Have you always wanted to compensate for the small size of your penis while at the same time doing right by the environment? Here’s your chance!
The FT-HS is a hybrid sports car–the name stands for Future Toyota Hybrid Sports. Its powertrain marries a 3.5-liter V-6 with a new-generation hybrid system to provide a combined output of some 400 hp driving the rear wheels.
Not only does it kick ass versus other cars in its class, but it’s a hybird. Why is this important?
What is interesting is not the direct impact of this car on the environment, though we can expect it to be better than the “traditional” V8 gasoline-powered sports cars it will compete against (a lesser evil). No, the interesting thing is the “halo” effect it could have, making hybrids cool and desirable to a new public. Even if they never end up buying that particular model, they’ll notice the technology and associate it with something they want instead of something they don’t.
Making hybrids cool… That’s an idea worth pursuing. The Honda Civic Hybrid is pretty low key, as is the Toyota Prius. Dori Monson calls Dave Ross’ car a “prissy” Prius. That’s Dori for you, but he has a point. Hybrids have an image problem. If people think of a hybrid car as more like this and this, and less like this and this, we’ll make progress.
The FT-HS isn’t yet in production, but if they move forward this year, they can have them ready for sale at Toyota dealerships just in time for a “Dori Monson Midlife Crisis” purchase.