Time to MoveOn edition.
* So, yeah, I’m about as pissed off as Brad. The country has gone nuts. Seriously, 22 Democrats, fuck the heck (and thank goodness our Senators weren’t among that group)? Of course, nobody seemed to be mad when Republicans you know, did much worse. But at least the liberal media will stand up to this nonsense. And just because we’re pissed off at some Democrats doesn’t mean that the righties and their pathetic excuses get a pass. Anyway, the best way for MoveOn to get into the good graces of the far right is probably to needlessly insult Muslims.
* And if you want to know who hates the troops, the real answer is the anti-sex right.
* And speaking of the anti-sex right, did you know they were anti-sex?
* So how did you spend your International Day of Peace?
* Ann Coulter needs a better fact checker. Or to stop lying, I guess.
* According to those guardians of the free market, crazy assed Republicans, there’s no difference between price fixing and press releases.
* Dave Reichert still isn’t independent or bi-partisan.
* The people who named the South Lake Union Trolley should have thought a bit harder.
* Dino Rossi’s idea man can’t figure out why some people might find the name of the Washington Redskins offensive.
This is an open thread.