course your ASS was slapped so silly you are still smarting over it.
PUH-LEASE! Puddy already listed liberal led company after liberal led company that shipped jobs overseas. Ask your bud ylb for the list again! It was a long list.
ylb is checking now!
NAFTA was passed when the DUMBOCRATS were in congressional control. NAFTA was created when the DUMBOCRATS were in congressional control.
Try again!
and as expected, you qualify as one of those R vs D types.
Last I checked, the D’s held congress when reagan and Bush sr held the white house….funny how you leave that out, but blame the R held congress when crooked dick was in the white house.
spin all you want, both parties share equal blame for this mess.
2 terms max for all politicans, or a combined total of 20 years in public office and thats it, get your ass out and go contribute to the private sector…these life long fucks like mcdermott and his ilk are directly to blame. crooked fucks should be tried and jailed or executed anyway.
and comparing roosevelt time to today is irrelevant…the world was a much different place then.
and hey, while we are at it, someone(you?) suggested we get our of the middle east and close down all foreign bases and bring all trooops home….and I can go for that IF, and only IF, we dont send another penny to ANY nation in foreign aid….this includes food aid, aids money, etc….along with serverely curtailing immigration for cesspool nations that cant seem to unfuck themselves and who like to burn US flags….
Keep your perverse fantasies to yourself, Pudpuller, and certainly don’t include me in them.
It’s all about dreams of causing physical harm to your adversaries, isn’t it, Putz? Just like the fascist wingnut Teahadist that you are.
Yeah, Putz, I was really really embarrassed by you , here and here. (Heavy sarcasm dripping from voice)
So Putz,
Let’s get away from the nickel-and-dime spatting over minutiae like Media Matters accuracy and Sarah Palin gaffes, and get at something bigger.
If you can tear yourself away from your latest Sraah Palin-fueled masturbatory activities, why don’t you lay out for me, and the community, your vision for this nation we share.
What would it be like in a perfect Puddy world?
Give us your aspirations for the nation, it’s government, its economy, it social structure, it relationships in the world. The whole shebang as you would have it based on the principles you cherish. I’m curious what that world would be like.
And here is where you needed mental guidance “scientist”.
You of no principles, using Media Morons!
Puddy giving you a national plan? Sorry dude, not gonna happen. Where’s yours first?
If it doesn’t come from William Miller or Glen Beck theis motherfucker has NO ideas…no clue.
so i’m watching dolphins vs browns, i guess its cbs, and they show a teaser of some new show with jim belushi so, i dont watch netwrok programs but the teaser shows them apparently ridiculing gun owners and saying thins like these people are nuts. another propaganda atempt by by the kike hollywood producers to try and disarm christians. well jewboys, y’all better get it done before the dominos start to fall, like greece, irekand , portugal spain. cause whe it comes here, game over. and guess who the good ‘ol boys are going to blame? enjoy your bagels while you can jewboys.
yo rujaxoff, which chruch did you go after last night? was it broken window or spraypaint night?
Coward. I challenged you, but OK, I’ll bite. This is from a few threads back, and not comprehensive, but a bit of an outline.
Pud won’t describe his ideal world because he knows if he does, we would show him how destructive that would be for the country. He doesn’t want his fantasy blown apart and shown to be a nightmare.
Or he’s just lazy.
Oh…MAXIE’s back! I wonder which domestic violence call on the police blotter went to his house last night. Some say he STILL hasn’t stopped beating his wife. Poor woman.
ehh..give that about 2 out of 10…in other words, TEH FAYLE…
and for what its worth, my wife could kick the shit out of you, and YLB….at the same time.
Lazy, perverse, cowardly – take your pick.
I would really be interested in an earnest reply from him, but I certainly don’t expect it. I worry, as you do, that it will reflect a Christianist, anti-science, socially-Darwinistic dystopia that is the right-wing agenda.
simple question. as each country’s economy topples, like greece, ireland etc. do you think its more likely or less likely that jews will make money either going short, as soros did with the pound, and/or make money off the interest on the money that the imf is lending them?
Blew John, Liberal Scientist
WTF? Puddy already advocated the flat tax. Puddy refers you to ylb who has the PuddyCommentary of what Puddy suggests.Oh yeah Congress has the same health care as the common peeps.
You want it, ask ylb. Put him to work!
WTF? Christianist, anti-science, BS from the moronic one. God invented SCIENCE fool! What natural laws didn’t He create?
