I need to have some repairs done to my 2001 Nissan Altima — alignment and suspension, and likely a bent tie-rod from slamming into a curb on an icy road. No body work, or anything like that.
Can anybody here recommend a good mechanic? I’m not necessarily looking for the cheapest, but rather somebody who is trustworthy, who will give me a straight deal and do reliable work. A convenient South Seattle location would be a plus.
I’m surprised you didn’t ask for a good mechanic, and then ask for money to cover the work…Seriously your “pledge drive” was ridiculous. If you have to ask people to contribute, your site is not as credible as you think.
Tie-rods are not that easy to bend, especially on a curb. Can you give us a hint on what the car is doing wrong?
Don’t have a good mechanic in South Seattle, but I would recommend at least checking out the local Nissan dealer.
After a bunch of years avoiding dealerships because I simply assumed they would be both more expensive and less reliable, I finally broke down and used one for some reason that I can no longer remember.
Pleasant surprise, as they did great work, their prices were competitive and they backed up their work (thanks, Bay Ford!) My car gets (and has) a lot of miles, so a reliable mechanic is a must. The fact that they generally have the right parts and are familiar with the car is also a big plus.
As an unabashed liberal, I am surpised you even have to ask this.
If I were you this is what I would do.
1. Call your insurance carrier and tell them you want the smallest deductable possibile.
2. Drive the car a few blocks (uphill) from your house. The reason for this is, you’ve not seen a day of excercise in the past 20 years and an uphill walk will kill you.
3. Report the car stolen, have your insurance copmany supply you with a rental car.
4. Call in an anonymous tip or have one of your posters do this for you.
5. When the police find the “stolen” vehicle, claim all the aforementioned repairs were in working order prior to the theft.
6. Sit back and let some working sucker do the work for you.
7. Apply for food stamps.
8. Make a post about not being able to afford (insert list) and run another panhandling session.
goldy….it’s a hike for you but i would take the car to matias wrench works in gig harbor. dan does a great job for a good price. i would keep your trap shut about the whole whiney liberal thing though if i were you……..
Mike Webb @ 4
You mean he can’t simply sign up for auto insurance over the internet, then alter the e-mail and HTML files for the insurance confirmation, and his bank statement transaction dates? That way, he could claim he had insurance on the date when he was involved in the accident. It sure worked for you …
John Barelli @ 3
Your advice is probably the best. The dealership may cost him more, but they will be more reliable and more likely to do what needs to be done and not do what doesn’t need to be done. Since Goldy has $4,000 in “Donating Liberally” pledge money, he shouldn’t worry about the fact that some places might (theorectically) charge 20% or 30% less than a dealer. If he doesn’t know and trust a place already, he should try a dealer.
Jacob @1,
Um… so PBS and NPR have no credibility? Oh, not to mention nearly every single politician and charitable organization.
sgmmac @2,
Well, the most pressing issue is that there is this vibration that is more pronounced at higher speeds, both in the car and in the steering wheel. If I let go of the wheel, it rocks back forth (though the car pretty much continues to go straight.) This started after the incident in which I skidded at the bottom of a hill, and couldn’t steer around the circle in the intersection. My front left tire slammed hard against the curb.
Apart from that, the suspension has gradually been getting quite noisey, and there’s no doubt the car needs to be re-aligned.
Goldy, try Fosters Frame and Axle in Georgetown. They are, or at least were, straight shooters. They did quality and moderately priced work for me on one occasion. On several other occasions they steered me to specialists who did exactly the work I needed.
Another possibility is Seattle Frame and Axle,
goldy…..form what you describe you could have a bent rim on the front left tire. check it out.get down and look on the inside [under the car] to check it out. you may be surprised.
and you may have crunched a wheel bearing…..
if it’s not pulling to either side it’s most likely not you alignment. although that doesn’t hurt to check.
It’s difficult to predict what will, and will, not cause significant damage to an undercarriage. I’ve spent time looking up at the underside of various German cars and marvelled at their “hell for stout” construction.
