So, imagine you’re a member of a Democratic legislative district, and you’re being asked to endorse a candidate. Dollars to donuts the candidates doing the asking are Democrats, right? Well, if you’re attending the 48th LD endorsement meeting tonight (7PM, Stevenson Elementary School Library, 14220 NE 8th St in Bellevue,) you may be in for a bit of a surprise.
Word has it that incumbent Bellevue City Councilman Phil Noble will be there tonight, asking for the 48th LD endorsement, and backed by at least one prominent local Democratic legislator. But while the council race is technically nonpartisan, Noble’s PDC reports show that he most definitely is not. Indeed, judging by the contributions Noble has both given and received, he’s about as Republican as they come.
Over the past few years Noble has contributed to a rogues gallery of Republican notables, including David Irons Jr., Luke Esser, Jane Hague, Reagan Dunn, Kathy Lambert, Jim Horn and Rodney Tom. In fact, I only recognize one Democratic name on the entire list: 48th LD Rep. Ross Hunter.
And Noble’s list of contributors over the years is equally Republican in pedigree, including Skip Rowley, Bellevue Square Associates (ie Kemper Freeman Jr.), Charles Conner, Washington Assoc. of Realtors, Bennett Homes, Realtors PAC, Rental Housing Assoc., Affordable Housing Council, Luke Esser and Diane Tebelius. It’s like the invitee list to a BIAW cocktail party.
On the other hand, Noble’s challenger, Bellevue small business owner Keri Andrews, is 100-percent Democratic — and 100-percent progressive — sporting endorsements from Progressive Majority, Sierra Club, Washington Conservation Voters, Bellevue Firefighters, WA State Women’s Political Caucus, Darcy Burner, state Senators Eric Oemig and Brian Weinstein, 41st LD Dems and more.
We all know a Democrat when we see one, and Phil Noble ain’t it. I can’t imagine the 48th LD Dems giving him the nod, whatever the political arm-twisting.
They’re website doesn’t say so, but apparently tonight’s endorsement meeting is a potluck affair at 11522 NE 21st ST (NW corner of 116AVE NE & NE 21st ST.) Potluck starts at 6:15, candidates scheduled to start talking at 7:15. If you’re resident of the 48th, and a real Democrat, please stop by and support the real Democratic candidate.
Phil Noble spoke at the meeting tonight, and asked the Dems not to endorse in a nonpartisan race, as it would be wrong to insert partisanship into the city council. Keri Andrews was unanimously endorsed.