Are you holding up? Are you going a bit stir crazy? I am. Living Downtown, you can take a walk and try social distancing, but not everyone is cooperating. Or nobody knows what 6 feet is. Seriously give me some more room.
And also, wash your hands.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron has a sad.
“I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the @nytimes, & the @washingtonpost, and all I see is hatred of me at any cost. Don’t they understand that they are destroying themselves?”
The next big thing:
1. Billionaire announces “candidacy” for president.
2. Billionaire self-funds “candidacy” and builds up an account with tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.
3. Billionaire ends “candidacy” and pledges support for his/her party’s eventual nominee.
4. Billionaire transfers tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars from the “campaign account” to the national party machine.
Bloomberg makes massive $18M transfer from campaign to DNC
It’s all fun and games until a guy named Koch decides to do it.
@ 1
Steve won’t understand until the media demands it be bailed out.
Likely not even then.
Maybe it’s because the companies are doing it voluntarily, asswipes.
“Steve won’t understand until the media demands it be bailed out.”
Looks like our traitor might attain Peak Dumbfuckery soon but, sadly, he won’t even be aware of this achievement because his head is stuck in his orange moron’s ass.
Good news for our traitor, though, his orange moron has only 32,000 DJIA points to go and he’ll finally catch up with the black Muslim usurper from Kenya.
Dumfuck sez, “Maybe it’s because the companies are doing it voluntarily, asswipes.”
Must suck to be a dumbfuck.
“‘Failure of the worst kind’: Republican blasts Trump for forcing states to compete with each other to obtain protective gear”
“This is failure of the worst kind. It’s like telling states to go procure F-15s and battleships for self defense. This is a national crisis. The full power of the USA should be leveraged to solve this problem. Not 50 individual states left to compete with each other,” before writing, “’m glad that we, as a state, haven’t sent the same message to our counties, cities and hospitals that the Federal government sent to us.”
“Senator Jim Hendren — who is related to former U.S. Sen Tim Hutchinson (R) and current Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) — complained about the lack of access to federal stockpiles of the much-needed personal protective equipment (PPE) which is forcing his state into a bidding war with other states.”
Defense Production Act for dumbfucks.
‘This is not the way to do it!’ Andrew Cuomo delivers scathing rebuke to Trump’s pandemic response in latest briefing”
“This is not the way to do it,” Cuomo said. “This is ad hoc, I’m competing with other states, I’m bidding up other states on the prices. Because you have manufacturers who sit there, and California offers them $4, and they say, well, California offered $4, I offer $5, another state offers $6. It’s not the way to do it.”
Defend democracy. Click to invest in courageous progressive journalism today.
“Rather, said Cuomo, the president needed to invoke the DPA to tell factories specifically what and how much they need to produce to meet the demand for supplies.”
@ 6
Steve, you know the emergency supply of masks that was depleted during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak was never replenished, right?
Steve, you know that New York City did not even put in its first order for emergency PPE supplies until March 6, right?
Steve, you know that companies are on it, right?
New Manufacturers Jump Into Mask Making as Coronavirus Spreads
Steve, you know that it’s very likely that millions of masks are in existence and readily available, but we don’t know how to locate them, right?
When the going gets tough, Steve’s right there to whine about how others are getting going.
Sometime soon we may see money funds break the buck. Goldman Sachs is infusing cash into some funds that have seen large asset withdrawals of late. Not all money managers have that kind of backstop.
In this economic emergency, Democrats have inserted a same-day voting provision into the stimulus bill.
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out, uh, what is in it.”
Why don’t the Republicans and Democrats stop including all that un-related stuff in these damn bills? What’s wrong with having a narrow scope on these things? The purpose of the legislation is to solve THIS problem, not get your wet dream projects funded, Democrats. Also, just be transparent. If corporations are getting money, then be totally clear as to who, what, where, when and how. No secrecy, Republicans. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for political corruption.
Solyndra redux:
Hey Boeing, after you’re done getting that software corrected, you need to revise your engine designs and fuselage designs to decrease fuel consumption, or no certification for your 737 MAX.
Schumer to Boeing: Reduce your airplane emissions.
Boeing to Schumer: We’re shuttin’ it down in WA for two weeks. That make you happy?
@ 13
See the Rahm Emanuel Rule.
Donald should be followed by a narrator at this point.
“GM and Ford are making ventilators!’
Narrator, “They we’re not making Ventilators.”
Why? Because that’s what opposition lawmakers do in response to bills that are assembled in secret by partisan lobbyists in exchange for campaign funding guarantees.
They know in advance they can’t vote for it as it is. That to do so would be an unforgivable betrayal handing the opposition a giant windfall in exchange for nothing. That leaves them with only two options: vote no, or attach amendments that take the stink off.
Things in the bill, as offered by the GOP before any amendments include:
$5 billion for Anheuser Busch, $500 million for Hershey, $1 billion in tax credits for sneaker manufacturers, and of course $60 billion for Boeing to save them from their own 737 incompetence.
If things move fast enough this shit gets done without anyone noticing at first. But in an election year these lawmakers will have to answer for this crap by November. The only way they can is by being able to show something for it.
Why the fuck do you think Hershey needs a half a billion rescue?
Don’t know? Well the GOP lawmakers who wrote the bill do. And you better believe it has something to do with shoring up troubled GOP campaigns in PA. You really okay with passing this lobbyist welfare garbage as is? Killing it with amendments looks better than killing it with a no vote. And it needs to be killed.
As you should well know, Doctor, when the going gets tough, dumbfucks are still dumbfucks.
“I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down,” Fauci said, referencing Trump. “OK, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.”
After he fell ill and was tested, but before his test result came back POSITIVE for GOPlague, Sen Rand Paul violated the closure order of the Architect of the Capitol and went ahead and used the Senate gym and pool anyway.
Because FREEEEDUMB!!!!
Atlas coughed.
Though that statement contains a half truth it points to a high level of incompetence by Donald and his team.
Inauguration Day, full briefing on pandemics, the current level of preparedness, steps that could be taken, recommendations by CDC.
Fires the Pandemic response unit of CDC.
Recalls the State Department agent/diplomats from China that are tasked with monitoring disease outbreaks and getting better intel than Chinese Media reports in mid 2019.
December 2019, CDC reports to Administration about a suspicious cluster of “pneumonia” cases in Wuhan and their belief that China is not telling the truth. Now would be a good time to see above paragraph.
OK Whatever DJT
January 1, 2020, China shuts down first of many public food distribution centers to contain the outbreak of “Pneumonia” CDC passes along information.
OK Whatever DJT
Januarty 7, WHO reports that “pneumonia” in China is a new virus and highly suspects that it is more contagious than previous pandemics. Issues recommendations.
OK Whatever DJT
Jan 12-17, First deaths reported, first cases outside China reported.
OK Whatver, I’m golfing DJT
Jan 20-22, CCTV Confirms deaths, person to person transmission and a huge jump in reported cases.
OK Whatever, Have You heard about ‘Sleepy Joe?’ DJT
Jan. 24th 25th, China starts locking down entire cities.
Wow, give me an eggroll DJT
Feb 5th Death toll in China approaching 500. Cases reported in Europe.
State of the Union does not address this growing crisis but does award a Medal of Freedom to radio personality who will spend the next month insisting this is all a hoax. Go outside. Make love to strangers. Go to work if you’re sick and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Getting the picture?
Feb 8, News trickles out that Donald fired the CDC Pandemic team long ago. Travel ban on Chinese Nationals entering the country. But at this point it’s all over the world so Heckuva Job Brownie. Cases are reported in the U.S., U.S. citizen has died.
No action on known shortage of supplies
The above is a partial list of incompetence and known knowns that Donald ignored even though the team was briefed on inauguration day about this very possibility. Now nearly sixty days later, after another month of assuring that it’s no big deal, it’s only 15. it will be down to nothing, don’t let the ship dock because the number of cases will ‘artificially’ inflate, the Chinese virus is a hoax….
We’re now working on finding masks and medical supplies and that’s Obama’s fault DJT
It looks very likely that before this is over, healthcare workers at various levels in the US will be forced into making terrible decisions about letting some people die in order to save others. Really, in some more indirect ways this is already happening. Screening, testing, and early detection is being prioritized. In some cases for people who can make a difference in the fight to save the rest of us (doctors, nurses, paramedics) and in other cases not so much (multi-millionaire NBA athletes).
These will be people just like us, but singled out for abandonment and death because it would “cost” too much to save them. Perhaps it will be because of terrible pre-existing health conditions that leave them too weak and vulnerable to save without sacrificing many others. People who may have made poor lifestyle choices, incurring too much damage to their already fragile health status, that put themselves at increasing risk with each passing year.
People like Boeing.
Guess what? If Trump’s fuckups have left the US healthcare system so exposed and vulnerable to CPACvirus that some of us regular people will be singled out for sacrifice to benefit the rest, then I’m perfectly okay if a few big corporations are also singled out for abandonment.
It’s too bad. It really is. We should never have let it come to this. But it has. Choosing winners means also choosing losers. And when vital resources have been squandered and misused, then choosing who lives also means choosing who dies. What goes for people goes for corporations too.
All hail Citizens United, motherfuckers.
An open letter to Patty Murray,
Really? Solar panels over the help people need now? Carbon footprints of airlines tomorrow over the tragedy of what’s happening on the ground NOW, especially in your home state? None of those specious demand have anything to do with the Coronavirus and everything to do with democrats long held wish list of power.
YOUR state, OUR state has issued a “million mask challenge” for our hospitals and people who sew are stepping up all over the state while you deny relief for the pure political pleasure of Chuck Schumer?
