Via Slog…
If this is how Tacoma police respond to a peaceful anti-war protest — tear gas and rubber bullets — imagine what might happen should protesters eventually be provoked into more aggressive actions?
This was a peaceful sit-in with the crowd chanting “give peace a chance.” The appropriate response to such a classic act of civil disobedience would have been to handcuff and arrest the protesters, carrying them off one by one. Instead, the police chose to respond with a physically violent short cut.
Authorities should be forewarned: violence breeds violence.
Homeland Security.
Quoi que vous fassiez, écrasez l’infâme, et aimez qui vous aime.
What do you expect? A lot of cops are redneck Republicans hiding behind a badge and gun. That’s why we have so many complaints about police violence against blacks. Remember the Mississippi civil rights murders? They were committed by the local sheriff’s department. Remember the Chicago “police riot” against peaceful anti-war demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic convention? Remember when, in 1970, Seattle cops ran through UW dorms beating up students who weren’t even protesting, they were just sitting in their dorm rooms? Wearing a police uniform gives these fascists a license to act out their violent fantasies and get away with it. We need civilian police review boards staffed by longhairs and blacks with power to discipline police officers over the chief’s objections. Speaking of police chiefs, didn’t the Tacoma police chief murder his wife in a parking lot, and then shoot himself in the head, in front of their two little kids? Down in El Salvador, the police dragged people out of their homes and shot them for not supporting the regime enthusiastically enough. Tacoma is a lot closer to Mississippi or El Salvador than you think.
BTW, support your local police! They have a tough job, and are underpaid for what they do. Let’s help our police by ridding their departments of the bad eggs.
The only difference between most Tacoma cops and the people who populate our state prisons is the fact that the convicts have been caught.
Having grown up in and lived in Tacoma most of my life, I am absolutely appalled at this.
I had moved away to be closer to work, but we were considering moving back as my work location has changed.
Seeing this though makes it pretty clear that we won’t be doing that.
Was this on the TV news? The only mention I see on the KING TV website is that some protesters were arrested. I don’t watch TV news but did anyone see it?
Someone in the Tacoma City government is accountable for this. Who is it? This is bullshit. I admit that most americans are naive about what real protesting like in other countries is like but holy shit, this seems out of character for local police (WTO excepted). Is this response because the shipments are military related?
Is this the future?
Also, people saying “I am just going to move away” won’t help. This is your country too. Hiding your head in the sand won’t do anything to help. It seems a bit self centered don’t ya think? Seems so typically american.
Go ahead and bad mouth those officers who put their lives on the line daily…..Keep it up. that is until you need one, or help at your home ASAP……Then those same
“A lot of cops are redneck Republicans hiding behind a badge and gun. That’s why we have so many complaints about police violence against blacks. Remember the Mississippi civil rights murders? They were committed by the local sheriff’s department. Remember the Chicago “police riot” against peaceful anti-war demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic convention? Remember when, in 1970, Seattle cops ran through UW dorms beating up students who weren’t even protesting, they were just sitting in their dorm rooms? Wearing a police uniform gives these fascists a license to act out their violent fantasies and get away with it. We need civilian police review boards staffed by longhairs and blacks with power to discipline police officers over the chief’s objections. Speaking of police chiefs, didn’t the Tacoma police chief murder his wife in a parking lot, and then shoot himself in the head, in front of their two little kids? Down in El Salvador, the police dragged people out of their homes and shot them for not supporting the regime enthusiastically enough. Tacoma is a lot closer to Mississippi or El Salvador than you think. ”
officers will save your tail…no questions asked….
This is the same attitude many of you show the troops…
Sure, Right Stuff, we all need the cops to protect us at times, but how does that justify what these police did to a lawful peaceful protest?
deja vu~~~~Kent State! I really thought us “old farts” were able to stop this stuff In the 60s and 70s!
