WAPO’s Chris Cillizza reports from Yearly Kos, where longtime Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg had some advice for the assembled progressive bloggers:
Think big. As in, big gains for Democrats in both the House and the Senate in 2008. “Do not think conservatively,” said Greenberg during a panel discussion on the impact of Iraq on polling and the coming election. “The idea of a 50-seat-plus majority is real.”
Greenberg wasn’t the only Democratic strategist predicting huge gains. Tom Mattzie, Washington director of MoveOn.org, insisted that a path existed to a 60-seat majority in the Senate after the 2008 election.
Why the rosy predictions?
Because the 2006 election in which Democrats regained majorities in the House and Senate was a “small point along the way,” according to Greenberg, and the data continues to suggest that the political environment is worsening almost daily for Republicans.
In making the case for Rodney Tom, he and his surrogates routinely dismiss Darcy Burner’s ’08 prospects. “She had her run,” state Rep. Chris Hurst smugly told the Seattle P-I, complaining that she “came up short … in what was probably the best year in 40 years to run as a Democrat.” The intended message to Democratic primary voters is two-fold: 1) Burner only did as well as she did because of unusual national trends; and 2) those trends won’t be present in 2008.
Yeah, um, that’s right… Burner went from complete unknown to within inches of victory, simply by riding the Democratic tide. It had absolutely nothing to do with her smart campaign, her relentless hard work, and a force of personality that won over hundreds of passionate grassroots volunteers. I could write dissertations refuting premise number one, but suffice it to say that it is just plain insulting, and I’m not so sure that Tom, Hurst and their buddies would derisively dis Burner like that if she wasn’t, you know, a girl.
But premise number 2 — the heart of the Tom campaign’s critique of Burner — is just flat out refuted by the numbers. Indeed, Greenberg’s polling data suggests a steadily deteriorating political climate for Reichert and his House colleagues:
The Republicans are in trouble – almost as much trouble as they were in 2006. Democrats are not only ahead in the most competitive Republican districts (Tier 1), but they also lead by 3 points in the second tier, less competitive Republican seats, which means there might well be additional Congressional seats at risk beyond the 35. The extent of Republicans’ vulnerabilities suggests that Democrats can take their advantage far into Republican territory in 2008. This pattern that allowed the Democrats to take 30 seats in the last mid-term election could well take Democrats up to 20 in the Presidential, unless confounded by intervening events. There really could be another wave election.
Unlike the Democratic incumbents, Republican members in competitive districts face a range of trends that are working against them, reflected in their deteriorating margin – a 10-point net swing against them since mid-June.
Tom and his boosters imply that Darcy blew it, repeating over and over again that the coming election will be nothing like the previous one, as if that were a fact. But if Tom and Hurst et al are such geniuses at predicting Democratic waves — or the absence thereof — why didn’t any of them run in 2006? By January of last year it had already become obvious to amateurs like me that something BIG was potentially coming in November, yet the DCCC failed to recruit a single experienced candidate to challenge the one-term Reichert.
Compare that to this cycle, with both Tom and Hurst drooling to get into the race after state Rep. Ross Hunter’s ill health knocked him out. If 2008 is gonna be such a tough year for Democrats, why were so many formerly timid Democrats suddenly so anxious to get into the race?
Because they know Reichert is vulnerable. Burner proved it. And now they just want to brush her aside in a cycle they assume will be very good for Democrats indeed.
Reichert is a pain in the ass, and even though I live in Spanaway (God help me) I was happy to send a few bucks to Darcy last year, and will do so again. I don’t trust Republican converts all that much.
But, c’mon, there ARE other topics in the stream of things, and while that race is important tangibly AND symbolically, aren’t we getting a wee obsessive about it?
So, how long are the sock puppets going to pipe up with the empty shirt/skirt comments before they realize how repeating such a vacuous claim means they can’t win on the issues? You know the R’s are scared when the only complaint thay can come up with is a lack of “experience”.
Goldy …
We all get the message and Darcy has support. The questionn is how best to use that support?
I am sure you know my feeling that politics ought not to be about demonization ..except where there are real demons. Tom’s decision ot run is annoying to me as a Burnerite, but I really want to see her win because she convinces her constituency that she is the better candidate.