I was extremely displeased by a Detroit vehicle’s cheesey construction . . .when I found the weldpoints resembled tissue paper in gauge and strength.
The “rice-burner” vehicles I have had have wandered all over the map. Nissan has been generally good. I felt Toyota was better.
I would just like to say that this is all just a bunch of MALLARKEY and HOGWASH!!!
I am tired of all these WEISENHEIMERS on the LEFT always begging for money and free tie-rods. What if every Tom, Dick, and Harry went around begging for money and tie-rods?
Pretty soon all the PRODUCERS would have no money — not even enough for a tie-rod!!!
I’m MAD as HELL!!!!!
Hi, Richard.
Aside from the snipe about the donations, (and hey, a bit of friendly sniping around here is expected) that is my point. That 20-30% “savings” always seemed to evaporate by the time I actually got my car back on the road. I occasionally pay a buck or two more, but I’ve gotten great service and no excuses.
Ah, and the FAX I’ve been waiting on finally got here. Not that I don’t enjoy my time here, but I’ve gotta go now.
From the looks of things here, Goldy, damn few of your posters here, wingnuts or libs, appear to have struck an arc or picked up a wrench.
Trek it down to Fosters for a consult. Seattle Import Center is very good with cars bearing “the Lucky Strike meatball” but they are a little further away.
Yet another possibility would be to cruise down to “Honest Jack’s” on Rainier. Don’t lean on the counter, it’s greasy, but do listen to Jack’s recommendation. . .it won’t be cheap but will be primo.
The BEST alignment people in Seattle are Tru Line.
Honest, VERY professional.
312 Boren Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98144-2017
Phone: 206.325.3340
FAX: 206.325.4596
7am – 6pm, Tuesday – Friday
It could be the tie rod (but I doubt it) and it could also be your tire/tires. You could have lost the weights on the tires that “balance” them in the accident. You could have also damaged the rim making it not “round” anymore. I have had the vibration problem on several cars and it was always the tires not being balanced. The last time, it was because my tire was full of that “fix O flat” stuff and it was throwing the tire off-balance, especially at high speeds. Wheel bearings will also make a car shake.
Have you gotten down on the ground and looked at the tie-rod? If it breaks or comes loose – you will most probably crash! If it’s the tie-rod the labor charge is going to be very high.
I’ve had years of very bad luck with car dealers and have been screwed over many times by them, so they are the last people that I would trust, but I do think there are some good ones out there. They especially like to prey on young females and men without a lot of car knowledge. I even had a problem several years ago in Las Vegas with my Dad’s truck (mine now) at the dealer there. I took it in for a service so I could drive it here and told them to check the tires, the battery and replace the windshield wipers. It rained all the way here and the wipers didn’t work, the battery died in my driveway, and the tread separated on my way back to Vegas in the middle of nowhere, I barely made it to the town where I had to buy a new tire, after replacing the wiper blades and battery here too!
I have had good luck with Sears in the past and their prices are reasonable compared to dealers. You do have to be careful about replacing things that they say you need in addition to what is wrong with dealers, Sears, Good Year and Firestone places. I’ve had very good luck down in the Lacey with a couple of small repair shops.
Fogman @15
Speak for yourself, I have turned hundreds of wrenches, if not thousands! After paying for a minor tuneup and a major tuneup on my Dodge Challenger when I was a young private and finding out that all I really needed was a 5 dollar fuel filter – I quit going to car dealers and started finding car mechanics to help me fix my car!
Believe it or not. Improper air pressure in the tires can cause the symptoms you speak of.
“sgmmac says:
Fogman @15 Speak for yourself..”
uh huh….you took the words right out of my mouth. have you ever rebuilt a saab engine? i have…and it’s not fun. but it isn’t rocket science either.
goldy…my bet is you have an OVAL front left wheel.
oval front wheels beat flintstone brakes any day!
see if it is bent… take it to firestone on rainier by burger death (they are cool local folks)…ask for Dennis (shop mechanic)…tell him pony-tailed (former) bob with the (as well former) Kia sent ya…
was yer dog drivin’? i know that the kid wasn’t…
I would echo sgmmac’s comments, that it’s probably the wheel. Everytime I’ve had vibration that changed as the speed changed, it was a tire that was out of alignment. You might have popped a balancing weight off the wheel in the impact. Fortunately, that’s a cheap fix.
