Shoppers, start your computers! It’s Cyber Monday, the day when Christmas hordes supposedly rush to the office to log on and snap up all those bargain gifts they were too crazed, lazy or calculating to buy on Black Friday. At least, that was the original impetus back in the day, when the vast majority of home connections were dial-up and office offered faster broadband.
Today, of course, the disparity no longer exists. So I’m thinking Cyber Monday is on shaky ground too. I’m thinking bargain hunting is much more iterative, you know, do the search, grab the killer deal, put other stuff on the wish list. Monday really has nothing to do with it any more. Besides, with the network cops monitoring your PC ever so much more closely, is it really a smart idea to spend the day surf-shopping?
Anyway, we’ll see what the data says. My experience was always this: Big Prediction, Day-After Declared Success, Unexpected Falloff and finally, when all the actual stats get analyzed and nobody’s paying attention, online shopping not such a big deal after all.
In addition to killer deals, here’s the deal on killers. This just in from Perugia: the boyfriend did it, according to the German guy’s lawyer, who has the almost Coenesque name of Walter Biscotti (thereby ruining my afternoon tea accompaniment). But the big news is yet another homicide, a 20-year-old Eastern Washington lad dragged to death behind a pickup for four miles in an apparent case of miscommunication.
Normally I’m not so drawn to the ugly side of life. It must have something to do with all the holiday cheer of this, the merriest of seasons.
In normal news, the P–I notes the upcoming legislative session by asking whether “tax fatigue” really exists (best wild guess: it doesn’t, but voters are frightened by incompetence and the economy). I dunno, HA readers: What do YOU think?????!!!!!
I did get one early Christmas gift today: Racist hypocrite (but otherwise good ol’ boy) Trent Lott is resigning. Having my own but not wanting to spoil the fray, I look forward to postings on various theories why. And finally, a clip from
yesterday’s last week’s Seahawks game has climbed way up on the DIGG and YouTube ratings, certain to outrank even the thrilling conclusion (the other QB fumbled on the 2-foot line!) to yesterday’s fiercely contested gridiron clash in the fabled 2007-8 season annals of ‘Hawks replays. Herewith: