Well…I got a late start at it, but here is your open thread for the GOP debate…
I’ll add some snark and tweetery as the mood strikes.
So…one of the reasons I am so late is that I didn’t realize there was no livestream from CNBC. I ended up on some live-feed that includes a panel of wingnut pundits. Google infowars.com and livestream or something.
One pundit dude refers to “Paul Rino” and later says he doesn’t think Rubio is unqualified.
That Rubio-Jeb(!) exchange is like when your kid whips your ass in one-on-one for the 1st time.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 29, 2015
5:43: Issues? Issues anyone?
5:47: I agree with Cruz…let’s put some substance into this debate!
5:48: Of course, Cruz dodged a debt ceiling question in the process.
I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but Carly Fiorina consistently comes of as a tad unlikeable. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
5:49: Awwwwww…that’s adorable. They let Rand talk.
5:50: Christie gets a turn. Christie claims the govt. lies to you about Social Security, and then goes on to make the amateurish mistake of calling it “an entitlement”. It isn’t. You paid in.
I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but Carly Fiorina consistently comes of as a tad unlikeable. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Mike Huckabee to Ted Cruz: Keep your Big Government hands off my Social Security.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 29, 2015
Remember how the RNC was going to keep GOP debates all civil and orderly this time?
— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) October 29, 2015
By the way, how come Rubio gets counted down for his youth and inexperience while Cruz, the same age and experience, gets a pass?
— David Horsey (@davidhorsey) October 29, 2015
Good question!
Are we at the "I was a poor kid and now I'm rich" part of the debate?
#WheresTheFastForwardButton? #GOPDebate #CNBCGOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) October 29, 2015
Cruz, "My dad was a single mom…."
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) October 29, 2015
So far, the moderators are doing the most damaging thing possible to @realDonaldTrump: ignoring him
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) October 29, 2015
6:18: Carson is ALL for equal rights for same sex couples…but NO MARRIAGE!
Actually, Ben Carson, believing that LGBT People should have fewer rights than straight people DOES in fact make you a homophobe #GOPDebate
— Will McLeod (@WillMcLeod99) October 29, 2015
Guys, I think Jeb Bush has to make out with Obama: https://t.co/gfDGjXHcJP pic.twitter.com/2c3xUD2QkJ
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 29, 2015
6:27: The Donald goes after SuperPacs…is he running for Bernie’s VP?
All night candidates have smelled blood, unfortunately for the moderators it's their own
— Joe St. George (@JoeStGeorge) October 29, 2015
6:30: Cruz, “Loose money”. For some reason David Vitter jumps to mind….
I’m still blown away that CNBC couldn’t cite the source on the Trump question. IT’S ON HIS WEBSITE. https://t.co/1cgzqASUYR
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 29, 2015
6:34: Mr. Huckabee, I’ve known gas bags and you are one gas bag.
The CNBC moderators seem like substitute teachers: not particularly competent and bullied by smart-alleck students
— Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) October 29, 2015
Incompetent questioning yes, but this was the most important debate to date: it finished off the Bush campaign.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) October 29, 2015
Kasich: "Income inequality is driven by a lack of skills." Not true. Income inequality is driven by rules that are rigged in favor of the 1%
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
My guess: After this debate gets factored in only R’s over 5% in national poll average will be Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) October 29, 2015
Trump clearly doesn't understand what somebody wrote in his immigration plan about H1-B visas. #CNBCGOPDebate
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 29, 2015
Trump Once Said Of Guns: “Nothing I Like Better Than Nobody Has Them” https://t.co/sEx6df62bl
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) October 29, 2015
So far, I think every candidate has had a moment worth touting or YouTubing… except Bush. #NBC2016
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) October 29, 2015
6:52: Christie, “When I’m president, police will know it!” Yep. Overtime traffic jam duty pay.
Fiorina makes call for return to Lochner era, saying that there's no constitutional authority for the government to set min wage. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Clearly, somebody is doing well in his fantasy football league (amirite, Gov Christie?) #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Christie just ate Bush's lunch! And probably others. Now this is the inning we have to get some runs!!
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) October 29, 2015
Were this an actual horse race, I'm pretty sure the entire field would be shot. #GOPDebate https://t.co/lD5KIbSCwq
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) October 29, 2015
Huckabee thinks it's easy to eradicate diseases because he knows they don't evolve. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
Fiorina: "The federal government should not be in a lot of things. The only things they should be in are marriages & women's private areas."
— Craig Rozniecki (@CraigRozniecki) October 29, 2015
7:10: Chris Christie’s run-on, repeated rant is the second “runaway blimp” story of the day!
Chris Christie using that "keep your hands on your wallet line again." (Though to be fair, whenever I'm in NJ I keep my hands on my wallet.)
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
7:15: Christie repeatedly said he was “deadly serious” about changing things. Did he mean “dead serious”? In any case, brings to mind that bridge traffic jam….
Rand Paul wants a government so small he can't see it. Like a GOP penis. #GOPDebate
— Wonkette (@Wonkette) October 29, 2015
Trump promises America a lifetime of shorter debates. pic.twitter.com/I7OGMHAICl
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) October 29, 2015
#CNBCGOPDebate Shut up #MikeHuckabee You're there to sell your book.
— esd2000 (@esd2000) October 29, 2015
"I will change the culture in Washington," says the son and brother of two of the last four presidents. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 29, 2015
That concludes tonight's debate. We return to ongoing blimp coverage underway in Pennsylvania pic.twitter.com/L1eDPf1nph
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) October 29, 2015
@srjones66 I thought tonight's GOP debate was won by @BernieSanders and @HlLLARY split evenly
— ChuckTv (@Chucktv2) October 29, 2015
Well…that was “a thing.” It was my first GOP debate this cycle (and I was mostly listening to the audio), and it was pretty much the vacuous puffery that I expected. The only surprise to me was Trump’s strong statements against PACs. Other than that, Trump was just a meaningless braggart. Rand Paul morphed into Ron Paul, and came off more fringy than ever. Christie spewed pre-prepared platitudes. Rubio sounded angry and whiny. The Huckster is still a nut. Carson said things, but I don’t really remember them. And there were some other people talking, too. The debate moderators were TERRIBLE (and I am sure that is a bipartisan sentiment).