Anyone had a chance to read Nick Licata’s new book yet? I have not, but I’m still excited to see him at SPL if I can get there on time. And I’m very glad that he’s having a post-retirement public life.
HA Bible Study: Leviticus 11:5
Leviticus 11:5
And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.
If Our Editorial Boards Want to Be Taken Seriously About Education Funding, They Need to Start Talking Seriously About Revenue
I suppose, good on the Seattle Times editorial board for pushing legislators to solve Washington’s education funding crisis sooner than later: “State must start working harder to find an education-funding fix.” But considering the decades-long role our state’s editorial boards have played in obstructing funding reforms, I have a hard time taking them seriously when they offer weak sauce prevarication this:
Fixing a financing problem built for decades will be complicated, require a massive shift in property taxes and probably should include a new revenue source, such as a capital-gains tax. These are tough, but necessary, political tasks. The court set a deadline of 2018.
Okay. First of all, let’s be absolutely clear that the “massive shift in property taxes” that they’re talking about—the property tax levy swap—produces no net new revenue for our public schools. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It helps address the equity issue, yes, but it merely shifts funds from local levies to the state levy. So the editors should really look up the words “swap” and “shift” in the dictionary before misleading readers that this “shift” represents a funding solution (unless, of course, misleading readers is their intent).
Second, fixing the financing problem will “probably” require a new revenue source? Really? Just “probably?” Um, how the fuck else do you suppose we’re going to close the “eye-watering” funding gap that even the editors acknowledge to be “about $3.5 billion?” Glad to see them on board with a capital gains tax, but the estimated $800 million it might raise would still only get us less than a quarter of the way to the McCleary mandate; modifying the need for new revenue with a big fat “probably” isn’t likely to help lead us the rest of the way there. I mean, if the editors (or Republicans, for that matter) have any realistic suggestions for slicing $3 billion or so from elsewhere in the budget, let’s hear it. No? That’s what I thought. So enough with the “probably” already.
This isn’t my opinion folks. It’s math. There’s simply no way to meet McLeary without billions of dollars in new revenue. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
Quite frankly, if our state’s editorial boards want to play a serious role in solving this very serious crisis, then they’re going to have to start talking about it seriously. And that means leveling with their readers that we need to raise about $3.5 billion in new revenue. Whether that means a substantial increase in our perversely regressive state sales tax and/or an expansion in the sales tax to services (or even food) and/or a hike in our state property tax levy without slashing local levies in return and/or the repeal of billions of dollars of tax “preferences” (exemptions, loopholes, whatever) and/or a spanking new capital gains tax — or the serious and sensible alternative: a modern, sustainable, and less regressive tax structure that taxes income like almost every other goddamn state — well, the voters will ultimately have the final say on the specifics. But we’ll never get to that point until our state’s so-called “opinion leaders” start having a serious conversation about the facts, however painful and unpopular they might be.
This is an opportunity for our editorial boards to reclaim some relevance by helping to lead our state toward a serious and sustainable education funding solution. And it may be the last opportunity they have.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza
Conan and Zach Galifianakis talk about shushing the president.
Will humans be obsolete after the new industrial revolution?
Seth Meyers: Late Night Demopublican presidential debate:
Stephen gets a straight answer from Donald Rumsfeld.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about animals.
The microbes of New York.
Trever Noah: Getting personal at the CNN Democratic Town Hall.
Honest political ads: Puppets.
The 2016 Lunatic Asylum Squad:
- Young Turks: The Debate’s biggest loser.
- Young Turks: Worst line of the debate.
- Young Turks: Worst fail of the debate.
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Even without Trump, GOP debate manages to sink even lower
- Francesca Fiorentini: Has the GOP always been this off the rails?
- Michael Brooks: Creepy Ted Cruz video from his high school days.
- Young Ted Cruz outtakes.
- David Pakman: CBS hosts laughs in Ted Cruz’s lying face.
- Michael Brooks: Trump thinks the Ted Cruz Canadian thing is very serious.
- Sam Seder: Bizarre Video of Oregon militia sumo guy to Chris Christie
- Young Turks: Sumo militia person threatens Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie yells at woman, basically calls her a liar.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina sold baby parts.
- Daily Show: Ted or Donald…who is marginally less awful?
- Stephen: GOP edition of “Would You Rather”
- Maddow: Donald Trump vet stunts hurt real veteran outreach
- Seth Meyers with A couple of things: Trump and FAUX.
