seriously, is daryl a professor, because if he is, its really scary that he’s influencing young minds. plus if you’re jewish daryl, thats even worse. are you teaching them how the jews from new york helped the bolsheviks in 1917? god help us.
Wow, it’s painful to watch so many people who don’t have a clue what the Constitution says. But they are certainly ready to stand up for what they THINK it says.
LOL Teabaggers….
This just illustrates why the tealiban movement will never get very far. One must spend a lifetime dedicating oneself to a life of obtusity in order to be one. It requires a superhuman effort to maintain this level of stupidity for oneself.
The medical term “colocraniectomy” was invented for these people.
It’s hard to call Seder’s interviews representative, but the genre has been around long enough to give it at least a grain of truth.
In any event this vid with its display of proud ignorance helps to put in to perspective the silent reaction to the Bush/Cheney (helped along by scared Dems) dismantling of 4th amendment rights.
Of course, discussions of Habeas are hampered by the very foreign nature of the word. Ah, ignorance. So confident. So funny.
Liberal Scientistspews:
1. God “back” into school and government, where the Constitution says it should be.
2. We should stop gay marriage because “the people” want to, despite what the Constitution says; however, Obama is simultaneously “wiping his butt” with the Constitution.
3. We can’t participate in civic dialogue because if we say what’s on our minds, we’ll be called racists.
Willful stupidity, thinly cloaked bigotry, and the deep sense of victimization – the right wing recipe for success.
The poor fools interviewed are the dupes, obviously. But the fuhrers in the Tea/Republican Party are whipping these people up in terrifying ways. At Beck’s next extravaganza they’ll be recruiting brownshirts, no doubt.
The irreligious left holds Christianity to a stringent standard that isn’t applied to Islam. Talk of burning the Koran incites more leftist outrage than the burning of Christians by Muslims in Nigeria. Questioning the award of a government grant to the ‘artist’ who created Piss Christ ignites more leftist outrage than the murder of infidels loosely identified with Danish cartoons.
And, to repeat, the left still applies a stronger standard of judgement to/against Joe McCarthy’s reign of terror than Joe Stalin’s.
But YLB tells us that setting the record straight about Joe and Joe or about old NEA-supported art is immersion in the pointless past. So I started reading Jon Krakauer’s recent book about the “friendly”-fire death of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan. Here are excerpts from the first 13 pages. Note Krakauer’s double standard: Ann Coulter is a harridan; Ted Rall is an editorial cartoonist.
Note also that Krakauer’s creates another false leftist equivalency between the USSR and the USA. They maimed kids. We sent dollars to the muj. Therefore both superpowers enthusiastically pumped up the Afghanistan’s chaos.
The right-wing harridan Ann Coulter claimed [Tillman] as an exemplar of Republican political values. The left-wing editorial cartoonist Ted Rall designated him … as an “idiot” who joined the Army to “kill Arabs.”
The [Afghanistan] chaos … was supplied in abundance and with great enthusiasm by the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union as each maneuvered to gain advantage in the Cold War. The Soviets had been lavishing billions of rubles in military and economic aid on Afghanistan since the 1950s …
The Soviets were Daoud’s allies in the push to modernize Afghanistan … Aid from Moscow continued to prop up the economy and the military …
The communist PDPA immediately assumed power … Backed by the Soviet Union, the new government moved ruthlessly to establish control across the country. During the PDPA’s first twenty months … twenty-seven thousand political dissidents were … summarily executed.
Afghan mujahideen … fought the communist infidels with such ferocious intensity that in December 1979 the Soviets dispatched 100,000 troops to Afghanistan to quell the rebellion, prop up the PDPA, and protect their Cold War interests in the region.
Although the U.S. government claimed otherwise … the CIA had begun purchasing weapons for the mujahideen at least six months before the Soviet invasion. … According to Carter’s national security adviser, Zbigneiw Brzezinski … the intent of providing arms to the mujihideen was specifically to draw “the Soviets into the Afghan Trap” and ensnare them in a debilitating Vietnam-like debacle … that would keep [USSR] forces entangled in Afghanistan for the next nine years.
In reflexive oppositon to the Soviet occupation, virtually the entire country spontaneously united …
642,000 [Soviet] soldiers served there throughout the course of the war — 470,000 of whom were debilitated by disease, addicted to heroin, wounded in battle, or killed. … (T)hey came to realize that it was much easier to kill unarmed civilians than to hunt down the fearsome and elusive mujahideen … These calculated acts of genocide went virtually unnoticed outside or Afghanistan. … Bombers sprinkled the countryside with tens of thousands of miniature booby traps made to resemble brightly colored toys … created to attract very young Afghans; when the kids picked them up they would explode, maiming and killing the children. … (B)utterfly mines … (were) intended to blow off limbs … in the belief that forcing Afghan villagers to take care of gravely injured countrymen would cause more hardship than killing them outright.
(T)he CIA under President ronald Reagan was supporting the Afghan holy warriors with billions of dollars in armaments and cash (support matched dollar for dollar by Saudi Arabia, and delivered to the mujahideen by Pakistan’s … ISI) …
(T)he war had claimed the lives of an estimated twenty-five thousand Soviet solders and well over a million Afghans, 90 percent of whom were civilian noncombatants.
But give Krakauer credit for finally coming clean about what genocide looks like. It looks like what the USSR was doing in Afghanistan in the 1980s while Chomsky was accusing the USA of being genocidal in Afghanistan in 2001.
And Krakauer also admits what a few right-wing harridans knew or heard back in the day: The socialist workers’ paradise was building and using weapons that looked like pretty toys.
Let us pray and let us play, but let’s save our real outrage for what’s really outrageous: quasi-Christian trash talk about trashing somebody’s book.
brownshirt baggerspews:
Soshulest Lomborg was never a denier, YLB. His nuanced attempt to inject or interject nuance into the GW debate (by trying to assess the marginal cost of risky leftist climate-change schemes) was painted in stark black and white by the socialists at Scientific American. At SA, Lomborg’s deviation from simple-minded YLB-style thinking about the unsettled science of warming was portrayed as holocaust denial.
And who did SA push forward to pimp its simplistic opinion about a complex subject? Who did SA anoint to march at the front of its religious crusade against apostate Lomborg?
Paul Ehrlich, who’s always been right about everything and who has an advanced degree in bugs.
Heh. Gotta love it.
brownshirt baggerspews:
Nevermind the typos @7, or that nonsensical paragraph about nonsensical Chomsky. And if Carter/Zbig really plotted a plan to stick it to the commies, then there’s finally something for which bron-again Carter Haters like me can choose to not hate born-again Carter.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Wrong, again, baggin’ fool:
Talk of burning the Koran incites more leftist outrage than the burning of Christians by Muslims in Nigeria.
The left doesn’t hold Christianity and Islam to different standards – we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.
That seems central to what constantly eludes you wingers: that because we are capable of rising higher, we should endeavor to do so. The right loves to parrot “We’re the greatest” and thump their collective chest at every opportunity, yet refuses to hold our nation to the higher standard to which we are capable of reaching. We on the left imagine a better nation and world, and try to achieve that. And part of achievement is critical analysis, including critiquing our own behavior.
I’ll reserve comment until after my Constitution class in October.
Better Living Thru Liberalismspews:
We on the left imagine a better nation and world, and try to achieve that.
Used to think you “wingfucks” (that’s a Rabbit dropping) had no sense of humor. Thanks for proving me wrong by perfecting the art and craft of self-parody.
We on the left imagine a better nation and world, and try to achieve that …
… is the funniest post we’ve seen here since the photo of Klake’s hat.
Better Living Thru Liberalismspews:
Ah, yes. Imagining a better world. That’s why Soviet child-maiming genocide in Afghanistan was “virtually unnoticed” by the left.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
e 5: You are correct, He cherry picked the ones who were smart enough to converse with another human being.
They remind me of a friend who loved the song “We’re Not Gonna Take It’. I asked one time what it was that he wasn’t going to take and he replied, ‘I don’t know, but we’re not going to.’
Re 14
The writing is indeed on the wall, Mene. We’ll see the effects in November.
The hysterical fear the left feels for the Tea Party movement is very funny to me. You folks really shouldn’t show how out of step with America you really are so publicly. You’re supposed to be pretending that you represent mainstream values to allay the concern a center right America has with regards to you.
Oh wait, you don’t care. A majority of Americans didn’t want health care reform in the form it took. Obama Reid and Pelosi react with a law affecting 20% of the economy passed on a technical trick against that will. You guys just don’t get it, but you will in November.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
More libtardo nonscientific garbage:
The left doesn’t hold Christianity and Islam to different standards – we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.
Biggest pile of pablum delivered today. You all cheer anything that denigrates Christianity. As Puddy placed on this blog last week about the piss jar Christ, The Elephant Dung Virgin Mary and the Crucifix hanging out of someone’s rectum, they were all leftist progressives back by leftist progressives, cheered by leftist progressives.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Politically Incorrectspews:
What the heck! Why don’t we have a “Burn the Koran, Bible and Torah Rally?” That way, we can all be pinheads like that arrogant fuck in Florida and piss off all the major religions at the same time. Also, we have a good weenie roast at the same time! (All-beef franks of course!)