The comments about the possibly bent wheel rim might be worth looking into, also, if a simple balancing doesn’t fix it.
I can’t recommend a mechanic. They guy I use lives in Marysville, and has “retired” from fixing cars for the public, but continues to do it out of his home for a few of his friends (like me). But he doesn’t have alignment equipment at his garage at home, so I’ll have to find somebody else to do that for me.
John Barelli @ 14
I found personally that dealers do pretty good jobs. Back in September 1993, I had a 1983 Plymouth Turismo with some transmission problems. Took it to a transmission shop, ahd some jake-leg work done on it, cost me $1,800, had a 90 day warranty. Took it in (without charge) a month later, since they didn’t do it right. Something else went wrong (not the transmission), and I ended up selling the car to a friend for $500 just a few months later.
In August 2000, I had a 1993 Dodge Shadow (which I bought new in 1993, see above). Transmission went bad. Took it to a friend, who did small type auto work. Charged me about $500 to fix other things (not the transmission), which was probably reasonable, but he couldn’t figure out the transmission. Took it to another friend, who had the car several months, couldn’t figure out the transmission, and didn’t charge me. (Fortunately, I had another car to drive in the meantime.)
I then let the car sit in the driveway for a while. Then in May 2001, I took it to a Chrysler dealer. They replaced the whole transmission for under $2,400 (with a factory rebuilt transmission), and gave me a three year warranty (very important) on the transmission. Had to come back a few months later to replace a part on the transmission, and back again in May 2002 to replace the whole transmission, but none of this cost me any extra. Transmission did fine after that. Sold the car to a friend in November 2005, when I bought a new vehicle.
Lessons learned: (1) I should have junked the 1983 Turismo on the spot, instead of spending $1,800 on the transmission (could have used the money for the down payment on the new car that I bought 2 months later), (2) if I had taken the 1983 Turismo to a dealer, they would have given me the straight dope right away, instead of stringing me along on a jake-leg job that ended up at $1,800, (3) I could have then gone to their new car department instead, (4) in August 2000, I could have had the 1993 Shadow — which was worth repairing — repaired a LOT quicker had I taken it to a dealer the first time around, and maybe saved some of the $500 I spent with my friend initially.
Once again, a Cheap Labor Liberal. Thanks for supporting the American Blue Collar Auto worker and unions by buying and driving an import. Rest assured that your tireless efforts to minimize the income of the middle class, and support nonunion workers and products will not go unnoticed. Thanks again.
Richard Pope: Didn’t you notice Vioce of Chalk Scratching didn’t out the poster? That was a Mike Webbalike. Had some great humor though.
Sure glad I learned how to work on my own cars (not a put-down Goldy).
But one thing over looked here is this… take it to a tire shop first. Preferable where you bought your last set of tires. If the rim is bent that is cheap. If it just knocked off the balance weight, they will balance it for you and possibly for free. If it is something else they will let you know, and you can take it from there.
I have bent stuff before in the same situation. But usually once they buckle, it is pretty pronounced that the wheel just isn’t right by looking at it (mine was leaning to the inside like a broken limb).
My 2 cents…
1, 4 and 25
Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.
Please, the three of you get together and…….
Anyone who disagrees with my sentiment:
I bought an American car once – it broke down after 80,000 miles…..good American Manufacture, had to pay union wages so they made a cheap car. Thanks Union America! – Lets all buy American cars on a perpetual (means uninterrupted for those that don’t have a dictionary) basis to support Union Fireman! Also, wouldn’t that be limiting a person’s right to choose and bolster competition.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Hail Hitler!
Voice of Chalk Scratching:
Knowledgeable, gives service guarantees!
MLF @ 28
Mrs Carl: Please lay your husband! The Vas Deferens is interfering with synaptic response!