- Sam Seder: Was Trump justified in skipping the debate?
- Trevor Noah: Kelly v. Trump.
- Young Turks: Trump fans viciously swarm Megyn Kelly.
- Harry Reid is “pulling for” Donald Trump. (I guess that’s better than pulling for Santorum….)
- Inside the mind of a Donald Trump speech writer.
- Stephen moderates an all Trump debate.
- Farron Cousins: Is the GOP really this dumb?
Maddow: Who is to blame for Flint’s water problem?
A different kind of rape control.
Seth Meyers polls some Iowans.
Stephen holds a town hall meeting.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part I.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part II.
Young Turks: Will Obama become a Supreme Court Justice.
Planned Parenthood Surprise:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Planned Parenthood indictments.
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood cleared, two indicted over doctored tapes.
- David Pakman: Carly Fiorina loses it after “baby parts” filmmakers indicted
Stephen: Bernie Sanders promposals.
Farron Cousins: Is Sarah Palin the worst parent EVER???
Stupidest laws in the United States.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: Life hacks tested and debunked.
Malicious Militia:
- Young Turks: Militia member killed by police.
- David Pakman: Unhinged militia lunatic promises bloodbath.
- Arrests and one dead in Oregon standoff.
- Young Turks: What is the right punishment for Oregon militia?
- David Pakman: Oregon militant went for gun twice before being shot.
- Young Turks: Oregon shootout leaves one dead, militia threatens “bloodbath”
Stephen: A Simon & Garfunkel tune for every candidate.
Florida politicians sell out sick babies.
Why does Iowa get to pick first?
Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Obama finally fights back against Republican obstruction.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Friday Thread
With the Iowa Caucuses a few days away, I think this is the furthest in a contested primary that I’m still up in the air. I like Sanders and Clinton quite a bit. While there have been some moments that have been quite a problem, by and large, the process has been good. I think it has forced Hillary Clinton to address economic issues and Black Lives Matter in a way that she might not if she was running in a general. It has moved Sanders in ways I like on guns and reproductive rights. Whoever wins the caucus and ultimately the nomination will be well situated for the general.
G.O.P. Debate (sans one Trumphole)
Its happening tonight starting at 6pm local, another FAUX News Republican Debate.
And there WILL BE BLOOD…from whereever. (Hmmmm…reminds me of this debate from the 2008 campaign.)
There will be one notable change: There will be no Donald J. Trump at this debate. It seems that Donald Trump is afraid of a girl.
I’ll liveblog when I get the chance. Use the comment thread for your own penetrating analyses.
Or, just fling your own poo.
6:08: You can stream the debate live at
Jeb!: "this election is not about our pedigree"
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
First fib of the night: Jeb Bush says he "kinda misses Donald Trump." Uh, not credible.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato) January 29, 2016
6:09: Rubio, in his opening salvo, still comes off as irrationally angry and defensive like an adolescent. Or…as Atrios puts it…
Think rubio needs his binky
— Atrios (@Atrios) January 29, 2016
How far into the #GOPDebate do you think we'll get before FoxNews moderator asks an actual policy question?
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:15: Kasich is so general that is words get lost.
6:17: Ben Carson: “We need people who can think out of the box.” Let’s call it “Pyramid Thinking.”
Fifteen minutes into the debate, not a single question about the candidates' positions on a single issue.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) January 29, 2016
6:19: Earth to Marco: ISIS is NOT the most dangerous terrorist group ever. Not even close.
Ted Cruz really, really wants to be Ronald Reagan.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
So, Rubio is promising a ground war—"overwhelming force"— in Syria and Iraq against ISIS? Good to know. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:30: Please, please, please, Ted…WALK OFF STAGE!!!!!
6:30: Let’s sell…Rubio attacked Ted over whining about moderators inciting attacks on Ted…
6:34: Rubio seems to think his path to electoral success is his daring stance to send people to Gitmo.
6:36: Rubio is continuing with his petulant ‘tude. Sorry, Marco, it is getting really old.
6:38: Ben Carson seems to believe we would “defeat ISIS” if only we could collectively stop being politically correct. What a moron!
6:39: Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Megyn Kelly got a nose bleed?
Hey look, idiots talking about encryption issues they don’t understand again! (This is a bipartisan theme.)