In that regard it seems to me there is a HUGE opportunity for her. While one can view her district in shades of red and blue, I suspect that far more important are the shades skin and money. The Eastside has a huge immigration of folks who are dusky buy well off … that is the technoratti. Microsoft and the UW, as well as alarge number of smaller entities have become to the Eaststide what Boeing once was to the whole region.
The Sharif is in trouble with these people but not for strictly red-blue reasons. These are people of privilge (a riff on people of color) who are usually prolife but not pro undocumented immigrants. They are antiwar but want somehow to see the US emerge from the war as the still dominant force.
IMO, none of the campaigners at the Prexy level are doing much to address this group .. but Bush has done so much antiscience stuff and is responsible for such a huge loss of US prstige that they are anxious to find a new party to support. They are unlikely to identify themselves as republicans but might well vote that way if somehow the shame of Bush were washed away.
So .. this crowd has money, influence, leadership skills, etc. SOMEONE should tap into it.
How to do that?
Darcy has a grat advantage in her personality. I am sort of one of these folks and support her because DL has made it possible for me to meet her. While that is not a very useful thing in a larger campaign, I suggest t does suggest themes that Darcy should mine:
1. She should make the Bushites antiscience policies a major campaign issue. This does not simply mean being prostemj cells. It does mean meeting with visible folks from that community .. UW Profs, MS execs, corporate techies, in some way to generate news. It does mean USING her intellect vs. Tom indirectly by taking Reicherts light ijntellectualism on directly. She should attck the Sharif for not using the intellectual resources of hetr district, not supporting higher ed, not working for immigration of high level immigrants, etc.
2. Darcy is a good student (as a prof I recognize the personality). She reminds me in a way of Bill Clinton. She should use this talent by appearing her ads as a knowledgeable person in technologically difficult issues. Some of these may not fit well with demo orthodoxy .. e.g. the biofuels shtick is worrisome because some of this costs as much oil as it saves and is economically a subsidy to rich investors. Complex issue? yes. beyond the ken of the Sharif? yes.
3. Gates-ophilia. No candidate, including da Guv, has yet come to understand that we have a new and unique MAJOR industry in town .. the Gates Institute. There is a HUGE opportunity to ask what can the State anf Fe3ds do to support this phenomenon? As one example, the GF is a major force in third world pharmacology .. this means support for research that develops inexpensive, generally nt remunerative approaches to infectious diseases. It seem to SJ that htere is a real opporuntity her, political and moral, of askihng what could she do in Congress to support thisn initiative.
Apologies for being long winded.
chadt @1,
Well, speaking of waves, I tend to focus on topics in waves. Just my nature.
Jew @3,
What I need to do and what Darcy needs to do are two different things. Media and political insiders read this blog, and in these posts I am speaking directly to them. Tom has attempted to erode Darcy’s support from within the party by arguing that she cannot win in November. I’m just pointing out that there is no data to support this assertion.
In fact, Darcy comes into 2008 with huge advantages over Tom, not the least of which being an 80-plus name ID and a 16,000 strong donor list.
I supported and volunteered for Burner last time out but I have no problem seeing a primary challenge. The issue I have is that Tom ran rather than Hurst. Frankly, I just don’t think Tom, so recently Republican, can win the primary here yet alone the general whereas I would have had to think long and hard about whether I supported Burner or Hurst. Guess we will never know.
I, too, think a filibuster-proof 60-seat Senate majority is a possibility. Difficult, but possible. The Pukes have 22 seats up for grabs in 2008, compared to 12 for the Democrats, so the Dems automatically have a mathematical advantage going in. As of a few months ago, experts considered about 6-8 of the R seats vulnerable, but 12 is not out of reach if ’08 turns into a blue tidal wave. Certainly, the elements for that happen are there … the voting public is massively dissatisfied with the GOP, and the breadth and depth of that dissatisfaction is still building as Iraq drags on and more scandals unfold, to the point where even lifelong GOP stalwarts are abandoning the GOP flag. I agree that ’06 was just the first act of a larger drama. Republicans have deep, deep problems going into ’08. Perhaps a crushing defeat is what their party needs, so they can rebuild from scratch. The wingnut model clearly is not working for them.
