A new poll has been released for the Washington state gubernatorial contest. The Survey USA poll finds former WA-1 Congressman Jay Inslee leading Washington state AG Rob McKenna by 47% to 44%. The poll of 543 people (MOE 4.3) was taken from 12th to the 14th of October. The poll was commissioned by KING 5.
This new one makes seven consecutive polls in which Inslee leads McKenna, a streak that dates back to mid-July.
A Monte Carlo analysis with a million simulated elections using the newest poll results gives Inslee 692,593 wins to McKenna’s 296,697 wins. This suggests that, if the election was held today, Inslee would win with a 70% probability, and McKenna with a 30% chance. Here is the distribution of election outcomes from the simulation:
Inslee’s lead is not significant by standard statistical inference. Even so, the longer trajectory facilitates understanding of the state of this race:
Clearly, Inslee maintains a small, but consistent, lead in the race.
And given what a snoozer the debates have been, don’t expect any big changes in the standings.
No surprise here; not only is Washington a blue state, but it also has one of the most dysfunctional state Republican parties in the nation, and consistently low quality GOP candidates. Result: The only Republicans who are viable contenders in statewide races are those, such as Sam Reed, who succeed in portraying themselves as non-partisan. And even they are handicapped by being saddled with a toxic party label.
And we end up with governors like……the queen….ugh.
And that is a good thing kim jong chillin :)
@2 I pretty much like anything and anyone you’re against. I don’t blame you for that. It’s not your fault your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby.
Sure, I bet you think getting Herpes is a good thing too…..
I support having a hard dick and getting laid often, and eating copious amounts of pussy.
So on that account, I suppose your above barf is correct – we are direct opposites.
Thanks for playing.
@5 Why don’t you tell me, unlike you I do not have Herpes
@6 Thank you for showing just how much of a pompous fool you are
@6 “I support having a hard dick and getting laid often …”
Then it’s your rotten luck that you were born a human instead of a rabbit.
Go eat a dick robbie….I’m sure gman will offer his up to you.
Comical, coming from a guy who can’t remember the last time his was hard.
A pair of tools you guys are….
@9 Thank you kim, coming from you that is quite a compliment. Any insult from a radical RWNJ like you is a badge of honor :)