We moved back to WA in 1992 when you began your tenure in the US Senate. You had to have been a strong woman to get there. However, since then you have been the nose of a wagging dog bumping behind every alpha male in from of you: Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Obama and now Chuck Schumer. Please, find your self respect and for once in the last 28 years do the right thing, instead of what the man, whose back-end your nose is continually bumping. into tells you to do.
WA Resident.
ps: When you find the closet in which Maria Cantwell is hiding, share this with her, and your House counterparts
Included in bill, mandatory 15-day early voting, no hardship/excuse absentee requests/vote by mail ballots sent to all registered in the event of a declared STate of Emergency for all states.
McConnell won’t let this come to the floor.
Why do you hate participatory Democracy?
re: screed at 22 and death panels.
Obamacare. We warned you.
It’s Barack Obama’s Fault There’s a Shortage of N95 Respirator Masks
Back in 2005, the Bush administration published the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.” The strategy called for plans to distribute medical supplies from the national stockpile and to assist state and local efforts to handle an outbreak, but last month, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told Congress that the national stockpile of N95 respirator masks was 12 million—a mere fraction of the 1.7 billion masks government scientists estimated back in 2015 would be needed in the event of a severe flu outbreak.
How did we end up with such a low stockpile? It used to be much larger. What happened to it?
After the swine flu epidemic in 2009, a safety-equipment industry association and a federally sponsored task force both recommended that depleted supplies of N95 respirator masks, which filter out airborne particles, be replenished by the stockpile, which is maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
That didn’t happen, according to Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Assn.
The stockpile drew down about 100 million masks during the 2009 epidemic, Johnson said.
“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.
In short, even though the Obama administration was advised to replenish the national stockpile of the N95 respirator masks, they didn’t. Despite the fact the media traced the cause of the shortage back to 2009, they accuse Trump of poor planning and trying to deflect responsibility. It doesn’t take a genius to know that in 2009 Barack Obama was president.
Buried several paragraphs deep in the Bloomberg story we find out that “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”
That’s right, the shortage of N95 masks can be traced back to the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic of 2009… when Barack Obama was president.
President Trump has received criticism for blaming Obama for various deficiencies in the coronavirus response, and here we have the media tracing one particular deficiency back to the Obama years, and yet they avoid directly linking it by name to his administration. Obama had six years to restore that stockpile and even make it bigger. But he didn’t. Yet, the media today wants you to believe it’s Trump’s fault.
Included in your “emergency” GOP Senate bill: a partially limited authority granted to your RapeHero’s Treasury Secretary to dole out hundreds of billions to “administration selected” businesses with the identities of the benefiting businesses to be held in secret until after the November election.
Sounds more like a political emergency to me, Vladdy.
Your GOP Senate bill needs to die quickly so we can finally get to a relief bill that supports healthcare and people, not GOP donors.
Good troll. Have a biscuit.
Investment professionals over food service workers! Power to the Powerful!
We’re here! We’re rich!
We want poor to die, Bitch.
Hey hey Ho Ho,
Safety net has got to go!
What do we want?
Hundreds of billions to prop up Wall Street and nothing for the suddenly unemployed!
When do we want it?
Since 1940!
It’s a good thing you’re a pitiful, weak pussy sock puppet.
You won’t have to live down the inevitable humiliation of that ridiculous pack of fabrications and GOPlague bullshit.
Now be a good little Trumpalo and go lick a stripper pole.
@25 Your attempt to comment is an unattributed cut & paste, which informs me that you have nothing the fuck to say about anything.
In order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included:
-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards
-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service
-Required early voting
-Required same day voter registration
-Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
-Federal $15 minimum wage
-Permanent paid leave
The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by bill.
Democrat tantrums are hurting people, including YOU.
Moron @30 This country has had elections at the worst of times; civil war, ww II..
It’d be nice if all people were given the resources to participate in these difficult times..
Oh but noooooo..
We’re ok by the way.. You seem a bit angry though. Check your blood pressure.
Dear bot
The postal service carries almost all Amazon deliveries if you don’t live near one of their hubs. Making the Postal service solvent helps people in Pend Orrdeille county be able to receive their toilet paper and cleaning supplies while self quarantining.
Are you not aware that several states have cancelled their primaries due to Covid-19?
$15 makes the entire economy stronger. Tons of research on this. Tons of real world examples of the effect of increased spending power of the lowest economic earners and a stronger retail economy.
If you can not go to work some number of days and still get paid people with fevers can stay home instead of going to the Starbucks and handing you a germ riddled coffee cup or our dolling out change after they coughed over an open cash drawer.
Be a good little troll and go back to your Lars Larsen listening.
The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by bill.
In exchange for the identity of such companies being kept SECRET until the election is over?
@30 Another unattributed cut & paste.
Dumbfuck much?
Explain how the $500B GOP Slush Fund to be doled out in secret helps the people RIGHT NOW. Heh. If you have the balls to find something to cut & paste as a response.
You mean hands out “free stuff”? In an election year?
Heaven forbid.
Some trolls say the Republicans are no better than the D’s. That doesn’t seem to describe you.
@ 32 How long as the US Postal Service3 been insolvent?
As of 2017 it was 11 STRAIGHT YEARS.
And people have been receiving their mail and their Amazon right on time.
How many Seattle eateries have closed because of artificial minimum wage?
Further, to all of you, find yourself here while the rest of us go help our community at food banks, making medical bags, checking up on our neighbors after we take that oh so sage and novel advice . . . “And also, wash your hands” . . . that you apparently think is all is required of you:
PS: does the accusation of “cut and paste” make your booboo’s from the mirror of truth hurt any less, snowflake?
the emergency supply of masks that was depleted during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak was never replenished,
Oh but that would been “big spender Owebama” pumping up the deficit…
And look at those dresses Michelle wears. And all that time on the golf course. those black people… on your dime..
Go sew some f*cking masks and donate them.
Mask making for dummies
How long as the US Postal Service3 been insolvent?
snoree.. A political hack by the Republicans
As consumer advocate Ralph Nader noted in 2011, if “the prepayments required under PAEA were never enacted into law, the USPS would not have a net deficiency of nearly $20 billion, but instead be in the black by at least $1.5 billion.”
Remarkably, even one of the main sponsors of the 2006 legislation now agrees the pre-funding requirement was a bad idea.
what a dope you are..
Go sew some f*cking masks and donate them.
Mask making for dummies
Go sew some f*cking masks and donate them.
Are you making copypasta with a mouthstick? Are you a quad?
I commiserate with your plight. That sucks. I’m glad there’s resources out there for folks in your condition.
On Monday, NBC’s Today show was surprisingly direct in blaming Democrats for the failure of a massive coronavirus relief package in Congress. The network morning show repeatedly made it clear that the “aid package was blocked by Senate Democrats” and even wondered if “this the time to have these kinds of arguments,” while Americans are “desperate” for help.
And people have been receiving their mail and their Amazon right on time.
Amazon? Not so much..
Sigh.. Capitalism has a stress headache…
@44 too bad this site’s moderators don’t pay much attention these days..
Add in the link next time.. You’re good with a mouthstick but you could be better. Have fun. gtg..
YLP, You are as useless as tits on a Mason jar.
So many hate- filled people here proudly exhibiting how little they know. FACTS MATTER. Your “Trump (and “Deplorables”) Derangement Syndrome” are beyond useless to your well being, to America’s well being, at any time but especially in a crisis you sycophants have worsened with repeating exponentially growing hyperbole and lies to the most vulnerable – scared and worried people.
Just stop.
Go read a book. Go take a walk. Go read the Constitution. Go read The Declaration of Independence. Go binge watch SciFi or the Food Network. Play a game with the children you are ignoring while spending time spreading hatred through falsehoods here. Bake bread and share it with your neighbor.
You claim to love your country. It’s time to behave as if you do.
Just stop.
asshole@above. name call all you want. its what you do.
We don’t take orders from you.
Never.. ever…
Puddles is back and boy is he angry.
Going by a lot of sock puppets, though.
How many Seattle eateries closed due to $15?
About 1/30th of the number that opened in the wake.
After being wrong about that five years ago he’s back to continue to be wrong again.
Say, how’s the grape juice?
“Trump and some of his top officials are growing more anxious with social distancing guidelines put in place to combat the coronavirus, sources close to the White House effort said. One senior official said the President is losing patience with the period of national self-isolation that has frozen the US economy.
“Meanwhile, the public health experts advising the President and his team on the coronavirus pandemic are continuing to argue that the broad guidelines urging people to work from home, avoid restaurants and large gatherings should remain in place.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s probably not a real good idea to reelect a science-illiterate dumbass with a public health emergency going on. But dumbasses will vote for him anyway.
@2 It’s hilarious to see a Republican propagandist whine about unrestricted campaign spending.
Citizens United, baby!
And right now a lot of citizens, including some very rich ones, seem to be united against your orange orangutan.
Nothing against orangutans, but they belong in jungles, not corridors of power. God didn’t create orangutans with the White House in mind.
@9 “When the going gets tough … whine about how others are getting going.”
The “others” obviously doesn’t include you. You claim to be a doctor, but I don’t see you helping out in a ward of critically ill Covid-19 patients laboring under a shortage of doctors and nurses; I see you wasting your time posting drivel on HA like you always do. Just sayin’.
@39 Seems kinda obvious you’re not sewing masks right now.
Moron @37 “How long as the US Postal Service3 been insolvent? As of 2017 it was 11 STRAIGHT YEARS.”
When was the last time the military made a profit?