I’m sick and tired of hearing this religious shit on TV and elsewhere. All religions are different paths to the same place, so it pays to not take any of them too seriously.
Tailgunner Joespews:
We’re Not Gonna Take It?
That tune’s by my little Twisted Sister, YLB, and it used to be Stephanie Miller’s theme song. Then she decided she was gonna take it after all, and her theme changed to:
When Blago Blago Blago
(or Rangel Rangel Rangel)
(or Waters Waters Waters)
Go to jail jail jail
They will take it take it take it
In the tail tail tail.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Hey Libtardo and Unscientific…
1) When God was in school and government we didn’t have the issues in schools we have today. Poor achievement, gangs, drugs, intercine violence, etc. Oh yeah… the US was 4th in academic achievement when God was in school. Now we fell off the charts.
2) It’s the screaming minority of leftist peeps trying to force their position on the majority of Americans against their position.
3) Apparently you forgot about the Journolist group who started the meme when Odumba was erected to call anyone who disagreed with Odumba a racist. ylb has the links in his brain-dead database. Oh yeah… he doesn’t perform searches for anyone even if you ask nice. So Google “Journolist call them racists” and enjoy the free PuddyEducation.
Did you miss all the times rujax called anyone who disagreed with Odumba a racist… Funny, Puddy didn’t realize the dumb cinder block rujax received the memo back then. Chronologically it all fits today! Now that Letterman, Leno and Stewart (notice there have been no Stewart videos headlining blog threads lately) have all come out bashing Odumba, why hasn’t the dumb cinder block called them racist?
Tailgunner Joespews:
Well SAID, Puddy.
Didn’t know I was repeating your point about tax-supported anti-Christian leftist bigotry.
Tailgunner Joespews:
@19: The Religulous Left indeed has problems with reality-based reality.
You had a point??
Couldn’t write one sentence without bringing up race? That’s why folks call you tools, racists.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Here’s a little bit of local anti-muslim christian bigot reality from “our” boys at Ft. Lewis, 5th Stryker Brigade:
Twelve U.S. soldiers face trial after Afghan civilians ‘were killed for sport and their fingers collected as trophies’
LMAO!! All the touting of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by the right wing fossil fuel industry loving denialist crowd drains into the memory black hole now that Lomborg changes his tune and calls for
Carbon taxes!
Such tedious BS from our trolls. Two themes:
1. You did it first (or worse) so whatever we say/do is OK
2. Pick the most extreme and define whoever you disagree with as supporting it.
His nuanced attempt to inject or interject nuance into the GW debate (by trying to assess the marginal cost of risky leftist climate-change schemes)
GWB (the guy you voted for twice) didn’t do nuance.
i.e. Lomborg’s warbling was just a convenient useful set of idiocies to excuse DOING NOTHING.
Now he calls for Carbon Taxes!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Pick the most extreme and define whoever you disagree with as supporting it.
Been the HA libtardo theme on this blog since 2004! Never read ylb, Steve, Roger, ekim, headless lucy and his 53 other names, zotz, uptown, broadway joe, don joe, another TJ, Goldy, Lee, SJ, Carl, etc., etc., etc. commentary on this blog?
K must have been asleep!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Forgot to add correctnotright, daddy love, artfart, my left foot, gbs, etc., etc., etc.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
And, to repeat, the left still applies a stronger standard of judgement to/against Joe McCarthy’s reign of terror than Joe Stalin’s.
Hehehehehe. HNMT – I bet you appreciated Joe Stalin when you were on the left and you certainly must appreciate him now.
He killed, maimed, imprisoned and abused many, many, many communists.
1) When God was in school and government we didn’t have the issues in schools we have today. Poor achievement, gangs, drugs, intercine violence, etc. Oh yeah… the US was 4th in academic achievement when God was in school. Now we fell off the charts.
Of the states that are now above us, how many of them are theocratic states that push some form of God in their schools?
We’ve seen this film before. The Democrats will lose a few seats around the country, the folks in power always lose a few in years like this. Of the seats that the Republicans pickup only a small minority will be held by people that espouse the kind of corn pone theocratism that that folks like Puddy, Cyn and our other trolls espouse. That small number of corn pone theocrats will go on to get little or no legislation passed and will step down or be voted out of office after a term or two. Yawn.
Please point to the countries on this website:
that a follow a form of government that closely matches what you’ve exposed here on HA.
Goldycrats Я Usspews:
GW debate: Not the Crawford GW, YLB, nor the GW from Mt. Vernon. Apparently you’re climatically challenged as well as climactically challenged.
Pat Tillman Part Two:
The CIA concluded that the Afghan freedom fighters were no longer of any use to it and immediately cut off all support.
Pashtunwali dictates how these forty-one million people conduct their lives. … any injustice — no matter how slight — must be avenged … must shed the taunter’s blood … the blood of his closest male relative must be shed in his stead. … The tenets of Pashtunwali are hardly unique to Central Asia … (I)f a Red Sox pitcher beans a Yankee batter, nobody is the least bit surprised when the Tankee pitcher hurls a fastball at the head of a Red Sox batter as payback in the next inning.
Damn straight. Damn Pashtunwali Yankees.
Last week there was a newspaper cartoon showing the equivalence of American Christians to adherents of The Religion of Peace in the Middle East. Krakauer proves it: Red Sox are just like Honor Killers … no better and, Allah knows, no worse.
And about those Kolorful Kid Killing bombs the Soviets used against Afghanistan way back in the day: Rabbit, who knows all, probably knows if any US leftists were more concerned about maimed children than about Jerry Falwell’s war on America, but I remember only right-wing harridans such as ex-Goldycrat Jeane Kirkpatrick getting upset about Afghan death at an early age.
About the CIA cutting off the muj when the war was over: suppose the CIA continued to continue. Wouldn’t the left have called that neocolonialism or imperialism?
Actually, no. Three weeks after 9/11 I heard leftist Theodore Lowi at Cornell say that 9/11 was all our fault because we didn’t make Trashkanistan a vassal state or a suburb of Philadelphia. If only we’d colonized it.
As Patty Murray said later, the reason Osama is loved over there and we aren’t is because he made Afghanistan an urban renewal project He built day-care centers and we didn’t. Bet he also built abortion clinics. Osama’s just a lovable liveral in a hurry. Sort of like Obama.
Goldycrats Я Usspews:
lovable liberal in a hurry …
Pat Tillman, the Sequel:
(T)he Soviets … installed … Najibullah as president … of Afghanistan. … In that role he had imprisoned, tortured, and executed thens of thousand of Afghans. … murdered numerous political prisoners, in some instances by stomping them to death.
But even after their departure, the Soviets continued to provide Najibullah with sophisticated arms and more than $3 billion in annual support.
Six months later, the Soviet Union imploded and ceased to exist, bringing an abrupt end to Najibullah’s font of money and weapons. … the mujahideen warlords began jockeying for position to capture Kabul … an ethnic Uzbek from northern Afghanistan who for thirteen years had been viciously fighting against the mujahideen on behalf of the Soviets and Najibullah — abruptly turned on his communist benefactors.
Najibullah declared, “We have a common task — Afghanistan, the U.S.A., and the civilized world — to launch a joint struggle against fundamentalism.
A few senior officials in President George H.W. Bush’s administration argued that the United States should seize this opportunity … But a Cold War mind-set still prevailed in Washington, particularly within the CIA. According to such thinking, now that the Soviet Union was defunct, America no longer had any reason for remaining involved in Afghan affairs. … time to wash its hands of Afghanistan and walk away.
Damn GHEB. Damn Cheney for not linking arms or holding hands with the visionary Man From Afghanistan who stomped his political enemies to death.
I mean, it wasn’t like Naj — the visionary enemy stomper — was an evil man like Big Dick Nixon who put his enemy Dan Schorr on an Enemy’s List. Nothing like that. Naj was a Man of Peace from the Religion of Peace and old man Bush was too wrapped up in Cheney’s Cold War delusions to know when he was being given a pearl of great price, peace everlasting in Kabul.
When Hitler killed Jewish leftists, that was a bad thing. When Stalin killed Jewish leftists, that was a good thing. Did I correctly restate your point, YLB?
The trolls continue to make no distinction between endorsing the right to free expression and endorsing the content of someone’s expression. Liberals can support the right to free expression and use it to oppose an expression, just as apparently the right does.
It’s worth remembering that Piss Christ (here with the actual issues removed to set up an equivalence) comes from a different generation of conservatives’ bullshit Culture Wars. If you let yourself get drawn into this circus, it will inevitably make you a clown.
bullshit culture warsspews:
Hey Hominids! It’s been another above-average week in the KulturKampf, being steeped and marinated in the Glenn Beck Bibletution bullshit and the circus with the inevitable clowns.
It’s all so inevitable. But about one thing, at least, we can all agree ….. Do you suffer from the heartbreak of Islamophobia? Fear not, Bibletutionists. Let not your hearts be troubled. Help is on the way.
