I’m a slow reader. So it’s no bad mark against What Happened to say that I’m only about half way through. It’s still a mix of beautiful, funny, and harrowing. I guess Hillary Clinton had prerecorded a bit on the Grammys. According to parts of my Twitter, she was the worst for just showing up. I mostly feel sorry for people who think that, honestly. Hillary hate and misogyny mean you’re missing out.
It’s like the cut of the new Star Wars movie without the women. It seems like a terrible film: (minor spoilers) Kylo mostly talks to himself, sometimes shirtless. Then he gets into a fight and stares at a light saber that’s inexplicably floating. Luke tries to burn down a tree, after living alone for too long, and watching rocks fall. At some point they face off, and it helps like 5 people. Also, there’s a mutiny: Against who? How does it get resolved? Nobody knows.