Yee Haw! The first ever “Tea Party Presidential Debate” is starting on CNN, staring Wolf Blitzer!?!
So break out your pitchforks and anti-Obama Nazi-inspired signs and cheer along to the crazy!
5:05 (PDT): I may add some comments as the debate progresses. But, really, is there any point? My hunch is that the sheer crazy will be stand-alone entertaining.
5:11: Did Newt Gingrich REALLY just suggest that the teabagger battle against the government is really like the War on Terror?!? So…Newt believes the U.S. government is like al Qaeda?
5:14: Perry says that nobody has the “courage to fix [Social Security].” I think a former Texas Governor might disagree with that. Of course, Americans rejected that attempt.
5:16: Mitt’s decided he’ll take over asking questions for the debate.
5:18: Ron Paul claims that Social Security IS broke. I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.
5:21: Newt Gingrich favors scaring the American people because “Obama frightens them every day.” In other words, “Obama is a scary black man.”
5:23: Rick Santorum, “I came out in 1994….”
PROMOTED COMMENT Via Michael: Huntsman goes for the non-existent righty grunge vote with a Curt Cobain reference! [Darryl: Yeah…that was really awkward.]
5:37: Rick Perry just claimed the stimulus created ZERO jobs!?! That is provably false.
5:39: Bachmann, “I said, ‘Don’t raise the debt ceiling….Don’t give the President a $2.5T blank check.” Somebody should point out to Michele that there was no blank check…the $2.5T was already spent.
5:41: Mittster recycles his pay-phone/cell phone quarter-jamming line.
5:43: Mitt sure knows a lot about Texas Economics. Mitt on Perry’s job growth record, “If your dealt 4 aces, it doesn’t necessary make you a great poker player.” Yeah…like Mitt hasn’t been dealt 4 aces in his life….
5:45: Perry wants to kick all the trial lawyers out. He might need to pass a constitutional amendment first….
5:46: Perry has a strong record of cutting taxes in Texas. Sure…and then filling in the missing revenue from Obama’s stimulus funds.
5:54: Wolf Blitzer misquotes Perry. Perry did not suggest Bernanke be “tried for treason” he suggested that “printing more money” would be treasonous. Sheesh!
6:03: Mitt briefly turned liberal, as he criticizes the “fair tax” for being too regressive.
6:06: Man…Bachmann sure goes off the deep end on HPV vaccine discussion.
6:09: Rick Perry is insulted by the suggestion he can be bribed for $5000. Right…it takes a hell of a lot more money than that!
6:18: Ron Paul: The churches will pay for the heath care costs of the uninsured!
6:28: Santorum and Newt are having a love fest between them this debate.
6:30: Wow…Perry may have just lost the entire bunch of teabaggers with his affirmation in support for out-of-state tuition for undocumented residents.
6:32: Huntsman says Perry’s statement on securing the border is treasonous. What the fuck debate is he listening to? I’m not judging the merits of Perry’s statement, but it sure the hell didn’t approach treason!
6:34: Huntsman is babbling nearly as badly as Bachmann tonight. Is he fucking stoned?!?
6:43: Huntsman: More American “shine” will liberate the oppressed women of Afghanistan.
6:49: The “what would you bring to the White House” question was a complete waste of time. Wait…the whole debate doesn’t really qualify as a great use of time. About as “valuable” as watching a typical sitcom.
I used to think that Huntsman was the least crazy of the bunch. Now I think he has a drug problem.
Perry worked very hard to come off as a moderate. I guess his days as a shit-kickin’ Texan are over. Huh…that strategy seems vaguely familiar….
Mitt began the debate all worked up and then quickly faded to just another right-wing talking point machine.
Michele…Oh, those eyes and their crazy hypnotic spinning!
Newt still demands he be called, “Mr. Speaker.”
Herman Cain…slogan city. And he closes the debate by, essentially, saying that Americans are lacking in humor.
Santorum…eeewwwww, YUCK!
