Maria Cantwell’s drug policy… um, not so great.
The youth vote in Western states is killer. Killer good for Democrats.
State GOP leaders, beaten like a bad dog in recent elections, resort to whining. You’d think they might accidentally learn something.
Stahl is dead-on:
In order to make good public policy decisions, one must consider all the options, all the facts, fairly and without prejudice. It is clear that everyone who has approached the Viaduct thus far has done it with strongly preconceived notions and wishful thinking, and that has prevented an open, honest discussion about a critical decision for our city’s future.
Bush wants to “win” on Social Security. I hope our Democrats show the same backbone they did last time when they told Bush to go to hell.
Andrew’s got THE power.
I don’t support Kucinich For President, so according to one diarist, I’m a coward. Ladies and gents, let’s go to the Primary Season Rule Book. Can we all agree to cool it with that stuff for a while now? Just a little while?