I’m going on vacation pretty soon. So my production of nonsense will sink even more. Anyone have any idea what to do in DC or rural New Hampshire?
HA Bible Study: Zephaniah 1:2
Zephaniah 1:2
I, the Lord, now promise to destroy everything on this earth.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Roll Call: Hot mics catch members of Congress off guard
The Onion Reviews “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power”.
The Tragedy and Turmoil That Is Трамп:
- Young Turks: Трамп PISSED Congress won’t let him lift Russia sanctions
- Stephen on the dangers of self-pardoning
- WaPo Fact Check: President Трамп’s flip-flop on African-American youth unemployment
- Trevor: Profiles in Tremendousness—White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci
- Olbermann: The timeline in the case against Трамп
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Reince Priebus exit ends Трамп’s worst week yet
- How two female Republican Senators stood their ground and shaped the health-care debate.
- Mark Fiore: Peak Satire Moonshot.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп attacks sessions, talks to Boy Scouts and other inappropriate things.
- Stephen: Our (so-called) President needs the validation of Boy Scouts
- James Cordon: Трамп broke it down for the Boy Scouts
- Sam Seder: Трамп brags to Boy Scouts about sexy yachts & cocktail parties
- The President Show: The President gossips with his friends
- Donald Трамп Jr.’s contradictory statements about the Russia meeting.
- Trevor (behind the scenes): How Anthony Scaramucci made nice with Donald Трамп
- Scout Law versus Трамп
- Stephen takes a stab at Scaramucci’s phone interview
- Olbermann: The Republicans are bailing on Трамп
- American Horror Story: Pat Robertson interviews Donald J. Трамп
- Трамп’s temporary bone spurs
- Late Show: Трамп’s cameo in ‘The Emoji Movie’
- Seth Meyers: Spicer’s out, Scaramucci’s in and Kushner speaks
- Sam Seder: The feral Трамп is most dangerous when cornered…
- Five things you wouldn’t expect a president to say to the Boy Scouts….
- James Cordon: Someone call the Mooch—My Priebus is leaking
- The President Show: A presidency in focus
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп—Made in America
- Stephen: Трамп claims his Ohio rally broke all records. Every. Single. One.
- Oops! Rick Perry was tricked by Russian pranksters.
- Trevor: Turmoil in Трамп Town
- All the false things Трамп said in the past 24 hours.
- Stephen help “The Mooch” Scaramucci find “The Leaks”
- Samantha Bee: The Mooch will set Трамп free
- Трамп’d: The newest BS.
- The President Show: Welcome to reality:
- Scaramucci insults Priebus, Bannon in New Yorker interview.
- Late Show: Cookie Jeff Sessions fires back at Трамп
- Ari Melber: This is your brain on Donald Трамп
- Sam Seder: Anthony Scaramucci’s very first insane meltdown
- Samantha Bee: Трамп’s spreading taint
- How Sean Spicer left the White House.
(a PSA).
Jim Jefferies: Are we in the Age Of Unenlightenment?
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Republicans Are Still Trying to Kill Americans:
- WaPo: What to know about the Senate’s “skinny repeal” option
- Jonathan Mann: Fuck John McCain.
- Stephen: Senators don’t know what’s in the “healthcare plan” they passed
- Sen. Patty Murray gives some shit to crooked Republicans.
- Young Turks: Skinny Repeal failure makes Mitch a sad turtle.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Resistance showed Senators the way on health care
- Trevor: The dead GOP “health care” bill comes back to life….
- Trevor: The GOP fails to repeal ObamaCare
- Seth: Scaramucci lashes out as GOP scrambles on Health Care
Adam Ruins Everything: Little known truth about mammograms.
VOX: The difference between racial versus partisan gerrymandering.
The Trans-Phobic Commander-in-Tweet:
- Late Night’s female writers respond to Трамп’s transgender ban
- WaPo: The Pentagon spends far more on Viagra that it does on transgender medical care
- New Scientist: Трамп tweets plan to ban transgender people from military
- WaPo: She’s actively serving her country. Here’s why she feels betrayed by her commander-in-chief.
- Stephen makes a change To Трамп’s “trans ban” Tweet
- Maddow: Donald Трамп spurns serving transgender US military with careless ban
- WaPo: Surprise and outrage greet Трамп’s transgender military ban
- James Cordon: We want you! (Unless you’re transgender)
- Young Turks: “Ally” Ivanka silent on Трамп’s bigotry
Jim Jefferies: Xanda the Lion and the bloodlust of trophy hunters.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
‘pen Thread
I mentioned a while ago that I’m slowly rereading Kurt Vonnegut’s works. It has mostly held up, but it’s more of its time than I remember. And more sexist.
That said, I am still enjoying it. I picked up Hocus Pocus from the library the other day, and I known that I read it as a teenager, but I don’t remember anything beyond the format and one joke.
