Did Kentucky just seal the nomination for Obama? Then who should he pick as a running mate? What does Sen. Ed Murray (D-43 LD) really think about Rossi’s transportation plan fantasy? Is American democracy being poisoned by right-wing hate rhetoric? What’s the matter with the DNC’s 50-state Blogger Corps Program? Goldy and friends frolic in these questions and more, and then conclude with a sober discussion of Sen. Edward Kennedy.
Goldy was joined by a star-studded cast of political pundits: Washington state Senator Ed Murray, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, DailyKos uber-blogger mcjoan, author of Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy, anthropologist, and blogger Jeffrey Feldman, Firedoglake front page editor Dave Neiwert, and EFFin’ Unsound’s Carl Ballard.
The show is 56:14, and is available here as an MP3.
[audio:http://www.podcastingliberally.com/podcasts/podcasting_liberally_may_20_2008.mp3][Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
If you’re if you’re not into podcasts you can checkout a collection of Rep. Larry Seaquist’s (D- Gig Harbor) Op-Eds. Larry is up for re-election in the 26th LD.
There is one…and only one…obvious choice for VP for a candidate like Barrack Hussein O-blah-blah.
And his name is:
Obviously Goldy knows everything, has the exposure and has mastered the use of the F-word which will really help in those swing states.
While Goldy has certainly mastered the use of the F word, there is much more to creative and effective swearing than the mastery of the F word.
An AOL poll indicates slightly over half of the American people (55%) think astrology is “bunk.” Presumably, the other half votes Republican.
@2 Obama’s veep probably is going to be Kathleen Sebelius. Did you watch NOV jump $5 a share this morning, C? Get ready for $200 oil because it’s coming.
You moonbats have a helluva problem. The Smartest Woman In The World is hell bent determined to steal the nomination from Hussein, no matter the cost to The People or the Moonbat Party.
“If we fail to do so, I worry that we will pay not only a moral cost, but a political cost as well,” she said. “We know the road to a Democratic White House runs right through Florida and Michigan. If we care about winning those states in November, we need to count your votes now. If Democrats send a message that we don’t fully value your votes, we know Sen. McCain and the Republicans will be more than happy to have them. The Republicans will make a simple and compelling argument: why should Florida and Michigan voters trust the Democratic Party to look out for you when they won’t even listen to you.”
If I was the mayor of Denver, or any other big city for that matter, I’d have the cops in full riot practice right now. If TSWITW steals the nomination from Hussein there will be race riots the likes of which we have never seen.
She was set for a coronation. And bygawd no “uppity N word” is gonna take it from her.
Is Oil A Bubble?
Hell, I don’t know. Looks like one to me. The CEOs of 5 major oil companies told Congress today that production cost and supply-demand fundamentals support a crude price of somewhere between $30 and $90 a barrel. Speculative money is pouring into oil. A couple weeks ago, a Lehman Brothers analyst predicted crude could reach $150 to $200 in a report titled, Is It A Bubble? I’m going to let my oil stocks go up a little higher, then dump them. Crude prices are getting superheated, and there are plenty of indications that high oil prices are feeding on themselves. For example, crude purchases by domestic refineries fell last week. Why? Maybe because they don’t want to pay $130 for crude that may be worth $80 next week … because then they’d eat a loss by buying this oil, refining it, and trying to sell it at a profit.
Factoid: The IRS is sending out tax rebate checks totaling $130 billion. Meanwhile, if the oil price increase since Congress passed the rebates stays in effect for a year, the cost to consumers will be $300 billion — more than nullifying any economic stimulus from the rebates. (Source: Business Week)
@7 – Roger, do you see the price of oil dropping drastically? Curious as to what you think since you seem to be very knowledgable in the stock market.
Darryl ..
I though theshe won in Tuckee
@7 Yes.
@6 Do you still own that Hummer, Retardo? Keep pumping my gas into your tank, baby! I appreciate your business. Pay your gambling debt, freeloader!
This is from a blog called “Environmental Republican:
“Friday, March 07, 2008
“Oil Bubble About to Pop?
“The flood of speculative investment into oil markets is inflating a price bubble that could pop and send crude prices sharply lower if U.S. petroleum demand continues to slump, analysts warned yesterday.
“Crude prices continued their remarkable rally yesterday, rising 95 cents (U.S.) to close at another record high of $105.47 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
“But the boom could be setting the stage for its own undoing, many analysts argue, since it is being fuelled by speculators looking to hedge against a declining U.S. dollar and devalued financial assets. Some analysts are forecasting a sharp correction in the price of crude this spring.
“’It’s hard to argue that prices should be higher [now] than they were not too long ago,’ said Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy and Economic Research Inc., of Cambridge, Mass., who has forecast that crude markets are set for a massive correction that could eventually bring prices as low as $50 a barrel.
“Most economists have been saying that it’s been speculation, not demand that is driving higher prices. Americans have been using less fuel of late and that alone should have reduced prices by several dollars a barrel.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Personally, I see red flags all over the place. If you google the phrase “Is oil a bubble?” you’ll find many comments like the one above, and few contrary arguments. And this isn’t coming just from bloggers nobody’s ever heard of; you’ll find the word “bubble” being used by MSM and you’ll find industry experts and big-name economists saying, yes, this is a bubble.
Everyone agrees speculative money is piling into oil futures. Most of it is coming from university endowments, pension funds, and investment banks. I also found references to countries and companies hoarding oil. That’s what they do when they think the oil in their possession now will be worth more in the future.
I’ve also seen recent news reports of dropping U.S. refinery output and dropping oil imports. If I were a refiner, and I was afraid of paying $130 for oil that might be worth only $80 by the time I refined it and got it to market, I’d buy less oil. That’s exactly what the people who own America’s refineries — and have billions of dollars on the line — are doing right now. This is why gas inventories are tight and prices are going up ahead of Memorial Day.
I can’t say when the bubble is going to burst. Hell, it’s hard enough to know when you’re in one, although I think we are. Tongues talk, but money walks, and I started selling my oil stocks last week. Maybe too soon. But maybe not. I still have 1/2 of my original NOV shares, and I saw them go up $5 this morning, then drop back for no gain on the day. To me, that’s a market indicator that oil stocks are topping out because other investors are thinking the same thing I am — it’s getting dangerous to keep hanging around this neighborhood, and it’s time to leave.
If we hear a big KA-BOOM! in crude prices, I think they’ll settle in at about the $70-$80 level. But if you hear an oil industry expert throw out some other figure, believe him, not me. I’m not an expert; I only read what people who are say about it.
Factoid: The long-term trend in gasoline prices (adjusting for inflation) is downward.
Bush bitch-slapped like the little cunt he is! AGAIN!
We’ll just override the asshole’s fucking VETO! HE HE!
Well how the hell could this be happening! A perfect opportunity to throw a veto out and it got screwed up?
I’m with you on the “oil bubble”.
There are soooo many folks long in oil…
KER-BOOM soon…back to $80….I think.
Just like Gold went KER-BOOM after it hit $1000/oz. Just like the housing market. Just like High Tech stocks did..
Just like everything actively traded by speculators does…eventually.
Tough calling the top though.
It may hit $150 before the burst….
In my mind, too risky.
I try to be an investor…not a speculator.
Short term profits are tempting, aren’t they!
But ST Capital Gains tax S-U-C-K-S!!!
Did you sell another 1/3 of your NOV like I suggested yesterday??
Might be a good time.
When the bubble bursts on oil….the Dow will take off like a rocket.
Rather than try to pick stocks, I did invest in a couple of funds yesterday.