YLB @ 30
Thank you. How is it different for Goldy to ask his friends or to ask here? We are his friends, with some riff raff tossed in.
Golly Carl: I thought this was a wide open blog. I thought libtards liked differing viewpoints.
I guess not!
Then don’t bitch about your so called Cheap Labor Conservatives. Also, check consumer reports, or is that to biased for you? American Cars have drastically increased in reliability and overall performance. Or, if you are actually concerned about the environment, purchase an 1996 and up Diesel Pickup, that can be converted to BioDiesel. Most Diesel engines will outlast the body on it. Put 200,000 miles on a Diesel, and you are just breaking it in.
You libs are all the same. You cry about companies like Walmart then tell me that:
“Also, wouldn’t that be limiting a person’s right to choose and bolster competition.”
It is yet another case of the ever present Liberal Mantra, “Do as I say, (because I know what is better for you) but don’t do as I do.” Tell me heathen, have you supported the outsourcing of American jobs and the downfall of the Middle Class, by buying cheap goods from Foreign companies, or do you (as I do) support spending money and supporting the American Middle class?
One word for you…. Hypocrite. Look it up. Learn it, Know it, because you are living it. Hey, aren’t you the one that thinks the concept of Supply and Demand is a hoax anyways?
Voice of Chalk Scratching: I gave you a place but it is in poster hell. Check them out.
You have been using google again, I see.
I have used Rose St. Auto, (well south – around Henderson St.) for several years and they have given good service.
I have also heard good things from neighbors who have used Budds Automotive at Rainer & Dearborn.
Schvincter-tite’n’rite @ 20
Goldy should pay attention to your post. I once had problems similar to what Goldy is claiming, and it was simply improper air pressure in my tires. Sounded for all the world like a wheel bearing had come loose or something. And it was just a matter of air pressure, and I think wheel balancing.
I see that he of the “way of the Puddwhacker” is up to his usual SHENANIGANS and MALLARKEY!!!
Puddybud says:
Voice of Chalk Scratching:
http://www.gregs.com/servicece nters.html
Knowledgeable, gives service guarantees!
http://www.gregs.com/services. html
02/07/2007 at 5:05 pm
Puddybud; that is a great place I recommend that place for all women and girlie boys. That does a great job and requires very little knowledge about car repairs.
KLake I listen to their live show as I’m driving. They are very knowledgeable and they give a free estimate. Carl, I didn’t remember their store in Southtown but I remembered their names. DumbASS!
You know stuuuuuuuuupiiiiiiiiiid libtards, it is a courteous thing to help someone out with their car. This time Voice of Chalk Scratching didn’t ask for money. The problem with Moonbat!tism is well… libtardism is a incurable disease. You have a prime example in Carl the Libtard Grossman. If I had a foreign car I’d take it to them in a heartbeat.
I remember giving him some SQL programming tips (to a point) but you see Voice of Chalk Scratching Gilbert Gottfried has never thanked me for giving advice when I gave it in good faith. Not everything to me is about politics. Yet when yous’ a Moonbat! everything is politicized. I guess he and you are smegma covered schmucks?
Oh and Carl, kiss de black ass!
Richard Pope: Carl would know all about improper air pressure. In his oversized egotistical carinial orifice. Wait… you all got it wrong. His problem is a vacuum.
I have a great mechanic, who has worked on all my vehicles, Honda to Delorean, small and large work, with great results. He works from his home shop, but has alot of great background. He is in the Kent area, and I highly recommend him. I haven’t taken a car anywhere else in over 5 yrs.
Email me if you would like his info.
Union Fireman – you should know the all about being a hypocrit – fighting for every penny and wanting more for yourself with they envy and greed, but then you also want to shop at Walmart for a $3.00 shirt (because Republican’s hate to raise the minimum wage – they need someone to be depressed to feel good about themselves). Thanks for the tip on diesel pick-ups – know I have one optiion to select from.
