Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky, who remains undefeated in 2014. The correct answer was Middletown, CT.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from January, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky, who remains undefeated in 2014. The correct answer was Middletown, CT.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from January, good luck!
by Goldy — ,
by Darryl — ,
David Pakman: WI Republicans propose 7 day work week bill.
N-S-Ay What?
Stephen discovers a Chinese knockoff.
White House: West Wing Week.
Because Freedom!
Stephen: Net neutrality.
Thom: Could a Rand Paul candidacy be the best thing ever for liberals?.
Absurdity Today : The end of democracy, justice, AND cat videos.
Fighting World Poverty:
David Pakman: SF’s $10.74 minimum wage has not hurt the economy.
ONN: Onion Week in Review.
This Week in the Wingnut War on Women™:
Young Turks: Dinesh D’Louza.
Mental Floss: 33 fun facts about Colleges.
Republican Voter Fraud Fraud:
Maddow: Does fracking cause earth quakes.
Stephen: Mars has doughnuts.
G.O.P. Corrupt Governor’s Club:
Chris Hayes: ‘President Obama is black’ is the latest FAUX, right-wing racial freakout.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Thank you for opposing a sanctions bill against Iran at this time. While we don’t know the future, it’s important to give negotiations a chance to work, if we want to find a long-term fix to Iran’s nuclear problem. While most of the hard work remains, it would have been hard to imagine getting this far, even a year ago.
If future negotiations fail, there will be time to impose new sanctions. If we have to go back to more belligerent actions and rhetoric, at least let us say we did what we could to have real peace.
And hopefully these sorts of negotiations will lead to advances on human rights and other issues where we differ with Iran. Being able to sit at the table and make real progress can often lead to more sitting around the table and making more progress.
Thank You Once Again,
Carl Ballard
You can write Senator Murray here if you want on this or any other issue.
by Carl Ballard — ,
That’s the proposal from Representative Jessyn Farrell for the entire state. Goldy has the details and some speculation about what it could mean for Seattle’s efforts.
Washington’s current inflation-indexed minimum wage of $9.32 an hour is already on pace to exceed $10 an hour by 2017, so the actual net increase on final phase-in would be less than $2 an hour. But that’s not nothing to the half-million or so Washingtonians who see their wages go up. It’s also arguably good for the economy and good for taxpayers.
“If families have more money in their pocket, it lessens the demand for government assistance,” Farrell explained in a press release. “That saves all of us money.”
True. Although it’s first and foremost a moral issue. People ought to be able to survive and raise a family in this state. And a minimum wage ought to be reflective of that. I’d still prefer a $15 minimum wage statewide, but this is an obvious improvement.
by Carl Ballard — ,
The news broke today that Cathy McMorris Rodgers is going to do the rebuttal to the State Of the Union. I think it’s actually a decent choice to not have it be someone who is running for president. The linked piece makes it sound like she’s going to talk about her personal story. The only policy stuff they mention is:
She said through Boehner’s office that she was “honored” to be sharing the Republican vision for the future: “one that trusts the American people and doesn’t limit where you finish because of where you started.”
So it leaves us guessing exactly what she’ll be talking about. Maybe how the Democrats’ support of strengthening the Violence Against Women Act, The Affordable Care Act and talking about immigration reform, are against American Values. Maybe she’ll talk about made up fetal pain and her party’s plan to force women to stay pregnent. Perhaps she’ll complain about how high taxes are even though Federal taxes are lower for most Americans than they’ve been in a long time. Maybe she’ll talk about her brave opposition to Sandy relief. Perhaps she’ll finally be able to name some of the specific spending cuts she’s for. She’ll probably try to turn the rhetoric of the war on women on its head. Maybe she’ll just make stuff up about marijuana.
by Carl Ballard — ,
by Carl Ballard — ,
I’m glad that Oregon’s death penalty moratorium was upheld, but this is one of the strangest cases I’ve ever heard of.
Oregon death-row inmate Gary Haugen’s legal quest to force his own execution ended Tuesday when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider his case.
Without comment, the court denied his petition for writ of certiorari. The court turns down the vast majority of requests it receives each year to review a case.