Islamophobia isn’t just offensive, it will soon be an indictable offense. New Obamunist Hate Crimes legislation will take care of the irksome Islamophobes in your life and on your blog.
That hateful name-morphing troll talking trash about the left’s preferred and protected religion? He/she/it’s a hate criminal. And he/she/its prejudice will be dealt with, with X-Treme Prejudice. Count on it. Vote for it. Or else.
Re 35
I’m not sure if God in schools was really the issue. And while I am myself a Christian, I’m convinced that separation of church and state (though without the rabid fervor of some proponents of it that would eliminate Christmas and so on from public spaces) is a good thing.
However, what a uniform Christian perspective did do for schools was inculcate a basic structure of predictable social values in kids. The lean to ‘whatever makes you feel good, is good’ doesn’t do this. It treats all values as equal in desirability, so effectively eliminates all values.
I’ve worked with teenagers as a manager and in volunteer roles tutoring. What seems a constant is the desire to know what is the socially accepted limit of expression. To a person they push against the boundaries in part to find out where those boundaries lie. Not pushing back is, in my view, a form of child abuse. It gives the child no sense of what society expects of them, and therefore no tools to succeed in that society. In my interactions with my own kids and with those in tutoring settings I try to be consistent and firm about what I expect.
It is this kind of insistence on a set of socially accepted values that left the schools when religion did. I don’t call for church influence on schools. I do call for kids to be given the rules and expected to follow them.
I’m not sure if God in schools was really the issue.
It’s what Puddy said and what many others on the right have said, you take God out of schools and the next thing you know we’re sucking left hind tit. Is it really “the issue”? Probably not. But, if it isn’t “the issue” then STFU about it and talk about what is the issue.
However, what a uniform Christian perspective did do for schools was inculcate a basic structure of predictable social values in kids.
And we can’t have basic structure of predictable social values in kids without religion?
It is this kind of insistence on a set of socially accepted values that left the schools when religion did.
I’ve been in all sorts of schools and I’ve not seen that lacking.
A lack of clear phrasing led to being told to STFU. (BTW, a singularly elegant turn of speech, Micheal.)
I’m not sure if God in schools was the reason for better performance. I postulated that in fact a culturally homogenous view of values promulgated by the schools helped the students.
And in todays environment in which any value has equal merit I don’t see that in schools. It’s a large part of why my children won’t and don’t attend public school. ‘No, Johnny, 2 plus 2 doesn’t equal 5 in the oppressive Anglo Christian system which is responsible for every bad thing that’s ever happened. But you just go on believing it, because for you it’s true, and that’s really all that matters.’ No, thanks. I’d rather have private school teachers unafraid to, I don’t know, teach my kids.
Unless of course, you mean a value set in which America is always wrong, responsibility for personal actions is never important, and Christianity is evil.
Of course, there is another take on the history.
The Koch wealth may or may not have its roots in Stalinist Russia. If the article is factually accurate the reason the Soviets came here for expertise is that it was lacking after 10 years of Communist rule.
And of course the elephant in the room that liberals will do anything to ignore? Your theories were tried in Russia, and I believe we all know how well that turned out.
A lack of clear phrasing led to being told to STFU. (BTW, a singularly elegant turn of speech, Micheal.)
Wasn’t telling you to STFU, I was telling folks that they need talk about the things that really, truly, are issues and shut up about the other stuff. And I think my meaning was clear back in the original comment.
And in todays environment in which any value has equal merit I don’t see that in schools. It’s a large part of why my children won’t and don’t attend public school.
As someone that actually has been involved in public schools I haven’t seen this sort of thing in the schools that I’ve been involved with.
Unless of course, you mean a value set in which America is always wrong, responsibility for personal actions is never important, and Christianity is evil.
I’m not sure what public schools you’ve been hanging out in, but again, this just isn’t happening in the ones I’ve been in. Maybe I’ve just been lucky. :-)
That was hyperbolic. Actually, I was a bit hysterical. Apologies.
Most of the public school teachers we dealt with prior to private school were hardworking decent folks trying very hard to educate kids. They were hampered by policies and administrators who cared more about test scores and graduation rates than whether the kids got it, and my frustration went a bit overboard.
But the trend is one I stand by. The social values which built this country are not called that. They are called one way of looking at the world. Which is true, but kids need direction. They’ll question those values on their own in the natural course of maturing.
People keep saying that all the Muslim terrorism that’s being committed all over the world doesn’t represent Islam. That the religion has been hijacked by radicals, and it’s just a tiny fraction of extremists and fundamentalists who are the problem, and to lump the rest of Islam in with them, is wrong. We don’t say there must be something about Islam that inspires a greater number of terrorist acts.
Then how come we refer to German Nazis, we also don’t make that distinction? That Nazism as a whole is good, but the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was hijacked by extremists, and this in no way should reflect poorly on everyday Nazis. It was only the extremist Nazis who were causing all the problems. In the Nazis’ case, we do say there was something wrong with Nazism itself.
When Stalin killed Jewish leftists, that was a good thing.
Good thing? It was a right wing wet dream! Jewish, Catholic, muslim, scientologist, flying spaghetti monster believer. The only good leftist is a DEAD LEFTIST!
Oh but hold on HNMT….
I thought Jonah Goldberg said Hitler was a socialist. Now why would Hitler kill leftists?
48 – Actually, leftist theories are presently being tried with a high level of success and satisfaction in Northern Europe.
Just read this blog entry from Dan Savage, who is in NYC today. I think he has discovered a sad truth.
Sharing the sidewalks with people of all races and religions, with legals and illegals, with women in veils and women in nearly nothing, with gays and lesbians, straights and bis, dykes and bikes. You know…
On some level I think social conservatives are angry that the terrorists attacked New York City and not Branson, Missouri. Al-Qaeda wanted to attack real America—and real Americans—and they knew that here is where you find both. So in addition to murdering 3,000 innocent people in New York City on September 11, 2001, the terrorists insulted the vanity of America’s social conservatives and demonstrated that they shared their prejudices. They’re still reeling from the blow.
Okay—heading out to dinner now with some fags.
Also, this from a 9/11 widow – you, those folks that Beck and Coulter hate so much:
What did I think about the decision to construct a “mosque” this close to ground zero? I thought it was a no-brainer. Of course it should be built there. I sometimes wonder if those people fighting so passionately against Park51 can fathom the diversity of those who died at ground zero. Do we think no Muslims died in the towers? My husband, Eddie Torres, killed on his second day of work at Cantor Fitzgerald while I was pregnant with our first child, was a dark-skinned Latino, often mistaken for Pakistani, who came here illegally from Colombia. How did “9/11 victim” become sloppy shorthand for “white Christian”? I wish someone would put out a list of all the ethnicities and religions and countries and economic levels of the victims. For all the talk of “remembering 9/11,” I wonder if we’ve missed the patriotic message entirely.
I’m offended that Savage used the term illegal in describing undocumented immigrants. Also, how did he know if he was walking past “illegals?” Did he just assume anyone who looks hispanic must be undocumented?
Using the word illegal to describe an undocumented immigrant is not only factually incorrect, it dehumanizes a group of people which this country has been relying on to …
I’m just messing around. I hate illegals. Deport them all!
Your theories were tried in Russia, and I believe we all know how well that turned out.
Actually, those weren’t our theories that were tried out in Russia. Our theories look remarkably like the theories that are in use in countries 1-13 on this list (the USA is #14).
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
e 38:
Actually, no. Three weeks after 9/11 I heard leftist Theodore Lowi at Cornell say that 9/11 was all our fault because we didn’t make Trashkanistan a vassal state or a suburb of Philadelphia. If only we’d colonized it.
I heard rightist Christianists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell say that THEIR GOD made 9/11 happen.
So there it is: Jesus caused 9/11 because he was in a snit over gay people.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
There should be no Christian churches near ground zero because Jesus made it happen.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
The Yellowed Pup farts
Liberals can support the right to free expression and use it to oppose an expression, just as apparently the right does.
Yep you progressives will support anything that denigrates Christianity. Cheer it on!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Of the states that are now above us, how many of them are theocratic states that push some form of God in their schools?
Who knows. Why is it a comparison? We have our way of living they have theirs. Ours was keeping us competitive. Now we SUCK!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
And we can’t have basic structure of predictable social values in kids without religion?
First it’s not about “religion”. You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian. You have idiots like Michael Newdow screaming bloody murder. Yet if you are a muslim, schools bend over backward kissing their own asses to accommodate. Where is Michael on that? MIA of course! So where is the “separation of church and state”. France is doing it right. If you are going to claim a secular society the no Burqa, no crosses. Since it’s fair across the board Puddy has no problem with that. In America it’s no Christian religious symbol, all others are A-OK!
Do you finally get it Michael. The only option left is information by sledge hammer!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A Kentucky man who got mad about how his wife cooked his breakfast eggs shot her, her daughter, and three neighbors before turning the gun on himself.
But hey, we all know universal access to guns PREVENTS crime! And if crazy people don’t have easy access to guns they’ll commit their mass slayings with knives, baseball bats, rocks, or rat poison. You can’t stop ’em! So you might as well let ’em have guns!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian.”