78 – I’ve been curious in the past at the level of tehchickenshit’s bac when he gets the urge to stink up the comment threads.
It can’t be good for law abiding citizens on the roads. I hope he isn’t texting behind the wheel – that’s shit stupid sober.
82 – Who cares? I only look when I can use a laugh.
Putz, how old, in years, is the earth?
85 – I’m going to break my rule and answer that – only because the laugh value is pretty good (he’ll only tell you to refer to me anyway):
Here he says “a little more than 6000 years”:
and here he says “a little over 4000”:
but then he realizes his “mistake” (will never admit to it anyway) here:
It kind of varies based on the intensity of the brain fart activity between his ears.
By the way Puddybud, the only thing I’ll ever say to Jesus is to send me where you aren’t. Eternity is a long time to be in your miserable company.
I now remember the second link you post, thank you.
I thought Putz was a YEC, but I wanted to hear it from him – thank you, as I think you are right that he will deflect and say the usual, “Ask ylb”.
No, Putz, humans invented science, as a tool for understanding our world.
And that tool has quite unequivocally shown that the earth is billions of years old. Your advocacy for declaring the planet to be 4000 or 6000 years old, presumably in order for it to be congruent with your bizarro belief system, is an unabashed denial of the validity of science. By doing so, you very effectively support my contention that your world view is indeed anti-science. And Christianist to boot.
How about going for social Darwinism as well, and claiming the dystopian trifecta?
Oh yeah – you mentioned the flat tax – a disaster of a regressive idea that would do irreparable harm to the lower levels of the socioeconomic strata –
DING DING DING – We have a Winnah!!
GOP Death Panels. Get used to it.
There is more to the flat tax from an earlier Puddy commentary. Not gonna replay it here.
Regarding Puddy and the Earth being 6000 years old. Yes Puddy still believes that and the comment ylb claimed Puddy refuted it specifically said in the first paragraph. “The world is 6000 years old.”
Such simpleton Pavlovian morons!
That sentence makes no sense. I’m not talking content, I’m talking grammar – it’s indecipherable. Care to correct so we can at least have a conversation?
Such stunningly acute self anaysis,
If you actually believe that the age of the earth is 6000 years, we may have nothing to discuss. That is so monumentally insane as to threaten the existence of any shared notion of reality. The granite and slate in my house is older than 6000 years, by A LOT.
Living stuff older than 6000 years here, and here, some of which are over a million years old.
Not to mention rocks that are several billion years old.
Putz, you claim to be in some sort of technical field. How can you possibly have any scientific training and even entertain the notion that the earth is 6000 years old?
In thread 27520 you say the earth is 4000 or so years – you never say it’s 6000 give or take.
You had a brain fart and you can’t admit it. And sorry the evidence clearly shows this planet has taken many, many more than 6000 or so journeys around the sun. Those Moroccans who harvest trilobite fossils deposited from 526 to 250 MILLION years ago would laugh at your deluded ass.
What a loon! With core beliefs like this he has some nerve to bullshit about “facts”.
Puddy can’t wait until Jesus returns and you all are proven wrong wrong wrong!
Jesus in His clouds of Glory and the fools crying why Lord didn’t I believe!
Man’s “measurements” of millions of years may be way off. Jesus will clarify all when He returns.
What will all you fools say when He returns?
The big p’dumbski is really really waiting for this to happen.
Too cute.
Man these wikileaks cables make great reading!
Incredibly fascinating stuff!
Quite a bit of condescension and gloating…not very, um, Christian…or, I suppose, quite Christian, really.
Oh. My. God. You really believe the earth is 6000 years old. As in, not a question about it. Like, a young earth creationist. Like Adam and Eve rode around on dinosaurs. Like Moses had Tyranosaurs on the ark next to the aardvarks and zebras and penguins and mastodons.
You’re a complete fucking loon. I had no idea. Things seem so much clearer now – you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about – on any subject.
Call Puddy what you want but any Bible believing person agrees the earth is 6000+ years old. As the Bible says, shake off the dirt from your sandals and move on when they don’t believe, Puddy doesn’t need to continue prove God’s existence. He exists. Since you don’t believe this or Jesus, when Jesus returns that will be shock 1. When Jesus returns that will certify the earth being 6000 years old shock 2. When Jesus returns and you don’t make it that will be shock 3.
See ya!
Hey Lee!