I forgot to mention, the Dems have 1 seat that’s considered vulnerable, so most analysts are forecasting a Democratic gain in the Senate of 4 to 6 seats. That would fall short of the 60 required to break a filibuster, but they could probably get to 60 with votes from moderate Republican Senators on many of their issues, and on many of a Democratic president’s appointments, although anything less than a filibuster-proof majority would necessarily have a restraining influence on their legislative agenda.
Personally, I hope we get the 60 seats, and expand our majority in the House by 40 or 50, so we can ram a progressive agenda (including a major overhaul of the nation’s health care system) up the wingfucks’ asses. It goes without saying that a Democratic Congress is going to let the Bush tax cuts for the upper income brackets expire, and they should!
Eat shit, rightys! Your day is over. You’re done.
@4 Goldy
Of course I know that. And whoever the demo is, someone should fire the person for asinine behavior.
My main concern is that I would hate to see her harmed by a hsit fight with Tom. Does that make sense?
Roger ..legal advice please ..
I do not know if you can help and certainly do not want to PAY for advice, but in the case you are feeling charitable:
What is the law on selling and buying of votes? If I wanted to offer a sum of say $5 for everyone who votes for a certain candidate by mail ballot, provided they are willing to show me their ballot, would I or they be breaking a law?
@11 Mr. or Ms. Ethically Challenged:
You have got to be kidding, or maybe you were “not raised right”. Just write a donation to ACORN, they will handle the details for you.
What is the law on selling and buying of votes?
SJ that’s silly. The cheap labor conservative just buys tv ad time to broadcast some fear-mongering messages about the terraists or gun-grabbing or baby-killing or the government is the problem. It’s how they do.
Right wing talk radio is even cheaper.
It’s a lot cheaper than sending 5 or 10 dollars to a voter.
I’m a little late. Has Mark said “empty suit” yet?
13 YLB
That’s not what they do. They get John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur to give them FREE air time.
What will the HA echo chamber do when Rodney Tom wins the primary?
The 8th is a middle-right going middle-left district…
Darcy Burner is left of the mainstream, Rodney Tom seems to be IN the mainstream.
“Tom has attempted to erode Darcy’s support from within the party by arguing that she cannot win in November. I’m just pointing out that there is no data to support this assertion.”
Except that one little problem of the election in 2006 she lost….That’s pretty good data..
It’s gonna be fun to watch.
If Rodney Tom wins the primary – Hairdo will probably keep his seat and the people of the 8th will have the Representative they deserve. A cowardly, stupid, ineffective, shithead. Most Dems I know won’t vote for Tom. They won’t vote for the Hairdo either – but by inaction, he’ll probably win. And of course this is why all the righties are pulling for Tom. And of course this is the reason we all need to support DARCY NOW!
13 YLB
That’s not what they do. They get John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur to give them FREE air time.
So… Darcy has KIRO,KOMO,KING TV and radio as well as the PI. You dems are such pussies. The democrats have never done well in the arena of ideas and operate poorly in an environment of free speech. I can’t blame you.
19 No Democrat
I’m assuming that you’re trying to say, in your incoherent way, that Darcy Burner can get free publicity from these outlets. Publicity that the sitting Congressman somehow cannot get. And of course he would never send out disguised campaign pieces on the taxpayer’s dime. I’m guessing you don’t live in the 8th. I do, and Reichert’s ineffective terms and his misuse of public funds makes me a little ticked off.
Not to cramp your “free speech” pal, but it doesn’t help you to talk when it just makes you sound so ignorant.
I gotta say, I even preferred Jennifer Dunn to Reichert. At least she knew what she was doing.
When has Reichert spoken out against Rove’s Hatch Act violating political presentations to every employee of the Executive Branch?
When has Reichert spoken out against ANYTHING that anyone who is not a Democrat has done?
Jeez, when’s that last ime any legislation with Reichert’s name on it got passed?
@11 Yes.
“RCW 29A.84.620
“Hindering or bribing voter.
