Here’s hoping my liberal friends get off their “Ron Paul fixation.”
Rep. Paul voted against the “Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act.” What is it?
Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Representatives John Lewis (D-GA) and Hulshof (R-MO) today reintroduced legislation which would give the Department of Justice and the FBI the ability to reopen Civil Rights-era criminal cases which have gone cold. The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act was named after teenager Emmett Till who was murdered and mutilated while on a summer vacation in Money, Mississippi in 1955. Public outrage surrounding the case helped to propel the inception of the modern-day Civil Rights movement in America.
But he’s against the war! Right? Right?
I’m sure he’s got some phony-baloney reasoning for his vote (like his desire to privatize most of the federal gov’t, perhaps even the Justice Department), but I hope the “Ron Paul Infatuation Fest, 2007” can finally be brought to a close.
[Don’t know what “jump the shark” means? Find out here.]