Here’s a clue, moron: One of the appropriate (and necessary) roles of government is to do essential things that private business won’t or can’t do for a variety of reasons, including being unprofitable. Should the mail not be delivered because the post office doesn’t make a profit? How about basic medical research that taxpayers fund because private companies won’t? Or developing vaccines that don’t make money but save lives?
You’re in no position to call anyone else a “moron.” It took you only one comment to disqualify yourself. And you’re not helping out at a food bank or making medical equipment right now, you’re posting on HorsesAss. Also, please don’t go check on your neighbors. Stay as far away from them as you can for their safety.
“Puddles is back and boy is he angry.”
Nah. The loon got lynched. I believe that was a fake loon posting the other day. The batshit insanity wasn’t there, the Puddy-ebonics was all wrong and the real loon would have used his avatar.
No, I figure that was Mr. Klynical. Also this lame-ass shit being posted today. And I’d bet even money he’s also posting as Pork Sauce.
Really stupid shit is Mr. Klynical’s normal speed, and this is really stupid shit.
I slept in and was late getting online this morning. Looks like Trump’s ineffectual response and the GOP’s obstruction of emergency legislation — when they secretly drafted it, they laced it with partisan poison-pills — really has the trolls rattled.
They seem especially nervous about the shortage of N95 masks, which they evidently failed to stockpile in their prepper kits and bugout backpacks when they were still available.
Can’t say I blame them for becoming hysterical. Self-inflicted wounds often are the ones that fester worst. Now they/he/it want us to go make masks for them/him/it so they/he/it can have the HA comment threads to themselves/himself/itself.
Even posts links to YouTube how-to videos. Like we all have sewing machines and sewing skills. Guess we’re supposed to cut up skirts, shirts, and pillowcases and turn them into sterile hospital equipment. And troll will send somebody to our door to collect them so we don’t have to go out, while troll continues to spend its time doing what? Posting on HA.
Its righteous indignation is, shall we say, amusing.
I’ll tell you what I’m doing for the cause. I’m staying in my burrow so I don’t get it and then give it to 2.3 other people. Like these folks … aren’t:
He’s/it’s probably one of ’em, when he/it isn’t posting here.
Mason Jar Tits stomps and spews “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!”.
We may have to change that to “useless as a Mason jar with infantile tantrum tits’, right, Mason Jar Tits?
Varian Medical Systems (VAR) closed today at $89.81 (-$9.71, -9.76% for the day) vs. $89.89 on March 17, 2017. This means Doctor Dumbfuck’s primary investment has earned -8 cents in the last 3 years and 1 week, inasmuch as it pays no dividends. Fortunately for him, he owns only one share, so his loss isn’t great. Maybe he can get a moratorium on his horse trailer payments, being as he’s a loyal Trump supporter.
Another Dumbfuck sock-puppet lie.
That’s why he’s conjuring up sock puppets faster than his margin trades are collapsing. He’s too afraid to front this shit himself.
In order to move forward on the current Moscow Mitch Russian Corporate Lobbyist Grift Package is what he meant to say.
bot-farm pussy needs to quit this charade now while it is still only a few laps behind.
So, are we all pretty much in agreement that 13, 23, 25, 30, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, and 57, etc, are just sock-puppet flails by the bot-farm pussy troll who has now obviously reached the end of his rope?
With the US in quarantine from GOPlague and Republicans dying like flies at a country club sludge pond it’s now been more than a week since Mary Kay’s last visit from any of her bulls. Having released the horse to the knackers and unable to choke-fap from the safety of Mary Kay’s closet, and now compelled to watch his beloved Klownservatism given over to Guaranteed Income Socialism he’s finally fallen apart into this gibbering, capering, lunacy of delusion and projection where the voices in his head have seized control and are now fully in charge.
Such a delight to be here to see it in real time.
Don’t know ’bout “y’all” but I’m hoarding popcorn.
“Mouthstick” was good.
I like the visual.
“Mouthstick” with “mobility scooter” better still.
Poor bot-farm. We tried to warn him it would come to this. For years he was warned this was coming. Now it’s here. And unlike the GOPlague, there is no way for a troll to quarantine himself from the voices in his own diseased head.
“So, are we all pretty much in agreement that 13, 23, 25, 30, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, and 57, etc, are just sock-puppet flails by the bot-farm pussy troll who has now obviously reached the end of his rope?”
I was thinking Mr. Klynical but mostly because I didn’t want to recognize the decline in cognition that was evident in Doctor Dumbfuck’s earlier comments. I’d hate to see him go batshit insane on us, but that may well be where the treasonous road he’s traveling will lead him. Sad!
A little ditty for Mason Jar’s useless “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME</b> mini Tittie:
Tit Tit Titsie goodbye.
Tit Tit Titsie, don't cry.
That little choo-choo train
That takes me
Away from you, no words can tell how sad it makes me.
Kiss me Titsie and then,
Oh baby, do it over again.
And though I yearn
You need to learn
You'll keep playing Solitaire until I return.
Don't cry titsie, don't cry!
Tit Tit Titsie, goodbye!
psst – BOT that and don't forget to BE BEST or at least better than you are, which won’t take more effort except for YL, the useless as Mason jar with tits.
@60 “Republicans dying like flies at a country club sludge pond”
I’m sure that wasn’t a planned electoral strategy, but whatever works …
Back again and not taking troll orders…
So McConnell made a partisan fire and brimstone speech today about the failure of the “bi-partisan” non-accountable GOP slush fund bill..
And the troll army was put into motion to blame not getting to 60 votes on the Dems…
fine entertainment.. snore…
@60 “I’m hoarding popcorn”
Take my share. I need to lose weight. I grew fat under capitalism while it lasted.
@63 I’m doing something right…
Never taking orders from you. Never, never,…
Keep it up tool! We love it.
BOT that and don’t forget to BE BEST
Not only have you lost big time in the investment casino but your plans for a trophy wife have come to shit..
@63 A Mason jar with tits isn’t useless to a Mason jar with a dick. You should know that, whatever you are.
To wit:
Republicans were always going to have to negotiate with Democrats to get to 60 votes. But to complicate matters, the GOP needs Democratic support even more given how many Republican senators aren’t able to participate in votes right now. Five Republican senators are self-quarantining due to concerns that they may have been exposed to coronavirus, including some who are doing so after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announced he tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday night.
Paul’s behavior has prompted an outcry from a number of his colleagues — questioning why he continued to appear in the Senate for Republican conference lunches and other votes. Based on how infectious the disease is, it could only be a matter of time before more senators are impacted.
(notice the link troll)
But Moscow Mitch displaces anger at his own brain dead kookus towards the Dems..
No one could be more deserving..
47 so in other words you wanted us to give the Republicans a pass
Holy shit.. Barr is behind drumpf..
A durham klownspiracy fantasy is forthcoming..
@ 71,
How the fuck else are these Republicans supposed to fall in love with helping America if you guys won’t give them a giant greeeeezy cash poultice to stanch their wounded pride and fierce EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE?
For once in your miserable life can’t you just put yourself in the other guy’s shoes? Just try to imagine how many guest bedroom infinity pools it will take to wash the filthy Socialist stink off.
For GALT’s sake think of the billionaires for once!
snore… Barr says it’s going after the hoarders and price gougers…
Sorry trolls. no durham… yet anyway… it’s fatuous q & a time now.
@70 NBC reported an hour ago that Sen. Klobuchar’s husband tested positive.
@71 Not just a pass; he wants us to give them what they want, and what they want is to exploit this tragedy to advance their hyper-partisan agenda. For example, Ohio GOPers shutting down that state’s abortion clinics on the grounds that abortions are “elective” procedures.
Apparently some dumbfucks aren’t smart enough to realize Democrats wouldn’t say, “Yes, we’ll play along. Help yourself to everything we oppose. No questions asked.”
Medical Self-Help Dep’t
“An Arizona man died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate in an attempt to protect himself from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man’s wife also ingested the drug, and is currently under critical care.”
Anyone know if Doctor Dumbfuck has relatives in Arizona?
Well, I guess that guy doesn’t have to worry about getting the coronavirus anymore. Suicide is the most effective prevention there is. 100% guaranteed to shield you from every sickness known to man.
NBC op-ed: “GOP senator’s insider trading scandal is so bad even Fox News says he must resign”
Not surprising, because he sandbagged Fox’s audience. Fox hosted an op-ed in which he told their readers,
“Thankfully, the United States today is better prepared than ever before to face emerging public health threats, like the coronavirus, in large part due to the work of the Senate Health Committee, Congress, and the Trump Administration.”
But while Burr was telling Fox readers not to worry, he …
” … told a very different story to a gathering of dues-paying members of the Tar Heel Circle, a private club of business leaders and organizations [at] a luncheon on Feb. 27 … [where] Burr’s message was dire. Fifteen days before the Trump administration restricted European travel, Burr warned the audience against European travel. Sixteen days before North Carolina closed its schools, Burr warned the group closures were likely. Burr said the military might get involved, using military resources for hospitals. Burr reiterated that this was likely going to become a pandemic.” And, “In a single day on Feb. 13, he dumped his stock portfolio in 33 separate transactions, unloading close to $1.7 million of stock holdings in hotels and other industries, a little more than a week before those same stock values collapsed.”
And here’s what Tucker Carlson, the face and voice of Fox network’s partisanship, says about that:
“TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: You may have seen news reports this afternoon that Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee sold more than a million dollars in stock in mid-February after learning about how devastating the Chinese coronavirus could be. He had inside information about what could happen to our country, which is now happening, but he didn’t warn the public. He didn’t give a primetime address. He didn’t go on television to sound the alarm. He didn’t even disavow an op-ed he’d written just 10 days before claiming America was “better prepared than ever for coronavirus.”