I support the middle class (and more Democrats support the Middle Class) – ask George Bush about outsourcing – isn’t he the one that said America can’t be Protectionists, or something to that fact.
You seemed to be mixed up and living the big lie.
yeah and I have a bunch of typos and mistakes – I guess I get all worked up writing – if it bothers you – go fuck yourslef or go read something else.
A vibration at high speed is indicative of needing your wheels balanced. A mechanic has to do it, but it’s the easiest fix in the world. It’ll probably cost you $100, if that.
Jay and Alice at Fifteenth Ave Garage on Capitol Hill (Pine & Harvard. It hasn’t been on 15th since I was too young to shave) will do a wheel balance for you. They are honest to a fault, good mechanics, and if you tell them Jeremy in Vancouver sent you, they can probably fit you in quicker (they are perma-busy!).
For frames, alignment, etc., True-Line is the place to go. Go to Fifteenth Ave. first. If the alignment needs to be done, they’ll run it down to True-Line for you. All you need to do is drop off the car and pick it up fixed two days later.
Oh and Everything at Walmart is probably from China – I don’t shop there, never have, never will, but Im sure you and the misses find yourself more than once and a while – you union pig.
I’m pretty sure PBS and NPR have dedicated individuals who give large sums of money to both, without needing to beg for money. Pledge drives are usually for noble causes, not asking people to pay your rent.
I like differing points of view.
I just don’t like yours.
This is, as you like to say, Merka and I get to voice that outloud.
America, what a country!
You really do need to get that rectal cranial inversion looked at.
Jacob @ 50:
I think this blog is a noble cause. We all have different values. Obviously you value this blog.
You are using it to further your point of view. Might want to look up hypocrite.
Also, see comment 28.
Now Puddy, when have I dragged your wife into this blog in an inappropriate manner?
That was not nice and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Post 37 should have referenced post 32.
Why are you concerned with my Vas Deferens, which I assure works perfectly?
The only thing I can think of is that you suffer from SSAD and are unfortunately barking up the wrong tree.
Jesus H Christ! I am posting just like Puddypudwhacker.
“Can you recommend a good auto mechanic?”
No. I’ve never found one who was (a) competent, (b) honest, and (c) reasonably priced. I’ve been trying for years, and I’m still looking.
The truth is that the economics of keeping an older car running are ugly. Rebuilding a car in a garage costs 5 times as much as building a new one on the assembly line. A starter installed by a robot in 10 seconds at the factory requires $200 of turn-wrench labor to replace. I learned the hard way that when cars start needing repairs, you are better off financially to bite the bullet and make the payment on a new one. And I also learned to my sorrow that mechanics I wanted to Atrust and thought I could trust were unworthy of my trust.
I can donate to PBS and get a nice video of some guy living in alaska for like 30 years for $100 bucks.
I need to know what Goldy is putting up in the format of Video?
At least PBS has Real Monkeys on it’s show…..
@1 What a ridiculous fucking post! According to your thesis, the Boy Scouts, Red Cross, every church, and every politician all have no credibility because they have to ask for money. The Pope and Mother Teresa, among others, relied on donations, you witless nincompoop!
@2 Tie-rods are very easy to bend on curbs. I’ve paid for plenty of them. All you have to do is hit the curb a glancing blow with the tire.
@4 Of course it goes without saying that the first person who comes on this board suggesting Goldy commit insurance fraud is a wingnut. That’s how these pigfuckers think. All the time.
I’ve known a lot of guys like the Puddwhack. Just give him a free harmonica and some tap-dance lessons.
That’ll keep his mind occupied for a while.
Oh, and a hat for people to throw quarters in…
4, 13 I see Mark the Welsher Redneck is too embarrassed about his unpaid gambling debt to use his fake screen name here anymore.
Memor to Welsher: The word “producer” is a dead giveaway.
@19 Hey Mac — the trick to not needing a new fuel filter on that Dodge Challenger is keeping your speed below 120 mph. Otherwise you may get vapor lock.
Roger Rabbit says:
@4 Of course it goes without saying that the first person who comes on this board suggesting Goldy commit insurance fraud is a wingnut. That’s how these pigfuckers think. All the time.