“Any person who uses menace, force, threat, or any unlawful means towards any voter to hinder or deter such a voter from voting, or directly or indirectly offers any bribe, reward, or any thing of value to a voter in exchange for the voter’s vote for or against any person or ballot measure, or authorizes any person to do so, is guilty of a class C felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.”
“RCW 29A.84.640
“Solicitation of bribe by voter.
“Any person who solicits, requests, or demands, directly or indirectly, any reward or thing of value or the promise thereof in exchange for his or her vote or in exchange for the vote of any other person for or against any candidate or for or against any ballot measure to be voted upon at a primary or special or general election is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable to the same extent as a gross misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.”
It is called media bias. Liberals believe that there is no media bias because…. well.. they are bias. Can’t you lefties get another “insurance cheat” on the air to compete with KTTH and KVI instead of destroying talk radio? I know there are a lot of moonbats in Seattle.
@12 Stuff it, waxbrain. He asked a perfectly reasonable legal question. Asking doesn’t mean he was planning to do it. More likely, he wanted to know what the remedies are if you do it.
@12 (continued) Another reason he might want to know is, if it ISN’T illegal, then he might want to lobby his legislators to make it illegal, so YOU don’t do it.
@13 Actually it’s not, but money doesn’t seem to be an object to the fascist pigfuckers. They have lots of money. The Extreme Right has spent billions on disseminating their hate and lies.
For example, the so-called “Rev.” Sun Myung Moon has dropped at least $1 billion on the Washington Times’ financial losses over the last 20 years. The WT isn’t a going concern; it loses over $50 million a year. But Moon doesn’t mind because the WT was never intended to be a business; it’s a propaganda megaphone.
Where does the money come from? Lots of places: Gun running, drug smuggling, Asian sweatshops staffed with slave labor, etc. Moon is a world-class scumbag.
Moon — in his younger days, at least — had Hitler-sized ambitions. He wanted to establish a global theocracy and make himself dictator of the whole fucking world.
And then there’s Richard Mellon Scaife, the alcoholic billionaire who funded the “Arkansas Project” and other anti-Clinton slime operations. He hated his own mother. His kids hate him. Ann Coulter likes him, though. She was on his payroll back when she was one of Paula Jones’ secret lawyers.
Now you know what kind of people bankroll the Wingnut Noise Machine.
Who cares what the law says when you have liberals enforcing those laws. You need not look any further than KC in the 2004 governors for proof. Hell ACORN probably provided the lost ballots that put Fraudoire over the top during the 2nd recount.
@16 “Right Stuff says: What will the HA echo chamber do when Rodney Tom wins the primary?”
What will you say when he doesn’t?
@18 Has everyone noticed how all the pukes pretend to be Democrats now? Even the Republicans don’t want anyone to know they’re Republicans! The GOP brand name is a bit tarnished.
@25 Of course there’s media bias. It’s hard to find a MSM outlet these days that isn’t spouting the wingnut line and shilling for GOP liars. Maybe that’s because all the media outlets are owned by rich white guys, and all those rich white guys are Republicans.
@33 “You need not look any further than KC in the 2004 governors for proof.”
Let’s recap: The WSRP spent $2 million on a lawsuit to throw out the 2004 election and their own hand-picked Republican judge in a hand-picked Republican county gave Gregoire an even bigger margin of victory because Rossi got fraudulent votes.
Kevin Carns a/k/a klake @33 is a windbag and an empty suit.
Cheating is in the blood of democrats. Why poeple continue to debate this fact is beyond me.
The only crooks and liars in Washington politics are Publicans.
1) Rossi saying he was a licensed real estate broker when in fact he was only an agent
2) The BS lawsuit brought by Publicans, with a Publican judge, in the most Publican county in the state and the only fraudulent votes found were Publicans
3) Irons beating up his mother
I rest my case.
I’ll say “defeated once, good work…defeated twice, brilliant”
Roger Rabbit says:
@25 Of course there’s media bias. It’s hard to find a MSM outlet these days that isn’t spouting the wingnut line and shilling for GOP liars. Maybe that’s because all the media outlets are owned by rich white guys, and all those rich white guys are Republicans.
08/04/2007 at 2:50 pm
Wow, now the MSM is biased to the right? What a joke!