Marijuana is very good!
It is helpful in dealing with the cyclist issue we discussed last week.
but lee told us that smoking pot doesnt impair a person’s driving…….
legalize pot = more deaths on the highway…
Putz @ 100
So, were there Tyranosaurs and aarvarks and penguins and mastodons on the ark with Noah?
When the universe was created, did God pull the light from Andromeda to make it only appear that it had traveled for 2.54 million years, when in reality He put it just 6000 light years distant?
Did he put the cosmic microwave background out there, perfectly evenly dispersed in every direction to appear to suggest that the universe was once, a long long time ago, tiny and hot and filled with hydrogen plasma, just to fuck with us?
Really – how do you assimilate these observations?
@ 101, 102
So, by your logic, we should ban alcohol for all the deaths on the highway caused by it.
Oh, wait, we tried that.
The fact that the man was speeding, was passing another car, and is probably an idiot driver whether or not he had been smoking weed is completely lost on you.
Alcohols effects on reflexes, vision and judgement can be measured and specifically quantified in terms of the level of alcohol in the bloodstream as to make it legally enforceable on that basis.
Marijuana can not. Are you prepared to give a blood sample if you are pulled over?
Give us your aspirations for the nation, it’s government, its economy, it social structure, it relationships in the world. The whole shebang as you would have it based on the principles you cherish. I’m curious what that world would be like.
I’m tired of waiting for the conservatives to act, they only tear down. Besides, none of the conservatives here will stand up for what they believe in and actually have a discussion, because they cannot handle the idea that they could be wrong. They would rather snipe and tear down and cast fear, dissension and doubt.
So here is my take on this….
America is a We society, not just a Me society. Unfettered Greed is destructive to America. My goals would be a strong middle class because most of us can attain a middle class life.
In no particular order….
The purpose of government is to counter big things where fierce individualism is not enough. Government is needed to for defense against invading armies, destructive corporations, unfettered free trade and capitalism. Regulations must be enforced, to protect small business, workers, the environment and the economy from monopoly capitalism. It is the duty of the government to not ignore social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Eminent domain should not be used for private development
I would change our tax and trade laws to make manufacturing and R&D viable in America again. Jobs sent overseas would penalize the company. If that means being branded a protectionist, then so be it. The laws much change until it’s cost effective to manufacture in America again, while paying living wage jobs.
Income Taxes would be steeply progressive where the wealthiest Americas paid more, because they could without a significant degradation of lifestyle. The estate tax would go back to being “high” to avoid the concentration of wealth into economic royal families. The Walton heirs need to earn their wealth, not just wait and inherit it.
Social Security provides a safety net for the nation’s poor and needy. It should not be privatized because the ‘free market’ is too volatile. Welfare is a safety net which provides for the needs of the poor. Welfare is necessary to bring fairness to American economic life. It is a device for protecting the poor.
I would have “civil commitment” for gay couples with all the benefits of marriage, but not the name of “Marriage” or the need for the church. Abortion should be legal, safe and rare so sex ed in school, birth control for those who want it. Abstinence-Only has been shown NOT to work. I believe we should promote personal responsibility and emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems, with government there for back up. Government should minimize interference with religion and religious freedom, conversely religion should not be imposing their rules and edicts on the greater society. Maintain a separation of church and state, and state and church.
Education is vital to the economy and an informed electorate, so public education should be promoted and made as good as possible. This means challenging the teacher’s union to get rid of the bad teachers and challenging the conservatives who want to get rid of public education all together. School must teach critical thinking, not teaching to the Test. Sciences and math are important, but so are the arts because they teach creativity. About the only thing I don’t think is important are expensive sports, like football.
Make it easier to unionize because unions lead to a bigger middle class. Enforce the option of 4 weeks paid vacation if the worker wants to take it, without consequence, to strengthen families. I would institute Single payer health care, with strong emphasis on preventive care.
Support legal immigration. Employers go to jail if they hire illegals. That includes home owners who have a pattern of hiring illegal maids and gardeners.
The War on Terror is a police action, not a military one. Good diplomacy is the best way to deal with terrorism. Relying on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism.
There. If the thread is not dead… Discuss.
This story yanks the covers off ImamObaMao’s farcical claim to freeze Federal Employees pay.
What a joke.
Do you think most Americans actual believe the MisLeader-in-Chief?
They won’t after they see the FACTS.
ImamObaMao is a sick bastard.