“He didn’t do any of those things. Instead, what did he do? He dumped his shares in hotel stocks so he wouldn’t lose money and then he stayed silent. Maybe there is an honest explanation for what he did. If there is, he should share it with the rest of us immediately. Otherwise, he must resign from the Senate and face prosecution for insider trading.
“There is no greater moral crime than betraying your country in a time crisis and that appears to be what happened.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, betrayal of country is nothing new to Trumpublicans. It’s business as usual. If Carlson now thinks that’s a problem, he’s very late to the party. But better late than never, I guess. Draining the swamp starts with removing corrupt Republicans from office and bringing back the honest prosecutors.
“A federal appeals court on Monday reaffirmed a lower court ruling that prohibits President Trump from blocking users on Twitter.
“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York said Trump’s Twitter account is an official line of communication with his 74.9 million followers, the Washington Examiner reported. Trump often uses the platform to endorse or rail against policies or political rivals.
“‘Excluding people from an otherwise public forum such as this by blocking those who express views critical of a public official is, we concluded, unconstitutional,’ wrote Judge Barrington Parker, later adding: ‘Twitter is not just an official channel of communication for the President; it is his most important channel of communication.'”
@74 “Barr says it’s going after the hoarders and price gougers”
He’s upset because he could get only 5 boxes of .223 ammo and had to pay $500 a box for them.
Sad that you shill for that jackass. Nothing more need be said.
It’s an act of murder.
It could be The humps last year of 8 years, and Bob would still be going back in the time machine of yesterday years. Truly evidence of MAKING America GREAT Again, because certainly Needed to KEEP America GREAT OF THE PREVIOUS FOUR!
Bob – you should believe in your leader not make excuses for his failings. This is The Trump Virus.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
7545Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124He’s been Preznint for three years now….ohhh, I know he’s been concentrating on unemployment, golfing, the stock market, golf, the greatest economy ever, golf, pussy grabbing, golf, tweeting, golf, and golf, sucking Putin for Ivanka, sucking more Putin for Ivanka baby tits, and more golf.
Hey, next year I’ll run for Presnint.
I’ve only read through @37 – got the finger prints of an ape.
That’s where Bob must be…..either that or at the local church praying
More than 1000 dead by Thurs.
More than 2000 dead by Sun.
More than 4000 dead by the next Wed.
More than 8000 dead the next Sat.
More than 16000 dead by the next Tues.
More than 32000 dead by the next Fri.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
It’s a million dead by the end of April.
But who will think of the billionaires?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Open Borders For Epidemics Bombshell News – Demorats Boycott Senate, Schmuck Schumer (D-Evil) Explains; “We couldn’t stop Trump’s travel ban and infect millions more but we can still block this stimulus bill and start a depression to beat Trump.”
“We have had an additional 6,484 cases today while the Democrats are blockading. And by the way, where are the Democrats?” Cruz asked. “C-SPAN doesn’t show this whole chamber often, but it would be nice if they did, because that entire side of the chamber is empty. They’re not showing up for work. They’re not doing their job.”
“As of this morning worldwide, there have been 16,381 deaths, so that’s — I’m sorry. That’s the number now. This morning, it was only 15,308,” Cruz concluded. “That means today, while the Democrats have been blocking this bill, 1,073 additional people died. In the United States, as of this morning, there were 471 deaths reported due to coronavirus. As of right now, it’s 573. That means today, 102 Americans died. While the Democrats were blocking consideration of this bill. In Texas, as of this morning, there have been eight deaths. Now there are nine. One Texan died while half this chamber refused to show up and do their job.”
@90 Trolling, trolling, la la, la la …
I imagine some Super PAC might put the hospitalized wife of the man who died after both took Donald’s much hyped Malaria cure to stay clear of the virus in a campaign ad.
Republican President ACTUALLY causing death and Hating American working people:
Need slush fund NOW, daddy!
“Despite health experts urging against a rush back to normalcy, President Donald Trump and his allies have begun hinting they want to relax social distancing policies next week amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
“Late Sunday night, Trump tweeted that he didn’t want the solution to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, to be ‘WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.’ His words, which echoed those of a Fox News host earlier that day, referred to social distancing policies that have closed schools and businesses and kept people inside instead of pumping money into the economy.”
Sock Puppet #3219 @25,
Great news, dipshit!
I found your first Death Panel:
Mr. Megan McCain’s editorial page is arguing that since it’s mostly only you old fucks who are going to die anyway, and since you’re already you know, old, and since a few polls of young conservatives indicate a preference for large quarterly bonus checks printed on vellum made from dead old people…
… well you get the point.
Don’t forget to wash your hands!
@95 Sounds like he’s a candidate for the fishnet treatment.
I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t intend to discourage them.
“‘I’m all in’: Texas Republican urges Fox News viewers to risk their lives so coronavirus closures end”
More good news, sock-puppet twit!!!
I found who gutted funding for your masks and gloves.
Aren’t you excited?
Whanna know? Whanna know who? Can you guess?
Yeaaaah. Susan Collins did. She personally hashed it out with Joe Lieberman. Mike Bloomberg ’bout to drop 2 million in her state to make sure Mainers don’t forget it, even if you did, ya Dumbfuck.
See, this is why you need all those fuckin’ sock-puppets you pussy.
Because even when you are too stupid and lazy to fact check your copy-pasta you still know damn well it’ll turn around on you just like this did. It always does. Because this is what it means to be one with Teh Orange Singularity of Stoopid. It makes you always wrong. And pretty soon it just might make you always dead too.
I hate to break the news bot-farm, but the sock-puppets will not live on in your absence.
Wherein Rand Paul asks for your compassion.
Throw in some thoughts and prayers, too.
Yes that problematic thing that Congress has to authorize spending for the stockpile.
A mere decade ago and it was Republican orthodoxy that pandemic response was categorically unrelated to economic recovery.
For more on this see Sock Puppet #13 Fred Wilson.
“The words necessary to accurately describe how opportunistic and disgusting the behavior of Democrats has been over the third coronavirus bill has been are not fit for a family audience. Take every four-letter word you can imagine, square it, and create a few new ones and you’ll be close to describing people who see one Republican Senator diagnosed with coronavirus and 4 others in self-quarantine because of possible exposure as “leverage.””
“The shame that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Murphy, and all the rest should feel (but don’t) must never be forgotten, and they should never be allowed to hide from it. Saving the economy of the United States from collapse is not the venue to insist on “Green” agenda items and payoffs to unions. Yet these piles of human garbage are counting on a few things they know will give them cover in order to play this game of Russian Roulette…with the gun to the heads of Americans.”
Shorter and only slightly less dumb 103:
Of course it is more mindless copypasta.
Dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck since they can neither spell nor type but must instead rely upon the mouthstick.
I wonder: Does it make its own children accompany it to the toilet for the wiping? And all this time I thought your state had a death with dignity law.
The United States registered over 100 deaths due to the Chinese coronavirus, bringing the country’s total to 500, according to data tracked by the Washington Post.
The deadly illness has killed individuals in 34 states and has infected in excess of 41,000 individuals across the country.
Democrat bastards stomp their feet and play political games.
* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) plan to fight the coronavirus includes giving millions in American taxpayer funding to refugees living overseas.
* Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s new stimulus bill would mandate nationwide “ballot harvesting,” allowing party operatives to return other people’s ballots to polling places without “any limit” on the number of ballots.
And even MSNBC is blaming Democrats for playing games with emergency funding legislation. . .
Here’s a transcription of the MSNBC reporter’s comments:
Nancy Pelosi, with a major assist from Elizabeth Warren and the capitulation of Chuck Schumer, scuttled Senate negotiations Sunday over a rescue bill to help people left unemployed and businesses at risk of collapse from a government-ordered economic shutdown in response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.
Pelosi’s move, at so many levels, is so outrageous, it could become a spark that sets a national fire.
It wasn’t just the distruption of negotiations which were close to conclusion. The bill Pelosi put forward is a liberal laundry and wish list of things they know they could not get enacted unless the nation were in a vulnerable position. It’s the extortionist’s price for the release of your loved ones.
I don’t think Pelosi and many other Democrats are aware of the fury they are about to unleash in the nation.
November can’t come soon enough. Let’s start that early voting, Nancy. Bring it on b*tch.. You clearly learned nothing when a blowhard like Trump beat your drunken queen of absolutely nothing.
And screw you. I use Plaquenil as an off-label medication. I can refill. You can beg your tamtrum bastard overlords.
Will wonders never cease. An honest f*cking democrat:
The demands echo Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn’s comments earlier this week that the crisis presents a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
@99 Wherein Nancy Pelosi’s daughter just endorsed felony assault against Rand Paul:
“Rand Paul’s neighbor was right.”
The prick princess didn’t fall far from her MommaBitch’s botox busom.
@105, 106, 107. In which a trumper is filled with impotent rage that Democrats are acting like Republicans, that Democrats are trying to leverage their advantage to help the 99%.
Where was this sound and fury against the actions of the republicans.?
Never forget, Never forgive.
105, 106, 107. Bullet points from breitbart , so called “transcript” is not found by Google, James Clyburn suggested the deadly outbreak — which has confined millions of children and adults to their homes — has illuminated a need to secure 100 percent broadband coverage, including for schools and rural communities. (Oh my god, how awful!)
Off-label” means the medication is being used in a manner not specified in the FDA’s approved packaging label,
Pelosi was reacting to Sen. Mitt Romney’s announcement that he was going into self-quarantine after having close contact with Paul, who continued showing up to the Senate and other congressional events for days in between getting tested and receiving his results.
>> Republicans attack through the children.
Colorado abolished its death penalty yesterday.