Put the tinfoil hat back on dude…
RR is dead on – but Publicans won’t listen to, accept, recognize or acknowledge truth or facts if it gets in the way of their talking points.
Who owns the Wall Street Journal, NBC, most big city newspaper and TV stations? Right wingers. Big media is controlled by big money and there’s an absolute right wing spin to most anything in the media. They have let Bush start and run his bullshit war without holding him accountable. They control talk radio. They control everything but the blogs. This is our last place for truth.
RS @ 42
Talk about “wow.” If there is a singular media bias out there, it sure as hell ain’t leaning toward the left.
Spend some time reading Josh Marshall or CrooksAndLiars, and see what folks from the left think of the media, and read why the disdain is no less than the disdain that comes from the right.
Oh please! Talk about pretentiousness. More like a small “ripple” is more fitting. Get over yourselves already!
Moonbats will be moonbats. hehehehehehehe
A bunch of people have said it, but its worth repeating…. The way that the righties are pushing against burner in the primary is all you need to know about who they think they can beat in the general.
They must be really dumb to think we don’t get it >
re 18: The “arena of ideas” meme is something you got from right wing talk radio. You wouldn’t recognize a real idea if it slapped you upside the head.
In the “arena of ideas”, the concept of supply and demand is stood on its head by the creation of artificial “demand” in the media. How do you square even that simple spanner in your free market ideology? You can’t — because you don’t even know what the hell I’m saying.
Who really ‘needs’ an i-Pod?
Hey moonbats – How’s that “great society” workin’ out for ya?
Single mothers get all their bills paid by The Producers so they can continue to breed out of fucking control.
Got whole cities like Nawlins full of greedy fucking parasites totally dependent on The Producers.
In the meantime, bridges fall down and people die. No big deal I guess… mostly rich white people died. Fuck ’em.
@39 Is this what you’re complaining about, klake? The fact Democrats agreed to investigate the GOP complaints? If the shoe was on the other foot, Republicans would stonewall.
“A ‘stolen’ vote in Congress? Democrats OK investigation
“By Jonathan Weisman and Elizabeth Williamson
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — The House late Friday unanimously agreed to create a special select committee, with subpoena powers, to investigate Republican allegations that Democratic leaders had ‘stolen’ a victory on a parliamentary vote.”
Looks like the Democrats have nothing to hide here, unlike your water boy Gonzo.
@41 Ya know, muffin, I’d almost give ya Reichert’s seat … as a consolation prize … so you guys don’t feel totally shut out the morning after Nov. 4, 2008. See, I can be nice when I want to be.
@51 Almost, but not quite. I think I’d rather watch Darcy kick Reichert’s butt out of D.C., then watch you and your trollfuck buddies squirm!
More from the tin hat brigade….
“They have let Bush start and run his bullshit war without holding him accountable. They control talk radio. They control everything but the blogs. This is our last place for truth.”
Hey…..RES….speaking of blogs….HA gets less traffic than SP or Orbusmax…
I recommend putting the shinny side facing outward… reflects all that “right wing” radiation…
@42 “Wow, now the MSM is biased to the right? What a joke!”
I won’t get into this argument with you, except to say that, as always, you’re full of shit.
Fuck off.
Hey, guess who Norm Coleman doesn’t fucking care about? Gee, I guess it’s white people who die tragically in a bridge accident!
@45 Still smarting from the ass-whuppin’ you took last November, Marky?
@49 Who pays YOUR bills, MTR? You don’t. Welsher.
@53 “the shinny side”
When you gonna learn how to spell, dumbass? I’m only a fucking rabbit, and even I can do better than that.
Newsweek Slams Global Warming Deniers
More bad news for rightwing liars: Newsweek is coming out with a cover story this week that details how global warming deniers bought fringe scientists and seeded the media with falsehoods about the gravest environmental threat of modern times. And yes, there’s a vast corporate conspiracy behind all the lies. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20.....ek/page/0/
These idiot wingnuts think that they are arguing with “the Happy Warrior”!
And I’m just as pleased as punch about that!
@49 You wouldn’t know a Producer if you reached in one’s pocket! Pay your gambling debt, loser!
Big Blue Wave? Do you mean TSUNAMI?