I hope the thread’s not dead.
I’ll respond later when I have more time (I’m at work) – but I really liked what you wrote.
I would change a few things, of course ;), but that’s what a discussion is for!
And to the right-wingers out there – esp Pud – come on – where’s your vision?
P.S. Elections should be publicly financed, and spending should be capped and limited depending on the race, to get the money out of politics. If your cause is just, if you are the right person for the job, get people to vote for you because of your ideas and actions, not your dollars or your corporation’s dollars.
Corporations are not people and cannot have free speech.
Where is the Silly Rabbit…the one who told me I was foolish to invest in Gold when it was under $800/oz.??
It’s now $1429/oz. fool
And silver is $24.57
And my primary precious metal stock hold Barrick Gold is–;_yl.....211;?s=ABX
Investment Rule #1–
Find out what Roger Rabbit thinks of an investment opportunity
Investment Rule #2 (MOST IMPORTANT!)–
Do the OPPOSITE of the Rabbit.
Financial Freedom
Corporations are Legal Entities.
Why shouldn’t they have free speech?
And why is it you Leftist Pinheads are always focused on limiting the speech of folks or entities you disagree with?
I love it when you KLOWNS babble on & on about your Marxist vision for America.
That’s one of the reasons the 2010 elections turned out the way they did.
ANd the more you KLOWNS talk..the more likely 2012 will be more of the same.
WTF? Yes, Corporations are Legal Entities, not People. That is my point.
Why should things that ARE NOT PEOPLE have free speech?
And why is it you … are always focused on limiting the speech of folks or entities you disagree with?
I’m trying to keep the corporations and the rich from drowning out the other voices in the conversation. Why are you fighting inclusion?
Why do you support organizations that subvert democracy?
I presume that by the reckoning of MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown and the big p’dumbski…the big jesus in the sky is gonna lift only their kind of faithful to the big paradise (btw…muslims get virgins and christians get…WHAT??…canasta???). So if you are a non-christian (or a roman catholic which is a particular kind of “non-christian”), or a non -believer, or a “Deist”, or a whatever and a good person and true to a reasonable moral code you are just shit out of luck.
It’s just a clubby club club for the really really cool kids…who were total asholes that nobody liked and now they’re getting eternal revenge.
Good times…sniffing sulpher…yay.
Wow. How cool is this???
@110. Explain to me how you can argue tooth and nail that an unborn clump of cells is a person, yet turn around and argue that a corporation, that has no living cells at all, is equally a person?
Or is it just that since corporations have money that they might give you, they should be granted personhood?
The right-wing notion of ‘personhood’ is a perverse one.
Blastocyst-Americans are persons soley as a means to disenfranchise women and to stigmatize sexulity in general.
Corporations are persons because they are powerful anti-democratic activitists with gigantic resources.
“Real-Americans” as defined by the Teahaddist Palinistas, is aimed at contrasting with, and thereby maginalizing, anyone not in their racial/religious tribe.
The right-wing agenda is one aimed at narrowing the distribution of power and wealth, and one powerful tool is to define who is, and more imprtantly, who is not, a real person. It also fits nicely with their eliminationist rhetoric, some of which we experience here from our resident trolls, that lays the groundwork for ‘removing’ all of us who don’t go along with their violent insanity.
And as usual, the conservatives here won’t describe the America they want.
Only lost would put himself out there and he eventually quit posting after he was repeatedly shown, with facts and logic, that his vision for America was a disaster to be. I guess he went somewhere where nobody would challenge his worldview.
Blue John–
Why should Corporations pay taxes if they cannot have free speech to question those in power, the tax collectors, who impose them???
Answer that?
Perhaps if Corporations no longer have to pay taxes or abide by government regs…they will go along with the MUZZLE you propose.
Why is it you want to MUZZLE taxpayers??
Fine. Give corporations the rights of a person. But also give them the responsibilities. We can start the education of corporations on their civic responsibilities by prosecuting the boards and management of Massey Energy, Halliburton, Transocean and BP for murder. I suggest that the executions take place on Wall Street. Bankers to be tried and executed next. Think of it as deterrence. Speaking of deterrence, let’s string up the KLOWN and the rest of our trolls while we’re at it. That’d be because they’re accomplices to the murder of American miners and oil platform workers, as well as the fleecing of America and Lord knows what else. After they’ve been hung, shoot them a few times for good measure.
If MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown isn’t the stupidest motherfucker on the planet I’d like to know who is…
@122 The title seems to go to whichever troll posted last. Right now, the “dumbest motherfucker on the entire planet” title appears to go to the KLOWN. He could lose the crown the moment Puddy shows up. I tell ya, Rujax!, these dumbass motherfuckers are not only the dumbest motherfuckers on the entire planet, they’re damned proud of it.
Ber fore I get deleted for “OT”…I’ve played music all my life and spent many many evenings back in the day admiring “Push”. Just a great band. There were sooo many in those days!
Because corporations pay taxes they are people in your eyes? Is my car a person, because has car tabs? Is a home a person, because it has property taxes?
My car has follow rules of the road, does that make it a person?
That is a very illogical argument. A corporation is not a person, and should not have the rights of a person. To argue otherwise is to be purposely stupid.
How about it cyn, what’s your vision for America?
the left-wing idea of personhood is no less perverse: remember now, its the left that says an 8month old fetus isnt a person, and can be killed simply for being inconvenient
perverse indeed.
Gee if you have a lot of money, you can fly anywhere in the world to have something like that done – if you can find a doctor and want to risk going under the knife. Yet the right wing wants to cut taxes on people like that to “create jobs”.
In Canada there’s not a single law on the books regulating abortion – no cutoffs at the first trimester, no parent notification – nothing.. Canada hasn’t fallen under melting arctic ice cap last I looked.
Right wingers are so stupid.
so in other words you have no issue with abortion on demand right up thru 9 months – for simply being inconvenient?
wow…you are sick.
129 – I have no issue with freedom. It’s completely a matter between a woman, her family and her doctor. It’s none of your miserable business.
And continue to desire to cut the taxes of those who already have the means to do whatever they damn please. It’s the most fervent dream of the knee jerk authoritarian right winger.
Your kind make me vomit indeed.
your idea of freedom is one in which is it OK to murder a viable child…yet you resist the notion of things like property rights and wealth redistribution.
and it should be none of your business how many trees I cut down on my property – yet you feel the need to restrict me and what I can do, while at the same time refusing to compensate me for your idea of freedom.
its also none of your business what kind or how many guns I choose to own…yet you feel the need to restrict what I can own, even though I have commited no crimes.
the only conclusion I can reash is that you value a douglass fir more that you value a child.
this is the freedom you and the rest of left desires…no thanks.
I also find it comical that in the progressive world of freedom, a person is free to think and say whatever they like, so long as it tows the line and doesnt offend anyone.
I think I rather like offending people: if I think you are a piece of shit white trash cracker, then I will tell you. if I think you are a stupid lazy nigger, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a worthless wetback, then I will tell you so. If I think you are a short dicked little chink, then I will tell you.
are you offended? good.
so I will have to pass on your version of freedom, tyvm.
Well isn’t this asswipe the fucked up piece of shit?
aawww…someone is offended…do you need moist towelette?
131 – Boycott Canadian oil and gas then if you feel a country that doesn’t regulate a woman’s body in the way you’d like is so morally reprehensible. Advocate prosecuting rich people for traveling to Canada or Europe or Brazil, wherever for their abortions while making it a bit easier with the next tax cut.
Cut as many trees as you want on your property. I don’t give a damn. That’s between you and your neighbors. If you harm them in anyway by your behavior they might have something to say about it.
Own as many guns as you’d like as long as you don’t point them at me. I’m all for them. I need them to defend my family against unhinged authoritarians like you. Don’t tread on me right winger.
The only conclusion I can reach is that everything you ever cared to know you learned listening to the Limbaugh show.
why should I boycott them? I am not canadian and I do not live under their laws. They can do what they want. could you please try and come up with something that makes sense?
how am I an authoritarian if I advocate free speech, property rights, human rights(as in baby humans), and the right to bear arms?
seems to me I liek freedom, and it is you and your ilk who are authoritarian.
I do not listen to limbaugh..or beck….or shultz….or hartmann….or any other talking head.
if thats the “only conclusion” you can reach, you are pretty fucking stupid….but hey, I am all for stupid people like you mouthing off and ranting around….its what makes life entertaining…it also makes me thankful I am me and not you.
136 – If you buy their products then you support a country who does not control a woman’s body the way you’d like. Wow what a surprise! Yet another right wing hypocrite!