Bullshit. You’re simply lying. Any kid in any public school in America can pray in school to any God he wants to. (See, e.g., “Oh God, let me pass this test!”) The First Amendment, and the court decisions interpreting it, DO NOT prevent students from praying in school! What the First Amendment prohibits is the teacher, principal, or other school officials leading the students in prayer — because that’s government-imposed religion. We don’t have government-imposed religion in this country, although we would have an official state religion in America if the religious conservatives got their way.
Your comment also implies that Christians are discriminated against by our legal policies. Double bullshit. That isn’t just lying, it’s goddamned lying, because you know goddamned well the law treats all religions the same. Christians aren’t singled out. Buddhists, Taoists, Jews, Muslims, or what-have-you, can’t do anything in public schools, public airports, courthouses, or anywhere else that Christians can’t do. And you know it, putz!
When you don’t even get basic facts straight, pukehead, there’s not much to argue about is there?
Puddy's Little Brotherspews:
Mommy says Puddy wears the helmet ’cause he’s fast.
Puddy's Little Brotherspews:
Because it shows that you don’t need conservative protestantism, or any religion, in schools to have well educated kids. :-)
That’s just a pile of nonsense. Kids wear crosses and young life tee-shirts to school. The junior high by my house has some form of of christian church meet in it every Sunday morning.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
Anyone can say a prayer in school. The problem is that people like P-Buddon’t want to say their own little prayer; They want to FORCE EVERYONE to pray their prayer in unison.
Muslims and liberals are now indoctrinating Americans that if they oppose anything a Muslim wants, they are an “anti-Muslim bigot.” As those two Muslims who toured 30 mosques in 30 days across American about anti-Muslim bigotry in America. If anyone is a bigot and hate-filled, it’s Muslims. How long would two Christians last doing a 30 churches in 30 days alone across Pakistan?
I firmly believe in the right of anyone in the USA to burn whatever religious books they want as a way to protest whatever it is they are protesting.
I also think that people that burn books are pathetic. This applies no matter what book they are burning.
But I’ve noticed a difference between all the different religions. Islam is the only one where just the possibility that you might actually think about maybe burning a copy of the Koran means that there will be violent protests thousands of miles away in another country. To the point of those people in the other country hitting and hurting each other.
So, any “Well, that might not be a good idea.” from my household is just because “Thou shalt not engage the crazy.” is a mantra around here.
@68 First it’s not about “religion”. You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian. You have idiots like Michael Newdow screaming bloody murder. Yet if you are a muslim, schools bend over backward kissing their own asses to accommodate. Where is Michael on that? MIA of course! So where is the “separation of church and state”. France is doing it right. If you are going to claim a secular society the no Burqa, no crosses. Since it’s fair across the board Puddy has no problem with that. In America it’s no Christian religious symbol, all others are A-OK!
so puddy, that analysis is spot on. i would also add our whole culture bends over backwards and kisses their ass for the jewish religion also. so really, i dont understand how once you said my posts offend you when we pretty much say the same thing.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
More BULLSHITTIUM from Roger Rabbit
Bullshit. You’re simply lying. Any kid in any public school in America can pray in school to any God he wants to.
Yeah we are not talking about personal prayers FOOL!
Now here is a thread at Snopes. Notice the date Roger June 30th.
More useless Pellet BULLSHITTIUM from the Roger.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Your comment also implies that Christians are discriminated against by our legal policies. Double bullshit.
More BULLSHITTIUM. Where did Puddy assert this FOOL? Any time students want to have a Christian prayer in school, the ACLU shows up to sue.
And you just love the ACLU.
More useless Pellet BULLSHITTIUM from the Roger.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
MOT, you know what offends Puddy about your posts.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
They want to FORCE EVERYONE to pray their prayer in unison.
Wrong mene moron. Again you act like most HA Libtardos here and twists what someone says into a NEW MEANING. Puddy never said that or asserted that.
Blue Johnspews:
16. Puddybud spews:
More liberal nonscientific garbage:
The left doesn’t hold Christianity and Islam to different standards – we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.
(spelling errors corrected.)
1) “More liberal nonscientific garbage”
What does science or non-science have to do with our cultural values? If science was a standard, you would be fighting for sex ed in school and to minimize abstinence only training since scientific studies have shown that abstinence only doesn’t work. So either the words don’t mean the same thing to you and me or you don’t really care about science. It’s just a 10 dollar word you threw in at random.
2) “we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.” Americans are better than than them. I think and feel that Americans have to act better than the barbarians, regardless if the barbarians are Islamic terrorists or Christian extremists, the KKK or the North Koreans.
You have a problem with that?
You don’t think Americans should be better than the barbarians? You don’t think Americans are capable of being better than savages? What do you think America stands for?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Again notice how Michael changes the subject.
at’s just a pile of nonsense. Kids wear crosses and young life tee-shirts to school. The junior high by my house has some form of of christian church meet in it every Sunday morning.
A school can sublet it’s building to a religious activity for money. You know exactly what Puddy is discussing here. Instead you throw up useless canards!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Blue John,
What does America stand for? Ask the ACLU they sue anything Christian in the public place. Remember the Christmas Tree fiascos all over America a few years ago? Read the links Puddy supplied through Google.
Blue Johnspews:
79. Puddybud spews:
Bullshit. You’re simply lying. Any kid in any public school in America can pray in school to any God he wants to.
Now here is a thread at Snopes. Notice the date Roger June 30th. (But of what year?)
Did you bother to read the thread from 4 years ago?
13 August 2007, 05:47 PM Maybe before attacking the ACLU for inaction, you should have checked your facts. Their website ( describes actions they took (not every issue or instance requires courtroom action) and recent news reports indicate that the matter was resolved in a constitutional and efficient manner. Their web stories indicate that they had serious concerns with the accommodations being made, just as they might if a different faith was involved. To say that “the ACLU refuses to step in” is absolutely inaccurate–that is, a lie. Your readers should expect a higher standard of reporting from this page.
If you do a google search for “ACLU sues school district over muslim prayer in school”
you get gems like ACLU to sue Minnesota Muslim public school and state education department for promoting religion
January 21, 2009 http://www.militantislammonito.....le/id/3829
Seems to me, you don’t read apply critical thinking to the threads you post. If you did, you wouldn’t make these obvious mistakes. With some effort, I think you can do better.
Blue Johnspews:
Here puddy,
The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation and meta-cognition.
There is a reasonable level of consensus among experts that an individual or group engaged in strong critical thinking gives due consideration to:
* Evidence
* Context of judgment
* Relevant criteria for making the judgment well
* Applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment
* Applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the problem and the question at hand
In addition to possessing strong critical thinking skills, one must be disposed to engage problems and decisions using those skills. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance and fairness.
Blue Johnspews:
YOu don’t like what the ACLU does, so I’m asking YOU what YOU think America stand should for.
Blue Johnspews:
Puddy, for example. you think the ACLU will only go after Christian but leaves Muslims alone.
In your Ideal America do we try to keep church and state separate like it says in the constitution, or would you rather we promote Christianity above all other religions? Would you go so far as to ban non christian religions? How much religion in politics is too much?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Oh Blue John,
Why did the ACLU sue the Minnesota School District. Because they used public funds to create a muslim school. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GROUP PRAYER IN SCHOOL. That’s why Puddy gave the CA school example.
church and state separate like it says in the constitution
IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. It was inferred by court fiat!
Good try though!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Hmmm… Loaded question Blue John cuz no matter what Puddy suggests you and the other knuckle draggers will be ready to pounce.
Puddy will keep his beliefs to himself thank you very much!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
You don’t think Americans should be better than the barbarians? You don’t think Americans are capable of being better than savages?
Seems your progressive friends think this. You can google their comments just like Puddy. Better yet ask ylb to share his database since you seem to have moronic mooonbat! memory malady.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Gonna watch some football now.
Blue Johnspews:
@91. We would pounce? “Hey, If You Aren’t Doing Anything Wrong, Then You Have Nothing To Worry About” ™ If you believe the rightness of your views, then you should have no problem sharing them.
True it says….
The constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause place restrictions on the government concerning laws they pass or interfering with religion. No restrictions are placed on religions except perhaps that a religious denomination cannot become the state religion.
flying scietologist spaghetti muslim monsterspews:
I thought Jonah Goldberg said Hitler was a socialist. Now why would Hitler kill leftists?
Actually, YLB, Hitler said Hitler was a socialist. Because Hitler and Stalin shared a rather strong aversion to Jews, some of whom were/are leftists, some leftists were killed by Hitler.
Lomborg’s warbling was just a convenient useful set of idiocies to excuse DOING NOTHING. Now he calls for Carbon Taxes!
Actually, YLB, Lomborg’s warbling was an attempt to stop socialists, leftist national socialists, and leftist intertational socialists from doing something stupud. Such as throwing trillions of dollars at what may or may not be a problem for which the marginal benefit of dollars spent is a vanishingly small fraction of the marginal cost of diverting dollars from better uses.
pud = pid. whatever. only pudless lucy knows for sure.spews:
intertational = international
stupud = stupid
Do you think that if everyone was gay then would wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.