110 pro life christians approve.
@107 Guess you never heard of “street justice.” Or vigilantism. As advocated against, e.g., Bowe Bergdahl by Doctor Dumbfuck et al.
As I posted at the time in response to those ravings, I’m against it.
@105 “… ‘ballot harvesting,’ allowing party operatives to return other people’s ballots to polling places …”
Is this what you’re referring to?
“The 2018 election in North Carolina’s 9th congressional district was held on November 6, 2018, to elect a member for North Carolina’s 9th congressional district to the United States House of Representatives. … The North Carolina State Board of Elections … unanimously voted to call a new election because of fraud by Republican operatives … in an illegal ballot harvesting and ballot tampering operation.”
Watch out for that rake.
@103 “The words necessary to accurately describe how opportunistic and disgusting the behavior of Democrats has been over the third coronavirus bill has been are not fit for a family audience. Take every four-letter word you can imagine, square it, and create a few new ones …”
Goddam or gosh darn. (Choose one, according to your religious and/or cultural preferences). The Democrats want a taxpayer-funded trillion-dollar bailout for businesses to include unemployment benefits for laid-off workers. Can you imagine that? The Reds are coming for your stock buyback!!
“Ford is joining forces with firms including 3M and GE Healthcare to increase production of powered air-purifying respirators for healthcare workers, as well as ventilator designs.
“In addition, Ford plans to assemble more than 100,000 face shields per week and leverage its in-house 3D printing capability to produce disposable respirators for healthcare workers.
“‘By coming together across multiple industries, we can make a real difference for people in need and for those on the front lines of this crisis,’ said Executive Chairman Bill Ford.”
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns shares of Ford and 3M, and thinks Doctor Dumbfuck was stupid not to short GE at 23.)
“A top public health expert on Monday cautioned U.S. officials against prematurely lifting restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus, saying that doing so could result in millions of deaths.”
“Three former top advisers to President Donald Trump warned against attempting to boost the U.S. economy by relaxing social distancing measures aimed at stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Trump has signaled in recent days that he’s already weary of restrictions that have brought parts of the economy to a standstill.”
Meanwhile, Texass’s GOP Lt. Gov. thinks grandparents should lay their lives on the altar of the economy.
I have a question for Doctor Dumbfuck, HA’s armchair legal expert:
If a millennial walks up to me, says he tested positive, and coughs in my face because he thinks scaring senior citizens is funny, can I shoot him in self-defense? Isn’t that the same as bullrushing a cop?
The Democratic additions to the GOP gifts-to-business bill includes a 3-week, $600-a-week, unemployment benefits bonus which means unemployed workers will get $1,200 helicopter money + $1,800 extra benefits = $3,000 in the first month over and above their normal unemployment benefits.
( ftfy ) and…
Works out alongside you at the Senate gym,
Gets on elevator and shakes your hand,
Shares meals with you at the Senate dining room,
etc. etc. etc.
BTW, he’s a Boomer too.
It’s bot-farm pussy. Regard the phrasing, vocab, and the med ref:
“November can’t come soon enough.”
“You clearly learned nothing”
” use Plaquenil as an off-label medication.”
The rest is, of course, copypasta which the troll depends upon to amplify its disruption. In all of these posts so far over 90% is copypasta. The key is to filter out the very few lines or phrases that are OC. And most of these are classic bot-farm pussy.
It’s very angry right now. But also humiliated. Very humiliated.
Too humiliated to post under the username it’s had for the last three years, knowing how throughout that entire period it never once stopped promoting that wretched failure, its beloved RapeHero.
It was warned. Still it persisted.
Now it is left with absolutely nothing except Bart, Squee, and Timmy. But no BEACH WEEK!! The beach is closed.
Silver has really taken a dive lately, though it’s recovered a bit lately. Gold seems to be holding up OK lately, up over 5 percent so far today.
I’m not a big gold or silver proponent, but a little ain’t bad to have in the house safe for just-in-case. I always wonder about those ads hyping gold and silver because, if it’s such a great investment, why are these companies willingly to sell gold or silver to complete strangers in the TV audience?
@ 119
Re @ 105, ’twas not I who posted that.
I’m sitting back and taking my lumps. Piper-payin’ time is here, and I had the cash set aside for it. I wasn’t on after yesterday morning.
If she’s really standing down after blowing up Congress for the last 42 hours, it would really be something. We’ll see.
My wife informs me that early morning grocery shopping hours set aside for senior citizens really are just an excuse for a bunch of old people to crowd into the stores and not observe social distancing rules. She lost track of the number of times that she would be waiting patiently and at a distance for the person in front of her to finish in an aisle section, only to see some white-haired splotchy ghoul push past her to grab an item. I’m hearing it was so awful that the store might not repeat the opportunity for the stupid old people.
There was one benefit to the early shopping: there was chicken in the cold case.
Not that I minded all the steak we ate last week. Gotta pare down the cabernet we have stored.
For my part, Doctor, I’m glad it’s not you. That’d have been some serious cognitive deterioration you’d have had going on there.
Pity whoever it is, though.
I get my steaks from The Steak Guy in Olympia, a 25 lb box. Works out to Safeway sale prices but it’s much better beef. I just happened to get a box before the virus thing happened. Chicken would be a nice change of pace.
Food quality on the island not great, Steve. About every two weeks we’ll shop at a Central Market or similar and pay the premium prices in order to have better-quality food. Especially the produce.
Glendale Shepherd lamb and Three Sisters Farm beef raised locally and grass-fed.
I’m not supposed to be eating much red meat anyway. Unless the old guidelines are bullshit, which seems to be the case.
I’m convinced red wine is good for the body.
@120 “I’m not a big gold or silver proponent, but a little ain’t bad to have in the house safe for just-in-case.”
Along with an AR-15 and a crate of ammo to guard it with. And I’d suggest not storing it in an obvious place like a bedroom safe that a kid could pick up and carry out of the house. You might want to hollow out some books. You don’t read anyway, so you may as well make them useful. Also, the most likely persons to steal your gold and silver stash are family members, so I wouldn’t tell them about the books. If you want to hide it really good, put it inside a Bible. Nobody ever reads that book.
@121 “I’m sitting back and taking my lumps. Piper-payin’ time is here …”
It’s nice you’re acknowledging you’ve been wrong about everything.
@125 “About every two weeks we’ll shop at a Central Market or similar and pay the premium prices in order to have better-quality food. Especially the produce.”
Uh-oh, what have we here? Doc’s struggling on a budget? Sounds like he can’t afford groceries after paying for his Barron’s subscription. I shop at Central Market all the time. All the fucking time. As he pointed out, the produce is so much fresher there, and as you might guess we rabbits are fussy about fresh produce. Especially lettuce.
@ 127
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. I haven’t been bragging about everything.
It’s what separates me from you. That, and not having failed my family.
@129 Paraphrasing Dizzy Dean, “it ain’t braggin’ if you’re right.”
@ 128
You don’t have to cross a ferry twice after waiting in the ferry line to shop there, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s why we don’t shop there all the time. When we lived near one, we shopped there all the time.
@ 129
What you seem to not realize, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is that you’ve shared with all of us way too much of your personal financial information. We know you don’t have what you claim to have.
You’re in no position to compare yourself financially to anyone around here but ‘froggy. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re an embarrassment to your family.
@125 “I’m convinced red wine is good for the body.”
I’m convinced what’s even better for the body is not listening to Republicans.
Never voted for Trump either.
Sure Jan.
Boeing CEO sends a big Fuck You to Fauxchahontas.
Boeing Stock Jumps Again Because CEO Calhoun Won’t Give Up Equity for a Bailout
We saw what was done to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Jury is still out on fish tank cleaner.
The Angel of Coronavirus Death bypassed the Dumbfuck Rabbit household after determining that there would be no observable economic injury to anyone, anyplace if she scattered her virions there.
@129 “You don’t have to cross a ferry twice after waiting in the ferry line to shop there, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
“It’s why we don’t shop there all the time. When we lived near one, we shopped there all the time.”
I’ve always lived near one, and it’s easy for me to shop there all the time, because I’m not the idiot who decided to live on an island.
I’m thinking of making a small donation to the Island County food bank in case things get even rougher for doc. I don’t think they’re set up to handle steak and red wine, though. He’ll probably have to settle for beans and macaroni.
Not taking this seriously, eh? OK, millennials. Visualize your lungs as a wet sponge, and coronavirus as a drying agent that turns them into cinderblocks. Now imagine trying to breathe with cement lungs.
@136 The Angel of Death has no beef with me. He’s coming for the Pharaoh’s minions. See, e.g., Rand Paul and the CPAC crowd. Let my rabbits go!
These days I like better. I can’t quite put my finger on why.
Stocks up 11%. Even a virus can’t keep good capitalists down. GOP policies can, though (it took the market 25 years to recover from Hoover).
It’s probably all that talk about a $15/hr federal min wage going around…
… among Republicans.
2021 CPAC will be opened with a rousing sing-along to The Internationale through N95 masks.
Must be the anticipation of sixteen years of uninterrupted market gains under Biden/Abrams, Abrams/Ocasio-Cortez.
And all it takes is that you manage to forget the appalling losses under your beloved RapeHero.
Words of suggestion or advice – don’t address The Troll. It is looking for you to reply to it. Just like a mass murderer wants the attention of being news.
Refute and rebut, but address the correction to us all instead to inform of the correctness. Fuck the Troll. He’s here to post to get you to take one action, and that is to mention him, even if indirectly.
GOP Boomers
Higher Education funding – fuck that!
Pell Grants – Bootstraps!
Student loan interest cuts – Fucking socialism!