I better get that copyrighted while I can……..
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick…..
Newsweek Slams Global Warming Deniers
More bad news for rightwing liars: Newsweek is coming out with a cover story this week that details how global warming deniers bought fringe scientists and seeded the media with falsehoods about the gravest environmental threat of modern times.
Yeah, I heard about that cover story. There is also going to be an interesting article on how you really can flush a Koran down a toilet. heehehehehehehe
Don Joe says:
So, how long are the sock puppets going to pipe up with the empty shirt/skirt comments before they realize how repeating such a vacuous claim means they can’t win on the issues? You know the R’s are scared when the only complaint thay can come up with is a lack of “experience”.
Uhhhh……because its the truth? Nothing wrong with repeating facts.
@53 “the shinny side”
When you gonna learn how to spell, dumbass? I’m only a fucking rabbit, and even I can do better than that.
08/04/2007 at 5:47 pm
Roger Rabbit says:
Newsweek Slams Global Warming Deniers
More bad news for rightwing liars: Newsweek is coming out with a cover story this week that details how global warming deniers bought fringe scientists and seeded the media with falsehoods about the gravest environmental threat of modern times. And yes, there’s a vast corporate conspiracy behind all the lies. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20 122975/site/newsweek/page/0/
Ooops my bad on the sp.
And I guess this news week story is more proof of the right wing hold on the msm??
Which is it?
@63 Wingnut response to global warming: “There is also going to be an interesting article on how you really can flush a Koran down a toilet.” That’s why wingnuts shouldn’t be put in charge of a latrine, let alone a government.
@64 Anytime a wingnut flips out the word “truth,” watch out!
@65 I consider Newsweek more objective than, say, an Exxon press release. You?
Wrong Stuff you saying those right wing blogs for traitors get more traffic – doesn’t make it true. But IF true, what does it matter? What sort of point does that make?
Dems still control Washington government. Which would you rather control? The blogs or the Statehouse?
And by the way, Faux News has a 1.9 % share compared with roughly 10% for CNN, 9% for MSNBC. Also, Technorati Top 100 is dominated by liberal blogs.
Whether or not we get to dominate the traffic – we still get to say our piece. And I know Wrong Stuff that traitors to freedom like you can’t stand that. Get over it. There’s not a fucking thing you can do about it as you go to bed tonight living under a Democratic Statehouse, run by a Democratic Governor in a state with two Democratic US Senators. HE HE!
Gotta give props to RogerRabbit, he’s keeping this blog busy by himself. And to think I only visited this blog via a link about far-left hate speech.
I don’t wanna get anyone in trouble, why can’t more of the posters be like SeattleJew. He’s obviously highly educated and opinionated but doesn’t let hate/discontent drag him down like so many others here. I’d actually like to meet SeattleJew next time I’m in Washington visiting my sister.
That said, RogerRabbit has been a busy little poster.
re 70: You already said that before — and that’s why I hate you.
@56 Rodent,
What exactly are your referring too? Sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier, but I unlike you have a life and other things to do. See post @70 for evidence of your lack of one.
@71 headless twat:
Like anyone cares what you think. Try looking in your ass for that head of yours.
#71 headless lucy says:
I didn’t already say that. Sorry to see it takes so little for you to hate someone. Ever consider getting some therapy? Tell your therapist you have Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Roger Rabbit
OK the reason I asked is I have wondered how much abuse is going to occur as we switch from confidential voting to mail in ballots.
I was thinking as an exercise in fun to offer my votes in certain races to anyone at DL willing to pay me a fee. The idea would be that they can see me fill int he pproriate part of the ballot.
I guess that this would be illegal form what you said. So, how far can I go? Would it be OK to bring a mail-in ballot and take a vote in the room and thenn vote however the majority declared I should?
Moonbat 101:
Post 25-
Roger Rabbit says:
@25 Of course there’s media bias. It’s hard to find a MSM outlet these days that isn’t spouting the wingnut line and shilling for GOP liars. Maybe that’s because all the media outlets are owned by rich white guys, and all those rich white guys are Republicans.