I think the proper blame should fall on those who started to rush the restricted area, climbing the fence, refusing to stop obstructing a street, throwing the barricades and whatever else they can get their hands on to harm officers…. youi act as if these folks are freedom fighters….they are law breakers, and when they break the law they suffer the consequences. If there was excessive force, then those bad apples need to be held to account…
However, I believe in the discipline of those officers, way more than a group of (most likely) doped up evergreen college kids….
What do you want…. a situation like the castrated SPD mardi gras event where innocent people were killed becuase the police didn’t act……?
you can’t fly both ways.
There’s three things you never do:
1) Tug on Super Man’s cape.
2) Attend a peace rally without a gas mask.
3) Fire tear gas cansiters while you’re standing upwind.
“…….should protesters eventually be provoked into more aggressive actions?”
and just how, pray tell, would PEACEFUL protesters be provoked into aggressive action, hmmmm?
because….like WOW…they are so peaceful, you know?
give me a break!
you fools in washington are legends only in your own minds. you haven’t come up with any new lame chants lately…since, um, about 1967????
the only mistake the police made was noticing the attention whores in the first place…..who, by the way ,were just PRAYING this sort of thing would happen so they could whine ad infinitum about it ON THE NEWS……
kent state? oh…get real. in your dreams.
@13 or relieve oneself into the wind…
Kucinich lays the wood to the Dem hopefuls….
Ahhh, there she is, the angry conservative. How’s it goin’ ChristmasGhost?
When the message is right, why change it?
Kent State? Are you suggesting it’s OK to murder protestors, or that the story’s been playing too long?
I wonder how anti-abortion protestors would feel about getting gunned down?
Speaking of whinning ad nauseam: Can you say Dino Rossi and all things Republican?!?!? Sheeez.
When they came for the dirtyfuckinhippes I didn’t say any thing because I hate dirtyfuckinhippies etc…..
Hey, I just looked at that video again. I saw Puddybud in there starting the problems.
Ohhh, I see now, Puddybud is an agent provocateur paid by the RNC.
Shame, shame, shame on you Puddybud.
Ghost @14,
How would peaceful protesters be provoked? Gee, I dunno. How about if you’re sitting there on the ground, singing, when a fellow protester gets her eye shot out by a rubber bullet? In horror, a protester leaps to his feet and moves towards the police screaming for them to stop or to call an ambulance or something, and a spooked officer shoots him dead? At that point, all hell breaks loose, more shots are fired, leaving several more dead and or wounded… possibly even an officer?
This is how things spin out of control. Police should use violence only to protect themselves or others, not simply out of anger or convenience.
Look Mr Stupid and Clueless: Tacoma is a Moonbat! led town just like Seattle. You guys own it lock stock and barrel. Sometimes Moonbat!s want to show the world they have a spine (waaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa) so they eat their young libtards in their policing frenzy.
And don’t throw that Homeland Security crap at me. I know better. This is a Moonbat led state! It would be a amnesty state if certain peeps had their way!
PelletHead@2: Man you sure are stupid.
Chicago cops = neo-cons. That equation is similar to Furball = has a brain!
The Mississippi cops were Moonbat! Donkocraps. Jim “Bull” Conner look up his party affliation.
Roger @ 2:
Excelent post! All good reasons to support & defend the Second Amendment.
An armed society is a polite society.
GBS: I told you where I was. An agent provocateur needs to be there. Sorry you mixed me up for some chap who gives a crap about Tacoma!
Do we really want just the military, the cops and the secret squirrels to have guns?
Here’s the deal. If I am in trouble, the LAST people I’d call would be the cops. They’re nothing but crooks with guns and badges. I take care of my own problems. Keep that in mind righties in case you make the mistake of wondering into my neighborhood with bad intent.
“I think the proper blame should fall on those who started to rush the restricted area, climbing the fence, refusing to stop obstructing a street, throwing the barricades and whatever else they can get their hands on to harm officers….”
that what you saw? I saw a bunch of tear gas and bullets being shot and then some people running, and one guy picking up a barricade to hold in front of his genitals so they didnt get hit.