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) January 29, 2016
6:40: Someone should mention to Gov. Kasich…he is wearing his flaggy flag flag pin WAY TOO HIGH on his lapel. What a dork.
Please, please, please have @realDonaldTrump ask a question via YouTube!!!!! #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:49: Chris Christie boasts about trashing women’s health care access in NJ. Way to go tough guy! No White House for you.
6:51: Cruz unloads a big fat lie about negatives of ObamaCare. Lies, lies, lies.
6:54: O’oh oh. We are into to the “Science Denial” segment of the debate.
6:57: Rubio talks Cap & Trade with the same petulant, alarmist tone that he talks about ISIS. Hope he can find peace-o-mind in a bunker somewhere.
7:01: Now Marco is getting defensive and angry over immigration. One trick pony!
7:01: Jeb! “I’m kind of confused…”
Rubio continues to believe that saying his rivals are just as bad on immigration as he is is a winning argument.
— digby (@digby56) January 29, 2016
7:07: Ted Cruz totally dodges talking about his support of the immigration bill.
7:08: I think Rand Paul just cleaned Ted Cruz’s clock!
Seriously. Rand Paul is winning this #GOPDebate.
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
7:09: Ted…isn’t it about time for you to WALK OFF STAGE???
7:10: Apparently Ted Cruz flip-flopped on amnesty AND mean questions.
7:14: Jeb: “Dulce Candy is now an entrepreneur of The YouTube” (The Ghost of Ted Stevens takes notice.)
7:16: Ted: “Am not the candidate of the career politician of Washington” says the man who want to spend the next 8 years as exactly that.
There have not been substantial qs on the economy for two straight debates. Both have just been Obama/Clinton-blasting and fear-mongering.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
7:30: Rubio delivers an ANGRY answer on how Americans are the most generous people on earth.
7:32: Aqua Buddah talks his virtuous philosophy. (Dodging the real question.)
Rand Paul, I introduced a bill that would make all uteri national parks but we need to get government out of our lives.
— Cafe (@cafedotcom) January 29, 2016
7:34: Ben Carson: “Putin is an opportunist.” Can you say PROJECTION?
Maybe Fox should ask why so many GOP voters don't care at all that their frontrunner doesn't give a damn about conservative ideology.
— digby (@digby56) January 29, 2016
I couldn't tell, did Ben Carson just fall asleep in the middle of his own answer? #GOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) January 29, 2016
6:39: Wait…did Chris Christie just TOTALLY dodge the “ground troops Libya” question by talking about Hillary Clinton dodging questions??
Proposal: Remove the Republican party from the ballot, but maintain the campaign as a reality teevee show.
— Chris Oestereich (@costrike) January 29, 2016
7:44: The debate turns to the topic of SEX. Specifically…a brief 20 year old affair.
Rand Paul: "I don't blame Hillary Clinton at all for this. I don't think she's responsible for [Bill's] behavior."
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) January 29, 2016
7:49: Cruz obfuscates his unpopular (in Iowa) position on Ethanol subsidies by confusing the hell out of everyone.
Sorry, Rand Paul, but your support for forcible childbirth is literally treating women like farm animals.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) January 29, 2016
“We are blessed with tremendous energy,” says Ben Carson, who’s in need of a little himself.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 29, 2016
Ben Carson is asked about ethanol, says he always liked fred better but usually doesn't watch "I Love Lucy." #GOPDebate
— Ken Rudin (@kenrudin) January 29, 2016
7:58: Carson just plagiarized 90% of his closing statement….
Carson. WTF?!
— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) January 29, 2016
8:02: Carson: “I’ve had more 2am phone calls than all here on the stage.” No shit. Get some sleep, man!
So, I guess if you held a gun to my head and told me to vote for one of these #GOPDebate candidates, I'd tell you to pull the trigger.
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
8:10: Megyn Kelly seems pained having an on-air conversation with Charles Krauthammer.
When #Christie said that #Hillary "won't get within 10 miles of the White House," my 1st thought was: "because she'll be stuck on a bridge."
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 29, 2016
Fucking His Own Constituents
Back when Rodney Tom was complaining about the Seattle Sick Leave / Safe Leave and minimum wage laws, I thought it was horrible. If you’re a State Senator, you should at least ostensibly have the interests of the state in mind. And you know, he was promoting terrible policy. But at least I understand if you’re going to try to argue that the Eastside is better than Seattle, you’re going to have to argue with what you have. So claim East King County’s bad labor laws compared to Seattle are an advantage for business, sure if that’s your thing. But if you represent a city that just passed a sick leave / safe leave law, embrace it.