@66: Just interesting that you had to grope back 20-23 years to come up with Piss Christ and Elephant Dung Virgin Mary, two classic wooden nickels from the right, used to dupe the likes of yourself into supporting George H W Bush, just as the Reagan revolution was losing its mojo. Lee Atwater lives on.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Crucifix in the butt very recent. Of course the yellowed pup skips this on purpose!
so you want everyone one to bea sick, twisted, confused ball licker like yourself?
eh? no thanks – I will stick with women.
Re 95
“Such as throwing trillions of dollars at what may or may not be a problem for which the marginal benefit of dollars spent is a vanishingly small fraction of the marginal cost of diverting dollars from better uses.”
Asking liberals to apply cost-benefit analysis to government programs? Don’t be silly!
@99: Have to admit that I’d never heard of such a thing, but obviously you’d be the one to know. My best to Lee Atwater’s animated corpse.
See what you cite to accuse me of denigrating Christianity, you skipped my point completely.
Lomborg, the skeptical environmentalist, is an environmentalist. Alas. He accepts as self-evident that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. He accepts as self-evident that concentrations of CO2, a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, will cause more-or-less measurable increases in surface temps and perhaps in ocean temps.
If negliglible increases in temps are a problem, as some fanatics assert, then Lomborg wants environmentalist fanatics to suggest or support economically efficient solutions to or mitigations of the alleged problem.
Everybody knows that cost-benefit analyses with their marginal this-and-that have built-in biases and flaws. But that kind of analysis, even with its limitations, is better than the fanatacism of green extremists for whom there are no limits, for whom no cost is too great and no “benefit” is too negligible.
and about that elephant dung virgin in karl rove's butt ...spews:
What’s that got to do with anything?
Anyway, Lomborg is a reality-based stats man. He knows that only faith-based secular “scientific” fanatics believe as articles of blind faith that trillions of dollars can be diverted to “global warming” mitigation without unintended consequence and without crowding out better uses of those trillions of dollars.
A case can be made that if something MUST be done to deal with a putative problem, taxes might be more efficient, effective, and equitable than, say, having a global carbon czar shut down American industry. Or further enriching Al Gore with absurd offsets, set-asides, and credits.
having a global carbon czar shut down American industry.
Heh. The ultimate fevered right wing delusion.
circle jerkspews:
Lomborg was the fossil-fuel loving, hard-core denialist’s useful idiot – period…
Period? Don’t tell me you missed yours again.
“Lomborg was the fossil-fuel loving, hard-core denialist’s useful idiot” only to the batshit useless-idiot liberal scientists at Scientific American. It served SA’s warped agenda to misrepresent and malign Lomborg. And you, useful kneejerk idiot that you are, jerked yourself right into the neo-Leninist line.
Ehrlich, pimped by SA to lie about Lomborg, ensnared you in his red web of lies. Get a hacksaw before he sucks out your precious bodily fluids.
Now who called for it and who used whose quotes in every denialist screed funded by the Koch brothers and the like?
a terminal degree in bugsspews:
I IGNORED SA and Ehrlich. Why?
Ummm … you INNORNED ’em because you’re IGNORANT? Is that why?
Lomborg: Danish environmentalist. Of course he’s got a jones on taxes.
Ehrlich: Liberal “scientist” who’s wrong time after time and who keeps coming back and getting paid for more. Everybody sane knows that Joe McCarthy had no reign of terror. Everybody honest knows that Ehrlich has a reign of error.
seriously, is daryl a professor, because if he is, its really scary that he’s influencing young minds. plus if you’re jewish daryl, thats even worse. are you teaching them how the jews from new york helped the bolsheviks in 1917? god help us.
Wow, it’s painful to watch so many people who don’t have a clue what the Constitution says. But they are certainly ready to stand up for what they THINK it says.
LOL Teabaggers….
This just illustrates why the tealiban movement will never get very far. One must spend a lifetime dedicating oneself to a life of obtusity in order to be one. It requires a superhuman effort to maintain this level of stupidity for oneself.
The medical term “colocraniectomy” was invented for these people.
What “soshulest” said that????
Former right wing idiot, die-hard climate science denying darling Bjorn Lomborg.
Read more:
Heh. I love it.
It’s hard to call Seder’s interviews representative, but the genre has been around long enough to give it at least a grain of truth.
In any event this vid with its display of proud ignorance helps to put in to perspective the silent reaction to the Bush/Cheney (helped along by scared Dems) dismantling of 4th amendment rights.
Of course, discussions of Habeas are hampered by the very foreign nature of the word. Ah, ignorance. So confident. So funny.
1. God “back” into school and government, where the Constitution says it should be.
2. We should stop gay marriage because “the people” want to, despite what the Constitution says; however, Obama is simultaneously “wiping his butt” with the Constitution.
3. We can’t participate in civic dialogue because if we say what’s on our minds, we’ll be called racists.
Willful stupidity, thinly cloaked bigotry, and the deep sense of victimization – the right wing recipe for success.
The poor fools interviewed are the dupes, obviously. But the fuhrers in the Tea/Republican Party are whipping these people up in terrifying ways. At Beck’s next extravaganza they’ll be recruiting brownshirts, no doubt.
The irreligious left holds Christianity to a stringent standard that isn’t applied to Islam. Talk of burning the Koran incites more leftist outrage than the burning of Christians by Muslims in Nigeria. Questioning the award of a government grant to the ‘artist’ who created Piss Christ ignites more leftist outrage than the murder of infidels loosely identified with Danish cartoons.
And, to repeat, the left still applies a stronger standard of judgement to/against Joe McCarthy’s reign of terror than Joe Stalin’s.
But YLB tells us that setting the record straight about Joe and Joe or about old NEA-supported art is immersion in the pointless past. So I started reading Jon Krakauer’s recent book about the “friendly”-fire death of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan. Here are excerpts from the first 13 pages. Note Krakauer’s double standard: Ann Coulter is a harridan; Ted Rall is an editorial cartoonist.
Note also that Krakauer’s creates another false leftist equivalency between the USSR and the USA. They maimed kids. We sent dollars to the muj. Therefore both superpowers enthusiastically pumped up the Afghanistan’s chaos.
But give Krakauer credit for finally coming clean about what genocide looks like. It looks like what the USSR was doing in Afghanistan in the 1980s while Chomsky was accusing the USA of being genocidal in Afghanistan in 2001.
And Krakauer also admits what a few right-wing harridans knew or heard back in the day: The socialist workers’ paradise was building and using weapons that looked like pretty toys.
Let us pray and let us play, but let’s save our real outrage for what’s really outrageous: quasi-Christian trash talk about trashing somebody’s book.
Soshulest Lomborg was never a denier, YLB. His nuanced attempt to inject or interject nuance into the GW debate (by trying to assess the marginal cost of risky leftist climate-change schemes) was painted in stark black and white by the socialists at Scientific American. At SA, Lomborg’s deviation from simple-minded YLB-style thinking about the unsettled science of warming was portrayed as holocaust denial.
And who did SA push forward to pimp its simplistic opinion about a complex subject? Who did SA anoint to march at the front of its religious crusade against apostate Lomborg?
Paul Ehrlich, who’s always been right about everything and who has an advanced degree in bugs.
Heh. Gotta love it.
Nevermind the typos @7, or that nonsensical paragraph about nonsensical Chomsky. And if Carter/Zbig really plotted a plan to stick it to the commies, then there’s finally something for which bron-again Carter Haters like me can choose to not hate born-again Carter.
Wrong, again, baggin’ fool:
The left doesn’t hold Christianity and Islam to different standards – we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.
That seems central to what constantly eludes you wingers: that because we are capable of rising higher, we should endeavor to do so. The right loves to parrot “We’re the greatest” and thump their collective chest at every opportunity, yet refuses to hold our nation to the higher standard to which we are capable of reaching. We on the left imagine a better nation and world, and try to achieve that. And part of achievement is critical analysis, including critiquing our own behavior.
I’ll reserve comment until after my Constitution class in October.
Used to think you “wingfucks” (that’s a Rabbit dropping) had no sense of humor. Thanks for proving me wrong by perfecting the art and craft of self-parody.
… is the funniest post we’ve seen here since the photo of Klake’s hat.
Ah, yes. Imagining a better world. That’s why Soviet child-maiming genocide in Afghanistan was “virtually unnoticed” by the left.
e 5: You are correct, He cherry picked the ones who were smart enough to converse with another human being.
They remind me of a friend who loved the song “We’re Not Gonna Take It’. I asked one time what it was that he wasn’t going to take and he replied, ‘I don’t know, but we’re not going to.’
Re 14
The writing is indeed on the wall, Mene. We’ll see the effects in November.
The hysterical fear the left feels for the Tea Party movement is very funny to me. You folks really shouldn’t show how out of step with America you really are so publicly. You’re supposed to be pretending that you represent mainstream values to allay the concern a center right America has with regards to you.