Gregoire is a moonbat?
What has happened when right of center is now radical left?
I can only conclude puddybud thinks people like Malkin are centrist and police should use live ammo.
I guess since Goldy has never been in a Union, he has never heard of the Golden Rule “Comply now, Greive Later”. The kid should have done what he was told, as well as the rest of the idiots out there, then sued. Instead, they take on the Police. You guys have obviously never tried to pull your heads out of your asses, to see things from a different point of view. Tell you what Goldy, why don’t you sign up and ride out with the Seattle or Tacoma Cops? Then, you can see how everyday idiots fail to do what they are told, they lie, make aggressive moves towards them and many times, they put the Cops in situations that would make the rabbit of you make a dookie in your pants. Cops by nature, have an aggressive personality. You don’t want a timid cop on the streets.
Oh yeah, and with regards to the complaints from minorities against the cops…In New Orleans, there was a push for the Police force to become more reflective of the community. Soon after the push, then number of complaints from the black community skyrocketed. But they weren’t complaining against the white cops, they were complaining against the black cops. Affirmative Action seemed to work, but the number of use of force complaints rose very sharply.
I work with Cops on a regular basis. More often than not, they are way more tolerant that they should be.
Besides, I thought these idiot protesters support the troops. If they support the troops, then why are they blocking life saving equipment from reaching the troops?
You Moonbats might want to watch this. Note the term, PLAY NICE WITH THE COPS!!!!!!!!
This isn’t about cops. It’s about those that order cops.
This is about tactics of the state to control people.
Fear creates submission. If Goldy had been in a union I’m sure he now would be a right wing bush cultist. The cops didn’t do this on their own. They were told to do this. The IQ level here is a tad on the low side.
This is a Moonbat led state!
You probably don’t even see my sarcasm in regards to the union comment. Republicans hate unions yet you dopes support those that would end your union tomorrow if they could.
Isn’t it funny how, every time cops beat up protesters, the media reports it as “a violent protest”?
America has a long history of its cops beating up civil rights marchers, labor organizers, anti-war demonstrators.
@15 “Right Stuff says: or relieve oneself into the wind…”
You know all about that, don’t you? Repubs are experts on pissing into the wind.
It should be a felony to interfere with videotaping police beatings and “crowd control.”
@29 Yeah, and the Jews should’ve done what Hitler told them to do, and sued later. Oh wait, they did …
@29 So, are you implying these protesters made “aggressive moves” toward the cops? Where? I didn’t see that. Are you one of the troll-idiots who believes Goldy is Roger Rabbit? You’re stupid enough.
@29 “Besides, I thought these idiot protesters support the troops. If they support the troops, then why are they blocking life saving equipment from reaching the troops?”
They’re supporting the troops by trying to bring them home. Repubs sure aren’t “supporting” them by sending them into a meat grinder with no mission, no plan, no hope of victory — then bringing them home to rot in moldy, rat-infested hospitals. I supported the troops by donating $99 to — what have you done to support the troops, besides spew hot air?
And … you’re just plain LYING when you say the protesters were “blocking life saving equipment from reaching the troops.” Apart from the death-dealing nature of the equipment at issue — I’ll just skip that aspect — the protesters weren’t “blocking” anything. This was a symbolic protest OUTSIDE THE FENCE. They didn’t keep a single piece of military equipment from being loaded or shipped.
Let me tell you something about the Constitution, Fireliar, because for a public servant you’re sure as hell ignorant about the basic rules of our society. The Constitution guarantees U.S. citizens the right to peaceably assemble to petition their government for redress of grievances, which is what peaceful protests like the one in Tacoma are all about. These folks had every right to gather on public property to express their opinion on a matter of public policy. The burden is on the police to justify their use of force to break up the demonstrate, and the only thing that would justify it is that the protest was unlawful. What unlawful act or acts by the crowd occurred that prompted the police the begin lobbing teargas and pushing people around? Blocking traffic? OMIGOD THEY’RE BLOCKING TRAFFIC CALL THE TAC SQUAD!!!! THAT’S SERIOUS!!! Well, if it is, shouldn’t we call out the tac squad to remove the politicians who lied our country into a war that cost thousands of U.S. lives and billions of dollars? That’s at least as serious as blocking traffic. If you don’t think so, you’re either brain dead or a fascist warmonger.
