The Seattle Times editorial board seems to like Gov. Christine Gregoire’s “Washington Learns” proposal, but…
The elephant in the room, however, is education funding. Sidestepping this massive beast threatens the very underpinning of reform efforts. Gov. Christine Gregoire promised a new way of looking at education and investing in it. The smart, holistic proposals from her committee give us the former. Now, where’s the latter?
[…] Pressure is growing to address the funding issue. Lawsuits are being prepared challenging disparities in state money among districts and over the inadequacy of basic education funding.
The time to tackle the funding beast is now.
Hmm. The Times is editorializing in favor of increased funding for education. Great. But… um… didn’t they just spend most of the past year shilling for an estate tax repeal initiative that would have cut $100 million a year from education spending?
Tell you what Frank, I’ll trade the estate tax for an income tax, and that way we all come out ahead. What say?