Paul…the same unelectable, semi-babbling person who isn’t afraid to call it like he sees it.
Darryl, you gotta respect the beard.
SSI’s a ponzi scheme, but don’t worry it will be there for you when it’s time to retire!
Mitten’s is taking Perry down!
Huntsman goes for the non-existent righty grunge vote with a Curt Cobain reference!
He doesn’t believe that – but he and the other protofascists have done a wonderful job de-legitimizing government as a tool for good, convincing the rubes to vote against their own best interests.
How do I make Rob McKenna’s painfully dopey visage disappear from the side-bar?
The slightly ill-at-ease nerdiness – it burnses!
Um… If the young folks have personal SSI accounts wouldn’t that defund the old folks?
Personal, instead of SSI accounts.
T-Paw endorsed Mittens – that good enough for me!
That magical underwear is powerful JuJu!
(and just another bit of craziness brought to you by the godly and the righteous)
Quick, somebody call Savage – Dan that is, not Michael.
“In the state of Texas we defunded the fire fighters and 1500 houses burned down.”
Is anything Bachmann’s saying even make sense?
Michael at 13,
Not that I’ve heard. But CNN dropped out on me for the first part of her answer.
Hunstman talks a good game. Too bad it’s all crap.
Glad to know that I’m not the only one.
Shorter Newt: I’m cheerful and for everyone and everything. Basically, I’m a big fat hippie.
This is just too crazy. I have to turn it off.
The whole HPV thing was really creepy.
I cannot stomach watching that shit, so I just read this at a liberal discussion board:
Just like the audience cheering at the GOOBER “debate” last week of Perry’s murderous texecutions. What foul and sorry people.
Crazy eyes: I have to say Perry’s eyes say this: No one is at home.
Watching the discussion on CNN and Paul Begalia offers the best thing the Dems can do—string the tea party bag around the Republican candidate whoever it is that gets the wing nut nomination.
Who cares what Gingrich says? According to recent polls Al Qaeda is more popular than he is. Hell, he can’t even get his wife and kids to vote for him!
“Perry has a strong record of cutting taxes in Texas. Sure…and then filling in the missing revenue from Obama’s stimulus funds.”
Or how about eliminating 75% of the funding for volunteer firefighters, then calling up the White House to plead for $50 million of federal aid, like Perry did last week?
Did anyone get a gander at that Teabag audience? Very telling. They nearly stormed the stage when Ron Paul actually said that America was partly to blame for 911.
The patriots were ready for a lynching as American exceptionalism was called into question.
Anyone notice that Michelle Bachmann seems to only own three pairs of shoes?
Herman Caine has a tax plan called 999 which could (if turned upside down) be called 666.
Oh my!
Newt seems to have gotten even more portly, Mitt really has some fierce eyebrow action going when he is in the throes of “leadership mode”, Santorum is just a snide little weasel as usual, and Huntsman should just give it up and become a Democrat- he just ain’t Republican material.
Notice how no questions were asked about religion,gay rights,abortion,labor unions, education, or the magnificent omnipitent “Job Creators” who when given tax cuts have created no jobs?
Oh I forgot this was a Teaparty debate and these “real Merikans” don’t ever..ever want to go there because ..that only concerns the “icky poor people” who aren’t real Merikans anyway.
I think the winner for host of the new game show called. “Spin the Republican Lie” should go to..Michelle Bachmann- with Rick Santorum as ‘hostess’. Wouldn’t Rick look cute in a flowery gown!
“Huntsman is babbling nearly as badly as Bachmann tonight. Is he fucking stoned?!?”
Yeah, probably. It worked for Peter Lemon, so maybe Huntsman thinks it’ll work for him, too.
“‘It was the only time I ever went into combat stoned,’ said American soldier Peter Lemon, describing how he smoked marijuana one night, then fought off two waves of Vietcong troops, dragged a wounded comrade to safety — and won the Congressional Medal of Honor.”