Not so much with Senator Baumgartner. He has prioritized pushing against his own constituents’ being able to take off if they’re sick or having an emergency!
Republican Sen. Mike Baumgartner introduced Tuesday what he’s calling the “Seattle quarantine” bill, which would prevent city councils across the state from placing new worker rules on businesses. As currently written, it would void laws already such as the family and medical leave ordinance which the Spokane Council passed Monday over Mayor David Condon’s veto but Baumgartner conceded Tuesday existing laws would likely have to be grandfathered in later discussions.
You know quarantine. When you force sick people to go to work lest they risk being fired. Quarantine. It’s also an admission that his side can’t win on ideas qua ideas. Can’t have his constituents seeing what good is happening in Seattle.
Quarantine Spokane from Seattle. When Spokane people elect leaders running on a platform of workplace rules like this, and those same people enact that agenda. That’s why they need to be quarantined.
Also, the bill would stop Seattle the same as anywhere else. And if places are grandfathered in, Seattle is still prevented from doing future workplace stuff. So quarantine doesn’t work to describe the thing it’s meant to describe even close to correctly. And don’t get me started on how quarantines generally are supposed to be temporary. All around, solid metaphoring.
“The goal of the bill is not to gut what’s already been done, it’s to prevent future damage,” he said.
Damage like a decent minimum wage and a bit of sick leave or safe leave. That’s damage. Damage of local elected officials saying the minimum set out by the state can be improved on. Is damage.
Baumgartner referred to the Spokane Council as a “mini Me” to the Seattle council, where the minimum wage is being raised to $15 an hour in phases over the next two to five years. “The state cannot afford to have labor laws made city by city by liberal city officials chasing progressive fads,” he said.
Excellent reference. I’m sure all the kids today are making Austin Powers jokes. Or not even jokes so much as half-assed mentions of a character who only appears in the sequels. I’m sure Baumgartner is fun at parties. He probably quotes Monty Python, blurting it — and other ancient pop culture ephemera — out at inappropriate times. I bet this has happened at at least one of his fundraisers:
“This music is kind of loud.”
“Well it goes to 11.”
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you to make a horribly dated reference for no reason.”
“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”
“Yeah, Baby!”
“I’m leaving.”
“Running away, eh? You yellow bastards!”
“There’s only one of me and you already made a Monty Python reference. Now I’m leaving for real.”
“Come back here and take what’s coming to ya! I’ll bite your legs off!”
It’s possible I’m reading too much into that Mini-Me thing and have lost the thread. So… back to the larger point. Spokane made a choice. For the record, one that this Seattle resident approves of whole hog. But it was ultimately Spokane elected officials who ran on a platform enacting that platform.
The only way that Seattle had something to do with it is how our (and Sea-Tac’s) example worked so far. If we had become the horrible shit hole that minimum wage opponents claim, we wouldn’t be an example. Also, we, and Spokane can reverse course. If this $15 minimum wage thing doesn’t work out, elected officials can change it. If opponents of the sick leave / safe leave law don’t like it, and can elect people who’ll repeal it, it’ll get repealed. But so far, advocates of these sorts of laws that have generally been reelected, and when they haven’t been, it’s for other reasons.
Rather than quarantine yourself from a large part of the state — one with outsized economic and cultural influence — you can embrace it. We’re doing great things, and in many ways it’s transferable to the rest of the state. I guess, if your economic ideas are more dated than your movie references, maybe Seattle is a problem. But if you actually look at what’s happening with the $15 minimum wage and the sick leave / safe leave laws, you can see why other places might want to imitate it.
Wednesday Open Thread
One thing I didn’t include in Monday’s piece on Spokane’s sick leave/safe leave law was this amazing paragraph in the Spokesman-Review’s write up.
Condon said his veto stemmed from his opinion that such employment requirements should be mandated by state government, not a local municipality. He added that he would not lobby for such a change in state law.