Oh wait, you don’t care. A majority of Americans didn’t want health care reform in the form it took. Obama Reid and Pelosi react with a law affecting 20% of the economy passed on a technical trick against that will. You guys just don’t get it, but you will in November.
More libtardo nonscientific garbage:
Biggest pile of pablum delivered today. You all cheer anything that denigrates Christianity. As Puddy placed on this blog last week about the piss jar Christ, The Elephant Dung Virgin Mary and the Crucifix hanging out of someone’s rectum, they were all leftist progressives back by leftist progressives, cheered by leftist progressives.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
What the heck! Why don’t we have a “Burn the Koran, Bible and Torah Rally?” That way, we can all be pinheads like that arrogant fuck in Florida and piss off all the major religions at the same time. Also, we have a good weenie roast at the same time! (All-beef franks of course!)
I’m sick and tired of hearing this religious shit on TV and elsewhere. All religions are different paths to the same place, so it pays to not take any of them too seriously.
We’re Not Gonna Take It?
That tune’s by my little Twisted Sister, YLB, and it used to be Stephanie Miller’s theme song. Then she decided she was gonna take it after all, and her theme changed to:
When Blago Blago Blago
(or Rangel Rangel Rangel)
(or Waters Waters Waters)
Go to jail jail jail
They will take it take it take it
In the tail tail tail.
(And why did Sandy Berger get out of jail free?)
Hey Libtardo and Unscientific…
1) When God was in school and government we didn’t have the issues in schools we have today. Poor achievement, gangs, drugs, intercine violence, etc. Oh yeah… the US was 4th in academic achievement when God was in school. Now we fell off the charts.
2) It’s the screaming minority of leftist peeps trying to force their position on the majority of Americans against their position.
3) Apparently you forgot about the Journolist group who started the meme when Odumba was erected to call anyone who disagreed with Odumba a racist. ylb has the links in his brain-dead database. Oh yeah… he doesn’t perform searches for anyone even if you ask nice. So Google “Journolist call them racists” and enjoy the free PuddyEducation.
Did you miss all the times rujax called anyone who disagreed with Odumba a racist… Funny, Puddy didn’t realize the dumb cinder block rujax received the memo back then. Chronologically it all fits today! Now that Letterman, Leno and Stewart (notice there have been no Stewart videos headlining blog threads lately) have all come out bashing Odumba, why hasn’t the dumb cinder block called them racist?
Well SAID, Puddy.
Didn’t know I was repeating your point about tax-supported anti-Christian leftist bigotry.
@19: The Religulous Left indeed has problems with reality-based reality.
You had a point??
Couldn’t write one sentence without bringing up race? That’s why folks call you tools, racists.
Here’s a little bit of local anti-muslim christian bigot reality from “our” boys at Ft. Lewis, 5th Stryker Brigade:
Read more:
Couldn’t write one sentence without bringing up race? That’s why folks call you tools, racists.
up, i have to admit, you gave me a chuckle about my own post.
LMAO!! All the touting of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by the right wing fossil fuel industry loving denialist crowd drains into the memory black hole now that Lomborg changes his tune and calls for
Carbon taxes!
Such tedious BS from our trolls. Two themes:
1. You did it first (or worse) so whatever we say/do is OK
2. Pick the most extreme and define whoever you disagree with as supporting it.
Still in the schoolyard, are we?
Don’t hold back HNMT!
YLB – what does it stand for?
Come out HNMT! Come out!
Why should I?
There’s Google..
GWB (the guy you voted for twice) didn’t do nuance.
i.e. Lomborg’s warbling was just a convenient useful set of idiocies to excuse DOING NOTHING.
Now he calls for Carbon Taxes!
Been the HA libtardo theme on this blog since 2004! Never read ylb, Steve, Roger, ekim, headless lucy and his 53 other names, zotz, uptown, broadway joe, don joe, another TJ, Goldy, Lee, SJ, Carl, etc., etc., etc. commentary on this blog?
K must have been asleep!
Forgot to add correctnotright, daddy love, artfart, my left foot, gbs, etc., etc., etc.
YLB – what does it stand for?
32 – Wrong again.. The HMNT cares – very deeply.
He’s just a little shy about it.
Hehehehehe. HNMT – I bet you appreciated Joe Stalin when you were on the left and you certainly must appreciate him now.
He killed, maimed, imprisoned and abused many, many, many communists.
Of the states that are now above us, how many of them are theocratic states that push some form of God in their schools?
We’ve seen this film before. The Democrats will lose a few seats around the country, the folks in power always lose a few in years like this. Of the seats that the Republicans pickup only a small minority will be held by people that espouse the kind of corn pone theocratism that that folks like Puddy, Cyn and our other trolls espouse. That small number of corn pone theocrats will go on to get little or no legislation passed and will step down or be voted out of office after a term or two. Yawn.
Please point to the countries on this website:
that a follow a form of government that closely matches what you’ve exposed here on HA.
GW debate: Not the Crawford GW, YLB, nor the GW from Mt. Vernon. Apparently you’re climatically challenged as well as climactically challenged.
Pat Tillman Part Two:
Damn straight. Damn Pashtunwali Yankees.
Last week there was a newspaper cartoon showing the equivalence of American Christians to adherents of The Religion of Peace in the Middle East. Krakauer proves it: Red Sox are just like Honor Killers … no better and, Allah knows, no worse.
And about those Kolorful Kid Killing bombs the Soviets used against Afghanistan way back in the day: Rabbit, who knows all, probably knows if any US leftists were more concerned about maimed children than about Jerry Falwell’s war on America, but I remember only right-wing harridans such as ex-Goldycrat Jeane Kirkpatrick getting upset about Afghan death at an early age.
About the CIA cutting off the muj when the war was over: suppose the CIA continued to continue. Wouldn’t the left have called that neocolonialism or imperialism?
Actually, no. Three weeks after 9/11 I heard leftist Theodore Lowi at Cornell say that 9/11 was all our fault because we didn’t make Trashkanistan a vassal state or a suburb of Philadelphia. If only we’d colonized it.
As Patty Murray said later, the reason Osama is loved over there and we aren’t is because he made Afghanistan an urban renewal project He built day-care centers and we didn’t. Bet he also built abortion clinics. Osama’s just a lovable liveral in a hurry. Sort of like Obama.
lovable liberal in a hurry …
Pat Tillman, the Sequel:
Damn GHEB. Damn Cheney for not linking arms or holding hands with the visionary Man From Afghanistan who stomped his political enemies to death.
I mean, it wasn’t like Naj — the visionary enemy stomper — was an evil man like Big Dick Nixon who put his enemy Dan Schorr on an Enemy’s List. Nothing like that. Naj was a Man of Peace from the Religion of Peace and old man Bush was too wrapped up in Cheney’s Cold War delusions to know when he was being given a pearl of great price, peace everlasting in Kabul.
Isht. GHEB = GHWB.
thens = tens.
Commie Najibullah = civilized.
GHWB & Cheney & Nixon = evil.
Any questions?
RE Stalin the Kommie Killer:
When Hitler killed Jewish leftists, that was a bad thing. When Stalin killed Jewish leftists, that was a good thing. Did I correctly restate your point, YLB?
The trolls continue to make no distinction between endorsing the right to free expression and endorsing the content of someone’s expression. Liberals can support the right to free expression and use it to oppose an expression, just as apparently the right does.
It’s worth remembering that Piss Christ (here with the actual issues removed to set up an equivalence) comes from a different generation of conservatives’ bullshit Culture Wars. If you let yourself get drawn into this circus, it will inevitably make you a clown.
Hey Hominids! It’s been another above-average week in the KulturKampf, being steeped and marinated in the Glenn Beck Bibletution bullshit and the circus with the inevitable clowns.
It’s all so inevitable. But about one thing, at least, we can all agree ….. Do you suffer from the heartbreak of Islamophobia? Fear not, Bibletutionists. Let not your hearts be troubled. Help is on the way.
Islamophobia isn’t just offensive, it will soon be an indictable offense. New Obamunist Hate Crimes legislation will take care of the irksome Islamophobes in your life and on your blog.
That hateful name-morphing troll talking trash about the left’s preferred and protected religion? He/she/it’s a hate criminal. And he/she/its prejudice will be dealt with, with X-Treme Prejudice. Count on it. Vote for it. Or else.
Re 35
I’m not sure if God in schools was really the issue. And while I am myself a Christian, I’m convinced that separation of church and state (though without the rabid fervor of some proponents of it that would eliminate Christmas and so on from public spaces) is a good thing.
However, what a uniform Christian perspective did do for schools was inculcate a basic structure of predictable social values in kids. The lean to ‘whatever makes you feel good, is good’ doesn’t do this. It treats all values as equal in desirability, so effectively eliminates all values.
I’ve worked with teenagers as a manager and in volunteer roles tutoring. What seems a constant is the desire to know what is the socially accepted limit of expression. To a person they push against the boundaries in part to find out where those boundaries lie. Not pushing back is, in my view, a form of child abuse. It gives the child no sense of what society expects of them, and therefore no tools to succeed in that society. In my interactions with my own kids and with those in tutoring settings I try to be consistent and firm about what I expect.