(Ed. Note: Lemon was a Canadian who enlisted in the U.S. Army. Currently, he makes his living as an inspirational speaker.)
“Huntsman: More American ‘shine’ will liberate the oppressed women of Afghanistan.”
Actually, what it takes to liberate Afghan women is to kill all the Afghan men. But we don’t have to do that; give them guns and they’ll do it to each other.
Oh c’mon, Darryl, lighten up — didn’t you see at least ONE electable person in that lineup? Oh wait, I was looking at the wrong lineup — instead of getting a live stream of the debate I was watching a rerun of “Cops” …
@7 Not if Congress pays back the money it borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund.
[shrieking rabbit laughter in background]
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
World’s Biggest Employers
Factoid: Seven of the world’s 10 biggest employers are governments.
#1 U.S. Defense Department, 3.2 million
#2 Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 2.3 million
#3 Walmart, 2.1 million
#4 McDonald’s, 1.7 million
#5 China National Petroleum Corp., 1.7 million
#6 State Grid Corporation of China, 1.6 million
#7 National Health Service (England), 1.4 million
#8 Indian Railways, 1.4 million
#9 China Post Group, 900,000
#10 Hon Hai Precision Industry, 800,000
Huntsman’s gone all American Beauty, gettin’ stoned and listing to Nirvana…
Of course da perfesser forgot the first was from a Lyndon LaRouche DUMMOCRAPT! They invented the Obama as Hitler poster picture.
Rick Santorum really pizzed off the PaulTards on Facebook
Misogynist dumb cinder block rujax would run to a libtardo left wrong web site. I go to mediaite. Big difference.
Dear fellow progressives who watched that sandbox fight tonight,
How do you do it? I can’t watch children flinging doo at each other and thinking that one of them might actually become President of the United States of America. I get too depressed. These are not serious people (I thought Huntsman was, but comments above suggest that even he is not an adult). So, how do you watch 2 hours of such fact-denying, (faux) Bible-pounding, reason-defying drivel?
Person playing Puddybud,
“Of course da perfesser forgot the first was from a Lyndon LaRouche DUMMOCRAPT! They invented the Obama as Hitler poster picture.”
I definitely didn’t forget–I regularly run into the LaRouchian whack-jobs on campus.
Rather, your logic is flawed. My comment made no suggestions either way for the origins of the Nazi-themed anti-Obama signage. It only took a jab at the teabaggers for employing them.
Ron Paul needs to be more aware of what’s going on with his own church. The collective Catholic charities are in fact doing more to pick up the ball where government is dropping it than anyone else…but in terms of medical care, not so much.
Last year, St. Vincent’s, the last Catholic hospital in New York City, closed abruptly, shipping their remaining patients elsewhere, sending the entire staff home, and locking up all the payroll records so nobody could apply for unemployment. Now the New York State Attorney General is investigating the management company hired by the order that owned the place (not the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, by the way). Seems that leading up to the above event, they went absolutely hog wild with capital expenditures and other means of running up a gigantic debt, then declared bankruptcy and sold the property to a developer for something like a billion dollars.
Terminally stupid @ 33…
Rick Santorum.
Moronic Loser@38,
Where have I said I jockstrap Santorum? You are free to ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer!
Also how are those Tax Facts treating you today?
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
Looney Toon @ 38…
Can you even READ?
I watched the debate for a few minutes. It came off as a game show or one of those Idol or celebrity dancing shows they have on these days. CNN’s cheering of the corporatist-funded teabaggers as a “grassroots” movement was nothing more than obscene pandering to become the teabagger channel. Perhaps this so-called debate wasn’t the lowest point in the history of American presidential politics, but it had to be close.
Gotta love how teabaggers cheered for the deaths of the uninsured. That’s putting the ugliness within those asswipes out there where we can all see it for what it is. I was reading this morning that even the proud executioner, Rick Perry, was taken aback by that one.
Moronic idiot@39,
Another leftist left wrong web site, so I ignored you and posted a comment!