But two weeks before Haugen’s planned execution date, Kitzhaber issued a reprieve and declared he would not allow any executions as long as he is governor. Kitzhaber criticized capital punishment as “morally wrong” and argued that Oregon’s system “fails to meet basic standards of justice.”
Haugen sued Kitzhaber. The late Senior Judge Timothy Alexander in 2012 agreed with Haugen’s arguments that the inmate had to accept Kitzhaber’s reprieve in order for it to be effective. But on appeal, the Oregon Supreme Court overturned that decision, finding that the governor’s action needed no such acceptance.
Here’s hoping Oregon can end their death penalty on a more permanent basis than who is governor. Still, even though it’s not an ideal way to do it, it would be a good example to Governor Inslee.
by Carl Ballard — ,
In yesterday’s Open Thread, I linked to a piece about two Senators who are trying to preempt SeaTac’s $15 an hour minimum wage initiative. The state minimum wage ought to be a floor. If localities want to do better, there’s no moral reason to preempt them.
It’s a shitty enough idea on its own, of course, but it’s also an attempt to preempt Seattle’s $15 process. And thinking about this piece of legislation rattling around in my mind hit loose this from last session: It seems rather similar to the attempt to preempt the Seattle Sick Leave/ Safe Leave law. And I also thought of this Rodney Tom piece of work from a week or so ago. Again, Rodney Tom thinks that the sick leave/safe leave law (I assume that’s at least part of the shorthand for McGinn) was a boon for the Eastside because it harmed Seattle. He also thinks that it’s his job to harm Seattle if it helps the East Side.
It seems like only two of those three things can be true. If the Rodney Toms and John Brauns of the legislature thought their job was to have “filled up our office towers” at the expense of Seattle and that liberal laws at the local level were doing that, they wouldn’t propose legislation to preempt those laws. So at least one of those things is a lie. Since they’re proposing — and in the last session passing through the Senate — these laws we can assume that they want these laws passed. That leaves either Seattle and SeaTac’s laws aren’t as harmful to business as they say, or those legislators aren’t as anti-Seattle as they say. Given their willingness to fuck with Seattle on a whole host of issues from the cost overrun provision* of a state highway to treating Seattle like a piggy bank to not letting Metro fund itself, they clearly have issues with urban King County, and Seattle specifically.
So that leaves the Sick Leave/Safe Leave law and the $15 minimum wage being bad for business. Given their other two positions, it seems like this is the weak point. As I said in that previous post last week, Seattle is doing OK with our employment regulations. Maybe those legislators are more worried that their constituents will be see what Seattle and SeaTac are doing and want it for themselves.
by Darryl — ,
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is “on tour,” searching for a new meeting location. The folks who showed up last week agreed to a list of places to try for the next month. We’ll visit a new place each week.
This week we meet at the Madrona Eatery and Ale House. Starting time is 8:00pm. I hope you can join us.
Can’t make it tonight? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. The Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters also meet on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the Bellingham and Burien chapters meet. And on Thursday, the Woodinville chapter meets.
With 213 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I know at this point Sarah Palin is just hoping for links to her horrible screeds, but she really has to stop.
– You know, if the legislature shuts down the local option for a $15 minimum wage, there probably could be a statewide initiative.
– I’m also a sucker for good Samaritan stories.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Happy MLK Day.
– Hell of a game last night. Still, the celebration was maybe a bit much for the NFC Championship (It wasn’t, you know, winning the Super Bowl, or V-J Day).
– Postgame interviews are probably unhelpful. Also, Richard Sherman is everything one could want in a professional athlete. He is a walking example of the difference sports can make, of how one man can channel fierce intelligence and an almost frightening competitive fire into something productive and riveting. He is precisely the type of person you should cheer for.
– Couple healing up after struck by car while walking across Stone Way
– 10 Questions Bill Simmons And ESPN Should Answer About ‘Dr. V’s Magical Putter’
by Lee — ,
by Goldy — ,
Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
by Carl Ballard — ,
“I have to show my love of the Seahawks somehow. I think we can all agree the most logical thing would be if I get some window decals and a flag for my car. OK, but then to really make sure I’m helping the team out — really 12th manning it up — I’m going to have to drive through downtown honking at 10:30 or so. You know for the team.”
– Someone, apparently.