I’ll be at tonight’s Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House, and I’ll be staying late because I have no radio show to go home to. If you are going to DL, read my question and think about it, and then we’ll argue about it tonight.
Question: Is universal healthcare the same as single-payer healthcare to you? That is, do those two mean the same things to you? Also, would you accept a healthcare compromise that used “conservative” means (ie, the free market, etc) to reach “liberal” ends (affordable, good quality healthcare for every American)?
Think about it, and I’ll see you tonight @ 8pm.
Good answers, everybody! Although the turnout was a bit low at tonight’s DL, there were some good answers to the question. Even the right-wing trolls got in on the act. I especially like this answer:
And by the way… nobody is entitled to anything in this world. Nothing. Including health care.
If you want good health care, get off your ass and earn it. It really is that fucking simple…
Unfortunately, lots of the folks without insurance are full time workers, not the “lazy poor”:
Today over 70 percent of the 41 million uninsured Americans come from families where there is at least one full-time worker.
But good try, folks!