You’re an authoritarian because you want to control a woman’s body. You want to throw a woman in jail because she needs options in an uncertain life. You’d chortle in glee at women suffering in prison for making desperate hard choices that you’d never have to face.
You want to impose your ignorant wants and desires on others. Basically you’re a selfish obnoxious asshole. Sure sucks to be you. And yes I’m very glad I refuse to be so ignorant.
purchasing something form canada does not mean a support anything canadian, accept the company that made the product I am buying.
do you buy chinese products? and since you will answer “yes”, your great logic would conclude that you support an authoritarian regime that imprisons people who dont go along with the current political ideals of that country. Tianamen(sp) square anyone?
actually, with that description of china, they sound just like most progressives here in the US.
I have no desire to see women on prison you sick twisted white trash cracker, but I also dont think its rigth for babies to be killed because people are too lazy to be responsible.
you are too easy to twist up, and you really arent that smart….next person please!
I cant believe you used the “you support canadian govt policiy if you buy canadian products” argument.
fuck you are dumb. I hope you dont own any chinese products….cause…well….oh nevermind, you wont even understand the irony…
Question: What do Charlie Rangel and Wesley Snipes have in common?
Answer: The same accountant.
too funny.
credit to the Jay Leno show for the joke.
138 – Fine then send your money to a country who refuses IN ANY WAY to regulate a woman’s body as you’d like. I’m sure when the Soviet Union was going strong you wouldn’t have denied yourself a shot of Stoli. No skin off my back.
And YOU CERTAINLY DO WANT to see women (and men who are an accessory) go to prison for your delusional beliefs. That’s the place where your beliefs have to lead.
You are a very confused person, and one who’s logic leaves much to be desired.
And please, dont tell me what I want to dont want – you do not have any idea.
Perhapls you should straighten out your own beliefs before exclaiming you know what beliefs and desires others have.
What an insidiously dishonest straw man argument.
Women who chose to terminate pregnancies, for any reason, do so overwhelmingly in the earliest phases of pregnancy, with 89% in the first 12 weeks, and only 1.2 percent after 21 weeks. Here’s some more data from the UK.
Women do not, repeat not, go through 8 months of pregnancy and then just decide to have “an abortion on demand” (another telling epithet/wingnut talking point.) Just does not happen. Moreover, those late abortion are medically complex and potentially dangerous and are not undertaken by a physician without very good indication – like a malformation that would lead to conventional delivery creating greater risk for the mother than a termination procedure. Even if someone simply wanted an abortion at 30 weeks, for no reason but to manifest autonomy over their body (which your side so fears), no physician is going to do it without a very compelling medical indication.
Your characterization of irresponsibly murderous women blithely saying, “Oh, I guess I’ll kill my baby today” bears NO resemblance to the anguish most people I know who’ve chosen an abortion go through. Your caricature does a powerful disservice to any kind of rational discussion.
In a way it does – it certainly supports the maximal unsustainable greed (MUG ™)form of authoritarian capitalism that we and the Chinese are perpetrating on the world. It exploits workers in China and leaves American workers bereft of jobs and power and political voice over here. Which is why I try (without full success) to avoid buying stuff made in China, particularly that value-less plastic crap showered on the US by the likes of Wal-Mart and its hillbilly billionaires in Arkansas.
I bet that made you feel really good writing those phrases in a public space. The license to let go and let what’s inside finally see the light of day – a perverse and twisted form of coming out of the closet, though perhaps the first step toward recovery, one can only hope.
(Threw in that first one just to give cover to using the others, I bet.)
I also find it interesting that your (and other wingnuts’) ideas of freedom seem to revolve around the freedom to malign and smear people who are different from you, to despoil nature at will, and to own devices for harming other people.
It’s really telling, comparing that to our notions of freedom that involve the freedom to marry whom you choose, the freedom to participate openly in society and the military without hiding who you are, the freedom to participate in an economy that isn’t rigged to steal your money and your dignity, the freedom to exercise autonomy over your own body, the freedom and right to have breathable air and drinkable water and an ecosystem not spoiled by the rapacious greed-heads looking only for the next dollar.
@127, you think abortions are wrong. Will you join me in advocating that the need need for it be as rare as possible? Teach everyone birth control and give birth control methods to everyone who wants it. Stress that being faithful to your partner is important. But if they are going stray or fool around, they must use condoms and birth control.
That way the need for abortions is cut dramatically. Would you agree to that?
