- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ There’s Always Tomorrow ♬
- Christopher Titus: Let’s thank The Stupids this holiday season
- Dark Brandon: ♫ Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah! A Christmas Jingle ♬
- The Daily Show: Five sketch parodies for the winter holidays
- The Late Show: “It’s A Worm-derful Life”—An animated holiday classic:
- Stella Magz: Merry Griftmas, everyone
- Jimmy Kimmel: MAGA Elf on the Shelf
- SNL Weekend Update: Christmas Joke Swap 2024
- The Daily Show: The anti-holiday Rom-Com we deserve after surviving 2024
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Chipmunks—Election 2024 ♬:
- ONN News: Doctor warns of damaging effects child obesity having on mall Santas
- ScaredKetchup: ♫ Matt Gaetz celebrates house ethics report with a new Christmas song ♬
- Ross Childs:JD Vance visits the 🎄North Pole🎄
- The Daily Show: ♫ The 12 Birds of Christmas ♬
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ Feliz Navidad (Latinos for Трамп version) ♬:
- Knotheadusc: ♫ Here comes Dotard Трамп ♬
- GZERO Media: Santa’s elves bet on Трамп tariffs
- John Di Domenico: Трамп very Christmas message 2024 without Elon!
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler phones Santa
How soon before NYPD releases their toxicology report on the drugs they found in Brian Thompson’s system?
Asking for a friend named Luigi.
Liberals, November 6.
klownservaturds, coming soon to a rally near you..
How soon before we get the results from Mitch McConnell’s most recent cognitive eval?
Asking for a friend.
@4 None dare call you a “turnip”.
The question should be how long before the NUPD releases the toxicology report on the murdered United Health Care CEO. He is the one who is dead like you.
(into the pavement…)
just a little bit harder…
Merry Christmas, liberal progressives!
Christmas morning 12-pack I see.
Merry Christmas, everybody! Merry Christmas, trolls! Merry Christmas, doc! Merry Christmas, PI! Merry Christmas, forest creatures!
May the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit smile upon you and yours this day!
When I heard Union Pacific and State of Colorado had agreed to settle over the Moffat Tunnel lease, thought what did Governor Polis give up in exchange for nothing. In 1926, in exchange for the State of Colorado building a tunnel for the Denver and Salt Lake Railway, the railroad got a 99 year lease,, with an annual payment never adjusted for inflation of $12,000. With the lease up, Colorado waived the payment in a 25 year extension, in exchange for the ability to run three daily passenger trains between Denver and Craig, without having to pay Union Pacific.
Den of Thieves 2 Trailer.
Bunch of bad guys. It’s funny that no o e of the bad guys has a lisp. I mean how realistic would it be if A fucking Heterosexual Neanderthal didn’t play a bad guy.
Own it, heterosexual Neanderthals are violent and rapists and pedophiles like gEatzy Boy and that Boebert whore.
Merry Christmas Christmas!
@1 Luigi you are a scum bag murderer, you deserve the death penalty.
Jesus’ birthday is more likely in September.
But Christmas became a thing because after Rome became Christianized, it was just a matter of convenience to celebrate the birthday in December to co-opt pagan Winter Solstice traditions.
@ 14
…it was just a matter of convenience to celebrate the birthday in December to co-opt pagan Winter Solstice traditions.
It was just a matter of convenience to substitute Boxcheck Momala’s candidacy for that of Bi-done to co-opt the opportunity for Democrat voters to select their own nominee.
It’s my birthday and I’ll troll if I want to.
@15 Fuck you asshole..
@15 More people voted against orange Julius than voted for it. Neener, neener..
Happy buyer’s remorse.. You broke it, you buy it.
@11 Free Market Republicans™ conveniently forget how much they get from government subsidies.
A Republican Congresswoman can be completely missing from her job for over six months while confined in a Texas memory care facility, and nobody even notices or cares.
But if a Starbucks barista scheduled to open this morning is fifteen minutes late because her car battery died she will be fired.
@ 19
A Republican Congresswoman can be completely missing from her job for over six months while confined in a Texas memory care facility, and nobody even notices or cares.
The 25th Amendment is removed from the US Constitution in early 2024, and none of the Democrats seem to notice or care.
@ 17
More people voted against orange Julius than voted for it.
Bill Clinton: Hold my beer.
“A Republican Congresswoman can be completely missing from her job for over six months while confined in a Texas memory care facility, and nobody even notices or cares.”
two words: Joe Biden
or, did you forget?
Religion went off the rails when kings, shahs, emperors and others realized religions could be good ways to exercise control over the populations of Europe and elsewhere. Religious leaders, seeing an opportunity to improve their positions of power and privilege, agreed with monarchs and strongmen to sell the tyrants as “chosen by God” to lead. In short, the Diving Right of Kings came straight out of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and we’ve been living with the terrible consequences of those tyrannical alliances ever since.