Last night after Drinking Liberally, there was a car idling in the bus stop. Nobody in it. The bus was a bit later than On Bus Away said it would be, so it was there for at least 5 minutes.
A small part of me thinks that I should have stolen it and driven home. I mean it’s a public service removing it from the bus stop, and I get home sooner. I realize that there are some moral and societal downsides to car theft, so I waited for the bus.
Also the Senate Republicans hate you and want you to die without health care.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of politics and drinks (while we still have health insurance.)
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 236 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Open Thread!
It’s too fucking hot. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was just a ball of sweat. It’s the first time as a Seattleite that I’ve considered getting AC. And fuck how hot it’s going to be this week.
HA Bible Study: Isaiah 55:7
Isaiah 55:7
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Porn stars defend net neutrality.
WaPo: What is the “Right to Die” movement?
Seth Meyers: The EPA.
Minute Physics: What is the shape of space?.
VOX: The high cost of free parking.
Samantha Bee: Louie Gohmert’s freestyle history lesson
- Daily Show: Honoring Трамп’s “Made In America” week
- Full Frontal: When will Трамп be impeached?
- Young Turks: Трамп backers ramp up Mueller smear campaign
- Samantha Bee: Trump’s voter “integrity” commission
- Farron Cousins: Трамп is trying to figure out how to pardon himself and his family
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп on “Made in America” week
- David Pakman: Bizarre Трамп interview suggests serious mental instability
- Three things lawmakers want to know from Трамп’s Three Musketeers
- Stephen rents the Трамп pee pee tape hotel room:
- How federal employees react to the Трамп administration
- The President Show: The Don.
- Daily Show: Lil’ Donnie’s toy collection.
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s 6 Month Report Card: 991 Tweets, 836 Lies, 0 Legislative Accomplishments
- Stephen introduces Russia week.
- How Jeff Sessions and Donald Трамп’s relationship turned sour
- Official trailer
- Part 1: The birth of alternative facts
- Part 2: Chicken and choices
- Part 3: Parables
- Seth Meyers: Трамп turns on Sessions amid Russia probe
- Daily Show: So long Sean.
- Young Turks: Meet Трамп’s newest scumbag Anthony Scaramucci
- Stephen: Трамп wants an Attorney General who can time travel.
- How a Трамп steel tariff might affect your sweet desserts.
- Trevor: Toying with Russia.
- Keith Olbermann: The media must fight back
- VOX: The best FAUX News explanations for Junior’s Russia meeting:
- Трамп had a second, secret, meeting with Putin.
- The President Show: Made in America
- Stephen: Трамп and Putin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G (democracy goodbye)
- Трамп in the Wild: Handshakes.
- Keith Olbermann: A timeline of treason
- Trevor: President Трамп casually makes another damning admission.
- WaPo: Трамп’s top 5 misleading claims…so far
- Songify: NO FAIR—Трамп ft. Eric & Don Jr.
- Stephen: Donald Трамп had no filter in his New York Times interview
- Young Turks: Sean Spicer resigns.
The Kellyanne Story:
Francesca Fiorentini: Can anyone stop fake news?
Eric Schwartz, Matt Nakoa, Jagoda, Neale Eckstein: I Gotta Problem with That:
VOX: Why a total solar eclipse is such a big deal.
Mental Floss: 33 facts about famous landmarks
Republicans Persist in Trying To Kill Americans:
- Stephen: Repeal now, replace later, reelect never
- Trevor: Even Republicans hate Трампcare.
- Young Turks: Трамп thinks health insurance costs $1/month.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп tries to revive his failed health care bill
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Трамп on ObamaCare
- How Senate Republican women stopped the latest attempt to strip Americans of health insurance.
- ObamaCare repeal bill riles up protesters, as GOP lawmakers head to White House.
- Stephen: Was that Tweet from Shakespeare or Трамп.
- David Pakman: Repeal of Obamacare is a disaster.
- Trevor: How the Republican health care bill came and went
- Farron Cousins: Трамп’s New York Times interview proves he is losing his mind
- Mark Fiore: Repeal and Whatever
- CBO on GOP repeal bill: 32 million more without insurance over a decade
Stephen broke some rules in “The Russian White House”.
Five times politics got nice.
VSauce: How much of the earth can you see at once?
VOX: Why the ocean is getting louder.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Friday Open Thread
It finally happened. I was at the Columbia City Farmers Market and I decided that I didn’t need any Rainier Cherries. Thus concludes the saga for another year.
Although, writing this, now I’m kind of hungry for some. Maybe I’ll pick some up after work.
–open thread–
Seattle, I love you so so so much, but you have to learn how to jay walk. There seem to be 2 groups of pedestrians. First people who don’t jay walk at all. Fine whatever.
The other group is too fearless. I know that pedestrians have the right of way, but if you cause a driver to hit the breaks, you’re jay walking wrong.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of politics and whimsy, typically undertaken while consuming a beverage of some sort.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 235 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Op Th
I haven’t filled out my ballot yet, but I realized that I’m not voting for any guys in the mayor or City Council races. What a time to live.