02/07/2007 at 8:18 pm
That’s right. Insurance fraud would never cross a liberals mind except in the case of saving your liberal radio talk show and only if there is no Boys & Girls club to rip off.
Roger Rabbit says:
@2 Tie-rods are very easy to bend on curbs. I’ve paid for plenty of them. All you have to do is hit the curb a glancing blow with the tire.
02/07/2007 at 8:16 pm
Here here. I bent a tie-rod when I hit a curb with a glancing blow….. wait no thats not it… oh I know… I left a broad to die after a fancy blow. That is it.
The best (cheapest, nicest)auto mechanics in Seattle hands down are:
F & F Auto Repair
1115 N 94th St
Seattle, WA 98103-3305
I thought I needed a new clutch and they told me I didn’t. How cool is that!
212th Automotive
Address: 7612 S 212th St, Kent, WA 98032
Phone: (253) 395-4434
Ask for Les.
Honest, dependable and timely.
Yes, there is a terrific mechanic at A1 at 1821 Rainier Ave. South, 324-1876. Sean is very good, reliable, and reasonable. We’ve had him do work on our cars over the years, and we couldn’t recommend him more.
Nice post.
It is not me. Just some loser with visions of stardust and fairy sprinkles.
And Carl Grossman is not a nom de plume. Goldy has my permission to verify that fact if you choose to ask him. But you won’t because you would lose face. Not that you had any pride to start with.
on capital hill. Not cheap, but honest with devoted clients.
I recommend them or any other mechanic that you can build a regular relationship with. A good garage will dp your oil, check the systems, and then not screw you wehn there is a screw loose.
If all of you Dems support the middle class, then why are you driving import cars? You said it yourself, that we should be able to shop anywhere and push for healthy competitiveness among business. But when it comes to Walmart (Wasn’t Sen. Clinton on the Board of Directors?) you guys have a cow. No, I don’t and never have shopped at Walmart. I chose to shop locally, and prefer to use the small businesses in my area. That way, even though I pay a higher price, I am increasing my local economy, which is good for the value of my home and the quality of life where I live.
Once again, when you can’t support your position, you resort to insults and profanity.
As far as fighting for every penny and dime I can get, well duh!!!!! That is what a Union does. Wages Hours and Working Conditions.
You talk about Pres. Bush outsourcing jobs, what the hell do you think you are doing by buying an import car? Sending your money and good paying, Middle Class, union jobs overseas.
You are hypocrite in denial. Tell you what; let’s see if Goldy can start a Pledge drive to buy you a Dictionary. That way you can look up big words and maybe learn the definition of “HYPOCRITE” (also look up Charlatan and Pretender).
Thank you all for your suggestions. Except for the assholes who view a simple, nonpolitical post like this as an opportunity for personal attacks.
Speaking of which, so-called Union Fireman… I believe my Altima was built in Smyrna, Tennessee.
How did you know? That car rocked! 340, 4 barrell carburetor………. but I didn’t drive that fast on a regular basis. I did suffer though going home to Fort Carson from Breckenridge – every time I put on the gas, the gas sputtered and when I let off it accelerated. I took it to the dealer and paid over 300 bucks for the minor tuneup they told me I needed, drove the car away and didn’t get a block before it did the same thing. Then I paid for the major tuneup and while it was in the shop, some guy told me I probably just needed a fuel filter, I picked up the car and drove away and it did the same thing again, I pulled into a gas station and asked for a fuel filter – paid 5 bucks and the car was fixed and I never went back to the dealer again…………
Tie-rods are not that easy to bend, but I will concede that anything is possible. Tie-rods also control the steering – and they should not be shaking the car.
Yes, I replaced tie-rods and a Pitman arm and upper and lower ball joints and it wasn’t easy or fast. It was cheap compared to what I would have paid a mechanic.
I do my own work up to a certain point.
For diagnosing on a budget, Comfort Tire (Firestone?) in West Seattle do a good job of figuring out what the problem is for a base up front price.
