Is it acute media silliness or has the Rev. Wright issue now cost Obama the election? Should a prescription for medical marijuana come with a death sentence? Do Americans have something to learn about war from Europeans? (Are we traitors for even contemplating such a thing?). Will Sound Transit take the road less traveled? Is Dino’s fantasy transportation plan going to put him on the fast track to Olympia or board him on a bus back to Bellevue?
Goldy and friends dig into these savory questions over a pitcher of beer at the Montlake Ale House.
Goldy is joined by Geov Parrish, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly. Carl, and Lee.
The show is 55:10, and is available here as a 51.7 MB MP3.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to creators Gavin and Richard for hosting the site.]
– Typical White Person Maureen Dowd, Jayson Blair Times, P-I reprint: 17 April 2008.
– Juan Williams (NPR/FOX), WSJ, 4 April 2008
And latter-day saint Obama showing up on FOX to pander? What’s with that?
And Hillary sucking up to Luffa Bill? When John Edwards insisted that Democrats are too pristine to degrade themselves on Faux News? No way.
“No way.”
Yes, way.
Look…fair is fair. If John McCain gets to invade liberal households via liberal comedy shows like Colbert Report and The Daily Show, Hillary and Barack ought to be able to make appearances on the Wingnut Comedy Network and their comedy shows!
Yeah, we also need to keep giving oil companies tax breaks.
I just read on MSNBC business section that ExxonMobil revenues this year will most likely position it as the 18th largest economy in the world. Just above Sweeden and below Turkey.
I know, let’s give tax breaks to entire countries that we trade with.
Yeahhhhhh, great idea because everyone knows taxes are a killer.
Republcians are such morons.