When politicians say they oppose doing a thing at whatever level, it’s usually not a spirited defense of doing that thing at another level. Mayor Condon clearly opposes the sick leave/safe leave law. He could have opposed it on its merits (such as they are) rather than complain that the state should do it. And if he thinks the state should do it, he could push that.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Tim Eyman’s
hostage anti-tax measure was declared unconstitutional, Sarah Palin has re-emerged, and we’re down to a week until the Iowa caucuses. This calls for a drink! Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien chapter meets. The Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Spokane Sick Leave/ Safe Leave Law
Spokane is moving toward having its version of a sick leave/ safe leave law. It would be require employers with fewer than 10 people to have 3 days of sick leave and employers that are larger than that to have 5 days. While Mayor David Condon has vetoed it, it did pass 6 to 1. So it’ll likely still pass the council.
I have to say, I’m really glad that they’re passing something, but this makes me pretty nervous:
Calling the law “arbitrary,” Condon said his decision to veto also came from a lack of clarity on how the city would enforce the new requirements, or how much it would cost the city. He suggested he prefers incentives to requirements.
“I’m more of a carrot than a stick type of person,” Condon said.
Here in Seattle, we’ve had a tough enough time enforcing our sick leave/safe leave law with mayors who ostensibly support it. I hope he’ll enforce it when it does become law, but if you want to contact him and make sure, you can do that here. If you want to contact the city council and ask them to override the veto, you an do that here.
Also, just like in Seattle, this is a sick leave/ safe leave law, not just a sick leave law. News reports I’ve been reading about this don’t mention it, and they really should.* I couldn’t figure out exactly what qualifies people for safe leave on Spokane’s website, but all their material is pretty clear that it’s a part of the law. If anyone has more details, I’d love to know them.
Open Thread Monday!
Over the weekend, I took a ride on the new streetcar! Here are some random thoughts I had while riding it.
- It seems like similar cars to the ones in South Lake Union.
- Still, I was super excited riding it. It felt very much like it will be integrated into the city in a way that the line in South Lake Union hasn’t been.
- Unlike when the light rail opened, all of the stops are places that are easy enough to get to, as a downtown resident who walks and bikes most trips. It still was pretty cool seeing familiar places through a streetcar window.
- The next stop projection at the front was a nice touch. It was several stops ahead rather than just the one. Might make it easier for tourists or other people unfamiliar with the area. I’d like to see that on ST trains and maybe on buses going forward.
- Traffic was an issue. A car tried to get too far forward in a turn when we were coming and the streetcar had to break pretty hard. It was the sort of thing a bus could maneuver around, but we had to stop while the driver sorted themselves out. It’ll probably be worse in rush hour. Still, once people are used to the light rail, maybe they’ll drive better. Or, that’s not how Seattle drivers work traditionally. We’ll see.
- Maybe it’s the fact that I lived in London and have fond memories of hopping off and on the circle line more or less at random, but when I look at the map, I feel like we could eventually make the streetcar a big circle. It seems like there would be some engineering challenges crossing I-5 in the Northern part of the map, and I don’t know about the parts that are single track. But it seems like a long-term goal for the streetcars.
HA Bible Study: Revelation 9:7-10
Revelation 9:7-10
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. They had what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces looked like human faces. They had hair like women’s hair and teeth like the teeth of a lion. They wore armor made of iron, and their wings roared like an army of chariots rushing into battle. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Matthew Filipowicz: My NSFW Phone-Banking Call With An Angry Conservative.
Farron Cousins: How bad will Republican hate get in Obama’s final year?
135 years of warmin in 30 seconds.
The 2016 G.O.P. BaffoonFest:
- Jimmy Dore: GOP insanity on Iran embodied by war-hungry Chris Christie
- Ann Telnaes: The likability problem for Ted Cruz.
- Bill Maher: Ted Cruz’s High School diploma.
- Sam Seder: Anti-Cruz Ad says he doesn’t tithe, also a huge liar and a phony.
- Jimmy Dore: Right wing kook fears ‘hypocrite’ Ted Cruz will ruin it all
- PsychoSuperMom: Trumpenfreude!
- Jimmy Kimmel finds the stupidest people on earth.
- Young Turks: Trump retweets ANOTHER neo-Nazi.
- When Kay Burley tracked down Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder: Will Trump select Scott Brown for VP?
- Farron Cousins: Trump speaks at a 4th grade level…but he is still smarter than his supporters.
- Will the UK ban Donald Trump?
- David Pakman: The ONE trait that predicts who will support Trump.
- Young Turks: Dead man’s obit. asks people to not vote for Trump.
- What Trump’s “Freedom Girls” were actually thinking:
- Stephen: Trump courts the Bible and ghost vote.