Minimum wage hikes – Young people are lazy!
SCHIP – Why keep poor kids alive!
School Lunch – Fucking moochers become dependent
Seniors are willing to die if it means a better economy for their kids.
That’s a weird ass pro-life party y’all are clinging to.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/10/20 at 6:52 pm
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office) severe pandemic has now killed
30… no, one week later it’s 100…no, one week later it’s 685 people in a population of 331,000,000.Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
Donald “the number of cases is going to go substantially down not up.”
Narrator “They went substantially up.”
Donald “the 15, within a couple of days, is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
Narrator “In less than a month it would be FiftyThousand.”
None of you should be eating or worshipping steak.
Sounds like Donald has a cold. I’m not watching him, but my sister is in another room and I can hear the liar. Sounds like he’s got the sniffles. And he’s out of breathe. No?
I find it his strategy to hold his news conference right before east coast local and national news shows, to preempt them. He’s a fucking fascist fucking pig.
I hate fish and don’t eat fish but you would think that being from Seattle you all would be eating fish and not steak.
Georgia Republicans wanted FREEDUMB! Didn’t want no “stay at home” bullshit panic. Didn’t want to miss BEACH WEEK!!!
Today they ran out of ICU beds.
Wasn’t all that long ago that Seattle had a little plant in Freakmont that made dog food out of salmon. Familiarity breeds contempt, I guess.
One of the reasons the Depression lasted so long was the policies of the Federal Reserve. Their policies and actions actually prolonged the misery.
Sen. Tom Tillis R-NC who once raised eyebrows saying requiring restaurant workers to wash hands was unnecessary and freeeeeeedom!, now has a 26% approval rating among TarHeel state voters.
Prob not helping that the other GOP Senator ran from his first briefing on Covid-19 and dumped his portfolio at a profit of $1.7M
One’s corrupt and the other is a loon.
Democratic pick up.
Stupid Is As Stupid Does Dep’t
“A person in Kentucky who recently attended a ‘coronavirus party’ has now tested positive for the virus, Gov. Andy Beshear said.”
Damn you $15 minimum wage!
@141 “I can’t quite put my finger on why.”
Next week is his Central Market week — if the ferry runs.
P.S., I was just there. Hot toasted Reuben sandwich for lunch. Delicious! Too bad Doctor Dumbfuck is stuck on his island until the ferry runs again.
@147 Only 685? Why, … “We lose much more than that to automobile accidents. We didn’t call up the automobile companies and say, ‘Stop making cars. We don’t want any more cars.’” — Donald J. Trump
@149 It’s a free country. Doctor Dumbfuck can eat all the steak he likes. Not sure how we’ll replace him, though. It’s hard to recruit trolls for this blog. Most don’t last long here.
@160 did he actually say that? You have to be kidding.
Someone should have asked if that would be his answer if all car accidents lead to perpetual chain reactions.
Trump Suggests States Need to Bribe Him With Praise to Get Federal Assistance for COVID-19
“But, you know, it’s a two-way street,” the president said of states desperate for equipment. “They have to treat us well, also.”
So far, the federal government has sent the state 400 ventilators, although Vice President Pence said on Tuesday that 4,000 more are on the way. (They should be there any day now….any….day…nowwwwwww……)
Organize. Vote. Elect Better Humans
@162 Unless this conservative website is lying, he actually said that, because they put it in quote marks.
@164 “Elect Better Humans”
I have a better idea: Let rabbits run this place. Might as well, because we will anyway after you stupid humans suffer a self-inflicted extinction event.
You’re forgetting that he’s a very, very, very, incredibly stupid man.
And Every Republican You Know gleefully voted to place him in charge of the most deadly nuclear arsenal on earth just four weeks after listening to him admit to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women.
So the moron klownservatics led by second coming cheeto jeebus itself are looking forward to the churches being full on EASTER..
Glory! Glory! After three days, the virus is defeated and the fortune 500 and the Dow Jones rises from the dead!
Too bad Moscow Mitch couldn’t roll the Dems on its GOP slush fund but…
Praise be! Praise be! Glory be to
the USAGilead!The US Daily Death Rate From Coronavirus Now Exceeds Motor Vehicle Fatalities
It is currently in the top 10 purely by daily death rates, after passing suicides, but is just barely below Influenza. It will pass influenza either today or tomorrow
Headline: Americans are spending less on hotels and air travel, and more on groceries, guns and marijuana
Seems obvious.
Republicans spend a week at home with their family, and they want to lift the shelter-in-place, regardless if it kills Grandma.
Some time in the next month or so Shaun King and Riley Roberts will be receiving their first guaranteed income checks from Moscow Mitch and the Republican Party.
Better hurry. Before they buy the last one!
@ 171
Republicans spend a week at home with their family, and they want to lift the shelter-in-place, regardless if it kills Grandma.
I can only imagine how awful it is for gman’s family. They moved without telling him for the fourth time in 2020 and yet he managed to find them again. Now they’re locked down.
How awful for them.
I have to admit, I feel a whole lot better now. I just read a piece about Berkshire Hathaway. Since 2/19 the BRK.A and BRK.B portfolio is down more than 36%.
Dipped my toe in for the first time – had cash building up in an IRA account and used it to buy more BRK.B. I can’t access it for at least four years without incurring a penalty, so…
@174 “Since 2/19 the BRK.A and BRK.B portfolio is down more than 36%.”
There’s a reason why you didn’t buy it until now, isn’t there? It was grossly overvalued. Now it’s less overvalued than it was, and has only -45% downside remaining, according to Yahoo Finance; but that’s enough for a dumbfuck to bite, even though it’s still overvalued. You get no dividends, either.
I don’t understand your aversion for dividends. Only thing I can figure is you’re in a 100% tax bracket. Doctors, as everyone knows, would have us believe they’re all paupers living out of food pantries, and their salaries have nothing to do with sky-high health care costs. I wonder how many of them don’t have pony ranches? Nevertheless, I believe most doctors spend their off-hours catching up on the latest medical literature to provide us better care, not sketching new pony-fucking positions (hint: don’t stand directly behind shod hooves); but in every crowd there’s always an outlier.
Heck, I knew BRK.B was overvalued the day it was issued. I said publicly I wouldn’t buy it, but you probably missed that financial news.
(Did you know Berkshire Hathaway was once a textiles concern?)
@176 As I recall, you said publicly you would buy it when/if it reached something equivalent to fairly valued, but your company’s stock price seems to carry a “Buffett premium” because everyone thinls you’re the greatest investing genius who ever lived — greater even than Hetty Green or Jesse Livermore or Joe Kennedy or Jack Welch — so you’ll probably have to wait until you die to buy it. But not Doctor Dumbfuck. His trigger finger is itchier than yours. Me, I guess I’d buy BRK.B when Warren is buying it. He knows better than I when/whether it’s fairly valued.
@174 Why didn’t you buy more Varian? Losing faith in it?
@ 175
I don’t understand your aversion for dividends.
You would if you were subject to the taxation on them that people with decent incomes are subject to, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. 23.8% of a dividend paid by a US company can be assessed in taxes every year (higher tier 20%, NIIT 3.8%), or the worth of a dividend not paid can remain as an asset within the company and then the entire share price of a stock holding can be deducted when the holding is donated. If I buy something that doesn’t pay a dividend at 30 and donate it at 150, it maximizes the worth to the charity and the reduction in my tax bill exceeds my investment cost. A twofer.
Once again, you out yourself as a low-income failure trying to appear to be successful in life, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I know you don’t understand. Now everyone else does, too.
@ 178
Why didn’t you buy more Varian?
Elderly people dying from coronavirus infection don’t need radiation therapy, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
As you struggle to gasp in that last breath into your lungs riddled with C-19, you’ll be comforted in the knowledge that you avoided radiation therapy for your prostatic carcinoma, which might have been administered by a Varian linacc.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit FTW!
Or borrow.
@179 “If I buy something that doesn’t pay a dividend at 30 and donate it at 150” the charity is $150 per share richer.
Well, anyway, I’m glad to see you’re a generous soul who gives all his money to charity. Even if your motive is to starve government of tax revenue because you believe paying taxes is something to be avoided at all costs, even at the cost of giving all your income to charity. The same government that’s about to donate tens of billions of dollars to hospitals, clinics, and other organizations that employ doctors and pay their salaries.
NRA executives may face a 20% pay reduction as part of the belt tightening imposed on the failing organization by their ongoing legal battles and financial misconduct, along with sweeping staff reductions and program cuts just in time for election season.
Fortunately NRA executives very wisely voted themselves a 41% pay increase right before the house of cards began to collapse.
So it’s aaaaall goooood!
Speaking of which, it would be nice if Trump had kept the $1.2 trillion of deficits he spent on tax cuts for obscenely rich people in reserve, in case a real need for deficit spending arose in the future, but he didn’t. This $2 trillion is on top of that $1.2 trillion.
So, what seems reasonable to me is some sort of clawback. I think we all can agree that corporations receiving bailouts should repay them in the form of corporate taxes if they prosper after this is all over. The wealthy individuals who benefited from Trump’s deficit-financed tax cuts probably should pitch in, too. I’m not saying pay all that money back all at once. It can be spread over, say, ten years. It’s easy to do; just boost the tax rates on future income over, say, half a million dollars a year. And limit or do away with charitable deductions to net tax dodgers like Doctor Dumbfuck.
In any case, I hope the charity he donates to is more public spirited than the foundation Trump exploits for charitable deductions.
@180 I have neither C-19 nor cancer, and I see why they retired you. If I were a medical administrator, I wouldn’t let you make diagnoses anymore, either. Clearly you’ve lost whatever sharpness you ever had. You’re like a baseball pitcher who can’t keep his pitches inside the batting cage, much less the strike zone, anymore.