HA Bible Study: Proverbs 30:15
Proverbs 30:15
The leech has two daughters.
‘Give! Give!’ they cry.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie explains the beach thing..
Olbermann: The true evil of Russia’s cyber war on America
Young Turks: Now Ryan wants a dress code remake.
Minute Physics: Why is it hard to land on Mars?
Трамп’s Traitor Train:
- Late Show: Donald Трамп Jr.’s spam folder full of collusion, too
- Kimmel: Sean Spicer Jr. defends Donald Трамп Jr.
- Stephen Colbert with John Oliver: The Don Jr. scandal is something (if something means anything)
- David Pakman: Трамп admin’s own data proves Obamacare isn’t imploding
- Chris Hayes: Why Kellyanne Conway said “yet”
- Roll Call: 2018 Senate races may be tough for Republicans
- WaPo: Трамп’s ongoing misunderstanding of NATO funding
- Young Turks: Now Трамп wants a see-through wall!
- The President Show: Executive orders—A little less transparency:
- Late Show: Mika and Joe are the inaugural “Трамп attacked me on Twitter” Hall of Fame
- Olbermann: Two Трамп confess to conspiracy.
- Stephen: Donald Jr.’s best defense? That he’s an idiot
- Trevor: FAUX News defends the indefensible Donald Трамп Jr.
- Young Turks: The Don Jr. Russian meeting plot thickens…
- Stephen: Kellyanne Conway gives it to Stephen Straight (as in, straight up BS)
- Kimmel: An interview with Kellyanne Conway about Donald Трамп Jr.
- Late Show: John Oliver joins the “Трамп attacked me on Twitter” Hall of Fame
- Roll Call: Трамп’s Tweety habits isn’t helping the G.O.P. agenda.
- Conan: Jr. interrupts the call between dad and Putin.
- Stephen: What’s next for Donald Трамп Jr.
- The President Show: Трамп interviews Matt Taibbi
- David A. Fahrenthold: Where does “opposition research” cross a line?
- Stephen recreates Kellyanne Conway’s “fun with words”.
- Young Turks: Трамп gets freaky with French First Lady.
- Trevor: A Russian, an email and an idiot
- Farron Cousins: Трамп has spent close to 25% of his “Presidency” playing golf
- Stephen: Трамп wasn’t even the brains behind “Celebrity Apprentice”.
- WaPo: The timeline leading up to Donald Трамп Jr.’s controversial meeting
- Young Turks: Kellyanne Conway’s collusion confusion
- Daily Show: Translating Трамп
- Conan: Casting for a new Russia scandal movie
- Stephen: Трамп said more than ‘bonjour’ to France’s First Lady
- The President Show: Terrible outbreak.
- Roy Zimmerman: Junior (T-R-E-A-S-O-N):
- Late Show: Трамп slot machine, hit a truth to win!
- Kimmel: Donald Трамп’s transparent border wall
- Sam Seder: Kellyanne Conway’s flash card defense.
- Late Show: Трамп and company audition for Kermit
- Young Turks: Americans Troll Трамп’s Voter Fraud Commission
- Conan: Трамп on a stump.
- Maddow: Donald Трамп Jr Russian meeting story is unpacking like a nesting doll.
- Stephen: Donald Трамп Jr. is his own “Deepthroat”
- WaPo: Untangling the web of Donald Трамп Jr.
- Kimmel: Gremlins Reboot starring Putin & Трамп
- Young Turks: Who’s dumber? Jr. or Sr.?
- Stephen: Mr. President wasn’t Mr. popular at the G20 summit
Jim Jefferies Show: America’s First Amendment.
Huge iceberg breaks of Antarctica.
Stephen: North Korea’s missiles can reach Alaska. Alaska doesn’t dare..
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: How much do lawmakers get paid?
Alex Jones rants as an indie folk song:
Young Turks: Republicans think college is ruining America
David Pakman: Most Republicans thing college is bad.
Republican Deathcare:
- Francesca Fiorentini: Can Трамп save America with single-payer healthcare?
- Roll Call: McConnell delays August recess so that Republicans can redouble efforts to kill Americans.
- The “new” health care repeal bill.
- Senate Republicans unveil competing death care proposals
- Roll Call: What’s in the new G.O.P. “health care” bill?
- Farron Cousins: Republicans refuse to take health insurance away from themselves.
- Sam Seder: Caught lying about pre-existing conditions, Ted Cruz tries to weasel out…
- Al Franken slams Ted Cruz’s cruel Трампcare amendment
- I’m one of the lucky ones.
Jimmy Dore: Mitt Romney admits “I kneel at the statue of Bain Capital”.
Sam Seder: Tucker Carlson goes NUCLEAR when compared to Hitler sympathizers.
Chuck Schumer: On net neutrality
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
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