I’ll be at Town Hall doing the Seattle Follies again, next Thursday:
Seattle Follies: The Brawl at Town Hall
Thursday, November 16 , 7:30 PMJoin Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark as she hosts the post-election edition of Seattle Follies. Joining her, and providing slashing and trenchant commentary on who really won and lost in the vote are blogger and humorist David Goldstein of HorsesAss.org, speaking from the left, and John Moe, public radio personality and author of the recently published book, Conservatize Me, promoting the view from the right. “The Brawl at Town Hall” will feature these two in a verbal boxing match with timed rounds, refereed by Ms. Clark. Councilmember Richard Conlin, former chair of the Council’s transportation committee and a champion of mass transit and sustainable neighborhoods, offers his tongue-in-cheek alternatives to the current and controversial proposals for the new 520 bridge. Special guests are the great Irish musicians Dale Russ and Finn MacGinty, with Rob Jones tickling the ivories throughout the evening. As always, the audience plays, “Who Said What,” the currents events game with chocolate prizes for the winners. Beer and wine available. Downstairs at Town Hall, enter on Seneca Street.
Tickets & info
Advance tickets are $12/$10 Town Hall members, seniors & students only at www.brownpapertickets.com or 1800/838-3006. $15/$13 at the door.
FYI, I was originally supposed to go up against John Carlson, but he had a scheduling conflict. Given the outcome of Tuesday’s election, I think it would have been a lot more fun going up against a genuine conservative like Carlson than a fake one like Moe.