@ 185
Or, like Creepy Joe Biden.
@181 Don’t know much about your own state of residence’s constitution, do you? State can’t borrow, except for capital projects. Balanced budget is mandated.
Gotta love the dope who wrote, “States should have rainy day funds.” Washington does have a rainy day fund. Or, I should say, did have.
Wonder what makes this bozo think states aren’t burning through their emergency reserves in this unprecedented emergency?
Nicely up (+ 28%) today: Apollo Global Management (APO)
@183 I wonder if that’s the charity Dumbfuck donated his stock to?
@186 I agree Biden isn’t a perfect candidate. But it’s all relative. At least he doesn’t play with matches in the attic. So I’ll take him over the psycho — who happens to be your candidate — who does.
Warren’s Been Talking to Gillum, Sparking VP Buzz
Image Emerges of Naked Democrat Andrew Gillum On Vomit Covered Towels at Miami Hotel Party
@188 Is that the one you shorted?
I heard that one of the initiatives is to change the rules so retired medical personnel can get trained up to help be respiratory therapists. Do we know any doctors?
Two comments regarding the photo @ 191 of naked, passed-out, no-longer-under-serious-consideration-for-vice-presidential-candidate Andrew Gillum:
1. It’s apparently not true, what they say about black dudes, in all cases.
2. Earlier question answered. He clearly was not at that party to be the pitcher.
@191 Oh lookee. Bolded even.
Can somebody explain to me again why Dumbfuck devotes all his time and energy to attacking candidates who no longer are running? I’m fascinated by the weird psychology behind that.
@193 “Do we know any doctors?”
No living ones I’d trust to run a ventilator. Unfortunately, Doctor Steve is no longer with us (but his blog still is).
Republican Russian Hooker Golden Shower, and Republican Acccess Hollywood Confessions, and Republican Hooker PornAbortion Payoff Slush Funds, and Republican Tiki Torch Parades, and Republican $15,000 credenza, and Republican White House Wife Beater Club, etc. etc…
… forever.
Also GOPlague.
@ 195
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, in this case I think you meant to say candidates who are no longer IN the running. See the first link @ 191.
Ba dup bup.
Profiles in COVID-19 Recovery Courage:
Jeh Santiago-Chen is normally employed as a water movement instructor at weekend and summer camps serving gender non-binary youth in Southern California. With the cancellation of these programs for the foreseeable future, the former pro skimboarder is refusing private clients and practicing social distancing “for the good of the community”.
Reached at home via Facetime Santiago-Chen was philosophical about the situation. “I always go with the flow, with the current. I don’t have a lot of savings or anything really. But we all need to do our part, right? Right now, if this is what I can do to help the people stay safe and healthy then I figure it’s my duty.”
Outside of her regular work with gender non-binary youth Santiago-Chen also gives private lessons throughout the season in kite-surfing, belly boarding, as well as skim boarding, to a diverse clientele, as well as occasionally performing in video. In an average summer she says her private lessons and occasional video work will net her around $30,000. During past off seasons she’s worked in the cruise industry.
“I hope the checks start pretty soon,” she said. “I’m not hurting yet but I will be. At least I don’t have to worry about rent”. She says she inherited a Laguna beach condo from a family member as part of a trust. As for other means of support she says she’s exploring her options. “I’m looking into these loan programs and also checking with the state about unemployment and food assistance. I figure I’m doing my part, like as a public service. You know? If this is what it takes I’m cool with it. But I don’t mind getting paid to do my part either”.
Asked how she will be using her time in the months ahead, she was optimistic. “I’m going to really focus on my art.” Santiago-Chen is an accomplished clog dancer. “I’ve got hours of video and for now at least we’re supposed to stay indoors. So it’s really a perfect opportunity for me to work on my doubles and triples and improve my speed”.
As for what else is on her near term horizon she says “I’m in the midst of my own personal gender transition right now. With the virus all the elective surgeries are shut down and I may not be able to stay on COBRA insurance. So if I can get onto Med-Cal and continue on my journey that way it would be real cool, once the surgeries are back on. I’m also setting up a GoFundMe to help with some of my recovery costs. It feels weird to say, but the virus is kind of working out perfect for me”.
@199. that reads like satire.
Twitter: Harry Moroz @hrmoroz · Mar 20
Twitter: Derek Sheen @DerekSheen
@ 199, 200
Reads like a YLB daily diary entry.
“Joe Biden is in the process of narrowing down his list of potential running mates, and … [m]any who have spoken with campaign officials believe Harris is the front-runner, but these people also cautioned that it is still too early to tell whom Biden will choose.”
Meanwhile, who Trump attempts to mate with is of greater interest to the general public than who his running mate is. Of course, there’s no reason why they can’t be one and the same. After all, Pence is already sucking his dick. Probably his toes, too.
@ 204
Yes, ’cause if Biden doesn’t pick Harris he might not win California.
Oh, this is rich —
“In coronavirus pandemic, Trump allies say they’re ready to die for the economy”
“Conservative supporters of President Trump are increasingly volunteering to risk death — and implicitly the deaths of elderly and at-risk Americans — from the coronavirus if it will help the economy.”
The “conservative supporters” specifically mentioned in the article include Dan Patrick, Brit Hume, and Glenn (At-56-I’m-In-The-Danger-Zone) Beck, none of whom risked death by serving in the military. I guess now they want to make up for that. It’s never too late to serve, you know. Sewing masks is dangerous; you could sew your fingers. Ouch. But no sacrifice is too great or small when your country calls. I kinda suspect, though, that they have in mind volunteering other people’s lives. That’s always how conservatives do things, in both war and peace.
@205 In that case, Trump better pick Romney, or he might not win Utah.
Meanwhile, it doesn’t look like Republicans are courting the elderly vote, or if they are, they badly need a better campaign slogan because “just die already!” isn’t likely to work very well.
Moscow Mitch, president RapeHero, and the rest of the Republican Senate are down.
And while their best hope in avoiding the House bill is to pass the Senate relief package, that still doesn’t take “relief” grants for interpretive clog dancing off the agenda.
Socialism is coming.
#youbuiltthat And you will be paying for it.
If only that TIME MUSHEEEN!! was real you could ride it back to 2016 and take back your vote for TRUMPlague Disaster.
How droll.
Like the way Caribou Barbie nailed down the crucial 3 Alaska EVs back in 2008?
@ 205, 207, 210
Creepy Joe Biden has already committed to pick a woman.
So among XX contenders, why would he pick someone other than Klobuchar, who could help retain MN and would have regional influence that could affect WI and MI?
Please show your work.
You would if you were subject to the taxation on them that people with decent incomes are subject to
i.e. poor little rich boys.. let them eat 4 trillion dollar bailouts!
Creepy Joe Biden
lmao.. here’s a creep dimfuk voted for… twice even:
And it claims it never voted for dumpf? uh… yeah right.
Believe it or not, I’m not willing to concede your givens.
Does Biden need help with suburban whites in WI and MI?
Please show your work.
YLB @ 213
What is your point, exactly? A president who left office in 1993 was, from your link,
This is relevant when considering Biden’s candidacy, why, exactly? Even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would question the relevance if he was @ 195 being consistent.
YLB, do you remember claiming that McConnell should be worried about a Virginia state election result last November? @ 213 seems similarly moronic.
oh poor little rich boy @ 215 running from its voting record..
the asswipe it voted for could never attack clinton for gennifer because it had its own gennifer it played grabass with..
a pos misogynist never drumpfer.. yeah right..
Today Mr. Megan McCain has a theory!
He is now encouraging all the Young Republicans to get together for “socially and medically responsible” Coronavirus Parties and spit in each other’s mouths.
Then they can all get sick. According to his theory, being “Young” and “Republicans” this will be a “No Biggie” and they’ll all be ready for BEACH WEEK!! by Memorial Day at the latest, fully recovered and glowing with health, vigor, and lots of Young Republican herd immunity. And then they can go out be Masters of the Universe and “save the konimy” for everyone else!
And to think, he’s the “smart one” in that family.
Profiles in COVID-19 Recovery Courage:
It’s been a little more than seven years since Jerry Chlopek lost his laborer job at the Port of Annapolis. “Random test, my fat Polish ass. N***er bitch supervisor set me up,” says Chlopek. “F***in Obummer diversity hire had it in for me.” In the years since he’s had only infrequent full-time employment, mostly working as a day laborer for an uncle’s drywall company. At 54 he says he’s too old for it now. “I can’t work like a bean picker. And I’m not willing to try either. Besides, the Mexicans never shut up, and they never get high or go out for beers. I’ve picked up a little Spanish. But I can’t hang with those guys. All they do is work and go to church. I need a sit-down job, and nowadays those a few and far between for the white man”.
Chlopek says he’s looking forward to having a summer off. “If I get on the corona checks that’s it. I’m going fishing. Fuck it.” His biggest concern at the moment is the lack of any kind of relief or forbearance for child support payments. When he was still employed at the port that wasn’t a problem as his checks were automatically garnished. “Guys like me need some relief too. With everything shut down how the f**k am I supposed to come up with that bitch’s money? They need a moratorium on that shit.”
He’s hopeful that President Donald Trump will remember guys like him. “I was damn proud to vote for Trump in 2016. No f**king way I was ever voting for that bitch, Clinton.” Now Chlopek says he isn’t sure who he’ll vote for in November, or if he’ll even bother. “I like what he’s done with the Mexicans and s**t,. People need to follow the law and do things the right way. But with everything all f**ked up with corona there’s just no way I’m gonna have that support money for a while. Trump needs to get something done about that.”