Later on Post 59
Roger Rabbit says:
Newsweek Slams Global Warming Deniers
More bad news for rightwing liars: Newsweek is coming out with a cover story this week that details how global warming deniers bought fringe scientists and seeded the media with falsehoods about the gravest environmental threat of modern times.
Hehehehehe Wow-Moonbats can’t even keep a lie straight through a thread.
Why no mention of “blue dog” democrats when talking about Dems being voted into power in the 2006 election? It’s not as if liberal democrats were the lucky recipients of the voters choice.
@75 The law doesn’t prohibit asking someone else for advice on how to vote. For example, Bush sent 3,600 American kids to die to bring democracy to Iraq, and here’s how it works there:
Iraqi goes to his mosque and asks his imam who he should vote for. The imam says, “Allah wants you to vote for me.” The Iraqi says, “Okay.”
See how that works? That kind of democracy is great for people who have no experience at thinking for themselves.
re 77: I hate you.
Re 77: No. You did say the same thing in a different thread. It would be very little trouble for me to look it up.
You are a liar and your only purpose here is to stir the pot.
That’s why I hate you.
re 77: You are accusing the left wing blogosphere of being hateful.
I’m only giving you what you are looking for. Unless you are just here to stir the pot.
Either way, I hate you. I really do.
Lucy, he’s just another drone. Ain’t worth the effort.
So, if I were to have a party, provide free beer and Oscar Meyer wieners, could I then require folks to bring their ballots as admission tickets and then have a group voting session?
Can’t we all just get along?
@ 64
Nice to see you admit that Darcy Burner has you running scared.
@ 70
You do realize that your ad-hominem against the Rabbit means that you’ve lost the argument, don’t you? Seriously, if you could rebut his arguments, you wouldn’t be spending time looking up when the Rabbit posts.
@ 76
The MSM has been cooking the global warming story for over two decades. We finally get one story that lays out the truth, and you claim this as evidence that there’s no right-ward bias in the media. When is a wingnut not lying? When he’s dissembling.
Don Joe says:
@ 70
You do realize that your ad-hominem against the Rabbit means that you’ve lost the argument, don’t you? Seriously, if you could rebut his arguments, you wouldn’t be spending time looking up when the Rabbit posts.
Ad Hominem attacks = losing argument? If that’s true, then Roger Rabbit and just about every other far left crazy in here is hopelessly defeated since they can’t manage to post without viciously attacking anyone that does not agree with them.
You don’t post in here to prompt discussion: you post in here to annoy and stir up shit. Everyone can easily see that, why the pretensions?
No, he is merely pointing out what a loser Rodent is by having all day every day to post obsessively on this site; Rabbit couldn’t win an intelligent argument if he tried. 1.) he’s not smart enough, 2.) He never offers alternative solutions or suggestions on the issues of his own; he merely GOP bashes, and finally 3.) he really is a hypocrit-as he sits around in his bathrobe all day sucking down our gov’t cheese tax dollars like a leech. The point is, until he becomes a productive member of society his spewings and rants really have no meaning. It’s all empty space.
@79headless lucy says:
I believe that.
@80 headless lucy says:
I’ve said nothing about blue dog democrats, if you think you can look it up go ahead. I double blue dog dare you. Don’t be like your elected democrat leaders and say one thing (impeach, get out of the war) and do another (troop surge, FISA, etc.).
@81 headless lucy says:
That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate. But if it’s only for me, please explain your headless lucy’s biker blog. Posts you made before I showed up here are filled with hate. The majority of your top posts are about hate. Fox is wrong on global warming, reichert illegally franking, create negative buzz for reichert, fox attacks campaign, bush national disgrace, scooter libby pardon.
Again, I do believe you are capable of hating people because they have a differing opinion.
Saith Mark:
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
Precisely. Come here to outrage people for your amusement.
What a pathetic loser.
You castigate Roger for posting all day, while you come here just to annoy people to satisfy your own weird, aberrant psychopathology.
What a winner!
Don Joe says: @ 70
I lost the argument that hate spewing left wing bloggers (#9 Eat shit, rightys! Your day is over. You’re done.) sit around all day posting?
#90 chadt says:
Precisely. Come here to outrage people for your amusement.
There was left-wing hate on this board before I got here. Don’t go blaming me for causing the hate that’s displayed on a daily basis. That is “intellectually dishonesty.”
Blame me for bring it to your attention.
@83 The election laws are complex and full of potential pitfalls that could land you in jail or cost you a hefty fine. Hire me and I’ll make sure everything is done legally.
@84 No. There are people we not only shouldn’t get along with, but should actively try to exterminate.*
* Just kidding! Humor stolen from Ann Coulter Jokes, LLP.
@84 How do you propose to get along with people who want to put us in concentration camps and execute us?
@84 (continued) You can’t get along with a Nazi, and you can’t get along with a Wingnut, either.
@86 I don’t attack you, I merely correct your errors. We’re all Americans and friends here, just a bunch of friendly folk with a few honest differences of opinion, and you’re lying through your fascist ass when you suggest otherwise, you nazi punk!
For those who haven’t figured it out yet, my comment @97 is intended as satire.
@88 Guys like you love to extol self-reliance and the glories of the free market system, but you can’t stand it when a rabbit becomes successful enough to live off his retirement savings out the trash yourself, wingnut, ‘cuz I don’t work for you anymore!
P.S., wingnuts like Mark1 are lying when they assert I’m living on taxpayer money; the truth is, my pension checks come from money that was deducted from my paychecks and invested by the state. State retirees like me get no public subsidy of our health insurance, either; I have to pay the full cost of my insurance myself. And Mark1 knows this, because I have posted these facts many times. So fuck you, you lying wingnut piece of shit!
Hmmm … part of my last comment dropped out for some inexplicable reason. It should read:
@88 Guys like you love to extol self-reliance and the glories of the free market system, but you can’t stand it when a rabbit becomes successful enough to live off his retirement savings and investments! Enjoy taking out the trash yourself, wingnut, ‘cuz I don’t work for you anymore!
@88 (continued) What cheap labor conservatives like Mark1 really want is to keep the rest of us over a barrel, so we’re forced to work for whatever they feel like paying us in order to survive. Then they can pay us next to nothing, and don’t have to do any work themselves, while keeping all of the economy’s output for themselves.
@88 (continued) Cheap labor conservatives also want to force the wage slaves to pay all the taxes, so they don’t have to pay anything. They want to use public highways, bridges, universities, etc. for free. They also want to receive massive government subsidies for their businesses — all free, of course. Or, more accurately, at someone else’s expense. Above all, they want to keep other people down, so they don’t have to compete. Free market advocates actually hate competition. They want to eliminate competition so they can charge high prices and get away with delivering shoddy goods and services to captive customers who have no choice about buying from them.
Well, I don’t work anymore! Why should I? I’m now a self-reliant capitalist! Congress doesn’t want me to work. They punish workers by taxing them 3 to 4 times as much as they tax investors. What Congress really wants you to do is inherit a shitload of money, because they don’t tax people who inherit $2.5 million at all. Not only that, they don’t tax the people who made the $2.5 million, either! That’s because heirs get a stepped up basis in the estate property, so no taxes are ever paid on the capital gains on the property comprising the estate. Congress is using tax incentives to create a society in which no one does any work and everyone lives on whatever they were lucky enough to inherit from the previous generation. If you had poor parents and didn’t inherit anything — well, you should have chosen better parents!
@90 Why shouldn’t I post on HorsesAss all day? I’m a member of the leisure class now. Funny how it pisses off Republicans when a liberal gets to live like a Republican!
If you want to help me live like a Republican, call 1-900-GIV2-ROG. Your phone bill will be charged $24.95 a minute + hidden charges. All proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@86 Key words are “if true.” Since you said them…and since you’re a lying Publican cunt – they are NOT true – so nothing to worry about.
@99 Rodent:
Just because YOU post something doesn’t make it factual; it’s totally subjective. Glad I hit a nerve though Rodent-that always makes me grin. *grins*
And we still don’t believe you…..
And who cares?
And here it goes again on this site….the left wingnuts trash the right wingnuts while fogetting that this district is close to the middle despite all trends of slight shifting. I am one of the voters looking for the common sense middle and prefer Rodney Tom to represent my views over Reichert and Burner. Political extremists and their methods turn me off. Tom is just right for the 8th.