Markets are moving! Nowhere fast! Thanks to Dimpster fire elect
The future of the Democrat party will be determined by Marianne Williamson and David Hogg.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Williamson wants to run DNC
@ 24
Nowhere fast!
That’s what options are for, O psychotic homosexual.
@26 does your definition of psychotic not include The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus?
@ 27
…does your definition of …
Here’s my definition of dumbcunt (verb):
Here is your kind Boob
And here’s where your next tax cut is coming from:
a boring christo-fascist coward.
That “quote” appears no where in that red state blog.. Too bad no lawsuit can be brought against being a boring dumbshit asswipe from widbee.
President Biden performed in office better than the last three Republican presidents.
He was too old to run again.
Both these things can be true at the same time.
Ya, and pops totally bailed me out too – even when he said he wasn’t gonna!
He’s the bestest dad in the whole wide world!
What were you convicted of?
More and more the Republican President-elect is appointing people to his cabinet and administration who are outspoken billionaire proponents of unrestricted immigration and replacement of American workers with imported immigrant workers willing to work longer hours without weekends and overtime for less money, and benefits.
One of Elon Musk’s top financial managers, Jared Birchall has been placed in charge of interviewing and screening potential state department appointees to make sure they help Musk move forward with developing his “Giga Factory” in communist China that will strip mine jobs from the US.
Put your faith in elmo’s pants shitting orange coffee boi of Mar a Lago:
lmao.. elmo’s bought and paid for pants shitting orange pool boi will “provide”…
18)When WADoT predecessor was studying a low-elevation highway tunnel in the Cascades, they paid
Iip service to including rail access before saying it was impractical, except if the NP and Milwaukee Road combined.
Republicans and their billionaire plutocrat pals bitterly opposed it when Democrats in California fought successfully to increase the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20.
They swore it would devastate employment in the fast food sector. Corporate media controlled by billionaire plutocrats picked up the mantra, publishing thousands of headlines since the law was passed claiming that jobs and hours were cut.
Of course, they were lying.
Hunter you’re in great company, a bunch of cop killers will be pardoned soon too.
39 – Was Ashli Babbitt a cop?
@40 She was a violent insurrectionist crawling through a window that a vandal had broken open. Warned multiple times to proceed no further she was shot by a Capitol policeman guarding public servants trying to carry out their Constitutional duties to which they were oath bound.
The policeman who stopped her, did his job.
She was one of us. Weren’t you watching C-Span on Jan 6?
We want justice for our fallen comrade!
Hey here I am:
Those were my glory days.
@20 Luckily for you and your ilk, the Insurrection Clause is unenforceable, there’s no constitutional bar to convicted criminals holding office, and morons are allowed to vote.
@25 Wanting and getting aren’t the same.
The groomer men groomed her well. Same result as the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Read 39 again.
How many deaths is it speaking about? 4? 3? 2? 1?
The dude needs to take action of the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. It is a National Emergency!
Bye, bye.
your new vaccine will to be various ingredients of chicken feed.
Ashli Babitt will not be pardoned.
President Trump is a very GREAT man.
But he’s also much older and quite a bit more frail than he was previously. He’s survived two assasination attempts, and he was hospitalized with the WUHAN virus and nearly died.
He needs more help now than ever before.
I’m here to help, not criticize or weaken like some MAGA retards.
Second Gentleman, fetch my coffee at once and for the love of god have Walt change your diaper. I can’t abide the odor.
After you’re changed clean the fucking pool.
America needs SMART immigrants like me, Vivek, Sriram, Kashyap, Nimrata, and Raphael to show them how to be GREAT!
elmo and the tech bros want to pollute the white race with h1b illegals.. the whole country will smell like curry..
elmo called me retarded and racist..
I’m honored elmo but importing illegals just won’t cut it.
And turn my fucking xitter back on!
Slip sliding away. Slip sliddddding away.
The more you know your destination, the more it slip slides away!
Laura calm down you dumb bitch! I own you!
@56 You fucker.. You were illegal at one time.. but you get a pass for your skin color and you breed like a rat with white women.. If only your skin was darker like Vivek, maga would deport you.
Turn my xitter back on NOW asshole.
Hey Laura, all I gotta say is keep watching those dumbshit shows like the Kardashians and lotsa Fox, Newsmax and OANN.
I depend on retards and racists like you to make me shit tons of money.
All the tech worker bees Elmo and I will be importing from India are from a lower caste than me. Their families couldn’t afford a fucking tv so they did what their authoritarian daddies told them: study math, science and engineering and compete in math competitions. Cricket was for fucking losers.
Those lower caste fuckers know their place: keep their heads down work 24/7 and make me the fuck richer.
