… but not Goldy free radio. I’ll be on the Kirby Wilbur Show again this morning, shortly after 8am, bringing a rare smattering of truth (well… at least, perspective) to KVI-570.
On previous appearances, Kirby and I have enjoyed a really respectful, friendly banter on the subject of Dino Rossi’s futile election contest. So perhaps I’ll spice things up by throwing in a few words about the gas tax.
Well… late to bed, early to rise, makes a man groggy. But once I knocked the cobwebs out, I thought today’s exchange was a bit more entertaining. We actually got to respectfully disagree a few times.
For those who missed it (I’m assuming that’s most of you,) I suggested to Kirby that if his No New Gas Tax initiative qualifies for the ballot, he and John Carlson should follow Dave Ross’s lead, and take a leave of absence through the election. I graciously offered to fill in for him during that time.
Missed the show? Listen to an MP3 audio clip.
Listening to it, I realized I missed a couple points. First, I didn’t hear Kirby respond to my offer to sub for him by saying he wanted a show to come back to. Missed a chance to give him a dig back in return.
Second, I failed to explain the biggest reason why talk of rail is a red herring when discussing Kirby and John’s initiative. The initiative will only rescind the gas tax portion of the transportation bill… about $5.5 billion. But the rail projects are funded by vehicle weight fees, which would not be rescinded. The state Constitution requires gas taxes to go only to roads, bridges and ferries… so it couldn’t possibly be spent on rail.