@211 “why would he pick someone other than Klobuchar”
One reason might be if her C19-positive husband gives it to her and she dies. Or more prosaically, he might want a minority woman to satisfy the zillions of Democratic voters tired of being asked to vote for white people.*
* This is not a problem for GOP voters.
@215 “This is relevant … why, exactly? … question the relevance … seems … moronic.”
Boy does this look familiar. Where have I seen it before. Oh, I remember now: All your posts about Hillary and Gilliam.
Meanwhile, four GOP senators are holding up the bailout bill because it does too much for unemployed workers:
“They argued a plan to add $600 per week to unemployment insurance for up to four months, a core provision of the near-final legislation, could encourage companies to lay off workers and Americans to stay unemployed. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary. First Republicans didn’t want to restrict giant corporations (e.g. Boeing) from using taxpayer largesse for stock buybacks, and now they want to remove some unemployment benefits from the bill. Nice. Tells all those blue collars in MI, WI, and OH exactly what they’re voting for if they pull the GOP lever.
Creepy Joe Biden’s mental state has deteriorated to such an extent that there is now active discussion about a motion at the DNC remote convention to replace him with Gabby Giffords.
@221 “Oh, I remember now: All your posts about Hillary and Gilliam.”
Poor Jesse Hagopian has been wanting for attention on this blog ever since the doctor crossed the Orange Event Horizon.
@ 219
Since George W. Bush was president Democrat Fall campaign voters have been asked to do this precisely once. Of what is there to be sick?
Wouldn’t those voters be willing to vote for Booker? Cruz? Yang?
’cause by your rationale 2024 Dems will be sick of voting for any candidate whose genitals have not been removed and replaced.
“Creepy Joe Biden”
Doctor, just use a hashtag and get it fuck over with. I’m sure we’re all used to that kind of dumbfuckery coming from you by now.
Here are some of the objections Moscow Mitch got so angry about when “Democratic obstructionists” demanded revisions to the GOP bill drafted in secret without Democratic input:
“The initial Republican proposal provided less money to lower-income Americans,”
“The bill is expected to provide $500 billion in aid for corporations …. Democrats [were] concerned that the aid would be used as a ‘slush fund,’ with little to no oversight … provisions were added to help allay those concerns” along with public reporting provisions,
” … the bill would prohibit businesses controlled by the president, vice president, members of Congress and heads of executive departments from receiving these loans,”
“The bill would give more than $100 billion in assistance to hospitals, an increase from the Republicans’ initial proposal of $15 billion,”
But now Republican obstructionists want some of the unemployment benefits removed because giving money to laid-off workers make them lazy. Yep, nothing like evictions and starvation to make the Republican minimum wage attractive. Also to compel them to return to their cashier and fry cook jobs when the president decides that dollars are more important than lives. After all, they probably were going to die in a car accident anyway.
@222 I would’ve paid $20 to be a fly on the ceiling when the medical administrator discussed with hospital staff whether to recall you for emergency service: “Okay, we all agree that we’re better off if he keeps posting on HorsesAss.”
@224 “by … 2024 Dems will be sick of voting for any candidate whose genitals have not been removed and replaced.”
It’s only 2020 and the country already wants someone with some balls. Susan Collins doesn’t qualify. Neither does any other GOP House or Senate member.
GOP Coronavirus Talking Points
“Let people die.” “It’s the states’ responsibility.” “Cash grants, debt relief, and unemployment benefits make people lazy.”
Feel free to add your own.
“Lick the stripper pole!”
“I can haz slush fund now?”
@230 “Lick the stripper pole” is
badgood.Coronavirus Risk Factors
“Smoking, drinking, general poor health: Researchers say these are some of the factors that could explain why more
menRepublicans seem to be dying from coronavirus ….”
over 12000 new cases today… in the USA?
But drumpf wants the churches full on Easter?
Did Liberty U want to reopen? The orange mental illness/brain damage is so very bad there.
And the fucking corps are going to get their slush fund $$$$$..
Nothing like a pandemic to bring out the jackass in some people:
“A 26-year-old Missouri man seen in a social media video licking items at a Walmart to mock fears of the coronavirus pandemic was arrested and charged with terrorist threats.
“Cody Lee Pfister posted a video of himself licking deodorants at the Warrenton store on March 11, according to court documents. As he wiped his tongue across the packages he asked, ‘Who’s scared of coronavirus,’ according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.”
“Pfister was arrested on Monday.”
“The Justice Department has informed federal law enforcement officials that they can prosecute certain coronavirus-related crimes as acts of terrorism ….
“‘Because coronavirus appears to meet the statutory definition of ‘biological agent’ … such acts potentially could implicate the Nation’s terrorism-related statutes,’ Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen wrote in the memo, sent to all federal law enforcement agencies and prosecutors. ‘Threats or attempts to use COVID-19 as a weapon against Americans will not be tolerated.’
“These crimes could range from ‘malicious hoaxes, to threats targeting specific individuals or the general public, to the purposeful exposure and infection of others with COVID-19,’ Rosen wrote.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The good news for this jackass is that he may get to do time in a federal facility instead of a local jail.
Another jackass:
“A New Jersey man was charged with harassment and making terroristic threats after allegedly purposely coughing on a Wegmans grocery store employee and saying he had coronavirus. …
“Falcone was standing close to an employee … when the worker asked him to move back, the state attorney general said in a statement. Instead, Falcone stepped closer to her, leaned in and coughed, the statement said. He laughed, telling the woman he was infected with coronavirus ….
“The third-degree terrorism charge carries a sentence of three to five years in state prison, and the harassment charge a sentence of up to six months. Falcone was also charged with obstructing administration of law in the fourth degree, which carries a sentence of up to 18 months.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bet he isn’t laughing now.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
7931Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Costco Is Refusing To Accept Returns For Toilet Paper Which Is Bad News For Panic-Buying Hoarders
‘Top Chef Masters’ Winner Floyd Cardoz Dies From Coronavirus Complications at 59
Another Amazon Employee Has Tested Positive For The Coronavirus. The Edison, NJ fulfillment center is the ninth Amazon facility with an infected employee. Despite this, the facility remains open and operational.
‘Exponential’ increase in Texas unemployment benefit claims overwhelming state’s capacity to process claims
Millennials and Gen Z Make Up Philly’s Largest COVID-19-Positive Group.
California sees one million unemployment claims in less than two weeks
@191 I didn’t look at the gory details, but were you hoping to see a horse’s length cock?
So you did take a look specific to see a horse length cock. Figures.
I think the expectation of horse length cock really was what inspired that post.
Republicans playing politics with unemployment insurance while America’s economy and the financial well being of millions of Americans hang by a thread.
“Let ’em die!” — GOP motto
Putin gives Pence some competition but only because the Hump is a catcher
Oprah would be a better pick for Biden than Clubfoot
A Short Story
by Roger Rabbit
The family has gathered around grandpa’s hospital bed. The respirator whirrs, barely audible. His eyes are open, but he can’t talk because of the tube in his throat. His teary-eyed wife squeezes his hand. “Hang in there, dad,” one of his sons croaks in a hoarse voice. “The doctor says you’re going to make it.”
Just then a respiratory therapist comes in, shuts off the machine, disconnects the tube, and wheels out the machine. “Sorry, folks, but we need this machine down the hall” and hands grandpa’s wife a sheet explaining the hospital’s triage policies.
Soon the machine is whirring again. The patient can’t talk, but the three doctors surrounding his bed are reassuring. “Don’t worry, Senator,” one of them says, “you’re going to make it.”
(Note: This post is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.)
I’m not try to defend Bob, but his “irrelevant” posts are more “relevant” if you consider that subconsciously he is infatuated with big cock, particularly in the Gilliam posts.
I know he’s dying to know how big my cock is.
The US was at just over 500 deaths two days ago:
The US reached just short of 1000 in only two days. A doubling time of two days puts the US at one million dead well before the middle of next month.
The math on this is daunting. Put simply we don’t have a lot of good data other than deaths. We don’t know how many people are infected, only how many have been tested. We don’t know how many people are sick, only how many of the sick have been tested. And we know that test supplies are being restricted for most people who report illness or suspected contact (except mulit-millionaire NBA players).
Deaths from COVID-19 is one of the few relatively reliable indicators we have. And these numbers are not good. These are Italy’s numbers ten days ago.
Yes, it’s shocking and frankly sad that someone who claims to be a physician was mocking this threat only a few days ago, pretending that it couldn’t be any worse than a tornado.
But what should really be of far greater concern to all of us is that without any means of limiting the spread of the virus or effectively treating the illness it causes, people we can assume are a whole lot stupider than bot-farm with no formal educational training in statistics or disease modeling, are making decisions about our public health. I have to assume that our governors and state health directors are being made aware of the dire nature of these indicators and what they portend. But I also assume that as a matter of public policy, in order to suppress panic, they are advised not to talk about it.
At a sustained three day doubling, the US would reach 1 million dead by the end of next month. That will overwhelm the hospital and healthcare industry’s capacity to respond, at least in the hardest hit locations, many of which are only still emerging from the fog of missing data.
A two day doubling is more than exponentially worse. Not enough of the relief response will have been put in place before we reach peak death where we are doubling millions instead of hundreds. We will actually have fewer healthcare responders available in the near term. Test kits will still be in short supply. Vital supplies needed to protect front line heath care workers struggling to treat these people will not yet be on hand. So more doctors and nurses will be exposed, fall ill, and have to be quarantined, reducing the system’s capacity to treat and prevent and thus increasing both the rate of spread and the rate of death.