Think taco trucks are bad? All those going to be deported. Wait till you sample all the great vegetarian cuisine coming state side. Indian food rocks.
Uh.. something is missing here…
Ok I get it.. As long as they all go back after elmo and vivek make a killing.
whatever is ok with daddy twump is ok with me. I fear daddy will spank me.
If Daddy don’t spank you then you know who will. 🤭
Trump’s problem now.
Tell us more about the wonderful economy, QoS McHillbilly.
It wasn’t easy but there is photographic evidence of The Biden Crime Family’s corruption, which extends all the way to the top:
Just imagine the books that will be written about this historic presidential-level corruption.
Eggs are disappearing from stores. Zoo and refuge animals are infected. Bird flu has jumped to humans and is mutating. The next pandemic has begun, just in time for Trump and his squad of Republican dumbfucks to kill another million Americans.
Remember, with these fuckers profits are more important than people, and the government won’t be on your side this time. You’ll need to look out for yourself. I hope you saved a few cartoons of face masks.
@62 America First Legal (AFL) was founded by Stephen Miller. Yeah, this guy. It’s another of Dumbfuck’s laughable “sources.” 🤡🤡🤡
Biden did meet with the Chinese while vice president. It’s called “diplomacy.” You should look it up sometime, dumbfuck.
@61 Why didn’t you quote the portion of the article that explains the rise in homelessness?
And what causes the lack of affordable housing?
In other words, wage suppression, market failure, Nimbyism, and underfunding. There’s also another one, predatory capitalism:
Betcha you thought it was drugs, huh?? Junkies have always lived on the streets, and always will. Government policy has tossed the mentally ill onto the streets, as well. There’s not much in Republican policies that address this. And there’s nothing in Republican policies that address wages or rein in the hedge funds commandeering the rental market and jacking up rents.
“ It’s called “diplomacy.” You should look it up sometime, dumbfuck.”
Diplomacy is going to be what ends the Ukraine War and the current conflict in Israel & Gaza. The only other options are nuclear events.
I haven’t noticed much diplomacy occurring in Biden’s administration. Maybe Trump’s second administration will actually accomplish something on the diplomatic front.
@65 a couple words need more emphasis there:
private equity
but predatory capitalism works well, yes.
You know the best way to deal with homelessness, take away social security for future retirees!
Ok Dumbfuck
My comrades of assholes had nothing to do with creating homelessness and don’t have to do anything to help solve it!
Fuck off asshole
I never met this Epstein guy. Who is he?
I never met no Chincs. Ivanka and I never met them or any Ruskies.
Them camel jockeys – never met them either!
You want diplomacy? Ok, let’s kill Social Security. No diplomacy in this Country!
Donnie Jr. say that if we eliminate the penalty for early withdrawal of your 401k that the people will be able to pay back all their credit card debt! And any leftover proceeds can go for s new boat! The heck for saving for the later years!
What later years when he pandemics anyways!
Jr., my coke sniffing son, is a genius! He’ll be my successor to the throne! Ivanka will just have to keep her legs spread open for now.
Eric really is a retard by the way. Baron is even smarter than him. We had little hope for Baron, but thanks to Eric, Baron turned out ok.
I’ll be in my rocket ship to mars. We’re going to circle it for a few years until the pandemic is all burned out.
Please let me immigrate back to russia
I’m doing a great Job keeping the Peace! Before bed I feed my pet doves.
Speaking of America First Legal (see #64), it’s a front group for bullying public officials.
Oh, and also a “source” for dumbfuck posters.
Anyone care for a tall, very tall, glass of raw, very raw, milk!?
All us Jrs. are geniuses!
Appropriate for the current occasion. The walls are closing in.
A reminder that the nation’s transportation system is overseen by a homosexual.
Amtrak probes claims of train leaving 100 stranded at DC’s Union Station
by 7News Staff Fri, December 27th 2024 at 2:46 PM
Not a surprise to anyone who knows that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was a government employee. This level of incompetence is typical when government-employed personnel are involved with anything.
That’s exactly what I’m takin about. Feel me.
No conservative person I know ever worked for that god damn government. All them government employees in dat White House never had me working in there. Nutin but homosexuals in dat house.
@79 “A reminder that the nation’s transportation system is overseen by a homosexual.”
Is that a problem?
@74 How does someone from Slovenia go “back to” Russia?
79)Not sure, but it’s an antiquated rule than seems to apply at staffed stations that no passengers can wait on the platform. Never had that problem the one time I boarded in Malta, being an unstaffed station.
Yes, Roger, Slovenia (wink wink), Slovenia (wink wink) Slovenia 🇸🇮 🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮
DC does que most departures. And possible all. I think it’s because of the station layout.
But for that mater, NYC Penn Station and Moynihan Terminal ques in the Station
You go girl!