The best way to support the troops is to vote republican. At least this would replace their vote which was thrown out by some liberal election official.
Ah that was funny… hysterical. I love it when the police clear the streets of these scum.
Goldy says: Authorities should be forewarned: violence breeds violence.
Goldy, let me know when you are going to Tacoma to show the cops how tuff you are. I would like to video that.
goldy……..protests are completely O-V-E-R.
there are ,rumor has it, more “progressive” and effective ways to get your message across. but ,first, you ACTUALLY have to really have a message. not a 1960’s retread. hey BTW,….where were all these no war-no way people during clinton’s ‘war”….can you tell me that?
oh that’s right…it’s okay if a democrat is in the whitehouse. yup…got it.
today’s protests are about as valid anymore as an iron lung.
used to be “the thing” and now? well…it’s pretty hard to take 20 something twits from evergreen state in bandanas seriously.especially when they can’t even come up with their own rhetoric……….
It is enough to bring tears to your eyes. hahahahahhahaha
Ah I got to stop laughing. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe
It is a sad day in washington history, when the very same people who post here day in and day out, cry that the TROOPS are truly a concern of their HEARTS.
If you really gave a flying fricking leap about them, you wouldn’t condone the actions of the Protestors.
Those troops can not stop the war, by not loading a ship.
Those troops have orders to follow, whether YOU like them or not.
Those troops have “brothers/sisters” who are fighting the same fight, and it is their JOB to fulfill it.
When you condone such actions as the protestors, you also condone the reason behind their protest.
You Can’t have it BOTH WAYS……..Ask a soldier, he/she will tell you.
I love the smell of tear gas in the morning. It smells like….victory.
The comments of Union Fireman at #29 is one of the most sane of this entire thread!
That video made me smile.
You probably don’t even see my sarcasm in regards to the union comment. Republicans hate unions yet you dopes support those that would end your union tomorrow if they could.
You lefties are hypocrits regarding fair wages and the working poor. The fact that the DNC party accepts volunteers is proof they are for cheap labor when it benefits them.
America has a long history of its cops beating up labor organizers and anti-war demonstrators.
I know, that is why I love this country.
OK, here’s what you missed:
One of you noticed that KING reported on the riot, but didn’t get the particulars. Here’s what happened: KING reported that the scum (yes, I said that) started to throw the barricades at the cops. The cops dispersed the scum with tear gas, but I don’t remember anything about them using rubber bullets.
Why do I call them scum? I have two sons in the military, and they’ve both been in Iraq (the younger is there currently). I don’t like this war one little bit. It was the wrong thing to do, for all the wrong reasons. But anyone who tries to impede the shipment of supplies that could save a soldier’s life is, in my humble opinion, no different then the scum who flew the planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Endeth the sermon. I have no problem with the hippies and peaceniks protesting, as long as I’m upwind of them. But when the ‘direct action’ crowd shows up (see: Eugene Anarchists), I’m all for the cops busting ass. ‘Direct Action’ is just another term for terrorism.
First time I agree with Broadway Joe.
PelletHead, still stupid as always. What news do you watch? Oh…, I forgot you get your news from the your ASSWipe News Unified Service (ANUS)! You blog among your libtard friends here!
Union Fireman, I tip my hat to you.
I watched the King 5 news and I watched the Fox News. Fox mentioned a local Moonbat! politician crossed the barrier and was ARRESTED! Why didn’t King 5. Both mentioned the protesters crossed the line and threw the barracades and other stuff at the police. But, to a libtard that’s a peaceful protest!