If you then like their price, let them do it, if not some of us can probably tell ya how to do it yourself or offer to do it as a contribution to “da cause”.
To determine if it is wheel related, just pay for a tire rotation at a chain tire store and they will automatically check for damage in the front end in hopes of up-selling.
It seems Michael Medved does does indeed know the jewblogger and the left jew!
Who\’s the Friend of Israel? —Michael Medved
hint, hint, we know who it\’s not, don\’t we jblogger and leftj?)
Speaking at a church, I recently faced a troubling question: Why are conservative Christians so much more supportive of Israel than liberal Jews?
Three reasons come to mind: first, Christians see Israel as a confirmation of biblical prophecy, while the majority of U.S. Jews are secular and largely disregard the authority of scripture. Second, Christians are comfortable with moral absolutes–and they tend to identify Israel\’s struggle for survival as fundamentally right and the death culture of its implacable Islamist enemies as undeniably wrong.
Finally, religious conservatives are comfortable with the military and organized religion–and both institutions play an even greater role in Israeli society than they do in the U.S. Israelis commit themselves to universal, compulsory Army service and Rabbinic leaders are prominently involved in the government–inspiring discomfort from most American liberals.
For these three reasons, conservative Christians tend to identify with Israel\’s cause while many secular, liberal Jews view the Jewish state with a growing sense of embarrassment and unease.
I use Ron’s Trans Shop in Skyway( 206-772-8200) for all my car repair work. They do far more than transmissions, they are very thorough and fairly reasonably priced.
Hey, Auntie is back!
Uh, Auntie? If you want to go on one of your anti-semitic tirades, you should realize that this thread is about finding a good auto mechanic.
Perhaps you could amuse us all with your stories of how the Jews have infiltrated the auto industry and all our cars have secret transmitter chips that report all of our movements to the Bilderbergs.
(Yes, I know that I’m encouraging him. I like Auntie. He’s silly.)
@73…so which did you choose?
Toyota isn’t really an “import” when it’s manufactured in the United States.
Good time to pit in a plug for Consumers’ CHECKBOOK – http://www.checkbook.org
“Nonprofit Consumers’ CHECKBOOK reveals the Puget Sound area’s service companies and stores rated Best (& Worst) for quality and prices.”
They put out a magazine and newsletters, as well as their excellent website. A two year membership only costs $30.
@81… Toyota isn’t really an “import” when it’s manufactured in the United States.
It is when the corporate profits go back to Japan (instead of into the pockets of the CEO’s here).
Clinton’s Auto Repair in the U-District. Not in South Seattle, but they’ve never done me wrong. Paul, the guy who runs it, is honest and never does more to your car than needs to be done to fix it. Their prices have always seemed fair to me.
Their number is 206.524.3881 and their address is 5330 Roosevelt Way NE.
(I thought you might like an actual recommendation, rather than barely comprehensible vitriol that’s made up the rest of this post. Also, I saw you at the Friends of Seattle kickoff and was going to tell you I appreciate your blog, and that I will donate as soon as I have a job, but you were pretty well occupied).
@ 77:
Finally, religious conservatives are comfortable with the military and organized religion–and both institutions play an even greater role in Israeli society than they do in the U.S. Israelis commit themselves to universal, compulsory Army service
A ‘what if’ question.
Suppose you’re going to college enrolled in ROTC and during a pick-up basketball game you ever so slightly injure your knee, but you’re such a GIGANTIC pussy that you shirk your military responsibility. Would the Israelis still compel you to serve in the Army? Or, do they just discharge you at the convenience of the Navy/Army so later on in life you can “say” you served in the military?
Do they do that in Israel?
Or is that just a special providence reserved just for American conservatives?
Yeah, I caught some bet-welshing conservative in a huge lie over that exact scenario once. There was the draft during that era, but, apparently no compulsory service for lying pussies in the US military.
Still wondering…what did you decide to do; where did you decide to bring it?
Goldy…I’m disappointed. Why won’t you tell us what you decided to do?