#131. IMHO, liberals want rules and regulations when your actions effect others. It’s about nuance and what if conditions. I know that sort of gray area can be hard for some people. You cannot chop down the trees on your land if it effect other people.
Here’s the subtle part. If cutting down your trees, will cause a landslide condition that will take out the subdivision, you cannot cut down your trees. If cutting down part of your trees, threatens a salmon street, that the loss of will effect the salmon fishing industry, you cannot cut down those specific trees.
It’s IF your actions effect others, then you MAY not be able to cut down your trees. Can you understand the difference?
I also find it comical that in the progressive world of freedom, a person is free to think and say whatever they like, so long as it tows the line and doesnt offend anyone.
IMHO, not true. If you want to go around calling people names, you have that right. You just seem a true jerk when you do it. And those groups have the right to call you names back, or not do business with you, or rent to you, or interact with you as little as possible.
However, if you advocate violence or suppression toward those groups or are in a position of authority when you use that speech, THEN I have a problem with that and you have crossed the line. If you are the TSA agent and you use those names for everyone who comes through the screening line, it’s not like they can go somewhere else, that’s you abusing your minimal authority. That’s wrong.
Can you understand the difference?
So Dr. Zaius, what’s your conseravite vision for America. If you were running it, what would it be like.
I have some data points so far.
Abortion would be illegal, because cells are people from the moment of conception.
No property management imposed at all. If the next door neighbor want to put in a gay strip club, you wouldn’t stop him and the neighbor on the other side wants to put in a manure processing plant, you would be fine with that.
No redistribution of wealth. Probably a flat tax and all that implies.
No restrictions on guns, so long as you don’t use them.
What else?
Hey Blue John..
Here is a good article describing how infuriated you are at your savior ImamObaMao.
Watch folks like you wring your hands and gnash your teeth over not being able to confiscate more money from Rich Guys…and it’s YOUR GUY to blame.
cyn, at least for me, I agree that I’m infuriated with Obama.
See, I can agree with you when you are correct.
However, I STILL think Obama was better than mccain/palin.
P.S. where’s your conservative vision for America? What do you want to see?
Read this article which explains Obama & Pelosi’s ignorance on Economics. They misrepresent Keynesian philosophy.
Blue John–
How so?
Read the article above.
It’s enlightening.
Palin/McCain understand Economics.
Obama doesn’t
Is that because of Republicans or the greed of liberal college professors wanting more money. if only college kids didn’t have to fund the sabbaticals of college professors working on other projects at the same time. Collecting 2 paychecks, one from the pockets of the youth attending college and one from elsewhere.
The cost of college, a house as you put it, is in the pockets of liberals.
What do Snipes, Rangal, Geithner, Ron Kirk, Daschle, Hilda Solis and Nancy Killefer have in common.
All tax cheats.
The only one not politically connected went to jail.
Fox News article? Enlightening?
McCain/Palin? Two morons. One deluded by his own advertising, the other no better than a grifter.
Yes. In California it was at one time pretty much free to go to community college. You paid little beyond books and some minor fees. Then Prop 13 passed, everything tightened up and then Republican Gov George Deukmejian imposed a $50 per quarter/semester fee and those were the good old days. Now I guess it’s as ridiculously expensive as it is here in WA State.
Republicans are generally the worst enemies of education. If everyone could think critically they wouldn’t vote for any Republican now and only for a rational Republican (almost extinct now) who could provide some balance to the Dems who can’t see the forest for the special interest trees.
LS @ 156–
How intolerant of you.
I know, articles based on economic principles hurt your pointy l’il noggin.
You enjoy the Progressive nonsense that defies the laws of basic economics.
It’s doing real good for us LS
This is why Public Schools are in trouble..force feeding anti-Christian BS.
But pleasing to the Atheist Progressives certainly.
The safe, legal and rare thing is a political talking point we heard a lot from the Clintons. I have no problem with the safe and legal part but the rare part is a matter of a woman’s choice. As a man I can proffer my opinion if I’m personally affected but the final decision is up to the woman. It’s her body. It’s more or less her future that’s at stake. If I don’t like her decision I don’t have to associate with her. There’s plenty of other fish in the sea who may be more agreeable to my views on the matter.
As a firm believer in freedom and autonomy for all people I can’t hold any other view.
I’ve seen figures as high as 40 percent for the number of women in this country will have an abortion in their lifetimes. If this is true then to be against abortion is more or less to be against women. And that perfectly describes my experience of knee jerk right wing idiots when they ascend their high horse on this issue – they want to control women because they feel so empty and powerless themselves.