It is this kind of insistence on a set of socially accepted values that left the schools when religion did. I don’t call for church influence on schools. I do call for kids to be given the rules and expected to follow them.
It’s what Puddy said and what many others on the right have said, you take God out of schools and the next thing you know we’re sucking left hind tit. Is it really “the issue”? Probably not. But, if it isn’t “the issue” then STFU about it and talk about what is the issue.
And we can’t have basic structure of predictable social values in kids without religion?
I’ve been in all sorts of schools and I’ve not seen that lacking.
41 – Suck on this.
Re 45
A lack of clear phrasing led to being told to STFU. (BTW, a singularly elegant turn of speech, Micheal.)
I’m not sure if God in schools was the reason for better performance. I postulated that in fact a culturally homogenous view of values promulgated by the schools helped the students.
And in todays environment in which any value has equal merit I don’t see that in schools. It’s a large part of why my children won’t and don’t attend public school. ‘No, Johnny, 2 plus 2 doesn’t equal 5 in the oppressive Anglo Christian system which is responsible for every bad thing that’s ever happened. But you just go on believing it, because for you it’s true, and that’s really all that matters.’ No, thanks. I’d rather have private school teachers unafraid to, I don’t know, teach my kids.
Unless of course, you mean a value set in which America is always wrong, responsibility for personal actions is never important, and Christianity is evil.
Of course, there is another take on the history.
The Koch wealth may or may not have its roots in Stalinist Russia. If the article is factually accurate the reason the Soviets came here for expertise is that it was lacking after 10 years of Communist rule.
And of course the elephant in the room that liberals will do anything to ignore? Your theories were tried in Russia, and I believe we all know how well that turned out.
Wasn’t telling you to STFU, I was telling folks that they need talk about the things that really, truly, are issues and shut up about the other stuff. And I think my meaning was clear back in the original comment.
As someone that actually has been involved in public schools I haven’t seen this sort of thing in the schools that I’ve been involved with.
I’m not sure what public schools you’ve been hanging out in, but again, this just isn’t happening in the ones I’ve been in. Maybe I’ve just been lucky. :-)
That was hyperbolic. Actually, I was a bit hysterical. Apologies.
Most of the public school teachers we dealt with prior to private school were hardworking decent folks trying very hard to educate kids. They were hampered by policies and administrators who cared more about test scores and graduation rates than whether the kids got it, and my frustration went a bit overboard.
But the trend is one I stand by. The social values which built this country are not called that. They are called one way of looking at the world. Which is true, but kids need direction. They’ll question those values on their own in the natural course of maturing.
People keep saying that all the Muslim terrorism that’s being committed all over the world doesn’t represent Islam. That the religion has been hijacked by radicals, and it’s just a tiny fraction of extremists and fundamentalists who are the problem, and to lump the rest of Islam in with them, is wrong. We don’t say there must be something about Islam that inspires a greater number of terrorist acts.
Then how come we refer to German Nazis, we also don’t make that distinction? That Nazism as a whole is good, but the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was hijacked by extremists, and this in no way should reflect poorly on everyday Nazis. It was only the extremist Nazis who were causing all the problems. In the Nazis’ case, we do say there was something wrong with Nazism itself.
Good thing? It was a right wing wet dream! Jewish, Catholic, muslim, scientologist, flying spaghetti monster believer. The only good leftist is a DEAD LEFTIST!
Oh but hold on HNMT….
I thought Jonah Goldberg said Hitler was a socialist. Now why would Hitler kill leftists?
48 – Actually, leftist theories are presently being tried with a high level of success and satisfaction in Northern Europe.
Just read this blog entry from Dan Savage, who is in NYC today. I think he has discovered a sad truth.
Also, this from a 9/11 widow – you, those folks that Beck and Coulter hate so much:
I’m offended that Savage used the term illegal in describing undocumented immigrants. Also, how did he know if he was walking past “illegals?” Did he just assume anyone who looks hispanic must be undocumented?
Using the word illegal to describe an undocumented immigrant is not only factually incorrect, it dehumanizes a group of people which this country has been relying on to …
I’m just messing around. I hate illegals. Deport them all!
Actually, those weren’t our theories that were tried out in Russia. Our theories look remarkably like the theories that are in use in countries 1-13 on this list (the USA is #14).
Looks like Danny Boy’s wouldn’t have any trouble scoring in Branson.
No shortage of ads in the non-kink men seeking men section either. Danny Boy is one of the bigger bigots out there.
e 38:
I heard rightist Christianists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell say that THEIR GOD made 9/11 happen.
So there it is: Jesus caused 9/11 because he was in a snit over gay people.
There should be no Christian churches near ground zero because Jesus made it happen.
You have said so yourselves.
Didn’t Jerry’s God cause H. Katrina?
If you want to learn more about Islam, the most fair and balanced website I’ve come across is
Here’s to inspiring art.
The Yellowed Pup farts
Yep you progressives will support anything that denigrates Christianity. Cheer it on!
Who knows. Why is it a comparison? We have our way of living they have theirs. Ours was keeping us competitive. Now we SUCK!
First it’s not about “religion”. You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian. You have idiots like Michael Newdow screaming bloody murder. Yet if you are a muslim, schools bend over backward kissing their own asses to accommodate. Where is Michael on that? MIA of course! So where is the “separation of church and state”. France is doing it right. If you are going to claim a secular society the no Burqa, no crosses. Since it’s fair across the board Puddy has no problem with that. In America it’s no Christian religious symbol, all others are A-OK!
Do you finally get it Michael. The only option left is information by sledge hammer!
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A Kentucky man who got mad about how his wife cooked his breakfast eggs shot her, her daughter, and three neighbors before turning the gun on himself.
But hey, we all know universal access to guns PREVENTS crime! And if crazy people don’t have easy access to guns they’ll commit their mass slayings with knives, baseball bats, rocks, or rat poison. You can’t stop ’em! So you might as well let ’em have guns!
@68 “You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian.”
Bullshit. You’re simply lying. Any kid in any public school in America can pray in school to any God he wants to. (See, e.g., “Oh God, let me pass this test!”) The First Amendment, and the court decisions interpreting it, DO NOT prevent students from praying in school! What the First Amendment prohibits is the teacher, principal, or other school officials leading the students in prayer — because that’s government-imposed religion. We don’t have government-imposed religion in this country, although we would have an official state religion in America if the religious conservatives got their way.
Your comment also implies that Christians are discriminated against by our legal policies. Double bullshit. That isn’t just lying, it’s goddamned lying, because you know goddamned well the law treats all religions the same. Christians aren’t singled out. Buddhists, Taoists, Jews, Muslims, or what-have-you, can’t do anything in public schools, public airports, courthouses, or anywhere else that Christians can’t do. And you know it, putz!
When you don’t even get basic facts straight, pukehead, there’s not much to argue about is there?
Mommy says Puddy wears the helmet ’cause he’s fast.
Because it shows that you don’t need conservative protestantism, or any religion, in schools to have well educated kids. :-)
That’s just a pile of nonsense. Kids wear crosses and young life tee-shirts to school. The junior high by my house has some form of of christian church meet in it every Sunday morning.
Anyone can say a prayer in school. The problem is that people like P-Buddon’t want to say their own little prayer; They want to FORCE EVERYONE to pray their prayer in unison.
Liberals are afraid of being labeled “Islamaphobic” if they are against something a Muslim wants.
Muslims and liberals are now indoctrinating Americans that if they oppose anything a Muslim wants, they are an “anti-Muslim bigot.” As those two Muslims who toured 30 mosques in 30 days across American about anti-Muslim bigotry in America. If anyone is a bigot and hate-filled, it’s Muslims. How long would two Christians last doing a 30 churches in 30 days alone across Pakistan?
I firmly believe in the right of anyone in the USA to burn whatever religious books they want as a way to protest whatever it is they are protesting.
I also think that people that burn books are pathetic. This applies no matter what book they are burning.
But I’ve noticed a difference between all the different religions. Islam is the only one where just the possibility that you might actually think about maybe burning a copy of the Koran means that there will be violent protests thousands of miles away in another country. To the point of those people in the other country hitting and hurting each other.
So, any “Well, that might not be a good idea.” from my household is just because “Thou shalt not engage the crazy.” is a mantra around here.
First it’s not about “religion”. You can’t say a prayer in school if you are a Christian. You have idiots like Michael Newdow screaming bloody murder. Yet if you are a muslim, schools bend over backward kissing their own asses to accommodate. Where is Michael on that? MIA of course! So where is the “separation of church and state”. France is doing it right. If you are going to claim a secular society the no Burqa, no crosses. Since it’s fair across the board Puddy has no problem with that. In America it’s no Christian religious symbol, all others are A-OK!
so puddy, that analysis is spot on. i would also add our whole culture bends over backwards and kisses their ass for the jewish religion also. so really, i dont understand how once you said my posts offend you when we pretty much say the same thing.
More BULLSHITTIUM from Roger Rabbit
Yeah we are not talking about personal prayers FOOL!
