As a service to my many right-wing readers, I just thought I’d tactfully mention the fact that CHRISTINE GREGOIRE IS GOVERNOR! I know a lot of you are still in denial, but fortunately, her first major act as GOVERNOR was to sign the Mental Health Parity Act… so now you can all get the grief counseling you desperately need.
In other news, Stefan continues his hunger strike until King County Elections finally releases the “big binder”… um… even though they’ve already released the binder to Rossi’s attorneys. Whatever.
And speaking of Rossi (who parenthetically, is NOT governor,) it’s been 128 days since his “official” gubernatorial campaign ended, but he still hasn’t disbanded his campaign staff yet. Ever wonder what they do down at campaign headquarters all day? Well I think this little gleaning from his monthly PDC expenditure report says it all:
02/18/2005 DIRECT TV $88.94 PO BOX 60036 LOS ANGELES, CA 90060
(I know there’s a good joke in here somewhere about his favorite TV channel. Any suggestions?)