- Things Donald Trump was called in the UK Parliament.
- Palin’ around with Terrorists:
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder: “Right-wingin’, something clingin”
- David Pakman: Palin endorses Trump by trying to use words and things.
- Sam Seder: Palin’s politically correct suicide vests.
- Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin makes a total fool of herself on stage again.
- Sarah Palin-isms.
- Sarah Palin the Poet at a Trump rally.
- Stephen: The original “material girl” is back
- Young Turks: Track Palin arrested for brutal domestic assault.
- David Pakman: Sarah blames Obama for Track’s arrest.
- Liberal Viewer: Sarah Palin blames Obama for her son’s domestic violence.
- Young Turks: Sara Palin blames Obama for Track punching his girlfriend.
- Jonathan Mann: Sarah Palin and Donald Trump.
- Sam Seder and Farron Cousins: Palin, Trump, Cruz is all the same in this crazy GOP.
- Sam Seder: Jeb!’s mom decides to endorse him afterall.
- Michael Brooks: Finally, Trump tells what he things of Cruz.
- Young Turks: Trump and Cruz trade blows on amenity.
- Sam Seder: Trump wishes Jeb well.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina nabs random kids for anti-abortion speech.
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie fights the scourge of healthy children.
- Young Turks: Chris Christie is tired of diet Dictator Michelle Obama
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Mathews goes full batshit bonkers on Chris Christie
- Marco Rubio’s most ridiculous lie.
- Maddow: GOP candidates deluded on Reagan Iran record.
President Obama asked about tampon tax by YouTuber Ingrid Nilsen.
Bill Maher wants Barack Obama for his 60th birthday.
Red State Update: Benghazi movie flop.
Why #Blacklivesmatter protests are happening all over America:
How to become a millionaire in one easy step.
White House: West Wing Week.
David Pakman: Conservatives are loosing it over “gender-inclusive” bathrooms.
Malicious Militia Men:
- Reformed Whores: Questions for the Oregon militiamen:
- Oregon’s armed Yokel Haram could face 10+ years in prison.
- David Pakman: Militant convicted of killing his father claims he can carry a gun.
- Farron Cousins and Howard Nations: The Oregon militiamen are the real welfare queens.
Thom: Finding America’s missing voters.
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Congressional factions.
How the Tea Party is splitting the G.O.P.
This billionaire thinks you should be paid more.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about memory.
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed & The NRA.
World of Water Woes:
- Mark Fiore: Austerity Man!
- Sam Seder: Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI) completely failed the people of Flint
- Farron Cousins: Republican Governor knowingly poisoned the city of Flint, Michigan
- Hillary Clinton calls out the poisoning of Flint, MI.
- Chris Hayes and Michael Moore: Flint’s water crisis.
- The city poisoned by its tap water.
- Young Turks: Flint residents are getting past due notices for water bills.
- Sam Seder: FAUX suggests Flint residents sort of did it to themselves
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Flint’s water crisis.
Follow the money: The truth about Citizens United.
Seth Meyers: Bernie and Hillary.
Comedy Central: Wrestling with History in Whitesboro, NY.
Thom with The Good, the Bad and The Very, Very Cleocentricly Ugly!
How to build a car.
Trevor Noah: Breaking down the Republican and Democratic debates.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Thread 1-22
I had to get up early on Wednesday, and I’m still messed up today. Really feeling the lack of sleep, even an hour or so, is kind of an adult thing. I’m sure when I was a teenager and didn’t get home until super late, I’m sure it screwed me up just as bad. But I think I just pushed past it. I’m actually feeling it now. A couple days later.
Stop Shooting People
Oh hey, another day another pointless shooting in a movie theater.
A woman was shot Thursday night at a movie theater at The Landing in Renton, according to police.
Crews responded to the scene after reports of a shooting after 8 p.m.
She was taken to Harborview Medical Center but her condition is unknown. Police are searching for the shooter: one male.
I hope the best for her physically and psychologically. And I hope everyone at the theater who had to witness that shit gets the help they need.
But also, just a note to anyone thinking of getting drunk with a gun and shooting a theater. Or shooting a theater without getting drunk: Just don’t. Just fucking don’t. Leave your gun before you start drinking. Don’t shoot people. Whatever reason is going through your mind, whatever justification you’re making, don’t shoot people. Don’t shoot anyone. I’m so sick and tired of this.
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