Here is the Google search
Now here is a thread at Snopes. Notice the date Roger June 30th.
More useless Pellet BULLSHITTIUM from the Roger.
More BULLSHITTIUM. Where did Puddy assert this FOOL? Any time students want to have a Christian prayer in school, the ACLU shows up to sue.
And you just love the ACLU.
More useless Pellet BULLSHITTIUM from the Roger.
MOT, you know what offends Puddy about your posts.
Wrong mene moron. Again you act like most HA Libtardos here and twists what someone says into a NEW MEANING. Puddy never said that or asserted that.
16. Puddybud spews:
(spelling errors corrected.)
1) “More liberal nonscientific garbage”
What does science or non-science have to do with our cultural values? If science was a standard, you would be fighting for sex ed in school and to minimize abstinence only training since scientific studies have shown that abstinence only doesn’t work. So either the words don’t mean the same thing to you and me or you don’t really care about science. It’s just a 10 dollar word you threw in at random.
2) “we hold ourselves, Americans, to different, higher standards.” Americans are better than than them. I think and feel that Americans have to act better than the barbarians, regardless if the barbarians are Islamic terrorists or Christian extremists, the KKK or the North Koreans.
You have a problem with that?
You don’t think Americans should be better than the barbarians? You don’t think Americans are capable of being better than savages?
What do you think America stands for?
Again notice how Michael changes the subject.
A school can sublet it’s building to a religious activity for money. You know exactly what Puddy is discussing here. Instead you throw up useless canards!
Blue John,
What does America stand for? Ask the ACLU they sue anything Christian in the public place. Remember the Christmas Tree fiascos all over America a few years ago? Read the links Puddy supplied through Google.
79. Puddybud spews:
Did you bother to read the thread from 4 years ago?
If you do a google search for “ACLU sues school district over muslim prayer in school”
you get gems like
ACLU to sue Minnesota Muslim public school and state education department for promoting religion
January 21, 2009
Seems to me, you don’t read apply critical thinking to the threads you post. If you did, you wouldn’t make these obvious mistakes. With some effort, I think you can do better.
Here puddy,
The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation and meta-cognition.
There is a reasonable level of consensus among experts that an individual or group engaged in strong critical thinking gives due consideration to:
* Evidence
* Context of judgment
* Relevant criteria for making the judgment well
* Applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment
* Applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the problem and the question at hand
In addition to possessing strong critical thinking skills, one must be disposed to engage problems and decisions using those skills. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance and fairness.
YOu don’t like what the ACLU does, so I’m asking YOU what YOU think America stand should for.
Puddy, for example. you think the ACLU will only go after Christian but leaves Muslims alone.
In your Ideal America do we try to keep church and state separate like it says in the constitution, or would you rather we promote Christianity above all other religions? Would you go so far as to ban non christian religions? How much religion in politics is too much?
Oh Blue John,
Why did the ACLU sue the Minnesota School District. Because they used public funds to create a muslim school. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GROUP PRAYER IN SCHOOL. That’s why Puddy gave the CA school example.
IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. It was inferred by court fiat!
Good try though!
Hmmm… Loaded question Blue John cuz no matter what Puddy suggests you and the other knuckle draggers will be ready to pounce.
Puddy will keep his beliefs to himself thank you very much!
Seems your progressive friends think this. You can google their comments just like Puddy. Better yet ask ylb to share his database since you seem to have moronic mooonbat! memory malady.
Gonna watch some football now.
@91. We would pounce? “Hey, If You Aren’t Doing Anything Wrong, Then You Have Nothing To Worry About” ™ If you believe the rightness of your views, then you should have no problem sharing them.
True it says….
The constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause place restrictions on the government concerning laws they pass or interfering with religion. No restrictions are placed on religions except perhaps that a religious denomination cannot become the state religion.
Actually, YLB, Hitler said Hitler was a socialist. Because Hitler and Stalin shared a rather strong aversion to Jews, some of whom were/are leftists, some leftists were killed by Hitler.
Actually, YLB, Lomborg’s warbling was an attempt to stop socialists, leftist national socialists, and leftist intertational socialists from doing something stupud. Such as throwing trillions of dollars at what may or may not be a problem for which the marginal benefit of dollars spent is a vanishingly small fraction of the marginal cost of diverting dollars from better uses.
intertational = international
stupud = stupid
Do you think that if everyone was gay then would wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.
@66: Just interesting that you had to grope back 20-23 years to come up with Piss Christ and Elephant Dung Virgin Mary, two classic wooden nickels from the right, used to dupe the likes of yourself into supporting George H W Bush, just as the Reagan revolution was losing its mojo. Lee Atwater lives on.
Crucifix in the butt very recent. Of course the yellowed pup skips this on purpose!
so you want everyone one to bea sick, twisted, confused ball licker like yourself?
eh? no thanks – I will stick with women.
Re 95
“Such as throwing trillions of dollars at what may or may not be a problem for which the marginal benefit of dollars spent is a vanishingly small fraction of the marginal cost of diverting dollars from better uses.”
Asking liberals to apply cost-benefit analysis to government programs? Don’t be silly!
@99: Have to admit that I’d never heard of such a thing, but obviously you’d be the one to know. My best to Lee Atwater’s animated corpse.
See what you cite to accuse me of denigrating Christianity, you skipped my point completely.
Both killed a lot of leftists.. More than any capitalist probably.. No wonder right wingers can’t get them out of their little heads…
Now includes calls for carbon taxes. Ooops! Right wingers have gone deaf to Lomborg!
Carbon taxes: Even Krauthammer, Rabbit’s snuggle bunny, called for carbon taxes. Or a variation on the theme. So, like, what?
HNMT: Carbon Taxes=Right wing knee goes jerk. Lomborg goes from Euro useful idiot to the pantheon of commies.
Krauthammer???? Who’s that? Didn’t he write for the internantional liberal conspiracy WAPO?
Karl Rove will outlive them all!
Speaking of jerks, YLB …
Lomborg, the skeptical environmentalist, is an environmentalist. Alas. He accepts as self-evident that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. He accepts as self-evident that concentrations of CO2, a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, will cause more-or-less measurable increases in surface temps and perhaps in ocean temps.
If negliglible increases in temps are a problem, as some fanatics assert, then Lomborg wants environmentalist fanatics to suggest or support economically efficient solutions to or mitigations of the alleged problem.
Everybody knows that cost-benefit analyses with their marginal this-and-that have built-in biases and flaws. But that kind of analysis, even with its limitations, is better than the fanatacism of green extremists for whom there are no limits, for whom no cost is too great and no “benefit” is too negligible.
What’s that got to do with anything?
Anyway, Lomborg is a reality-based stats man. He knows that only faith-based secular “scientific” fanatics believe as articles of blind faith that trillions of dollars can be diverted to “global warming” mitigation without unintended consequence and without crowding out better uses of those trillions of dollars.
A case can be made that if something MUST be done to deal with a putative problem, taxes might be more efficient, effective, and equitable than, say, having a global carbon czar shut down American industry. Or further enriching Al Gore with absurd offsets, set-asides, and credits.
105 – You utterly refuse to comprehend the point.
Lomborg was the fossil-fuel loving, hard-core denialist’s useful idiot – period…
Now that’s he’s calling for higher taxes – he’s no longer all that useful.
You’ll just have to rely a bit more on denying the reality that’s staring you right in the face. From the Torygraph no less:
Heh. The ultimate fevered right wing delusion.
Period? Don’t tell me you missed yours again.
“Lomborg was the fossil-fuel loving, hard-core denialist’s useful idiot” only to the batshit useless-idiot liberal scientists at Scientific American. It served SA’s warped agenda to misrepresent and malign Lomborg. And you, useful kneejerk idiot that you are, jerked yourself right into the neo-Leninist line.
Ehrlich, pimped by SA to lie about Lomborg, ensnared you in his red web of lies. Get a hacksaw before he sucks out your precious bodily fluids.
111 – If you didn’t notice I IGNORED SA and Ehrlich. Why? Because they’re utterly beside the point.
Here’s the point again pin cushion pricked and addled as you are by right wing bullshit:
higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes..
Now who called for it and who used whose quotes in every denialist screed funded by the Koch brothers and the like?
Ummm … you INNORNED ’em because you’re IGNORANT? Is that why?
Lomborg: Danish environmentalist. Of course he’s got a jones on taxes.
Ehrlich: Liberal “scientist” who’s wrong time after time and who keeps coming back and getting paid for more. Everybody sane knows that Joe McCarthy had no reign of terror. Everybody honest knows that Ehrlich has a reign of error.
Dammit. Typos. Gimme Firefox and an Edit Fx.
Can’t read either… I rest my case.
Told you before. You’re so busy not being busy that you’ve got repetitive rest injuries.
116 – zzzzzzzZZZZZzzz.. Who could have seen that coming?
Have a great “busy” day.. Isn’t there a little Dave Ross left to listen to?
How’s in hangin’, Hominids? All tuckered out from watching YLB wear himself out on the couch after crawling out of the rack at the crack of noon?
How’s it hangin’