VooDoo economics.
Cut taxes, raise spending (like banana-republicans ALWAYS do) and everything will be ok.
Fuck you ashole.
I read the article – it’s drivelicious wingnut kant. Writen by John. R. Lott, Jr, famous for arguing that abortions increase the murder rate and other ravings detailed here.
Not intolerant at all. What I display are called critical thinking skills, something I suppose I shouldn’t expect from you.
As Rujax says, what that FoxNews propaganda piece was was nothing more than a bunch of right-wing talking points strung together with more-or-less adequate grammar.
Gawd, how I long for a troll who displays some sort of respect for facts and something beyond adolescent, self-centric, Galtian viewpoints.
Thanks, man…I hope you’re not holding your breath.
He or she wouldn’t be a troll then. They would resemble a thoughtful human being.
(Turning Blue)
Call Medic One!!
(passes out)
911 Dispatch inadvertantly sends Galt-One, instead of Medic-One, to respond to Liberal Scientist’s syncope.
They find him unconscious, blue, but with a pulse and blood pressure. They perform a wallet biopsy prior to deploying Advanced Life Support. The biopsy results look OK, so they administer oxygen and airway protection.
Fortunately, due to his robust physiology (and rugged good looks) he was able to tolerate the time it took to receive payment preautorization before treatment was given. He woke, his palor resolved and he began breathing spontaneously and regularly.
When the Libertarian Galt-One crew asked where he wanted to be taken, he said with a tired whisper, “Harborview.” They exchanged shocked and fearful side-glances. “Um, sir, I mean Dr. Liberal Scientist, uh, we can’t go there.”
“Fergawdsakes, why not?” questioned the incredulous and devilishly handsome LS.
“Well, sir, if this rig gets within 100 yards of charity, or kindness, or hard work without remuneration, it’ll self-destruct.”
You’re brave. I see foxnews and I stop right there.
The same reason I avoid the Wall Street Journal Editorial pages – I don’t like the feeling of my blood boiling.
It wasn’t easy, though it became evident very very quickly that the “article” was just what I said – drivel, right-wing talking points bearing no resemblence to the planet I live on. Then I looked into the author – and whoa! what a whack job. Main policy interests seem to be that guns reduce crime and abortion rights increase homicide rates.
It is hard to go to FoxNoise, and I think sometimes that Cynical just links there to send them more hits. OTOH, I want to be able to refute what they say at face value, though I think most of the time what our trolls, and right-wingers in general, are doing is just vomiting up verbal nonsense to confuse issues. I don’t want to give them the opportunity, however, to say that we didn’t refute their ‘argument’.
Dealing with wingnuts is ultimately tiresome and frustrating. And with Pud, I think I’ve reached the end of my rope – I just cannot imaging taking seriously anthing said by someone who actually believes that the earth is 6000 years old, AND whose answer to inconvenient facts like fossils and radiometric dating and red shift is that when Jesus comes in his clouds of glory he’ll explain how science got it all wrong.
Sheesh what a whack-a-doodle. (Oh, and he never did explain whether Noah had Tyranosaurs and aardvarks and penguins and mastodons on the ark together.)
I read the fox news article in 152. It didn’t prove his point.
And that’s the reason conservatives and fox news hates this so much.
@159 Dumbfuck KLOWN sez, “This is why Public Schools are in trouble..force feeding anti-Christian BS.” And then a link to Fox News, of course.
It’s not the description of Jesus that bothers people like you. It’s the mirror she holds up so that you have to see how shallow and weak your so-called Christian faith has become. So, yeah, I can see how this bothers you. You invoke his name but never use his words. You brandish a cross but you ignore the teachings. If people like you who dare to call yourselves Christians hadn’t of kicked Jesus “the living man” out of your faith then you could read a passage like that and not feel threatened or insulted.
The author held up a mirror to you and what you saw is damned ugly. In fact, it’s so damned ugly that you can’t bare to look.
KLOWN, you can take the neon Jesus you’ve created in your image, you can take your perversion of Christianity, and you shove it up your ass.
Deepest heartfelt condolences to the family of Elizabeth Edwards.
May she rest in peace.
Once again, your party’s intolerance is showing.
What’s next? Brown people, women, and poor people will be excluded from the party if they want to participate?